“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Friday, March 23, 2007
Blair Singer's Sales Dogs Two Day Seminar 3/24 amd 3/25
I will be attending this seminar this weekend and I will post on Monday what I learned - See ya!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Quote for today 3/22/07
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." | |
Maya Angelou Author and Poet |
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
WOW!!! You got to read this article!!!!!
I don't know if I would like to live in Detroit though. What do you think of this article?
I don't know if I would like to live in Detroit though. What do you think of this article?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Our Tuesday Weekly 7:30am Round Table Meeting
Article: Abu Dhabi Explores Energy Alternatives was discussed in this morning.
"On the outskirts of t his Persian Gulf Boomtown, past an oil refinery and a water desalination plant, the foundations are being poured for an ambitious project that will house a research fcility and perhaps even a power plant, all intended to take this oil-producting giant into the next energy wave. Oil, However, will have nothing to do with it. The sun, the wind and hydrogen will. United Arab Emirates, the fourth larges OPEC oil producer with about 10 percent of the known reserves is seeking to become a center for the development and implementation of clean energy technology. United Arab Emirates has been singled out as one of the worlds' highest per capita emitters of carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases. UAE maintain a luxurious life of air-conditioning, chilled swimming pools and even an indoor ski slope in the emirate of Dubai, a neighbor of Abu Dhabi UAE say the Masdar project is on way to reduce demand for fossile fuels internally. UAE is only the most serious among Persian Gulf oil-producing countries whose thirst for electrical power has spawned efforts to find other sources of energy to save high value fossil fuels for export. Gulf states get their water from desalinating gulf waters, an energy-intensive process. Saudi Arabia and other gulf states began a research program looking into nuclear power. Iran which has faced off with the US and other international powers, insists that its nuclearn program is intended to serve mounting engery demands domestically..................................... (click on this link for more info: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/world/middleeast/18abudhabi.html?ex=1331870400&en=e87584d7bf64715a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss)
War is costing us tons of money and already busy with Iraq etc. Too bad we can't use the money on getting involve with Energy Alternatives. Why aren't we as US done this any sooner!!!! We see the growth of renewable energy as an opportunity, not as a problem.
Your feedback on this?
"On the outskirts of t his Persian Gulf Boomtown, past an oil refinery and a water desalination plant, the foundations are being poured for an ambitious project that will house a research fcility and perhaps even a power plant, all intended to take this oil-producting giant into the next energy wave. Oil, However, will have nothing to do with it. The sun, the wind and hydrogen will. United Arab Emirates, the fourth larges OPEC oil producer with about 10 percent of the known reserves is seeking to become a center for the development and implementation of clean energy technology. United Arab Emirates has been singled out as one of the worlds' highest per capita emitters of carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases. UAE maintain a luxurious life of air-conditioning, chilled swimming pools and even an indoor ski slope in the emirate of Dubai, a neighbor of Abu Dhabi UAE say the Masdar project is on way to reduce demand for fossile fuels internally. UAE is only the most serious among Persian Gulf oil-producing countries whose thirst for electrical power has spawned efforts to find other sources of energy to save high value fossil fuels for export. Gulf states get their water from desalinating gulf waters, an energy-intensive process. Saudi Arabia and other gulf states began a research program looking into nuclear power. Iran which has faced off with the US and other international powers, insists that its nuclearn program is intended to serve mounting engery demands domestically..................................... (click on this link for more info: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/world/middleeast/18abudhabi.html?ex=1331870400&en=e87584d7bf64715a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss)
War is costing us tons of money and already busy with Iraq etc. Too bad we can't use the money on getting involve with Energy Alternatives. Why aren't we as US done this any sooner!!!! We see the growth of renewable energy as an opportunity, not as a problem.
Your feedback on this?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
An Article from Jayne Johnson - The Subconscious: Friend or Foe?
The subconscious performs many helpful tasks so you don't have to make a conscious effort to think in order to accomplish them. Have you ever been driving down the road and suddenly realized you have gone two miles without paying attention to the road, your driving or to anything on the planet at all? Your subconscious, in control of your actions at the time, got you safely down the road.
Consider the possibility that the subconscious also has a built in video camera and the ability to tape your life. When there is any hint of trouble or danger, the subconscious set off alarms, must faster than you can think. You step off the curb not looking, while a Mac truck is barreling down the road in your direction. The subconscious will see it, even if you don't consciously see it, and the alarms go off. Just in time you look up and jump out of the way. This security system can literally save your life.
It can be friend or foe. Let's say that you once had a very troubled relationship with a person who wore a particular brand of cologne. Your subconscious will dutifully make a note of that will also conclude quite logically by its calculations that all people who use that cologne cause trouble. That seems to be how the subconscious works. One person who wears that cologne and causes trouble is unequivocal evidence that all people who wear that cologne causes trouble. That is an example of the logic of the subconscious, and just imagine what happens every time you are around another person who wears that cologne!
A key to being successful and powerful is recognizing when the subconscious has jumped in and started talking to you. The subconscious is powerful. Powerful and mechanical. In addition to being a video camera of sorts, it also has the properties of a computer, another mechanical device. Like a computer, whatever is programmed into it stays there and operates in strict accordance with the program. The good news it you can change the program.
Jayne Johnson also does the Goal Setting Seminars. Check out her website for more info : http://www.theclearingsight.com/
Recommended readings:
1. Understanding Life by Lawrence West
2. The Secrets To Increasing Your Power, Wealth, and Happiness
3. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle also the author of The Power of Now
4. What You Think of Me Is None of My Business by Terry Cole-Whittaker
Consider the possibility that the subconscious also has a built in video camera and the ability to tape your life. When there is any hint of trouble or danger, the subconscious set off alarms, must faster than you can think. You step off the curb not looking, while a Mac truck is barreling down the road in your direction. The subconscious will see it, even if you don't consciously see it, and the alarms go off. Just in time you look up and jump out of the way. This security system can literally save your life.
It can be friend or foe. Let's say that you once had a very troubled relationship with a person who wore a particular brand of cologne. Your subconscious will dutifully make a note of that will also conclude quite logically by its calculations that all people who use that cologne cause trouble. That seems to be how the subconscious works. One person who wears that cologne and causes trouble is unequivocal evidence that all people who wear that cologne causes trouble. That is an example of the logic of the subconscious, and just imagine what happens every time you are around another person who wears that cologne!
A key to being successful and powerful is recognizing when the subconscious has jumped in and started talking to you. The subconscious is powerful. Powerful and mechanical. In addition to being a video camera of sorts, it also has the properties of a computer, another mechanical device. Like a computer, whatever is programmed into it stays there and operates in strict accordance with the program. The good news it you can change the program.
Jayne Johnson also does the Goal Setting Seminars. Check out her website for more info : http://www.theclearingsight.com/
Recommended readings:
1. Understanding Life by Lawrence West
2. The Secrets To Increasing Your Power, Wealth, and Happiness
3. A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle also the author of The Power of Now
4. What You Think of Me Is None of My Business by Terry Cole-Whittaker
Rich Dad's Education Update
An overwhelming positive response from students in the US is driving Rich Dad Education to finalizing plans to expand into Canada. RDE was created last year as a joint venture of Rich Global LLC and Whitney Information Network, Inc to teach the Rich Dad philosophy. RDE is also a postsecondary education company that delivers actionable, life-changing financial philosophies and content from the Rich Dad books and products through the proven educational model developed by Whitney Information Network.
The Rich Dad Company (www.richdad.com) teaches personal finance and business to people throughout the world through books, seminars, and educational products including the popular board game CASHFLOW 101. The company was founded in 1997 by partners Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, and Sharon Lechter. The book Rich Dad Poor Dad published in 48 languages and available in 107 countries has sold over 27 millon copies worldwide and has held a spot on the New York Times bestseller list for over 6 years!!!! Rich Dad Company has also launched the brand Rich Woman with Kim Kioysaki book Rich Woman. The company is based in Scottsdale, AZ.
Whitney Information Network, Inc is a recognized leader postsecondary education. It is our mission to educate people on how to better their lives. We supply a growing line of products, training, and services in the areas of real estate investing, business development, financial investment, and asset protection - both nationally and internationally. Additional information can be found at www.wincorporate.com
The Rich Dad Company (www.richdad.com) teaches personal finance and business to people throughout the world through books, seminars, and educational products including the popular board game CASHFLOW 101. The company was founded in 1997 by partners Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, and Sharon Lechter. The book Rich Dad Poor Dad published in 48 languages and available in 107 countries has sold over 27 millon copies worldwide and has held a spot on the New York Times bestseller list for over 6 years!!!! Rich Dad Company has also launched the brand Rich Woman with Kim Kioysaki book Rich Woman. The company is based in Scottsdale, AZ.
Whitney Information Network, Inc is a recognized leader postsecondary education. It is our mission to educate people on how to better their lives. We supply a growing line of products, training, and services in the areas of real estate investing, business development, financial investment, and asset protection - both nationally and internationally. Additional information can be found at www.wincorporate.com
Rich Dad's Homeschooling schedule to launch shortly
I am so proud to annouce that we are shortly going to launch the Rich Dad's Homeschooling page!! Two of our staff members, Kathleen Murray and Anita Rodriques are launching the website! Kathleen is an ex-navy officer who retired and is teaching your 4 young ones at home because she does not have faith in the school system. Anita who is a retired school teacher taught her kids at home when they were young and now they have a very professional life. Among the things that will be on the website:
1. Rich Dad Classroom
2. Rich Dad Home School Cirriculum
3. Rich Dad Rich Kid Magazine
4. Forums
5. Play the games
6. Free audio download - Financial Field Trip to the Bank
7. Rich Kid Smart Kid
8. Rich Family
9. Home Schooler of the Month
And many more. Once this page is launched I will post the website for you to click on!
1. Rich Dad Classroom
2. Rich Dad Home School Cirriculum
3. Rich Dad Rich Kid Magazine
4. Forums
5. Play the games
6. Free audio download - Financial Field Trip to the Bank
7. Rich Kid Smart Kid
8. Rich Family
9. Home Schooler of the Month
And many more. Once this page is launched I will post the website for you to click on!
Playing the Lottery
We studied several articles in the Tuesday 7:30am Round Table Meeting with Robert, Kim, and Sharon which I was not in attendance due to being sick. The articles were all from the New York Times:
1. Why Libby's Pardon is a Slam Duck - http://select.nytimes.com/gst/tsc.html?URI=http://select.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/opinion/11rich.html&OQ=_rQ3D1Q26hp&OP=174eb4fdQ2FbQ7BenbQ22cQ25mmQ22b4110b1VbQ2FQ2FbmduxumxbQ2FQ2FQ25uQ3AQ7DQ23Q7DQ22Q60N
2. Lotto Makes Sense, Even for Losers - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/weekinreview/11carey.html?_r=5&em&ex=1173675600&en=2370d25e153825aa&ei=5087%250A&oref=slogin&oref=sl&oref=login
3. Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/business/11mortgage.html
I determined it is that from the top down and from the bottom up, people are just lying. Either to others or to themselves. In the Libby articles from the presence of WMS to the war in Iraq itself, there was and is a whole lot of lying going on there. I supect we will probably never know the full extent of the deception.
The Mortgage article, artifically inflated values to stated income loans also know as liars loans, this issue is the prime position to unravel fast.
As for the lotto article - it is clearly obvious that the person that plays the lotto regularly is lying to him or her self. The odds are astronomical and yet people are willing to stand in line at the local convenience store to buy their tickets. Households with regular players spends an average of about 2% of their income on the game studies find. The less money you have the more you play. Again, the lie we tell ourselves is that we actually have a shot. Are the mutual fund companies lying to you and why is it worse than the lottery? No capital investment and no risk, the mutual fund company reaps 80% of the return. Not a bad position for the mutual fund company. The reasons why the lottery would be better bet for most people is that there is a greater upside if you win. If you are investing the same amount in either place, your downside risk is the same is that you could end up with nothing. At least with the lottery you have the potential for a very large upside. You know what, I play whether I have no money or money. I don't play very often and it is not a must for me to play. I didn't use to play in the past because I was afraid to win the lotto thinking I couldn't handle the money!! Now I could or am I just kidding myself???????????????????????
1. Why Libby's Pardon is a Slam Duck - http://select.nytimes.com/gst/tsc.html?URI=http://select.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/opinion/11rich.html&OQ=_rQ3D1Q26hp&OP=174eb4fdQ2FbQ7BenbQ22cQ25mmQ22b4110b1VbQ2FQ2FbmduxumxbQ2FQ2FQ25uQ3AQ7DQ23Q7DQ22Q60N
2. Lotto Makes Sense, Even for Losers - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/weekinreview/11carey.html?_r=5&em&ex=1173675600&en=2370d25e153825aa&ei=5087%250A&oref=slogin&oref=sl&oref=login
3. Crisis Looms in Market for Mortgages - http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/11/business/11mortgage.html
I determined it is that from the top down and from the bottom up, people are just lying. Either to others or to themselves. In the Libby articles from the presence of WMS to the war in Iraq itself, there was and is a whole lot of lying going on there. I supect we will probably never know the full extent of the deception.
The Mortgage article, artifically inflated values to stated income loans also know as liars loans, this issue is the prime position to unravel fast.
As for the lotto article - it is clearly obvious that the person that plays the lotto regularly is lying to him or her self. The odds are astronomical and yet people are willing to stand in line at the local convenience store to buy their tickets. Households with regular players spends an average of about 2% of their income on the game studies find. The less money you have the more you play. Again, the lie we tell ourselves is that we actually have a shot. Are the mutual fund companies lying to you and why is it worse than the lottery? No capital investment and no risk, the mutual fund company reaps 80% of the return. Not a bad position for the mutual fund company. The reasons why the lottery would be better bet for most people is that there is a greater upside if you win. If you are investing the same amount in either place, your downside risk is the same is that you could end up with nothing. At least with the lottery you have the potential for a very large upside. You know what, I play whether I have no money or money. I don't play very often and it is not a must for me to play. I didn't use to play in the past because I was afraid to win the lotto thinking I couldn't handle the money!! Now I could or am I just kidding myself???????????????????????
Thursday, March 15, 2007
After I contacted my IT person and found how stupid I was in not being able to log in! I should Step Away From The Computer!!!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Good Morning
Sorry I have not been on for a few days. I have been sick for over a week and am now starting to feel better. I will be back on later to post a topic. Thank you for your patience!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Quote for the day - 3/8/07
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." | |
Bill Cosby Actor and Comedian |
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Rich Dad's Taping 2/15/07 and 2/23/07 at our Scottsdale location in AZ
Teach to be Rich was a product we developed in 2006. It contains three DVDs, a book and a workbook. The DVDs are an average of 1 hour and 15 minutes long. When we started to develop the franchise program, Teach to be Rich was going to be one of the products we would use in the teaching process at CASHFLOW club games. However, the feedback we received was that the DVDs were too long. Who would be willing to give up over an hour to watch a DVD, plus 3-4 hours to play the game itself? That would not work.
So, Robert's idea was to create a new set of 10 DVDs, each 12-15 minutes in length, that could be used by the CASHFLOW clubs. At each game meeting, the club organizer can play the DVD lesson for the night, then allow the club members to play the game. Each of the 10 DVD lessons will be on a different subject. That way the club members can build their knowledge of investing as they move through the process. Without accepting and acting on the feedback, we could have lost many club members that were not willing to give up that much time.
The second day of filming for these new DVDs. I'll share the lessons as soon as I can get them. Here are some shots of the studio upstairs, as well as the overflow room downstairs. We had a full house!
You can get more on the Rich Dad Underground.com
So, Robert's idea was to create a new set of 10 DVDs, each 12-15 minutes in length, that could be used by the CASHFLOW clubs. At each game meeting, the club organizer can play the DVD lesson for the night, then allow the club members to play the game. Each of the 10 DVD lessons will be on a different subject. That way the club members can build their knowledge of investing as they move through the process. Without accepting and acting on the feedback, we could have lost many club members that were not willing to give up that much time.
The second day of filming for these new DVDs. I'll share the lessons as soon as I can get them. Here are some shots of the studio upstairs, as well as the overflow room downstairs. We had a full house!
You can get more on the Rich Dad Underground.com
Oops forgot..........................
We also discussed the mission.
The mission is spiritual
The message is for your children and your children's children
Look into the future (per Bucky Fuller) sell the mission, and sell the future
Mission: Shifting to Ronald McDonald instead of Ray Kroc (Franchising)
The mission is spiritual
The message is for your children and your children's children
Look into the future (per Bucky Fuller) sell the mission, and sell the future
Mission: Shifting to Ronald McDonald instead of Ray Kroc (Franchising)
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Our Weekly 7:30am Round Table Meeting
This was a good meeting on writing copy! We reviewed copies that were written my RDE, RDC, and RDF. We looked for headlines, positioning statement, (which my position statements were good) and story. Robert said when you write copy you need to know how to get past the defense, get pass the natural barrier. You don't want to sound like Sales and/or Commericalizing. Sometimes the less said is the best copy like for example the fashion magazines, etc. Less said is more effective.
1. Must get past people's defenses
2. Establish credibility. Have a credible source
3. Have two counter-opposing ideas
4. The less said the more effective
5. Get in through the right brain - use pictures
Example when Robert wrote the RDPD book - What the Rich Teach their Kids about Money that the Middle Class and Poor Do Not - it makes people ask "Which one am I?"
Robert also discussed the 5 - Finger Rule:
Thumb - Start Strong
Index - One Point
Middle - Talk Straight
Ring - Tell a story
Pinkie - Finish with emotion
CARTOONS will go past the defenses.
I realized when I reviewed my copies that I was sounding more sales pitchy. Got to use something more effective like "The prospect of Selling something we really love." I know I am going to be spending this weekend working on re-editing my copies. I so feel grateful for working with the Rich Dad's Company and the education that I have received in the last 6 years is priceless!!
1. Must get past people's defenses
2. Establish credibility. Have a credible source
3. Have two counter-opposing ideas
4. The less said the more effective
5. Get in through the right brain - use pictures
Example when Robert wrote the RDPD book - What the Rich Teach their Kids about Money that the Middle Class and Poor Do Not - it makes people ask "Which one am I?"
Robert also discussed the 5 - Finger Rule:
Thumb - Start Strong
Index - One Point
Middle - Talk Straight
Ring - Tell a story
Pinkie - Finish with emotion
CARTOONS will go past the defenses.
I realized when I reviewed my copies that I was sounding more sales pitchy. Got to use something more effective like "The prospect of Selling something we really love." I know I am going to be spending this weekend working on re-editing my copies. I so feel grateful for working with the Rich Dad's Company and the education that I have received in the last 6 years is priceless!!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Rich Dad's Round Table Meeting Homework Assignment
Good morning,
I completed my homework assignment over the weekend and it was a tough challenge for me!
For Rich Dad's Coaching my tag lines were:
Nothing like a Rich Dad's Coach that can get out of the rat race faster!
Discover what is your mission, passion, and purpose in life!
For Rich Dad's Franchising my tag lines were:
With Rich Dad's Franchising the more you serve, the more you earn.
Every day my actions create MAGIC!
Wich Rich Dad's Franchising you teach a man to fish and you feed him for life
The more you serve, the more you earn.
For Rich Dad's Education my tag lines were:
Learn to be Rich $$$$ with Rich Dad's Education
It doesn't take money to make money.
Any feedback????
I completed my homework assignment over the weekend and it was a tough challenge for me!
For Rich Dad's Coaching my tag lines were:
Nothing like a Rich Dad's Coach that can get out of the rat race faster!
Discover what is your mission, passion, and purpose in life!
For Rich Dad's Franchising my tag lines were:
With Rich Dad's Franchising the more you serve, the more you earn.
Every day my actions create MAGIC!
Wich Rich Dad's Franchising you teach a man to fish and you feed him for life
The more you serve, the more you earn.
For Rich Dad's Education my tag lines were:
Learn to be Rich $$$$ with Rich Dad's Education
It doesn't take money to make money.
Any feedback????
Friday, March 2, 2007
AZpurplerat50 CASHFLOW Club
Dates & Times: Wednesday's at 7pm - 10pm and Saturday's at 1pm - 4pm.
Location: East Mesa, AZ 85209 - major cross roads is Ellsworth Rd and Guadalupe Rd
Contact: Elsaiah9@aol.com or linda@richdad.com
Let me know if you are interested!
Location: East Mesa, AZ 85209 - major cross roads is Ellsworth Rd and Guadalupe Rd
Contact: Elsaiah9@aol.com or linda@richdad.com
Let me know if you are interested!
Good Morning!
Today is Friday! I will be attending a class put on by two of our staff on learning how to write a copy and getting the reader's attention at lunchtime. Looking for to that and there were three we had to write and I only got two done so I better get of my butt and get the third one done!! See ya!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Our Rich Dad Weekly Roundtable Meeting
Good morning!
I had a great meeting yesterday with Robert. Our lesson for the meeting was how to write a catchy advertisement that will get the attention of your readers. Two of our staff member had an exercise to write one for their Rich Dad's Homeschooling Website which will go live next week. Then Robert gave his feedback on the two copies. Then Robert had gave each of us at the meeting an assignment to write one (contest) selling The Rich Dad's Education, Rich Dad's Franchising, and Rich Dad's Coaching. We are to create a catchy headline and tag line and a brief paragraph. I am pretty scare to do it as that is not my area of expertise. But it sure will be a great lesson! I will keep you posted when we have our training class tomorrow at Rich Dad's Friday 3/2/07 at lunch time!
I had a great meeting yesterday with Robert. Our lesson for the meeting was how to write a catchy advertisement that will get the attention of your readers. Two of our staff member had an exercise to write one for their Rich Dad's Homeschooling Website which will go live next week. Then Robert gave his feedback on the two copies. Then Robert had gave each of us at the meeting an assignment to write one (contest) selling The Rich Dad's Education, Rich Dad's Franchising, and Rich Dad's Coaching. We are to create a catchy headline and tag line and a brief paragraph. I am pretty scare to do it as that is not my area of expertise. But it sure will be a great lesson! I will keep you posted when we have our training class tomorrow at Rich Dad's Friday 3/2/07 at lunch time!
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