“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Monday, April 30, 2007
Rich Dad's 2 Day Real Estate Workshop
The required reading for the course was The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump.
Blair Singer (author of Sales Dogs) shared with the room the piece of the book that stood out most for him. It was a quote from Lester Crown (chairman of Henry Crown and Company): "The best real estate advice I ever received pertains not just to real estate but to any transaction - you can't make a good deal with a bad partner."
There were a lot of info to process.
A very well worth two day!!
Rich Dad Visit to Partners Salt Lake City
Friday, April 27, 2007
Robert Kiyosaki Two Day and Three Day starting this weekend 4/28 and 4/29
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Here Is Your Chance

Rich Dad's Education
Mary Kay Skin Care and Cosmetics
We are your #1 SOURCE for discount Cosmetics and Skin care, Make-Up and Beauty Products. We offer new authentic Mary Kay items at up to 50% off retail prices.
We have a full line, including Timewise anti aging products, Bath and Body Private Spa Collections, Velocity and Acne Treatment products, Microdermabrasion, and those hard to find eye shadow and Lipstick colors.
Email that was sent to our community members regarding Robert Kiyosaki weekly Sunday evening TV Shows
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Insight for Today - 4/25/07
"Don't argue for other people's weaknesses. Don't argue for your own. When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, and learn from it - immediately." | |
Stephen R. Covey Author and Speaker |
Monday, April 23, 2007
AZpurplerat50 CASHFLOW E-Game Club
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hey Guess What??? Rich Dad has a new home school website!
Feedback and suggestions are welcome!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Launch of the Rich Dad TV Show
Also on John Seiferth's blog check this out:

Article: Vanity Fair Secrets, Washington's $8 Billion Shadow
I am in that category of people working 100% of my time to support these companies that can literally script their future without fear of, well anything. That does not sit well with me. How about you??
"The Starfish and the Spider" book recommended by Robert Kiosayki at the Round Table Meeting
I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Always... Unconditionally... Follow your heart. Understand that persistence, hard work, and determination are the keys to success....