Monday, April 30, 2007

Rich Dad's 2 Day Real Estate Workshop

I attended the Real Estate Workshop here in Scottsdale, AZ. The principal speaker (aside from Robert, Kim and Sharon) is Wayne Palmer. He shared his creative real estate genius with 163 people from all over the world. I thought it was great we had people from all over: Ecuador, Guam, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Grand Cayman, Mexico, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, China, Canada, USA

The required reading for the course was The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump.

Blair Singer (author of Sales Dogs) shared with the room the piece of the book that stood out most for him. It was a quote from Lester Crown (chairman of Henry Crown and Company): "The best real estate advice I ever received pertains not just to real estate but to any transaction - you can't make a good deal with a bad partner."

There were a lot of info to process.

A very well worth two day!!

Rich Dad Visit to Partners Salt Lake City

Robert, Kim, and Sharon went to Salt Lake City to visit with their partners:

Friday, April 27, 2007

Robert Kiyosaki Two Day and Three Day starting this weekend 4/28 and 4/29

I will be attending the two day and when I come back I will fill you in. We are reading a book from Donald Trump 100 Best Real Estate Advice and Wayne Palmer will also be there...........

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Here Is Your Chance

In an effort to be more targeted to what his readers want, Robert has asked me to pass along an invitation to share your thoughts on the subject of his next book as well as the subject of the next book he will co-write with Donald Trump.

Rich Dad's Education

In an article/news release on 18 April, Canada's CNW announces Rich Dad Education's plans to expand to the United Kingdom. They describe RDE as "a postsecondary education company that delivers actionable, life-changing financial philosophies and content from the Rich Dad books and products through the proven educational model developed by Whitney Information Network."

Mary Kay Skin Care and Cosmetics

We are your #1 SOURCE for discount Cosmetics and Skin care, Make-Up and Beauty Products. We offer new authentic Mary Kay items at up to 50% off retail prices.

We have a full line, including Timewise anti aging products, Bath and Body Private Spa Collections, Velocity and Acne Treatment products, Microdermabrasion, and those hard to find eye shadow and Lipstick colors.

Email that was sent to our community members regarding Robert Kiyosaki weekly Sunday evening TV Shows

What we really want to know is, what do you think of the show? Is it educational? Are you learning? What can we do better? To give us your feedback, simply click here and add your comment. If you have not seen the show, click here, view the preview, then add your comments. We want to hear from you. And just for commenting, we'd like to give you a free gift. Simply click here to download a Getting Started packet developed for those who need a kick start to getting out of the rat race.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Insight for Today - 4/25/07

"Don't argue for other people's weaknesses. Don't argue for your own. When you make a mistake, admit it, correct it, and learn from it - immediately."

Stephen R. Covey
Author and Speaker

Monday, April 23, 2007

AZpurplerat50 CASHFLOW E-Game Club

I edited my club due to I wasn't getting very many response to come to my club in Mesa. Wednesday nites at 7pm to 10pm I will be online to play the e-game and also on Saturday afternoons 1pm to 4pm.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hey Guess What??? Rich Dad has a new home school website!

Check this site out:

Feedback and suggestions are welcome!


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Launch of the Rich Dad TV Show

Check out this video on the Launch of the Rich Dad TV Show at Kiyosaki's House!!!!!!!

Also on John Seiferth's blog check this out:

In an article/news release on 18 April, Canada's CNW announces Rich Dad Education's plans to expand to the United Kingdom. They describe RDE as "a postsecondary education company that delivers actionable, life-changing financial philosophies and content from the Rich Dad books and products through the proven educational model developed by Whitney Information Network."

Article: Vanity Fair Secrets, Washington's $8 Billion Shadow

This is another article we had to read in our 7:30am Round Table meeting this past Tuesday 4/17/07. The article is about how US Government contractors, such as Halliburton, Bechtel, and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), are able to write their own tickets by hiring ex-military officers who still have influence in the government. The article goes as far to say that the Iraq war and the war on terrorism were engineered (or at least heavily promoted) by these quasi-military organizations for their own benefit and for the benefit of their employees. For more info click on This site is John Seiferth our IT guys!!!

I am in that category of people working 100% of my time to support these companies that can literally script their future without fear of, well anything. That does not sit well with me. How about you??

"The Starfish and the Spider" book recommended by Robert Kiosayki at the Round Table Meeting

The Starfish and the Spider - The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations: This is a great book to read, it is easy and not hard to understand. This book is about what happens when there's no hierarchy. You'd think there would be disorder, even chaos. But in many arenas, a lack of traditional leadership is giving rise to powerful groups that are turning industry and society upside down. Like 18 year freshman came up with the Napster, an idea that would deliver a crushing blow to the recording industry. But he wasn't at the head of this attack - the entire battle was waged by an army of music-sharing teens, college students, and, eventually, iPod - carrying businessmen. Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia and traveled to Afghanistan, hardly anyone realized that in just a few years he would become the most wanted man in the world. Craig Newmark never dreamed that the site he launched would forever alter the newspaper industry. In 2001 a retired option trader set out to provide free reference materials to kids around the world. He never thought that his efforts would one day allow millions of strangers to use something called a "wiki" to create the bigger information depository of our time. The blow to the recording industry, the 911 attack, and success of online classifieds and a collaborative encyclopedia were all driven by the same hidden force. The harder you fight this force, the stronger it gets. The more chaotic it seems, the more resilient it is. The more you control it, the more unpredictable it becomes. Decentralization has been lying dormant for thousands of years. The rules of the game have changed...........get the book for more info!

I am back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry I have not posted in a while. I was sick a couple of times and out of office a couple of days etc. I am feeling better! I had a great time at the Blair Singer's Two Day Event in March! It was my fourth time going and I still love it. I love the role modeling part!!! It is so much fun! I have done the Eddie Murphy part in the Nutty Professor, I have done the Martin Luther King I have a dream part two times, and also the Alex Baldwin ABC Always Be Closing!! The very best thing is the breaking of the arrow at the end of the two day! Anyone ever attended this event??