Friday, June 29, 2007

The Newest Learning Annex Speaker? Paris Hilton

Oh Boy!! Our IT guy, John Sieferth is compelled to attend one of her event!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Insight for Today 6/28/07

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try one more time."

Thomas Edison
1847-1931, Inventor and Entrepreneur

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

AZpurplerat50 CASHFLOW THE E-GAME Club

I will be starting my online e-game back up starting July 7, 2007:

Sunday's - 4pm

Monday's - 7:30pm

Thursday's 7:30pm

Insight for Today 6/27/07

"Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you."

Ella Wheeler Wilcox
1855-1919, Poet and Journalist

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Insight for Today 6/21/07

"One of the secrets of success is to refuse to let temporary setbacks defeat us."

Mary Kay
1915-2001, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

AZpurplerat50 CASHFLOW THE E-GAME Club

I regret to inform you that for the next two weeks, I will not be online. It will start back up after July 4th, 2007

Thank you

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Insight for Today 6/19/07

"Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose."

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer

Monday, June 18, 2007

An article from Robert Kiyosaki to read for our Tuesday 7:30am Round Table Meeting tomorrow

Lessons From Apple - June 7th 2007 article in the magazine:

1. The first is that innovation can come from without as well as within. Apple is widely assumed to be an innovator in the tradition of Thomas Edison or B ell Laboratories, locking its engineers away to cook up new ideas and basing products on their moments of inspiration. Apple is in short an orchestrator and integrator of technologies, unafraid to bring in ideas from outside but always adding its own twists.

2. Second, Apple illlustrates the importance of designing a new products around t he needs of the user, not the demands of the technology. Apple has consistently combined clever technology with simplicity, and ease buying it online, easy enough for almost anyone to have a go.

3. Listening to customers is generally a good ides, but it is not the whole story. For all the talks of "user-centric innovations" and allowing feedback from customers to dictate new product designs, a third lesson from Apple is that smart coompanies should sometimes ignore what the market says it wants today.

4. Apple learned from its mistakes and tried again. Its recent computers have been based on technology developed at NeXT, a compnay Mr Jobs sset up in the 1980's that appeared to have failed and was th en acquired by Apple. The lesson is not to stigmatise failure but to tolerate it and learn from it.

Feedback anyone?

Steve Blair - our Web Designer for Rich Dad has a post regarding his road to financial freedom

"After writing I Cannot Teach You I was listening to the Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki book Why We Want You To Be Rich while I was working. In chapter 25 I had a real "AhHa!" moment that kind of solidified what I had written the previous day." Steve Blair's Blog:

Are you the smartest person on your team?

John Seiferth out IT person has posted a great post about are you the smartest person on your team......... Check it out!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Featured Conversation On Life - new article by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert has a new article on, click on the menu tab "Featured"

FATHERS... IS YOURS A CAPITALIST OR A SOCIALIST? is the subject Robert wrote on.

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote:

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two

opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain

the ability to function.”

I recommend to read this book: "Mindset"

I started reading this book recommended by Kim, "Mindset" by Carol S. dweck, Ph.D.

Dweck has found that everyone has one of two basic mindsets. If you have the fixed mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities are set in stone - either you have them or you don't. You must prove yourself over and over, trying to look smart and talented at all costs. This is the path of stagnation. If you have a growth mindset, however, you know that talents can be developed and that great abilities are built over time. this is the path of opportunity and success.

I know for me I have a growth mindset most of the time. And I am continually growing. It never stops.

Have anyone read this book???

Our weekly Tuesday 7:30am Round Table Meeting

Kim kiyosaki leaded this morning meeting as Robert Kiyosaki was in New York taping for the "CNBC The Millionaire Inside" show. Kim had us read the below four articles I post on my blog. It has been what Robert been talking about all along: foreclosures, subprime mortgagess, businesses TV, etc. All the things Robert is doing.

Our numbers on the amount of player playing the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game:

Rich Dad's Coaching - 1222
Rich Dad's Education - 1057
Rich Dad's Franchising - 56 plus Sharon Lechter's Sam's Club teaching the CASHFLOW for Kids Board Game - 300

My numbers for last week playing the e-game club is 16 players total online

Article: Unprepared for the Rainiest of Days

Unprepared for the Rainiest of Days

Hey! Good news! I've thought of some new things to worry about. Let's run through some of the threats hanging over our econonmy:

What is your feedback on this article?

Article: Get Your Red-Hot foreclosures here

Get Your Red-Hot Foreclosures Here

On a foggy Sunday morning last month, the parking lots around the convention center here were filling fast. The volume of the traffic downtown was no unusual. What was unusual was that the men directing the traffic were in tuxedos.

What is your feedback on this article?

Article: What Murdoch's Paper Chase Means for Business TV

What Murdoch's Paper Chase Means for Business TV

When Google swallowed YouTube, the video-sharing Web site, last year, the media and Web worlds are agog at YouTube's valuation, given that it was not yet two years old and barely made any money. Of course, that is very different from Dow Jones, a relatively ancient enterprise that has nearly $2 Billion in revenue.

What is your feedback on this articles?

Article: Beware of Exploding Mortgages

Beware of Exploding Mortgages
Published: June 10, 2007

A tsunami of interest rate increases on adjustable-rate mortgages is coming, meaning that the worst of the subprime lending fiasco is far from over.

What is your feedback on this article?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Insight for Today

"Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Prepare yourself in every way you can by increasing your knowledge and adding to your experience, so that you can make the most of opportunity when it occurs.'"
Mario Andretti
Auto Racer

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Kim Kiyosaki - Rich

Her very first article in the

"I write and speak this message because I believe that today, more than ever, women must take charge of their own financial lives. In my opinion, a woman can't be free until she's financially free."

Her drive is more than teaching and inspiring women to make money and become rich, it is about freedom. Not just financial freedom, but freedom from the stigma and stereotypes surrounding women that have been around since the beginning of time.

The Bumper car effect

I got this off our Discussion Forums and wanted to paste this as I find it really good post. Below the post you will find the link that goes to our Discussion Forums:

When you step into a bumper car at the fair it feels like no matter which way you turn
someone or something hits you when you least expect it. The problem with the bumper
cars is you never get time to find your balance or find some space to figure out the best
way to go. Here are a few ideas about what you can do when you start to feel this way:

1. Let go of any need to ‘fix’ things. Let go of any resentment, anger, guilt or
shame that has built up.
2. Let go of any expectations in regards to outcomes and other peoples behavior
3. Take a moment or a day to breath ….put aside issues for awhile focus on things
which bring you back into balance.
4. Ask for help. Sometimes we cling to things so tightly so intent on fixing them for
ourselves we don’t allow anyone to help carry the load so we can gain our balance.

Things to remember:

Everyone no matter what their life circumstance, race, religion or sexual preference was
born a Master.

Steps to happiness everyone knows

You can’t be all things to all people
You can’t do all things at once
You can’t do all things equally well
You can’t do all things better than everyone else
Your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s

You have to find out who you are and be that
You have to decide what comes first and do that
You have to discover your strengths and use them
You have to learn not to compete with others
Being no one else is in the contest of ‘being’ you

You will have learnt to accept your own uniqueness
You will have learnt to set priorities and make decisions
You will have learnt to live with your limitations
You will have learnt to give yourself the respect that is due
And you will be a most vital mortal

Dare to believe:
That you are a wonderful unique person
That you are a once in all history event
That it’s more than a right it’s your duty to be who you are
That life is not a problem to solve but a gift to cherish
And you will be able to stay one up on what use to get you down


Last nite was a interesting game. It was certainly my night for downsizing!! First game one time, second game one time, and the third game 2 times!!!!!!! Hounddog63 whopped my butt last nite! I had realized that even though I had cash to buy the car wash, it was to soon for me to purchase it as I was not able to get ahead with getting cash to purchase more real estate. I was only able to purchase stock here and there to get cash builded up etc. It is interesting how each game you play you learn different strageties. Feedback from anyone??

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

REMINDER for the AZpurplerat CASHFLOW Club Online E-GAME is tonite

I will be on at 7pm Az mountain time - hope to see you there!

Three new RDTV posted on the Rich Dad's RDTV!!!

First Rate IQ:

Robert wants to remind us the importance of First Rate Intelligence, from F. Scott Fitzgerald's quote. Do you have the ability to function while holding two opposed ideas? How can this improve your financial IQ?

Robert's Remark:

In this special announcement from Robert, he reminds us to pay attention to the economy around us. The Chinese stock market is overheated, gasoline prices continue to rise, and the mortgage markets are in trouble. Depending on what you invest in, Robert's advice may apply to you!

Paper 101: (3 Part Series)

Robert Kiyosaki and guest Spencer McGowan discuss how 'paper' investments can bring you cash-flow, especially using bonds. Although 'paper' assets, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds are considered 'no-no's,' even Robert can admit - there are areas we all can grow and understand better. Plain and simple, we're looking for good investments. Open your mind and be prepared for another great session of financial education.

If you are not an INSIDERS Member:

To take an online tour of Rich Dad’s INSIDERS:

1) Visit and click on the "Member Sign-In" button

2) Enter your email address and password

3) Click on the "Community" menu tab and select "About INSIDERS"

4) Click on the "RDTV Picture" and then click on the "Take The Tour" of INSIDERS for more info!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Happy Father's Day and Rich Dad's Special

I wish to say "Happy Father's Day" to my beloved dad and also to all dads around the world. The date of Father's day this year is 17th June if you don't remember (tsk tsk ;-) ).

I've got an *insider news* for you, this promotion is nowhere to be found on the Rich Dad website. As most of you already know, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad and owner of Cashflow Technologies Inc., Robert Kiyosaki, was blessed with two dads. One was his birth dad, role model, educator and disciplinarian. The other, while not Robert’s birth father, also played a key role in Robert’s life. This “dad” was also a role model, educator and disciplinarian, but in addition, a mentor. In recognition of all fathers and mentors, the Rich Dad Company is offering three exciting Father’s Day Specials (more than 50% discount!):

From the Desk of Linda's Voice Blog Desk: Living with ALS

  Living with ALS  It's no fun.  You lose a lot,  actually you lose just about 99% of things.  Lose family and just about all your frien...