Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Insight for Today 12/30/08

"One of the secrets of getting more done is to make a TO DO List every day, keep it visible, and use it as a guide to action as you go through the day."

Alan Lakein
Time Management Expert and Author

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rich Dad's Water Cooler Blog

Below is our Rich Dad's Water Cooler Blog! This one is from Bob Turner who works in the Accounting Department blogging about his opinion regarding the auto makers requesting na bailout. Please read and click her to comment on how you feel about it:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Big 3 Bailout/loan total FRAUD

I'm sitting here in disbelief that the big 3 automakers are in Washington asking for these loans totaling $34 billion. I see that Toyota/Nissan/Honda is working in the same environment as the big 3, yet they are in no financial trouble. The Japanese auto companies are even expanding in the US and are still profitable.

As I see it, the US automakers are operating on a poor business model on two fronts. One, they are building cars that are not competing well with the world auto market and, secondly, the contracts with the United Auto Workers Union don't fit with reality of the world today. My point being is that unions in general are a JOKE and are OBSOLETE. Why are the big 3 still funding retirements on the old model of the defined benefit pension? Why do they EVEN DEAL with the UAW?

The big 3 are paying, including retirement benefits, somewhere near $78 an hour where Honda, Toyota and Nissan are paying around $35 an hour. I read somewhere that the UAW contract allows workers to collect up to 90% of their pay as they sit in a "job pool" waiting for work. That's welfare as far as I'm concerned and not sustainable for the long term well-being of the companies.

The defined benefit pension essentially met its defeat in 1974 after the US Congress passed the ERISA act. The act basically put the power of retirement investing into the hands of the employee and not the employer. Essentially, it evolved into the 401k.

My solution is to breech all UAW contracts and FIRE ALL the union workers. Then, hire them back under a REASONABLE agreement that suits the 21st GLOBAL economy. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.

So, this bailout/loan will just delay the inevitable- the bankruptcy of the big 3. It may be a year or two but that's my prediction. If they went bankrupt now, they would emerge so much more powerful and be able to compete globally for the first time in a long while.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Insight for Today 12/25/08

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."

Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Pastor, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Little Voice Mastery audio Blair Singer


I love the holidays, but do we have to deal with
Aunt ______ psychosis again??

While it's a time of thanksgiving, love and family, it is also a time when family functions (or dysfunctions!!) bring out the best and sometimes the worst. It's amazing how a simple look, comment or attitude can set off a whole litany of internal "Little Voice" dialogue in your head. You know what I mean?

We have a saying around here, "true communication is the response you get!" If you are getting responses to your communication that are bugging you or not meeting your expectations... There is hope! What if there were a way to stay above all the miscommunications, hidden (or not so hidden) agendas and covertness. What if I told you that the issue is first managing the communication going on between your own ears? Amazing as it may seem, that when you lasso control of your "Little Voice," magically the rest of the world responds in kind.

You think I am kidding? This no joke. There are ton of them in the new "Little Voice" Mastery book. But let me give you a couple here that will help you navigate a happy and non-neurotic Holiday Season !

Here is one for dealing with Aunt_______.

When you get that look, attitude or comment that sends your "Little Voice" into a spin, tell yourself this..."She is really doing the best she can right now." This is not meant to be condescending or arrogant. It is not to make Auntie to be incapable or inferior. It is because in most cases it's the truth! We all do the best we can with what we know. Be-littling another person only creates more distance and covert hostility. Just keep saying it to yourself and you will notice your emotions settle.

Remember this is not about Aunt _____. It's about controlling your own emotions and your own "Little Voice". For Aunt _____....nothing is obvious to the uninformed. She doesn't know that her emotions are overriding her intelligence. She believes her "Little Voice" to be the gospel, but you know better...right?? You know that your "little voice" is not necessarily you nor is it accurate... it's a response based upon something else. (More on that in the book). I was taught this a long time ago and it has served me ever since.

Here is a second tip. Now some of you are going to think I have gone too far with this one. Some of you will probably even accuse me of being everything from 'airy-fairy' to touchy-feely to weird!

And I understand, because when I first heard this one that was my reaction. But just humor me for a minute... because when I was able to shut up my "little voice" reaction to this one, it created magic in every area of my life. Now, I am a believer.

Okay... so here we go....

It is said in the world of personal development that the opposite of love is fear. And that anger is really a reaction to fear. My friend Kim Kiyosaki said that one of her teachers advised that when your "little voice" starts getting angry and wants to lash out... simply ask yourself this question, "What would love do?"

When she first told me this, I thought it was crazy. "What would Love do??" my "Little Voice" said. "Love has nothing to do with it!" And of course, very soon after she told me this, I had an opportunity to use it with someone who totally upset me. I was ready to jump on the phone, write a letter and blaze them... can you relate?

Yet when I started to repeat "What would Love do?" interesting things began to happen. I started to laugh at first...(better than anger)..then I started to settle down (better yet!) I was actually able to get some perspective on the situation (good!) And believe it or not, within a few seconds..(not even minutes!) began to feel some affinity, concern and compassion for the other person. (Wow!) Then guess what happened? Ten minutes later, the person who had got me so upset called back to the office and apologized. (Magic)

I know there are times when your "little voice", like mine, says... ¨Love... shmuv...I don't give a ______what love would do..I just want to choke him!"

Simply repeat the "What would love do?" question enough times to yourself and you will find that your mood, mindset and perspective will change. Trust me... I am one of the biggest cynics in the world and as crazy as I thought it was..it works. If you are disciplined enough to ask yourself the questions in the moment and thus manage your "Little Voice", you and the world around you will instantly change.

Sometimes my "little voice" has to repeat it more than a couple of times, but in the end, it's like Ben Affleck says in the movie Boiler Room "...There is no such thing as a no sale call...¨ Either you sell yourself one way or you sell yourself the other way...."either way a sale is made...".the only question is...¨ which part of you is going to close? The winner or the loser....happy or upset....the anger or the love.

This is an extraordinary season for many reasons. It is an opportunity for great compassion and giving or for fear and selfishness. Which do you choose?

A "Little Voice" technique that my wife taught me long ago has served me in front of rooms, in negotiations, and with nearly any situation where there was the potential for frustration, anger and disconnection. Her advice to me in my early days of teaching were "Remember Blair, they are all doing the best they know how...just love them."

If you can do that, you will watch your entire world change before your eyes.

Be Awesome and Be Relentless!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Insight for Today 12/22/08

"When you paint success pictures in your mind, you initiate an inner process whereby your attitudes, hopes, aspirations, and enthusiasm are elevated in response to an image of a more promising future. Every person who aspires must first sell themselves hope, the promise of a better life."

U.S. Andersen
Author of The Magic In Your Mind

Friday, December 19, 2008

Do Not Limit What You Can Accomplish in year 2009!

As the calendar year comes to a close, many of you will soon be sitting down to write your New Year's resolutions. You may have your sights set on quitting smoking, getting into better shape, or spending more time with family. Perhaps you want to be more environmentally friendly this year, finally learn to play the piano, or take that trip you have always wanted to take.

When setting personal goals for self-improvement, the possibilities are endlessly varied; however, on the forefront of everyone's mind thisyear should be your personal wealth, and the quantifiable goals you can set to ensure that you prosper in the upcoming year. I assure you, we will do everything we can to assist you in achieving the financial and educational goals you set.

Whatever you choose to include on your list, my suggestion to you is to expand it. I never cease to be amazed at two things: the unlimited capabilities of the human soul to achieve the greatness to which it aspires, and how few are those who ever undertake such challenges. Do not limit what you can accomplish in the upcoming year. Dream big, make goals that others may perceive to be outlandish, and work hard to achieve them.

Kim Kiyosaki
Author of Rich Woman

That we may help you achieve your financial resolutions, we will monthly provide you with articles on subjects on which you, the reader, have requested information. In changing economical times, it is critical that you identify and understand the purpose for which you invest, be it for capital gains or cash flow. In today's market, investments that can provide consistent cash flow provide the stabilizing income that investors crave. Kim Kiyosaki addresses the merits of capital gains and cash flow in her article "What Am I Investing For?"
With fewer and fewer mortgages receiving approval, there is a much larger tenant pool than in previous years. This situation is drawing some investors into the rental market, as they are having a more difficult time selling properties. It is critical to manage these properties correctly to protect your investment. Jackie Lynn discusses what should be in your initial rental agreement in her article "Setting Rules for Your Tenants."

Those of you who have applied for loans lately have undoubtedly noticed a vastly different atmosphere from that of previous years. Credit is tight, and financial institutions are much more conservative in their lending practices than in any other time in recent years. It is imperative to develop a strong, healthy relationship with your lender in order to capitalize on great investment opportunities that others have missed due to their inability to obtain financing. Jordan Taylor details tips for building stronger relations with your lender in her article "Become Buddies with Your Banker."

Even those with little or no stock-trading experience can identify a stock pattern that has been established for a long period of time. In order to capitalize on these patterns, it is necessary to learn to identify these patterns as they begin. In the first in a series of articles dealing with the identification of various chart formations, Tyler Craig discusses numerous reversal patterns and potential entry points in his article "Reversal Patterns: Topping Patterns."

As always, I enjoy hearing from you and getting your feedback on our articles. Please feel free to add your own ideas and suggestions to these articles by using the comment feature.

Happy Holidays,

Stock Education (Rich Dad's Education)

Reversal Patterns: Topping Patterns

Reversal Patterns: Topping Patterns

By Tyler Craig

Reversal patterns can be used to indicate a pending reversal in an existing up or downtrend. The quicker we are to spot the beginning of a trend, the sooner we can establish a position in the stock to profit from the trend. Anyone can identify an up or down trend that's been established for six months, but wouldn't it be more lucrative to jump in a trend at its inception? As you become more astute in identifying these patterns, it will be easier to spot and profit from trend reversals.

Reversal patterns can be divided into two camps: topping and bottoming patterns. This month's article will feature topping patterns. Topping patterns consist of double and triple tops, head and shoulders, and slowing momentum. Although this is not a comprehensive list, it contains the most commonly occurring topping patterns. While each pattern is unique, the one commonality that exists between them is that they are all confirmed and completed when the stock breaks below a support level. Consequently, when you identify one of these topping patterns, it may be wise to wait for this breakdown prior to entering into a trade.


The head and shoulders pattern forms within the context of an uptrend. Remember, an uptrend consists of higher pivot highs and higher pivot lows. A head and shoulders occurs when the uptrend forms a lower pivot high and then breaks below a support level. This lower pivot high implies that the strength of the uptrend is diminishing, and thus is ripe for a reversal. A head and shoulders pattern is completed and confirmed when the stock breaks support. This break of support is commonly referred to as a break of the neckline. Volume also plays an important role in confirming the head and shoulders pattern. We like to see the breakdown of the neckline accompanied by high volume.

Potential Entries:

Those looking to profit from the anticipated fall that typically follows a head and shoulders pattern have three potential entry points for bearish trades. Aggressive traders will enter on the lower pivot high that forms the right shoulder. These traders are essentially jumping in at the first signs of weaknesses, and although they could be handsomely rewarded for their courage, the drawback is that the pattern has not yet completed itself; therefore, the probability of success is lower. Those seeking more confirmation will enter when the stock breaks below the neckline. And yet a third valid entry point would be entering on the first retracement after the break of the neckline. One of the axioms of technical analysis is that prior support becomes new resistance. Consequently, the neckline first provides support, and then acts as a resistance level.


A double top is formed by an uptrending stock retesting a prior resistance level and failing to break through to a higher high. In other words, the uptrending stock forms an equal pivot high. Furthermore, a double top shows that the uptrend is in peril and lacks the momentum to continue forming higher pivot highs. A double top looks similar to the letter "M." An easy way to remember this is that "M" is for murder because a double top kills an uptrend. On the other hand, a triple top is formed by an uptrending stock retesting a prior resistance level twice and failing to break through to a higher high. The psychology behind the pattern is exactly the same as that of the double top; namely, the bulls lack the power to drive the stock higher!

Potential Entries:

Aggressive traders will look to enter at resistance as the equal pivot high forms. This entry is anticipatory in nature because the stock has not yet broken support and completed the double top pattern. Those seeking more confirmation will wait for the stock to breakdown below a support level, and then enter.


Momentum is commonly expressed as the distance between pivots. To determine the momentum of an uptrend, analyze the distance between the last several pivot highs. If the distance between the pivots is expanding, the trend is increasing in momentum and has a higher probability of continuing. If the distance between the pivot highs is diminishing, the trend is decreasing in momentum; consequently, the trend has a higher probability of reversing. As with the previous topping patterns, we look for a break of support to confirm the slowing momentum reversal.

Potential Entries:

The two potential entries for the slowing momentum pattern are similar to the entries for the double top pattern. In anticipation of the breakdown and reversal, traders desiring to make a more aggressive entry would enter the trade as the stock is forming a pivot high. Those seeking more confirmation could enter once the stock has broken below a support level.

Terms You Should Know:
Capital Gains: The profit you make on the sale of an investment.

Cash flow: Money that comes in on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, annually) from an investment that you hold onto and don't sell.
Momentum: Commonly expressed as the distance between pivots. To determine the momentum of an uptrend, analyze the distance between the last several pivot highs. If the distance between the pivots is expanding, the trend is increasing in momentum and has a higher probability of continuing. If the distance between the pivot highs is diminishing, the trend is decreasing in momentum; consequently, the trend has a higher probability of reversing

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hi Guys!!! You probably won't see much post.................

from me this month as it is Christmas Holidays!!!!! I am extremely BUSY here at Rich Dad in Customer Service so please forgive me!!!! I will try and do my best to post off and on as much as possible!!!!!


Insight for Today

"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
1803-1882, Poet and Essayist

Insight for Today

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

Michelangelo Buonarroti
1474-1564, Italian Renaissance Painter and Sculptor

Insight for Today

"If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience."

Eddie Rickenbacker
1890-1973, American Fighter Ace, Race Car Driver and pioneer in air transportation.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Insight for Today 12/10/08

"I do the very best I know how - the very best I can; and mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything."

Abraham Lincoln
1809-1865, Sixteenth President of the United States

Insight for Today 12/11/08

"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything - whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out."

Tina Turner

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

insight for Today 12/9/08"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced

"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity."

Carl Jung
1875-1961, Psychiatrist

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Insight for Today 12/4/08

"Before you begin a thing remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. You can only see one thing clearly, and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin."

Kathleen Norris is the award-winning poet, writer, and author of The New York Times bestsellers The Cloister Walk, Dakota: A Spiritual Geography, Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith, and The Virgin of Bennington. Exploring the spiritual life, her work is at once intimate and historical, rich in poetry and meditations, brimming with exasperation and reverence, deeply grounded in both nature and spirit, sometimes funny, often provocative, and always important.
1880-1966, Novelist

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Insight for Today 12/2/08

"Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."

Marianne Williamson
Author of A Return To Love

I Am Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a great Thanksgiving vacation and I forgot what it was like to eat tons of food before I started my weight loss program!!! It is really amazing after the hormones shots for 6 weeks and the 6 weeks maintenance program what is does for you! It really does set you body to where you will burn body fat faster like you were a kid again. I ate food like it was going out of style for a couple days and I only gained two pounds and I have already lost it in 3 days!!!!! I am still weighing 130 lbs. Getting the book "The Weight Loss Cure Program" by Kevin Trudeau was so worth it and doing the hormone shots was also so worth it! It was the best thing I ever did for my health.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! I will be out of town for a few days and I will be back!!!!!!

Insight for Today 11/26/08

"Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored."

Earl Nightingale
1921-1989, Radio Announcer, Author and Speaker

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am the Rich Dad Company Letter

We started another Rich Dad's ritual at our weekly Tuesdays 7:30am Round Table Meeting! We and our Rich Dad's Partner take turns reading the "I Am The Rich Dad Company" letter. See below:

I am the Rich Dad Company. Welcome to my world. A world of possibilities, a world of learning, a world of understanding. A take charge world. Through me, people of all walks of life, from around the globe have a shot t their dreams. See, I am not just a company, I am an awakener. I am a teacher. I am a community builder, along with an empowerer that has changed lives, and is resolute to keep changing lives for decades to come. I won’t stop. I am the Rich Dad Company and my mission on this earth is to elevate the financial well-being of humanity.

Is my task daunting? Hell, yes. Am I afraid? Never. Because the Rich dad Company thrives on leaps of faith. These leaps are the fires that ignite me and the catalysts of change. And with change comes growth. I believe following the status Quo is what got so many people into the mess they are in. Its going to take unwavering, fearless actions and words to awaken the hearts and minds of people who unknowingly have been following the blind, with the hope and belief that they have been following the enlightened.

I know otherwise. I’ve lived through the lies and saw the future with my own eyes. I am the Rich Dad Company and I don’t believe hope gets anyone anywhere. Why hope when you can learn, understand, take action, achieve results and get stronger? I am not a helper. I am a teacher, a tough teacher that some wont be able to handle. I don’t mind mince words, I rock most boats, I profess action and I demand hard work today for freedom and happiness tomorrow. But I also simplify the path and keep it fun, entertaining, experiential and unforgettable. That’s what good teachers do.

I know some people wont step up. They are simply too lazy, too scared, too comfortable, or are basking in the lull of false security to take charge of their lives. Some will come around. And when they do, I’ll be there with lots of entry points: Books they can read. Games they can play. Videos they can watch. Seminars they can attend. Coaches they can hire, just to name a few. I have many doors, and every one of them is open to the willing, no matter their standing in life. Taking control all starts with a dream.

Like those whom I teach, I am learning and growing, too. [I recognize that finding true happiness means expanding beyond a mission of financial well-being to a mission of complete well-being: in health and wellness, spiritual awakening, philanthropy, business building and purpose]. In essence, a Rich Life. And that is my next transformation. Because if we are not growing, then we are dying. Those who have transformed their lies through me, have tremendous stories to tell. They are stories of st rength, optimism, power, spirit and winning. These people are going beyond the basics of the Rich Dad principles. They are emerging into The Rich Life, and so am I.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Insight for Today 11/19/08

"If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad."

Denis Waitley

Author, Speaker and Trainer

Denis Waitley is one of America's most respected authors, keynote lecturers and productivity consultants on high performance human achievement.

He has inspired, informed, challenged and entertained audiences for over 25 years from the board rooms of multi-national corporations to the locker rooms of world-class athletes and in the meeting rooms of thousands of conventioneers throughout the world. Recently, he was voted business speaker of the year by the Sales and Marketing Executives' Association and by Toastmasters' International and inducted into the International Speakers' Hall of Fame.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coming soon is a Fashion Corner and it will be hosted by Brenda Acuna

She is our Rich Dad receptionist and she is a pretty stylist girl! Once a week she will be a guest on my blog regarding fashions for women. Hang around!!!!!!!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Good Morning Guys! 11/10/08

Wow can you believe it? Thanksgiving isn't here yet (but it will be shortly!) and Christmas Decorations are up in the store, and radio stations, and TV commercials!!!! I just put my Halloween Decorations down!!!!!! LOL

One thing I am grateful is my health and the weight I have lost since I started making changes in my life. Going from 243 - 245 down to 134 lbs as of 11/9/08 has been a challenging road and a great road to take. You learn so many lessons about process and what you can handle and push yourself to do, etc. I definitely would not trade this for anything. 2008 has been a great year for me, all about personal growth that really was needed. I have confidence I will make my ideal weight for my height and bone structure to 132 lbs! If I can do it so can you! I am the proof for losing the weight the healthy way.

I now have my goals written down for 2009 and I will be assisting in Jayne Johnson's Goals Setting Workshop with one of our Advisors Blair Singer (SalesDogs.com) 2/7 & 2/8, 2009.


Thursday, November 6, 2008




Insight for Today 11/6/08

"No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change."

Barbara DeAngelis

Insight for Today 11/5/08

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Albert Einstein
1879-1955, Physicist

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki Seminar October 3 Day 10/24, 10/25, & 10/25

I signed up to volunteer for the event and I thought it was the best event Robert has ever done!!!. It was so exciting to see the long long line of participants waiting impatiently to get their name badge and get started. It was a mad house! You have to have been there to experience the participants excitments!

During the three days I learn about the Mandrake Mechanism, (I wasn't understanding it from the "Creatures from Jykell Island" book till it was explained at the event by Kim Kiyosaki and Blair Singer!) the Federal Reserve System, (which I really honestly didn't know much about) The Dollar Crisis, PERT (Planning, Evaluation, Review, Technique), Synergetics, the dymaxion map, to name a few that I gathered while I was there. We even had a call in from G. Edward Griffin, author of the book "Creatures from Jykell Island along with Richard Duncan who wrote the book "The Dollar Crisis"!!!!

What I gathered is that it centered around issues and opportunities that are occurring in society right now. The federal reserve, the environment, the shrinking dollar, inflation, recession, investing..... and to realize that at my age I had no clue about and should have had years ago!!! This is the beauty of attend Robert Kiyosaki's events and having the advantage of working in his office. The learning never stops and I most certainly don't want it to!!

Right now at www.richdad.com Coming Soon is the three set DVD on How To Predict The Future you can purchase if you have missed the event and/or to tell others what is going on in our world with the economy!!!

Also check this out "Rich Dad Underground" for another volunteer's feedback on what he got out of the event


YEAH BABY I MADE MY LAST GOAL OF........................

I MADE MY LAST GOAL OF 135 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!! (SMILE)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Insight for Today 11/4/08

"It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness."

Bob Proctor
Author and Speaker

Insight for Today 11/2/08

"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free."

Catherine Ponder
Author of Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hi everyone! Update on my weight loss 9/29/08




Thursday, October 23, 2008

Insight for Today 10/23/008

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you."

Henry Ward Beecher
1813-1887, Preacher and Writer

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

At Last! Rich Dad Franchise Is Here!

Now You Can Make Money by Teaching in Your Spare Time

There’s never been a better time to get smarter about money. And Rich Dad Franchise makes it easy and fun. It’s becoming all too apparent, you can’t save your way to security or wealth, so the time is now to take charge. Rich Dad Franchise is the single best way to grow your own financial knowledge, teach others and make money doing it.

Start teaching, learning and making money today! Find out more.

Click Here!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Insight for Today 10/16/008

"Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you."

William James
1842-1910, Psychologist, Professor and Author

This quote is so true! That was my experience last nite as my daughter's boyfriend Mitchell help me with learning the codes for creating my own website!!! I really enjoyed it as my website is going to be on Purple(Black Rose in between)Linda: Health, Happiness, and Wealth! When this is finish I will go live with it and my blog will be incorporated in the website too! Watch out for it site the next coming attraction from me!! Yeah Baby!!

Here is a preview of a sample draft I started with:


Keep in mind the flower is not what I will be using, it is a sample we used so I can learn the code. (Cut and paste the link and open it in Internet Explorer to open it to see the same.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blair Singer 2 - Day Event 11/1/08 & 11/2/08

Blair Singer's
Authentic Sales & Leadership Program

  • Close more deals quicker, easier and with less effort
  • Motivate and persuade prospects to buy faster
  • Repeatedly sell to past customers
  • Attract laser-targetted referrals ready to buy
  • Inspire and influence your team to sell more
  • Captivate any audience to respond on-command
  • Automatically attract the "right" buyers and investors
  • Rake-in additional profits with uncovered niche markets

Insight for Today 10/15/008

"Part of being a champ is acting like a champ. You have to learn how to win and not run away when you lose. Everyone has bad stretches and real successes. Either way, you have to be careful not to lose your confidence or get too confident."

Nancy Kerrigan
Olympic Figure Skater

Friday, October 10, 2008

Publicity Alert! • Robert Kiyosaki - Tonight on... CNN’s 360 with Anderson Cooper

Host: Anderson Cooper

When: Airs on CNN
Friday, October 10
10 - 11 PM ET

Publicity Alert! • Robert Kiyosaki

Saturday on... Fox New’s Geraldo at Large

Host: Geraldo Rivera

When: Airs on Fox
Saturday, October 11
10 - 11 PM ET

Topic: What can people do to protect, invest and prosper in
these uncertain/unsettling economic times...

Robert will be appearing as a financial expert along with 2 political experts.



Thursday, October 9, 2008

Insight for Today 10/9/008

"Most fears cannot withstand the test of careful scrutiny and analysis. When we expose our fears to the light of thoughtful examination they usually just evaporate."

Jack Canfield
Speaker and Author
See more of Jack Canfield at: http://www.reachmy2008goals.com

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rich Dad's Franchise

Make Money, Real Money, Playing CASHFLOW

To find out more click here..............

Ken McElroy's view of the Market & The ABC's of Property Management

Scroll down to see what Ken thinks about the current real estate market. The blog below first appeared on Ken's website on August 6, 2008.

Along with cooler weather, fall brings back-to-school activities, homework and a great opportunity to read and continue your education.

We've got a new book for you: Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Property Management.

Ken wrote the book about property management to help others understand the amount of time and effort it takes to properly manage investment property. The book dispenses invaluable tools on what pitfalls to look out for while making savvy management choices.
Readers will learn:
When to manage a property or hire someone else to do it
How to implement the right systems and structures for investment
How to manage cash-flow and understanding the condition of your property's market
How to find a good property manager (and avoid the bad ones)
How to assemble a superior management team

Get Connected! Members all received a personalized copy of The
ABC's of Property Management as a gift from Ken. Join the
membership site on or before October 31, 2008 and Ken will send a personalized copy of the book to you.

To join go to www.KenMcElroy.com and click on the Get Connected! box on the left.

Note: Ken has donated all of his proceeds from the ABC's of Property Management to the McKenzie Monks Foundation to help kids cope with their cancer treatments. See www.McKenzieMonksFoundation.org for more information.

Read below to see what Ken thinks about the current real estate market.
The blog below first appeared on Ken's website on August 6th.

Frequently, I am asked about my opinion on status of the current real estate market, it is a loaded question but one that I enjoy answering.
There are numerous statistics and articles that are on the topic of real estate on a daily basis. You can get varying opinions on the real estate "bottom" on most every major financial magazine, throughout the internet and all the major newspapers. It seems that everyone has their opinion on the magnitude of the problem and when it will be "back to normal". It can be frustrating and confusing because there are so many different and conflicting opinions and please.....be very careful of those that have an alternative view point while pushing their own agenda.

The reason that the real estate market is so important is obvious. The success of the housing market determines peoples spending habits. It is no secret that, retail is way off, travel is down because the cost to travel is way up...even the casino industry is down. The rising cost oil has a large impact on this as well but not for those that invested in appreciating assets as much as those that invested in depreciating assets. If you have assets that are going down in value and they are not cash flowing, they are depreciating and they are worth less than you paid.

The last 10 years many people used their homes like an ATM machine to buy mostly depreciating assets, like boats, TV's and big SUV's. Try selling your 2006 H2 Hummer on today's market and you will get $30,000, this car was over $60,000 just two years ago! And how about that flat screen TV? I decided to look on Craig's list and guess what? You can buy a PANASONIC 36" Flat Screen HDTV Television w/Remote & Manual for $25.

On the contrary, if you invested your hard earned money into appreciating assets, like gold, silver, or real estate you might have done very well, depending on your choices. There are many, many businesses and industries that are booming as we speak. I personally moved most of my holdings into these three categories. I bought silver when it was at $9 per ounce, it is now over $18 per ounce. I bought multifamily housing in areas that needed more rental housing. On just one property we have increased the value by about $4 million in one year, a 20% increase.

These are considered appreciating assets. They have grown in value and so have I. The question is how and why did I know to make these moves at the right times? I became educated on how to manage my own money. I understand the questions to ask if I am investing and if I do not know, I ask until I do understand. So many people just transfer their money into blind investments without really understanding the costs, fees, commissions and the industry that they invested in. It might surprise you that many money managers still get paid an annual fee to manage your account regardless of the performance.

If you are trying to time the market, perfectly, then you have more of a gambling mentality than a long term investment strategy. Most people understand the concept of buy low and sell high. They don't want to buy too early.....or too late. While I understand this theory, the overwhelming majority of the people want to know this information so they can calculate the "equity" in their investment, so they can sell or start "flipping" again, for a quick gain.

Doesn't anyone learn their lesson?

Part 2 of this two part blog originally appeared on www.KenMcElroy.com on Monday, August 11, 2008.

Kim Obert
Marketing and Public Relations
KenMcElroy.com | kim@KenMcElroy.com
MC Companies | kobert@mccompanies.com

8553 E San Alberto Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USA

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YEAH YOU HEARD RIGHT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Insight for Today 10/7/08

"Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."

Ellen Glasgow
1874-1945, Novelist

Monday, October 6, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer - As Capitalism Crumbles, U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up the Pieces

Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 12:00AM

As we all know, the world changed drastically on Sept. 11, 2001, when the twin towers of the World Trade Center fell.

This year, on the eve of Sept. 11, the twin towers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crumbled. Then, on Sept. 15, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch disappeared. Actually, that was a triple-tower collapse if you count AIG.

In a few years, the biggest pair of towers will collapse: Social Security and Medicare. Even today, they're looking shaky. How many ground zeros can we as people, a nation, and a world withstand before we admit something is very wrong with our global financial systems? What will it take to wake us up? READ ON.....................

The Master Mindset - Emotions and Intelligence by for Rich Dad IT - John Sierferth

During my time at the Rich Dad Company, I became friends with many of the advisors to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. One of the advisors that I learned the most from is Blair Singer. He wrote the Rich Dad Advisor books, Sales Dogs and The ABCs of Building Business Teams That Win.

He is also one of the MOST incredible speakers I have ever heard. I attended one of his two day seminars FOUR TIMES in the last six years. He motivates, inspires and teaches real-life concepts that immediately produce results. I am very proud to call him a friend.

One of the most significant and simple lessons he taught me was the concept of emotions vs. intelligence You see, these two very human traits have an inverse relationship. In other words, when one is high, the other is low, and vice versa. This is evident in a number of every-day examples that I am certain we all have been through.

Have you ever heard someone on the radio that is willing to do ANYTHING to get a pair of concert tickets? Eat bugs, streak through the park, sing karaoke.

Most of the time, their emotions are extremely high. And needless to say, their intelligence is low. Duh! Would they normally do those things? Maybe.

Another example is the ubiquitous fight with a loved one. When emotions are running high, we tend to say some pretty stupid things. And we regret it later, when our emotions are low. We realize that at that moment, our intelligence was lower than a snake's belly.

Anyway, I wanted to share this important but simple concept so you can recognize when this is happening. What you do at that point is your choice. Leave a comment if you found this valuable. I want to hear from you!




Friday, October 3, 2008

Weight Loss Update for 10/3/08


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Don't Miss This...................

NEW! From the Rich Dad Company!

If Rich Dad Poor Dad changed your life, and playing the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game made learning about investing fun and profitable, th en continue to increase your financial IQ and make money doing it. It's Rich Dad's Franchise, as a franchise owner you can spend afternoons, weekends, or as much as you want teaching others how to escape from the Rat Race!

Click here...................


In a video interview monetary historian and precious metals expert Michael Maloney weighs in on why this current financial crisis was so predictable.
Why brokerage houses were allowed to combine with banks in the late 1990’s and why this led to a financial bubble.
What a “derivative contract” is, why they are so dangerous and how they are growing exponentially.
How the “Psychology of Bubbles” work and why commodities and the precious metals are going to be the next great bubble.

To view this video click here.

If you haven't read the book that predicted all of this (and tells you what will happen next) you might want to check it out.

Uncanny Financial Ability

Uncanny Financial Ability

This is very weird but this guy has an uncanny ability to
predict financial events.


I've watched him predict events for the past 20+ years of
our friendship and I'd swear Robert Kiyosaki has some kind
of financial crystal ball. Clearly, he's a money prophet ;-)

The downside is that his advice can also wreak HAVOC on the
minds of the people who like to ignore the future
consequences of the recent crashes Lehman Brothers, AIG,
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the list goes on...

It's not the smartest thing to do but some people like to
think "everything's fine" and blindly follow "conventional"
financial advice.

But like the old saying goes, "you can RUN but you can't
HIDE", and our current financial system sure isn't hiding
very well right now... wouldn't you agree?

DO NOT hide from what's happening in the market! Instead,
do what Robert and I are doing - preparing to CAPITALIZE on

Robert wants to offer you HIS unique insight in a live tele-
training event.

If you want to avoid becoming a victim of the coming
FINANCIAL CRISIS and learn how you can predict, change and
create your very own financial future then get registered
for a live tele-training event with us...


Causing having with commissions?

Causing having with commissions?

t's a bit crazy, I know.

My previous email seems to have hit a chord with folks from
both camps. The idea is loved by some, hated by others. But,
here's the deal...

I brought up the idea of putting everyone in the world on

The full article is still available:

Now, regardless of what you're thinking I'm not someone out
to cause havoc. There's a reason I bring this up...

Behind a paycheck, tenure, guarantees and salaries there is
the ability to lie to yourself. To make believe that you're
someone that you aren't and that outside circumstances
really dictate your situation.

The GIFT of being in sales and of being directly rewarded
for what you accomplish, is that every day you get to look
in the mirror and see who you really are.

Clearly, knowing who you really are is the better choice
for achieving your dreams. Wouldn't you agree?

Be awesome,


P.S. You probably want to get the complete article for the
full story. Plus, you'll get a whole lot more good stuff
along with it.

There's only one day left, though. Get it all here...


Delusional thoughts

Delusional thoughts

This is horrible.

It stinks worse than a mouthful of onions and garlic and
it's bad (real bad!) for business... "commission breath."

You've smelled it at some point, no doubt. When someone is
too hungry for a deal and need it too badly. People can
smell it and, frankly, they run. (hey, I'll admit that I've
been plagued by my own "commission breath.")

But wait, on the other side are those that smell sterile.
These people pack up their cubicle at 4:45 every day. They
couldn't care one way or the other because they're getting a
paycheck no matter what.

So, what's the middle ground?

I had this delusional thought... put everyone in the world
on commission.

Would it work? Could the two sides meet in the middle for
everyone's advantage?

What do you think? Let me know.