Well, after hearing Robert Kiyosaki keep on insisting we need to take care of our health and how health care system are costing us and benefits are going to get harder if you have health problems and so, on. Robert has brought on Dr Kent, Dr Ellsworth, and Dr Jeff to our company. I finally decided to get of my butt and get myself healthy again. Here I am going on 54 and weighting 2** and have high blood pressure and on three different Medicines. I was getting tired of my doctor for every time something goes wrong with me just give me more medicines, more toxic stuff for my body. Plus I love to enjoy drinking wine at nite. I wasn't realizing how much wine I was drinking till I decided to quit for a while. My goal is to get off my high blood pressure medicines and/or at least get the dosage down quite a bit. I don't drink my wine Sunday through Thursday (5 days a week) and have only a glass or maybe two of wine Friday and Saturday nite. I had to decrease my intake of dairy product and really cut down on the cheese. I really love milk, melted cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream etc. They say that what you love and crave for could be allergies to you. I now have a Naturopathic physician and I am on all kinds of natural vitamins. My testings was pretty bad and I am pretty toxic. Next goal is to detox my body and take a food allergies testing to see what my body is allergic to and what causes my sinus. Also my metabolism is really really low so hopefully the vitamins will help. One good thing about eating healthy is I do love salads and veggies. Love green veggies and so the last two weeks been eating healthy food. So far lost 4 lbs. Still got a ways to go. I now go to the gym on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for 40 minutes each time. I will write more on this in a couple of weeks and let you know my results!