FR: Blair Singer
RE: Do you have "the network?"
Have you seen this? It's a television commercial from
Verizon Wireless.
A customer of theirs is out in public. When folks tell him
that their own wireless coverage in the area is bad or that
lack of good coverage will put him in jeopardy he simply
shrugs and points to a huge mob of friendly people following
him and answers with something like, "I'm okay. I've got the
It's a pretty amusing image but highly effective... so long
as you have a strong network, you're covered.
Here's the thing: this image isn't applicable to just
wireless service. The same message can be applied to your
So long as you have a team or network supporting you, you're
that much more capable of handling anything that comes at
Now for the million dollar question:
"How good is your team/network?"
The better your team, the better your business. Period.
As a business owner, surrounding yourself with a talented,
capable and winning team should be at the forefront of your
What I often do is take a look at my business and make sure
I still have the right people for the job. Plus, I'm always
looking to make new connections and maintain a healthy
relationship with the people in my network.
People make business happen. The strength of the people in
your network often indicates the success of you and your
Be awesome,
P.S. Join me tomorrow, August 6th, when I get on the phone
with the owner of a massage therapist business. I'll be
working with her in taking a look at her network and other
areas she may be able to strengthen her business.
Got questions? Need service? Call us at 480-994-9390
4330 Civic Center Dr. #203, Scottsdale, AZ 85251