Monday, September 29, 2008

Hi everyone! Update on my weight loss 9/29/08

I was out on VACATION last week and I am back to work! I am now at 145 lbs and have been holding so far for about 2 and half weeks!! Third new goal is 140 and probably will be where I will stay at. It is being really hard losing 5 more lbs and it is possible I will need to do a 3 weeks program with the shots again. Trying to avoid it but now I don't know.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Weight Loss Update 9/22/08

I am at 144 lbs!! I stayed at 145 lbs for a week and just finally dropped to 144 lbs!!! 4 more to go to 140 lbs for my third goal!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rich Dad Water Cooler blog 9/17/08

Here is the latest posts on the blog!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Please respond

Hello All,

I need a little help. I have a question that has me stumped, so I’d love some feedback. Here’s the question: Who cares if Lehman Brothers goes belly-up? Who does this really effect? I can understand the rare individual who placed his/her whole retirement plan in their stock. I get that. But generally people invest in mutual funds, stupid as that may be, and while this may hurt the mutual fund, it doesn’t wipe it out. So it kind of sucks, but doesn’t ruin anybody.

Then I hear it effects inflation. Does it? The government didn’t bail them out. The government did not print more money to fix the problem. Where’s the inflation? From unemployment? Then we should bitch about the automobile industry more. They shut down plants all the time. Or we should complain about the companies that ship jobs overseas.

The government didn’t raise taxes to bail them out. That argument is a joke anyways. We don’t raise taxes, we just print more money.

So I don’t get it. Help me out here. Is there anyone out there who is truly effected by this? More than the rise in gas prices?

Jack B. Confused

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Accountants and Lawyers Aren't Green or Triple Breasted

I don’t know if you’ve watched the Tuesday meeting from the 9th or not, but one thing from that meeting really connected with me. The article for the meeting was: NEW RULES FOR THE NEW ECONOMY…….Kevin Kelly.

The part that really made me stop and think was:

10) Opportunities Before Efficiencies. As fortunes are made by training machines to be ever more efficient, there is yet far greater wealth to be had by unleashing the inefficient discovery and creation of new opportunities.

This speaks to a character flaw of mine. I tend to jump before think. I fail to research the height, distance and softness of the ground I’ll be landing on. This has gotten me in more trouble than I can express here. Like the time I just wanted to get drunk and get some action in a new town. A little research would have prevented me from going into that gay bar. FAB-U-LOUS!!! Or the time I was depressed and went to the nearest “church” to get some spiritual uplift. I didn’t even know churches existed to worship green skinned aliens with three breasts and ten arms (yeah, TOTALLY hot!).

BUT, sometimes this trait is good. I met my fourth wife and married her after only three weeks of knowing her. I’ve been all over the world and met all sorts of people (including possible alien descendants – no, only two breasts) and experienced all sorts of crazy and adventure.

In business it’s good too. Robert, or Daddy Bigbucks as I like to call him, always says you cannot have a company run by accountants and lawyers. They will never take the opportunity, or the adventure. They will stick with what they know and die a slow death. They will become more efficient and drain every cent from every dollar, but they won’t see new opportunities and eventually the world will pass them by.

Business needs to be headed by a visionary, someone who sees an opportunity and jumps. Then he/she can let the dullards, I mean, accountants and lawyers come in and make the landing smoother and efficient. If the geeks, I mean, attorneys and accountants had to do the jumping they would spend all their time researching wind speed, angles, trajectories and crap. They would never jump.

Of course if everyone in the company was a “jumper” then it would look like medusa’s hair – going in ten directions and with no true shape. Not to mention creepy and poisonous, hmm maybe SHE was an alien. If everyone was a bore, I mean, accountant or lawyer the hair would look perfect. It’s just that it would be a hair cut from the eighties – FOREVER. Think Flock of Seagulls. They HAD to be aliens.

So my point is, that a company needs both the visionaries and the wieners, I mean accountants and lawyers. Just make sure the visionary is in the lead and wieners are tucked in.

Jack U. Oupp

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Complicated Stuff? by Blair Singer

There's a guy out there who's literally cleaning up in terms
of generating massive cash out of a simple hundred dollar

He's a cashflow master.

That's why Robert Kiyosaki and I like him so much... he gets

Anyway, he and I had a conversation where he spilled the
beans on his secret (proving that investment is NOT as
complicated as some folks make it)

Naturally, I recorded the conversation and you can grab it
over here:

Be awesome,


P.S. I've got some videos coming out soon that you're really
going to enjoy.

But for now, check this out:

Monday, September 15, 2008


YEAH BABY!!!!!! 145 LBS!!! - My third Goal is 140 lbs now!

The Ugly Truth About Sales by Blair Singer

Here's a fact about sales...

Millions of people wake up every morning to go out and earn
a living through sales. At the end of the day, the vast
majority of these people return home having sold... NOTHING.

Sounds crazy, doesn't it?

Every one of these sales pros had great expectations of
making a sale, earning a commission, of enriching their
lifestyle and growing their income. What they didn't know
was how to... SELL WELL.

If you've ever witnessed the revolving door of many sales
positions (people come, people go) then you also know that
many of the companies and sales managers don't necessarily
care if you truly succeed or not.

If you fail, then they bring in the next person in line who
will make a couple of sales before quitting. And it keeps
going on like this.

Pretty disgusting, if you ask me. It's purely a greed
mentality on the management's part. There's no real
leadership, no team building, no strengthening of skills.

Now, it may sound like I'm saying "bah, humbug!" to sales.
I'm actually just highlighting an ugly fact about parts of
the sales industry.

To be fair, sales is a richly rewarding, exciting, and fun
profession. Some of the richest people in the world have the
wealth that they do because of their ability to sell.

What I'm trying to get at is that whether or not your sales
manager or company cares about your success or not, your
success in sales is largely your responsibility.

Think of a top athlete. Their coach can only help them get
so far. It's up to the athlete to push themselves so they
score that one extra point, jump that one inch higher or
whatever the case may be.

For a top athlete, victories aren't forged on the gamefield,
they're won in practice.

If you make a living in sales, then start thinking of
yourself as a Sales Athlete. The more you practice and hone
your skills the more deals you will close and the richer you
will become.

Be awesome,


Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Insight for Today 9/11/08

"Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest."

Beatrix Potter
1866-1943, Author and Illustrator

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Insight for Today 9/10/08

"See that any time you feel pained or defeated, it is only because you insist on clinging to what doesn't work. Dare to let go and you won't lose a thing except for a punishing idea." Guy Finley Author of The Secret of Letting Go

Guy Finley
Author of The Secret of Letting Go

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Weight Loss Update for 9/9/08


Insight for Today 9/9/08

"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves."

Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
1767-1835, German Statesman

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Rich Dad Water Cooler blog

Starring, Jack, Kathy, and Bob. Want the dirt? Get no holds barred commentary on today's topics and the happening at Rich Dad from the folks at the water cooler. Visit their blog here......

Also below is a commentary from Bob regarding 2008 Us Presidential Election is a total JOKE!

Friday, September 5, 2008

The 2008 US Presidential election is a Total JOKE

For six years I've heard Robert say over and over again that both the democratic and republican parties are no different from one another. After the 2004 election, I started to believe him. As I watch the DNC and RNC this year, I can see that they really are the same. Both parties want to increase spending (even though they talk about cutting it), both claim to be able to deliver on outlandish ideas, and both make promises to make the United States more secure from "terror". I think the current system of politics is laughable at best. Especially when it's pretty clear that the republicans cut taxes but print more money (deficit spending) and the democrats raise taxes and print more money as well.
I bring up printing money because the United States has been freely printing dollars since Aug, 1971 when President Nixon pulled us off the gold standard. What does this mean? It means that there is nothing backing the dollar- only confidence is keeping the dollar propped up. This is what has kept me from being positive in a presidential election- the fact that money is printed, the US goes deeper in debt, and the rest of the world MUST continue to invest in the US in order to keep this whole thing going- NO MATTER WHAT PARTY IS IN POWER. The United States is an empire and a using a fiat currency- someday, that empire will fail and have to pull back as did the British Empire along with countless other empires....
The United States has set up a police station in the Middle East- namely Iraq and Afghanistan.
The idea that the Iraq war needs to come to an end all all troops will be withdrawn is a joke and will never happen. Yet Barack states that's what he wants to do. McCain claims that we need to "win the war on terror".
Do you really think that the US will pull out of Iraq under either party after the largest US Embassy in history was completed in Baghdad?
Do you really think that the US will pull out of Iraq, located in a region where 65% of the recoverable crude oil on the planet is located?
I would like to think that this scenario will change for the better but I'm highly doubtful. Barack Obama's claim that he can "change" America is just as laughable as McCain's. What a joke.....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rich Dad Poor Dad' co-authors settle lawsuit

Yes you heard right!!!!! The article is in the Az Republic newspaper.

Click here

THIS IS SO TRUE!!! Insight for Today 9/3/08

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

Bill Cosby
Actor and Comedian
Click to hear quote!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

3 Day seminar – last “live Robert” event of 2008 - "How To Predict THE FUTURE"

"How To Predict THE FUTURE"

A 3 - Day Seminar with Robert Kiyosaki October 24th to October 26th Scottsdale, AZ

We are currently working on the brochure to send out to our database of customers.

In September of 1981 Robert met with Dr Fuller. In 1981 Robert's life changed, My life changed because of my future changed. My future changed because I found the answer to my question:


IN 1981 Robert was a manufacturer with factorie in Korea, Taiwan, and Hawaii. In September of 1981 my career as a manufacturer ended and he became an educator because he could foresee the economic turmoil the world is in today.

During the 3 - Day Seminar Robert will focus on topics that includes:

1. How to Predict the Future
2. How to Create Your Future
3. How to Print Your Own Money

Price $5,ooo US
Special Discount for early regitrations
First 200 to register will receive a copy of Grunch of Giant

Update to Linda's Weight Loss 9/2/08

On 8/31/08 I made it to 149 lbs!! Broke the 150 mark but then 9/1/08 was back up to 150 lbs and still holding!!!! I will get below that mark and make my goal of 145 lbs!!! YEAH!!! (SMILE)

(Now I need to get my hair to grow a little longer LOL)