Thursday, October 23, 2008

Insight for Today 10/23/008

"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you."

Henry Ward Beecher
1813-1887, Preacher and Writer

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

At Last! Rich Dad Franchise Is Here!

Now You Can Make Money by Teaching in Your Spare Time

There’s never been a better time to get smarter about money. And Rich Dad Franchise makes it easy and fun. It’s becoming all too apparent, you can’t save your way to security or wealth, so the time is now to take charge. Rich Dad Franchise is the single best way to grow your own financial knowledge, teach others and make money doing it.

Start teaching, learning and making money today! Find out more.

Click Here!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Insight for Today 10/16/008

"Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you."

William James
1842-1910, Psychologist, Professor and Author

This quote is so true! That was my experience last nite as my daughter's boyfriend Mitchell help me with learning the codes for creating my own website!!! I really enjoyed it as my website is going to be on Purple(Black Rose in between)Linda: Health, Happiness, and Wealth! When this is finish I will go live with it and my blog will be incorporated in the website too! Watch out for it site the next coming attraction from me!! Yeah Baby!!

Here is a preview of a sample draft I started with:


Keep in mind the flower is not what I will be using, it is a sample we used so I can learn the code. (Cut and paste the link and open it in Internet Explorer to open it to see the same.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blair Singer 2 - Day Event 11/1/08 & 11/2/08

Blair Singer's
Authentic Sales & Leadership Program

  • Close more deals quicker, easier and with less effort
  • Motivate and persuade prospects to buy faster
  • Repeatedly sell to past customers
  • Attract laser-targetted referrals ready to buy
  • Inspire and influence your team to sell more
  • Captivate any audience to respond on-command
  • Automatically attract the "right" buyers and investors
  • Rake-in additional profits with uncovered niche markets

Insight for Today 10/15/008

"Part of being a champ is acting like a champ. You have to learn how to win and not run away when you lose. Everyone has bad stretches and real successes. Either way, you have to be careful not to lose your confidence or get too confident."

Nancy Kerrigan
Olympic Figure Skater

Friday, October 10, 2008

Publicity Alert! • Robert Kiyosaki - Tonight on... CNN’s 360 with Anderson Cooper

Host: Anderson Cooper

When: Airs on CNN
Friday, October 10
10 - 11 PM ET

Publicity Alert! • Robert Kiyosaki

Saturday on... Fox New’s Geraldo at Large

Host: Geraldo Rivera

When: Airs on Fox
Saturday, October 11
10 - 11 PM ET

Topic: What can people do to protect, invest and prosper in
these uncertain/unsettling economic times...

Robert will be appearing as a financial expert along with 2 political experts.



Thursday, October 9, 2008

Insight for Today 10/9/008

"Most fears cannot withstand the test of careful scrutiny and analysis. When we expose our fears to the light of thoughtful examination they usually just evaporate."

Jack Canfield
Speaker and Author
See more of Jack Canfield at:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rich Dad's Franchise

Make Money, Real Money, Playing CASHFLOW

To find out more click here..............

Ken McElroy's view of the Market & The ABC's of Property Management

Scroll down to see what Ken thinks about the current real estate market. The blog below first appeared on Ken's website on August 6, 2008.

Along with cooler weather, fall brings back-to-school activities, homework and a great opportunity to read and continue your education.

We've got a new book for you: Rich Dad's Advisors: The ABC's of Property Management.

Ken wrote the book about property management to help others understand the amount of time and effort it takes to properly manage investment property. The book dispenses invaluable tools on what pitfalls to look out for while making savvy management choices.
Readers will learn:
When to manage a property or hire someone else to do it
How to implement the right systems and structures for investment
How to manage cash-flow and understanding the condition of your property's market
How to find a good property manager (and avoid the bad ones)
How to assemble a superior management team

Get Connected! Members all received a personalized copy of The
ABC's of Property Management as a gift from Ken. Join the
membership site on or before October 31, 2008 and Ken will send a personalized copy of the book to you.

To join go to and click on the Get Connected! box on the left.

Note: Ken has donated all of his proceeds from the ABC's of Property Management to the McKenzie Monks Foundation to help kids cope with their cancer treatments. See for more information.

Read below to see what Ken thinks about the current real estate market.
The blog below first appeared on Ken's website on August 6th.

Frequently, I am asked about my opinion on status of the current real estate market, it is a loaded question but one that I enjoy answering.
There are numerous statistics and articles that are on the topic of real estate on a daily basis. You can get varying opinions on the real estate "bottom" on most every major financial magazine, throughout the internet and all the major newspapers. It seems that everyone has their opinion on the magnitude of the problem and when it will be "back to normal". It can be frustrating and confusing because there are so many different and conflicting opinions and very careful of those that have an alternative view point while pushing their own agenda.

The reason that the real estate market is so important is obvious. The success of the housing market determines peoples spending habits. It is no secret that, retail is way off, travel is down because the cost to travel is way up...even the casino industry is down. The rising cost oil has a large impact on this as well but not for those that invested in appreciating assets as much as those that invested in depreciating assets. If you have assets that are going down in value and they are not cash flowing, they are depreciating and they are worth less than you paid.

The last 10 years many people used their homes like an ATM machine to buy mostly depreciating assets, like boats, TV's and big SUV's. Try selling your 2006 H2 Hummer on today's market and you will get $30,000, this car was over $60,000 just two years ago! And how about that flat screen TV? I decided to look on Craig's list and guess what? You can buy a PANASONIC 36" Flat Screen HDTV Television w/Remote & Manual for $25.

On the contrary, if you invested your hard earned money into appreciating assets, like gold, silver, or real estate you might have done very well, depending on your choices. There are many, many businesses and industries that are booming as we speak. I personally moved most of my holdings into these three categories. I bought silver when it was at $9 per ounce, it is now over $18 per ounce. I bought multifamily housing in areas that needed more rental housing. On just one property we have increased the value by about $4 million in one year, a 20% increase.

These are considered appreciating assets. They have grown in value and so have I. The question is how and why did I know to make these moves at the right times? I became educated on how to manage my own money. I understand the questions to ask if I am investing and if I do not know, I ask until I do understand. So many people just transfer their money into blind investments without really understanding the costs, fees, commissions and the industry that they invested in. It might surprise you that many money managers still get paid an annual fee to manage your account regardless of the performance.

If you are trying to time the market, perfectly, then you have more of a gambling mentality than a long term investment strategy. Most people understand the concept of buy low and sell high. They don't want to buy too early.....or too late. While I understand this theory, the overwhelming majority of the people want to know this information so they can calculate the "equity" in their investment, so they can sell or start "flipping" again, for a quick gain.

Doesn't anyone learn their lesson?

Part 2 of this two part blog originally appeared on on Monday, August 11, 2008.

Kim Obert
Marketing and Public Relations |
MC Companies |

8553 E San Alberto Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


YEAH YOU HEARD RIGHT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Insight for Today 10/7/08

"Nothing in life is so hard that you can't make it easier by the way you take it."

Ellen Glasgow
1874-1945, Novelist

Monday, October 6, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki Why the Rich Get Richer - As Capitalism Crumbles, U.S. Taxpayers Pick Up the Pieces

Posted on Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 12:00AM

As we all know, the world changed drastically on Sept. 11, 2001, when the twin towers of the World Trade Center fell.

This year, on the eve of Sept. 11, the twin towers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac crumbled. Then, on Sept. 15, Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch disappeared. Actually, that was a triple-tower collapse if you count AIG.

In a few years, the biggest pair of towers will collapse: Social Security and Medicare. Even today, they're looking shaky. How many ground zeros can we as people, a nation, and a world withstand before we admit something is very wrong with our global financial systems? What will it take to wake us up? READ ON.....................

The Master Mindset - Emotions and Intelligence by for Rich Dad IT - John Sierferth

During my time at the Rich Dad Company, I became friends with many of the advisors to Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. One of the advisors that I learned the most from is Blair Singer. He wrote the Rich Dad Advisor books, Sales Dogs and The ABCs of Building Business Teams That Win.

He is also one of the MOST incredible speakers I have ever heard. I attended one of his two day seminars FOUR TIMES in the last six years. He motivates, inspires and teaches real-life concepts that immediately produce results. I am very proud to call him a friend.

One of the most significant and simple lessons he taught me was the concept of emotions vs. intelligence You see, these two very human traits have an inverse relationship. In other words, when one is high, the other is low, and vice versa. This is evident in a number of every-day examples that I am certain we all have been through.

Have you ever heard someone on the radio that is willing to do ANYTHING to get a pair of concert tickets? Eat bugs, streak through the park, sing karaoke.

Most of the time, their emotions are extremely high. And needless to say, their intelligence is low. Duh! Would they normally do those things? Maybe.

Another example is the ubiquitous fight with a loved one. When emotions are running high, we tend to say some pretty stupid things. And we regret it later, when our emotions are low. We realize that at that moment, our intelligence was lower than a snake's belly.

Anyway, I wanted to share this important but simple concept so you can recognize when this is happening. What you do at that point is your choice. Leave a comment if you found this valuable. I want to hear from you!




Friday, October 3, 2008

Weight Loss Update for 10/3/08


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Don't Miss This...................

NEW! From the Rich Dad Company!

If Rich Dad Poor Dad changed your life, and playing the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game made learning about investing fun and profitable, th en continue to increase your financial IQ and make money doing it. It's Rich Dad's Franchise, as a franchise owner you can spend afternoons, weekends, or as much as you want teaching others how to escape from the Rat Race!

Click here...................


In a video interview monetary historian and precious metals expert Michael Maloney weighs in on why this current financial crisis was so predictable.
Why brokerage houses were allowed to combine with banks in the late 1990’s and why this led to a financial bubble.
What a “derivative contract” is, why they are so dangerous and how they are growing exponentially.
How the “Psychology of Bubbles” work and why commodities and the precious metals are going to be the next great bubble.

To view this video click here.

If you haven't read the book that predicted all of this (and tells you what will happen next) you might want to check it out.

Uncanny Financial Ability

Uncanny Financial Ability

This is very weird but this guy has an uncanny ability to
predict financial events.

I've watched him predict events for the past 20+ years of
our friendship and I'd swear Robert Kiyosaki has some kind
of financial crystal ball. Clearly, he's a money prophet ;-)

The downside is that his advice can also wreak HAVOC on the
minds of the people who like to ignore the future
consequences of the recent crashes Lehman Brothers, AIG,
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the list goes on...

It's not the smartest thing to do but some people like to
think "everything's fine" and blindly follow "conventional"
financial advice.

But like the old saying goes, "you can RUN but you can't
HIDE", and our current financial system sure isn't hiding
very well right now... wouldn't you agree?

DO NOT hide from what's happening in the market! Instead,
do what Robert and I are doing - preparing to CAPITALIZE on

Robert wants to offer you HIS unique insight in a live tele-
training event.

If you want to avoid becoming a victim of the coming
FINANCIAL CRISIS and learn how you can predict, change and
create your very own financial future then get registered
for a live tele-training event with us...

Causing having with commissions?

Causing having with commissions?

t's a bit crazy, I know.

My previous email seems to have hit a chord with folks from
both camps. The idea is loved by some, hated by others. But,
here's the deal...

I brought up the idea of putting everyone in the world on

The full article is still available:

Now, regardless of what you're thinking I'm not someone out
to cause havoc. There's a reason I bring this up...

Behind a paycheck, tenure, guarantees and salaries there is
the ability to lie to yourself. To make believe that you're
someone that you aren't and that outside circumstances
really dictate your situation.

The GIFT of being in sales and of being directly rewarded
for what you accomplish, is that every day you get to look
in the mirror and see who you really are.

Clearly, knowing who you really are is the better choice
for achieving your dreams. Wouldn't you agree?

Be awesome,


P.S. You probably want to get the complete article for the
full story. Plus, you'll get a whole lot more good stuff
along with it.

There's only one day left, though. Get it all here...

Delusional thoughts

Delusional thoughts

This is horrible.

It stinks worse than a mouthful of onions and garlic and
it's bad (real bad!) for business... "commission breath."

You've smelled it at some point, no doubt. When someone is
too hungry for a deal and need it too badly. People can
smell it and, frankly, they run. (hey, I'll admit that I've
been plagued by my own "commission breath.")

But wait, on the other side are those that smell sterile.
These people pack up their cubicle at 4:45 every day. They
couldn't care one way or the other because they're getting a
paycheck no matter what.

So, what's the middle ground?

I had this delusional thought... put everyone in the world
on commission.

Would it work? Could the two sides meet in the middle for
everyone's advantage?

What do you think? Let me know.