Tom Wheelwright read the I Am The Rich Dad Company Letter
RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Coaching = 1,497
RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Education = 1,233
RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Franchising = 2,278
Robert had us discussed what pop out at you when Tom Wheelwright read the I Am the Rich Dad Company Letter:
In my group:
For me - I rock most boat
Debra - evolution - evolution change, make those changes now
Trina - unwaveringly fearless action and the same with her husband
Kat - expanding beyond the financial means - expanding your knowledge
Coaching - some people don't, some people do - some people wont' step up, when they do we will be there
Education - same thing as coaching that some people won't step up and when they do we will be there
Discuss for a couple of minutes discuss who you know that is basking inf false security, some one you know that has lost their job, etc.
Kim - someone she knows where she brought her land rover vehicle, the company went under, the owner trying to find jobs for his employees, then was worrying about getting a job himself, and so on. Then as she was leaving he ran out and shouted he got a job and Kim asked what kind of job, he said across the street doing the same thing he was doing where he was at, car industry. Same problem. Kim's point was the mindset the guy had: I got a job, etc.
This is basking in false security. It is the mindset of Americans through turbulence times.
Robert discussed the Depression 1954 lasted 25 years, etc. There is no middle class anymore in the third world countries, example in Mexico is nothing but either poor or rich peoplehttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
1987 and 2007 stock crash, major change in the world, new technology before the decade ends as per Bucky Fuller. Whole new real estate out there being fought for.
You cannot get out of the way of things you can't see coming at you - change coming at you - that's why financial education is so crucial, we are entering a change that is a million times bigger than Columbus discovering America.
Trump said you can be the smartest guy in school and get a job in the wrong industry.
Robert started discussing the invisible world and Kat brought up about her sister playing online virtaul world called Second Life.com. How you can buy real estate for a dollar or something, clothes for 4 cents, building your virtual world online and live in it and to check it out -
secondlife.comPer Bucky Fuller we went from Industrial age to the Information age.
Produce more, share more to get paid, the idea that you are valuable is obsolete. Change is tremendous it is incredible biggest change in the history of the world - if we make that change we will win - got to be able to see what you can't see now.
Discuss change, what you can see and compare with what your mind see, etc for a couple of minutes.
Trina - using the bible belief what Jesus said, believe in what you couldn't see, etc.
Debra - the possiblynot receiving a pay check no more, something that is tangible, invisibly world idea, etc.
Robert: figure out where you want to be, how to get there, different ways to explore. etc. You can't rely on the media to filter info, have control on what you filter out of it, etc.
Bucky Fuller also said change accelerates in change of change, going 100 miles an hour. Today will be obsolete in a year per Robert. Rate of acceleration in accelerated change.
Robert - buy gold, silver, and real estate. Robert also feels there will be terrorism we never see before.
Company reporting:
Mike Sullivan - working on legal stuff with partners, trying to settle things one at a time, etc.
Mona Gambetta - Book on real estate coming out in May 2009, launch party, paragraph in the book Robert will be discussing how technologies change, etc.
Rhonda - Director of Marketing - Conspiracy of the Rich site has had 10.5 million hits, New York Times was part of it put the site in the article, also part of the traffic has global appeal, etc.
Kelly Richie - Franchising - National TV coverage in 4 different countries of the CASHFLOW Clubs, Newspaper coverage, and radio coverage in different countries of the clubs, also discussed the last 5 days Franchising training event, small event but the best they have had, how he games brought people awareness, etc.
Kim - is working on a book and schedule to be out in July 2009, discussed the new PBS Rich Woman product coming out, also New Zealand loves to buy new products and the market is ripe, Skys are Phenomenal Success
Coaching - Was at the 5 days Franchising training and looking at ways to incorporate into coaching, etc.
Education - Was also at the 5 days Franchising training and looking at ways to incorporate into education, etc.
Robert discussed the 3 days coming up in May 2009 "How To Raise Capital" is really an entrepreneurs program, etc.
Meeting adjorned