Thursday, April 30, 2009

Insight for Today 4/30/09


"There ain't no free lunches in this country. And don't go spending your whole life commiserating that you got the raw deals. You've got to say, 'I think that if I keep working at this and want it bad enough I can have it.' It's called perseverance."

Lee Iacocca
Businessman and Former CEO of Chrysler

Publicity Alert! • Robert Kiyosaki

‘Between the Lines’ on PBS Television

Host: Barry Kibrick

When: Saturday, May 2, 2009
8:00 PM PT

Robert Kiyosaki and Tenzin Kacho discuss their book Rich Brother Rich Sister

** All Interviews will be posted on **

Click here to purchase the book............

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Insight for Today 4/29/09

"It is a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, and not in circumstances"

Ralph Waldo Emerson
1803-1882, Essayist, Philosopher and Poet

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Insight for Today 4/28/09

"We often think of enthusiasm as caused by an external event. However, it can be generated from within, becoming an intentional action for transforming virtually anything in our lives. Enthusiasm can take the seemingly small, dull, boring, or unimportant and turn it into something new and magnificent. Learn to strengthen the muscle of your enthusiasm, letting the tiny become great, and you will reclaim your energy and passion."

Anat Baniel
From her newly released book Move Into Life - The Nine Essentials for Life Long Vitality

Insight for Today 4/24/09

"Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action."

David J. Schwartz
Trainer and Author

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An email from Blair Singer (SalesDogs) - even he vouches to attend Robert's 3 - Day Seminar on................

Read below what Blair Singer has to say about Robert's 3 - Day Event coming up on May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd:

I'd like to invite you to take advantage of this once only opportunity...

As you may know, in this economy, those who are able to raise capital will win and those who cannot will lose. The days of traditional borrowing have disappeared, yet business owners who know how to raise funds anyway are doing great.

Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, is presenting a 3-day seminar on the #1 skill of an entrepreneur - how to raise capital.

As you know, Robert and I have been friends and partners for over 25 years and have weathered good and bad economic times and usually have come out on top. While many see him as an investor and educator, his real strong suit is... his ability to build businesses and raise capital that generates even more income for himself and his businesses.

The other thing I know is, whatever the critical issue of the day, it becomes his passion to learn, master and teach. Property, investing, prognosticating, business, finance... and over the many years I have known him... he has always been a master of raising capital when no one else could.

If you have ever been to one of his programs, you will know that wherever you are in your business or your life, his message and information hits you right where it counts. And while it is not always comfortable... it is always profitable financially and emotionally. It will change your life!

You will also know that Robert NEVER repeats a program, so it truly is one time only. Therefore, I am personally inviting you to be at this most special program. The timing is critical.

Most businesses fail, not because of bad ideas or products or services... it's because most them simply run out of money before they get profitable. There are soooo many great deals out there right now, but if you cannot raise capital, you will miss the train that is pulling out from the station as we speak.

Please give careful consideration to this invitation... and do check into the special discount tuitions available!

Come on and sign up!! You will not regret it!!!!! (SMILE)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Insight for Today 4/22/09

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."

Kenny Rogers
Singer and Actor

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Insight for Today 4/21/09

"Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young."

Paul McCartney

Monday, April 20, 2009

Insight for Today 4/20/09

"Commitment with accountability closes the gap between intention and results."

Sandra Gallagher
Co-Author of Thinking Into Results

Friday, April 17, 2009

Robert Kiyosaki "Three Day Event How To Raise Captial" 5/1 to 5/3/09

This is a test - I am testing a link/video to post.

Friday Story from Bob Proctor 4/1709

Peggy McColl's Story
My Soulmate Came Knocking on My Door!

After my divorce, I was a stay-at-home mom running an Internet business, working in a home office with very little face-to-face contact with people. I lived in a residential neighborhood filled with families and, to my knowledge, not a single unattached man. Although I believed my soulmate was out there somewhere, it was hard not to notice the years ticking by as I waited for him to arrive. I also wondered how in the world he was going to find me, given that I worked from home and spent most of my days in semi-isolation.

Gradually, I let go of my need to know where or how he was going to come into my life, and one day early in January, I simply decided the following: My soulmate and I are going to meet easily, effortlessly, and perfectly. This, in fact, became my daily mantra, and I developed an unwavering emotion of faith.

One day shortly thereafter, I went for a walk with my dog, Noelle. After catching sight of another dog on the front lawn of a neighbor's house, Noelle bolted over to say "hello" to this new dog in the neighborhood. The moment the dog's owner walked out of the house, I thought, Hmmm . . . he's handsome! We started chatting, and in the middle of our conversation I found myself having another thought: This is the kind of guy that I would like to be with. He seemed gentle, kind, and caring, and he obviously liked dogs. Plus, he was handsome and masculine looking. From that point on, I stayed open to the way that Mr. Right would show up in my life, resisting the urge to "make something happen" and having faith in the Universe, its timing, and its wisdom.

Then, one snowy winter morning, my doorbell rang, and there was my new neighbor asking me to take care of his dog because his doggy babysitter wasn't available and he was called into work (he was a pilot on call).

After he returned from work, I invited him in for coffee, and the rest, as they say, is history.

We fell in love and within a short period of time were an item. Two and a half years later we married.

Excerpted from THE SOULMATE SECRET by Arielle Ford

For a step-by-step guide on how to manifest your soulmate get The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction by Arielle Ford (Harper One)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Robert's Online Book - Conspiracy of the Rich!

Robert has posted chapter 5: The Conspiracy Against Our Financial Intelligence!!

A must read! The subject is on The Best Way To Rob A Bank.

To diminish our natural financial smarts, we had to be financially dumbed down. this was achieved through banking, a complex and confusing system by which money is created. In many ways the modern monetary system makes o sense to a logical person. To read on.............

Insight for Today 4/16/09

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Blind/Deaf Author and Lecturer

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Insight for Today 4/15/09

"The miracle is this - the more we share, the more we have."

Leonard Nimoy

Nimoy was born in Boston, Massachusetts to Yiddish-speaking Jewish immigrants from Izyaslav, Ukraine. His father, Max Nimoy, owned a barbershop. His mother, Dora Nimoy (nee Spinner), was a homemaker. Nimoy began acting at the age of 8. His first major role was Ralphie in Clifford Odets's "Awake and Sing," at 17. He studied photography at UCLA, but left before completing his degree. He graduated from Boston College in 1953, and has an MA in Education and an honorary doctorate from Antioch University in Ohio.

Nimoy spent much of his early career doing small parts in B-movies, TV shows such as Dragnet, and serials such as Republic Pictures' Zombies of the Stratosphere. In 1961, he had a minor role in The Twilight Zone episode "A Quality of Mercy".

Nimoy served in the U.S. Army Reserve, being discharged in November 1955 as a sergeant[citation needed]. According to the National Archives and Records Administration[citation needed], Nimoy's U.S. Army service record was destroyed in the 1973 National Archives Fire.

Nimoy's most famous role is the half-Vulcan, half-human Spock from Star Trek: The Original Series, which ran from 1966 to 1969. He earned three Emmy nominations for playing this character.

Read more info on Leonard Nimoy................

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Insight for Today 4/14/09

"Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind."

Eric Hoffer
1902-1983, Author and Philosopher

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey Guys!! Our former IT person, John Seiferth, has an interview with Robert!

Check this video out from YouTube, it is part 1 of part 3 - then below the video is a link to John Seiferth's profile in YouTube to see more videos on Robert Kiyosaki!!!

Insight for Today 4/13/09

"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves."

Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
1767-1835, German Statesman

Here is the 4/10/09 Friday Story from Bob Proctor


Nobody wanted to be there. Not even one person. However, they were all there, and in a strange way, glad they were.

It was the waiting room of the Neuro Trauma Intensive Care Unit (NTICU) at Memorial Hermann Hospital, one of only two "Level One Trauma Hospitals" in Houston, Texas. (Memorial Hermann Hospital was the site of ABC's medical drama entitled "Houston Medical.")

When a person is critically injured -- when one's life is hanging in the balance due to some traumatic event -- the family should always attempt to see to it that its injured loved one goes to a Level One Trauma Unit, if it's possible.

The families in the waiting room of the NTICU almost always appear to be petrified because they know, at any moment, a physician might enter the unit and tell them, "I am very sorry. We tried everything possible, however..."

The first few days, as a rule, the families keep to themselves. However, as time passes by, the families usually get to know each other -- they share the joy when there is good news for a family, and they also share their sorrow when there is poor news for a family. The Unit's many families become a "support group" for each other.

I have seen it often. As one of the social workers for the hospital I understand the dynamics of hope and the importance of support. I have seen families volunteer to take a family from out-of-town to their homes so that they could rest and shower. I have also seen strangers pray for the recovery of someone whom they did not even know 24 hours earlier.

There are many "miraculous" stories about the families in the NTICU. Unfortunately, there are also many times when there is not "a happy ending."

On one occasion, a young man was severely hurt and suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury and was rushed to our hospital. For days, his prognosis was in doubt. His mother was always in the waiting room and I am sure she experienced a roller coaster of emotions, and of course, she breathed a huge sigh of relief when the doctors gave her reason to hope.

Then she saw another mother in the waiting room whose daughter had not been given that hopeful prognosis. The daughter, she was told by the doctors, would probably soon pass away as a result of the severe injuries that she had sustained in a car accident.

The two mothers were soon linked together -- strangers joined forever by a universal magnet -- motherly pain. They became very close, supporting each other in both good and bad times.

Ironically, the predictions for the two mothers were eventually reversed. The young man who was supposed to survive, unfortunately passed away, while the girl who was supposed to die is now making progress in Florida, in her home.

Families in the waiting room can eventually develop very close relationships and begin to care for each other. For example, there were two patients -- one elderly gentleman and the other a teenager -- who had been in the Unit for quite some time. Their families got to know each other, and became close.

The parents of the teenager were always at the hospital, night and day. But, one night, the teenager's mother returned to her home while his father remained in the waiting room. The next morning she returned to the hospital and said to the wife of the elderly patient, who regularly remained at the hospital night and day, "I was worried about you all night."

The elderly woman responded, "I figured you were worried because last night I WAS SLEEPING WITH YOUR HUSBAND IN THE WAITING ROOM AND I WOULDN'T HAVE MISSED IT FOR THE WORLD!"

Everyone burst out in deep laughter. Humor can be a great coping mechanism.

Yes, life can be very difficult. However, it can also be tempered if one has a support system to help and assist during those strenuous and exacting moments.

Support is very important -- especially in the waiting room.

Michael Jordan Segal

Shot in the head during a robbery, Michael Segal defied all odds by first surviving and then returning to college. He then earned 2 degrees with honors, became a husband, father, social worker, author and sought after inspirational speaker. He just released his first CD of 12 inspirational stories, entitled POSSIBLE, available at his web site:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Insight for Today 4/9/09

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true."

Richard Bach

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I don't know about you guys but...........................

I love watching American Idol and have been for 8 years. This season they have a guy by the name of Adam Lambert and he is an unbeatable singer!!!! Oh his voice is totally awesome, can even make your hair stand up on you and even have tears in your eyes, he is that so great!!! Even Simon gave him an standing ovation!!!!! Listen to him!!!!

Insight for Today 4/8/09

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."

Debbi Fields
Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Number of CASHFLOW 101 Games Played last week

Rich Dad's Coaching - 1,561

Rich Dad's Education - 1,274

Rich Dad's Franchising - 2,945

Email from Bob Proctor

Experts now worry economic troubles can lead to serious health problems.

You've probably been affected by the current economic news more than you realize.

No, I'm not talking about your finances-I'm talking about your health.

Pick up the paper, watch the network news, check out your favorite blogs and all you see is the same thing over and over again.

Stress inducing bad news!

And now, study after study is actually documenting how stress is literally killing us.

Well, thanks to my friend Bill Harris, you don't have to suffer the ill health effects of today's killer stress. You probably know Bill since I've recommended him to you before. He's the owner of Centerpointe and creator of Holosync Audio Technology.

Bill's staff has just created a fascinating and informative flash video presentation about the health problems created by stress and one simple thing you can do to eliminate them.

It's a great presentation and only takes a few minutes to watch.

On top of that, Bill has agreed to send a Holosync demo CD to you (at no charge, of course-he'll even pay shipping) so you can see for yourself how well this amazing technology works.

So please. Go to right now to see the video and get the demo. You've got to check this out because the way Holosync wipes out stress could make a huge difference in the length and quality of your life.

Image of Four Brainwave Patterns
Beta Brainwave Patterns
Beta (14-30 Hz)

Concentration, arousal, alertness, cognition

Higher levels associated with anxiety, unease, feelings of separation, fight or flight
Alpha Brainwave Patterns
Alpha (8-13.9 Hz)

Relaxation, superlearning, relaxed focus, light trance, increased serontonin production

Pre-sleep, pre-waking drowsiness, meditation, beginning of access to unconscious mind
Theta Brainwave Patterns
Theta (4-7.9 Hz)

Dreaming sleep (REM sleep)
Increased production of catecholamines (vital for learning and memory), increased creativity

Integrative, emotional experiences, potential change in behavior, increased retention of learned material

Hypnagogic imagery, trance, deep meditation, access to unconscious mind
Delta Brainwave Patterns
Delta (.1-3.9 Hz)

Dreamless sleep
Human growth hormone released

Deep, trance-like, non-physical state, loss of body awareness

Access to unconscious and "collective unconscious" mind, greatest "push" to brain when induced with Holosync®


Brian Proctor

Insight for Today 4/7/09

"If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning 'good morning' at total strangers."

Maya Angelou
Poet, Writer and Performer

Monday, April 6, 2009

Insight for Today 4/6/09

"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."

Robert H. Schuller
Minister and Author

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Story from Bob Proctor 4/3/09

Best Day of My Life

Many thoughts cross your mind one hour before the beginning of an Ironman Triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run). Can I finish? Was my training plan sound? Did I do everything I possibly could to prepare myself for the day? What if I get a flat tire on the bike? What is my nutrition plan for the bike and run? Self doubt is natural.

As I rode down the hotel elevator one hour before the beginning of Ironman Wisconsin, I overheard the following conversation between strangers:

Stranger 1 - "Good morning. How are you?"

Stranger 2 - "Best day of my life."

Stranger 1 - Surprised by the reply, silence, apprehension for the Ironman race

Stranger 2 - "Young man, make this the best day of your life."

These simple 5 words from an anonymous stranger stayed with me for the next 11 hours 37 minutes and 12 seconds to the finish line. They were spoken without hesitation or rehearsal. They were spoken with wisdom, passion, and gratefulness. Ironman Triathlons have a way of magnifying yet simplifying life. There are only so many things in life you can control. You are 100% in control of your attitude. Your daily 'self talk' can be negative or positive. The choice is yours.

Stranger 2 turned out to be Frank Farrar, the former Governor of South Dakota and 79 year old Ironman Triathlete. Frank has competed in over 30 Ironman distance Triathlons and continues to compete. Thank you Frank for these words!

Steve Muller

Steve Muller is the President of a Wisconsin automotive sales and finance company. He is a 3 time Ironman finisher and 20 time Marathon finisher. Feel free to send him your comments on this story to

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You need Cash for life? Then you need this skills...........

"My earliest experiences in a successful manufacturing business taught me the importance of capital. You probably already know that it’s the lifeblood of virtually any entrepreneurial idea. Without capital there can be no tools, materials, workforce, or facilities to support them. It can also play a critical role in getting the attention of your potential customers; before revenue can start rolling in on that big idea, you need capital to tell people about it through marketing, sales, and distribution."

The Rich Dad Company is thrilled to announce Robert’s next 3-day seminar

How to Raise Capital: The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur, for more info

Our weekly Rich Dad's Tuesday Round Table Meeting 3/17/09

Tom Wheelwright read the I Am The Rich Dad Company Letter

RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Coaching = 1,497
RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Education = 1,233
RD's number of CASHFLOW Games played Franchising = 2,278

Robert had us discussed what pop out at you when Tom Wheelwright read the I Am the Rich Dad Company Letter:

In my group:
For me - I rock most boat
Debra - evolution - evolution change, make those changes now
Trina - unwaveringly fearless action and the same with her husband
Kat - expanding beyond the financial means - expanding your knowledge

Coaching - some people don't, some people do - some people wont' step up, when they do we will be there

Education - same thing as coaching that some people won't step up and when they do we will be there


Discuss for a couple of minutes discuss who you know that is basking inf false security, some one you know that has lost their job, etc.

Kim - someone she knows where she brought her land rover vehicle, the company went under, the owner trying to find jobs for his employees, then was worrying about getting a job himself, and so on. Then as she was leaving he ran out and shouted he got a job and Kim asked what kind of job, he said across the street doing the same thing he was doing where he was at, car industry. Same problem. Kim's point was the mindset the guy had: I got a job, etc.

This is basking in false security. It is the mindset of Americans through turbulence times.

Robert discussed the Depression 1954 lasted 25 years, etc. There is no middle class anymore in the third world countries, example in Mexico is nothing but either poor or rich people

1987 and 2007 stock crash, major change in the world, new technology before the decade ends as per Bucky Fuller. Whole new real estate out there being fought for.

You cannot get out of the way of things you can't see coming at you - change coming at you - that's why financial education is so crucial, we are entering a change that is a million times bigger than Columbus discovering America.

Trump said you can be the smartest guy in school and get a job in the wrong industry.

Robert started discussing the invisible world and Kat brought up about her sister playing online virtaul world called Second How you can buy real estate for a dollar or something, clothes for 4 cents, building your virtual world online and live in it and to check it out -

Per Bucky Fuller we went from Industrial age to the Information age.

Produce more, share more to get paid, the idea that you are valuable is obsolete. Change is tremendous it is incredible biggest change in the history of the world - if we make that change we will win - got to be able to see what you can't see now.

Discuss change, what you can see and compare with what your mind see, etc for a couple of minutes.
Trina - using the bible belief what Jesus said, believe in what you couldn't see, etc.
Debra - the possiblynot receiving a pay check no more, something that is tangible, invisibly world idea, etc.

Robert: figure out where you want to be, how to get there, different ways to explore. etc. You can't rely on the media to filter info, have control on what you filter out of it, etc.

Bucky Fuller also said change accelerates in change of change, going 100 miles an hour. Today will be obsolete in a year per Robert. Rate of acceleration in accelerated change.

Robert - buy gold, silver, and real estate. Robert also feels there will be terrorism we never see before.

Company reporting:

Mike Sullivan - working on legal stuff with partners, trying to settle things one at a time, etc.

Mona Gambetta - Book on real estate coming out in May 2009, launch party, paragraph in the book Robert will be discussing how technologies change, etc.

Rhonda - Director of Marketing - Conspiracy of the Rich site has had 10.5 million hits, New York Times was part of it put the site in the article, also part of the traffic has global appeal, etc.

Kelly Richie - Franchising - National TV coverage in 4 different countries of the CASHFLOW Clubs, Newspaper coverage, and radio coverage in different countries of the clubs, also discussed the last 5 days Franchising training event, small event but the best they have had, how he games brought people awareness, etc.

Kim - is working on a book and schedule to be out in July 2009, discussed the new PBS Rich Woman product coming out, also New Zealand loves to buy new products and the market is ripe, Skys are Phenomenal Success

Coaching - Was at the 5 days Franchising training and looking at ways to incorporate into coaching, etc.

Education - Was also at the 5 days Franchising training and looking at ways to incorporate into education, etc.

Robert discussed the 3 days coming up in May 2009 "How To Raise Capital" is really an entrepreneurs program, etc.

Meeting adjorned

Once Again I.................

Once again I am challenging myself! I decided to write a book! I am not sure what I am going to write about but I am going to write a book. It will be a great learning tool to learn the process of writing a book and how authors do it. Just like accepting the position of Web Designer for Special Projects! So far that is going good. I purchased a Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 for my laptop and Rich Dad is purchasing Dreamweaver CS4 as well for the Mac. I have been for the last three weeks spending a lot of time tutoring myself in learning to run the program and also taking my HTML class. I really do like the class and the Dreamweaver software! The real challenge will kick in when I get a project to do to develop a page. Oh boy!

Purple Linda

Insight for Today 4/1/09

"It is easy to sit up and take notice. What is difficult is getting up and taking action."

Al Batt
Writer and Speaker