A Dream Realized
I feel certain that when my classmates compiled our high school yearbook, nobody suggested that I be voted most likely to become a successful, bestselling author. To those who knew me then, my achievements as an adult are probably a bit of a surprise. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that our intention, propelled by our positive emotions, can make any dream a reality.
In the early 2000's, I set a goal to be a New York Times bestselling author. To me, that symbolized a pinnacle of success. I had spent countless hours learning about personal growth and self-discovery, enjoyed a career in the technology industry, and had transitioned into a new career as a seminar leader, speaker and mentor. I loved helping people formulate and achieve their goals and wanted to communicate my ideas in a way that would uplift and inspire people all over the world.
I didn't grow up wanting to be an author. In fact, I've often heard interviews with authors who talk about loving their English class in school and how they enjoy writing stories and have always known they wanted to be a writer, but that isn't me at all. When I first wrote down my ambitious goal of becoming a bestselling author, I immediately thought to myself: "Yeah right, Peggy!" I had little formal education and no idea how to write a book or create a bestseller. I didn't know anyone in the publishing business or anyone who marketed books. With no clue how to achieve my goal, I just planted a seed and opened myself up to whatever opportunities came my way.
I could have dwelled on all the reasons someone like me couldn't become a New York Times bestselling author. Instead, I discarded those negative thoughts about reaching such a lofty, even seemingly impossible goal. That's where many people can get stuck. They think, "That's something I'd really like to have," but then, BOOM, up come 101 reasons why they can't get it. They don't know how to get from where they are to where they want to be, become frustrated and lost, then let the fire of their passion subside, and the dream dies. Looking back, they'll sigh and say, "I guess it just wasn't meant to be."
As unrealistic as my goal might have seemed to others, I held on to the belief that we don't need to know how something is going to manifest, we just have to trust that it will.
Our intention, coupled with strong feelings of curiosity, enthusiasm, and faith, takes us from seed to flower, and becomes the driving force of achieving or attracting anything.
Our job is simply to identify what we want and then begin generating the emotions we'd feel if our dream had already come true. For me, that meant using my imagination to create the emotional experience of being a bestselling author. I had to act as if my name and book title were already on that prestigious New York Times list. I planted the seed of my intention, then watered and nurtured it with my feelings, thoughts, and actions.
My enthusiasm propelled me into action, and I began to create a file of ideas. It occurred to me to try to figure out the ingredients of a successful book, so I went to my bookshelf, took down books I'd really loved and been moved by, and skimmed them to see how they were organized and what elements had made them such excellent guides. I went on to study more bestselling books and soon I had clarity about how I would go about presenting my thoughts.
All the while, I was constantly visualizing my bestselling author experience. Actually, "visualizing" doesn't quite capture the intensity of what I was doing. I truly lived the experience, heart and soul. One day, it occurred to me that if I wanted to achieve my goal, I was going to have to be extremely persistent, like a dog holding on to a bone that someone wants to take away.
I can't say that the writing flowed easily. It was very hard work at times, but I stuck to my plan and sat down at that computer even when I was feeling a little nervous or insecure. I told myself, "I'll just expand on my ideas and see where they go." I thought positively, generated a feeling of confidence and excitement, and started typing away.
At last, I'd completed my first manuscript. One book lead to another book and in my quest to become an author, at first, I chose to self publish my books. However, to become a New York Times bestselling author, I needed to find a Publisher.
During this whole process, I continued being a student. From what I've found, successful people are all on a lifelong path of learning and constantly improving themselves.
When I came up with the concept for Your Destiny Switch, I felt it was very important for me to promote the message of the book: that the power of our emotions is what allows us to reach our goals.
I'd found a literary agent through a business associate, and she sold Your Destiny Switch to a large publisher, Hay House. I decided that this was the book that was going to be on the New York Times bestseller list.
To make this happen, I used a primary strategy of online marketing. I specifically lined up promotional activities for the week that the book would be launching and available on shelves in bookstores as well as online. I prepared a massive internet marketing campaign, joyfully watched my book climb to the top of the Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com bestseller lists the week of the launch, and was elated a few days later when my agent, Cathy, called to tell me that the book had hit the New York Times bestseller list.and on the very first week of release! (Note: When your book reaches the list, it doesn't actually appear until a couple of weeks later.)
I remember jumping up and down like I was on a pogo stick, feeling absolutely exhilarated. While I was tingling with excitement, I was also thinking, "You know, this is exactly what I knew it would be like." The feeling was very familiar.
You see, I'd been experiencing this excitement for years, every time I envisioned myself having already achieved my goal, whether I was feeling the emotion during the call from my agent or reading my affirmations and expressing my joy and gratitude that I was a New York Times bestselling author. The Universe had answered my intention with the very situation I'd imagined. It was magical.
Our thoughts, feelings, and actions have tremendous power. We can tap into positivity at any moment we choose and begin to shift our energy, sending a clear message that we're ready and eager to receive all that we desire. The intensity of our emotions, and the ease with which we can switch them, is what Your Destiny Switch is all about.
I would love to go to the top of the highest mountain and scream this out so that everyone in the world could hear me: "You don't have to know how you will achieve your dream.set the dream and feel the elation of achieving it and it will happen!" Each day, I'm inspired to spread the word that we all can use the rocket fuel of positive emotions to make our dreams come true. The Universe always answers the clear call of our intention.
Peggy McColl
New York Times Best Selling Author. Check out her latest release
The Won Thing