“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Monday, November 30, 2009
Insight for Today 11/30/09

"Most people think that making decisions is hard, especially financial decisions, so they end up burying their heads in the sand, hoping someone else will make their decisions for them. The thing to realize is that by not making decisions, we are really making decisions anyway. We are really deciding that we will continue to do what we have done up until now."
Clayton J. Moore
Don't hide your head in the sand. Check out the special from Clayton J. Moore. Click here and take action today!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Insight for Today 11/25/09
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Myths of Real Estate Investing
Participate in my Book Review Series
Ken McElroy's new Book Review Series kicks off November 25th -- and you need to be a part of it! Ken is a successful entrepreneur, real estate investor and best-selling author. By being on his monthly Book Review Series conference calls -- an exclusive Infinity Club member benefit -- you'll hear his secrets of finding hidden profits most investors miss. The first book in the lineup? The ABC's of Real Estate Investing. On this month's call, he'll review Chapter One and dig deeper into the 11 myths of finding, buying, and managing investment property. Myths that, if you buy into them, will only hold you back.
If you don't have a copy of The ABC's of Real Estate Investing, visit KenMcElroy.com to purchase a book or audio CD. Remember, you must be an Infinity Club member to participate in the Book Review Series. Join the club today!
8553 E San Alberto Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USA
The Fed Says Forget The Little Guy

Some things never seem to change. The Fed continues to back big banks and powerful corporations at the expense of the little guy. In his latest Conspiracy of the Rich Bulletin, Robert Kiyosaki talks about Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s latest speech, why it’s just more financial mumble jumble, and what it means for you. You don’t want to miss this insightful analysis.
The tragedy is that while the Fed bails out multi-millionaires and big banks, it is the little guy that pays the price. California schools are now letting go of Vice-Principles, counselors, and librarians to save money. Today in America, billionaires get bailout money, and teachers and our children pay the price.
– Excerpt from Robert’s Conspiracy of the Rich Bulletin
Read Robert’s latest post here.
Insight for Today 11/24/09
Monday, November 23, 2009
Insight for Today 11/23/09
"People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges."
Joseph F. Newton
Joseph F. Newton
Friday, November 20, 2009
Insight for Today 11/19/09
Insight for Today 11/18/09
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Insight for Today 11/17/09
Monday, November 16, 2009
Insight for Today 11/16/09
Here is your Friday story from Bob Proctor 11/13/09

A few END-OF-THE-DAY questions for YOU!
Did I make someone giggle, smile or laugh today?
Did I take the time to really listen to someone today, with rapt attention, as if nothing else mattered in that precious moment but the words they spoke and the look in their eyes?
Did I allow myself to focus on all the blessings in my life today instead of contemplating the things I don't have?
Did I take a moment to imagine what I would like to experience in my life, if for no other reason than in the imagining, is the living, and in the living, comes the joy and delight?
Did I let go today, let go of resentments and unforgivingness that I have been holding onto, all the while realizing that another person may be wounded too and struggling with their own pain?
Did I keep my word today, no matter how simple a promise I may have made, knowing it meant a whole lot to someone else?
Did I make a conscious choice just to be happy today, no matter what is happening in my own life, just for the next moment, and the next moment and the next?
Did I stop caring about what other people think of me, and give myself permission to be who I am regardless of their good opinion of me or not? Did I set myself free today just by doing that?
Was I successful in noticing and appreciating the bounty before me wherever I went or was I just too busy or lost in my own thoughts to notice?
Did I contribute something beautiful to the world today? A new creation of some kind, a poem, a dinner, a dance?
Was I kind today to anyone or anything that crossed my path, no matter how trivial or how monumental? Did I give away my heart?
Is one person richer because of me today, because of my presence on the planet, my essence, my decision to keep on going no matter what?
Did I learn something new today, something about life, something about myself, something about another that I didn't know before?
Did I let go of my attachment to being right today, and open my mind to the possibility of another way, without judgement?
Will someone sleep better tonight because of me? Will they awaken in the morning believing in themselves again, and walk with their head held high?
Was I the answer to someone's prayers today?
If today was to be my last day on the planet, would I feel happy about how I lived it?
Veronica Hay
Veronica Hay is the author of In a Dream, You Can Do Anything. An extraordinary collection of writings that will uplift you, motivate you, inspire you, and gently guide you along the inner path of your life. Go to: www.insightsandinspirations.com or feel free to email your comments about today's message to: veronicahay@telus.net
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Insight for Today 11/12/09
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Insight for Today 11/11/09
Insight for Today 11/10/09
"A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there."
H. Stanley Judd
H. Stanley Judd
Monday, November 9, 2009
Insight for Today 11/9/09
Friday, November 6, 2009
Bob Proctor's Here is your Friday Story!
A Dream World
"I look at that family, that car, that house and that job and I think, what a dream..."
I confess that years ago I gazed longingly at luxury cars. I dreamed of owning one, brand didn't matter, I wasn't picky, any one would do. I continued living in this dream world until one day I came to a simple yet powerful realization...that at one point in time a luxury car was a dream for the person who now drives it. With few exceptions, he or she didn't always have the skill or education to earn the money to buy that lavish ride. It was a dream for them...one that came to fruition through hard work and focus. I guess one could say that today, they are living a dream world?
Over time I thought more about 'living a dream world' and bringing dreams to reality, until finally I arrived at a staggering yet unmistakable conclusion that it is all a dream. In the past I glanced at a Lexus or Mercedes and thought that person is 'living in a dream world.' Over time I have expanded my thoughts to conclude that everything we see, use, consume or have is a result of a dream...let me explain.
The technology in the computer I type on at this very moment was a dream of many scientists years ago. The computer that now sits on my desk was made by a company that just a few short years ago called a garage their world wide corporate headquarters. What began as a dream of an energetic entrepreneur is now a worldwide fortune 500 company. The parts and assembly for this computer are the careful work of many hands, people who thought they would probably not be assembling computers for a living. Yet, this work lets them foster their dreams of providing a nice living for their family, an education, a new television, a daughter's wedding or a car for their teenager.
This computer now rests on my desk, one that I dreamed of having in a study that I imagined years ago. I call my study 'the room of knowing.' Its walls are lined with articles I have published, book jackets from books I have written and some awards that I have won, accomplishments I only dreamed of years ago. It is called 'the room of knowing' because I now know I can accomplish my dreams if I set my mind to it, this room reminds me of that. It could also be called the 'room of dreams,' after all, that's where it all started. I guess one could say that as I type...I am working in a dream world, a world of my dreams (the study) and others (the computer)...
As I drive to work this morning, I realize that I can run through the same 'dream' drill with my car. It was made by a company that started small...a dream. Engineers with a vision (or dream) designed it. Workers who are working a dream job because it provides for and creates their dreams assembled it. I can run the same dream drill with the STOP sign at the intersection by my home. It was put there by a crew who dreamed of working outside. In a subdivision that was a dream of a developer. Ordered by local, county and state laws, laws passed by people who dreamed of serving their community and country. The sign is in Cole County, Missouri, one of 50 states that make our great country, a country that began in the hopes, hearts and dreams of our forefathers.
I could run through the same dream thought process as I pass the local McDonalds restaurant, my CPA's office, the public library or the state capital. I could do the same with the water at my tap or the road I drive on or the Green Tea that I quietly sip but that would be redundant, you get the point, each and everything around us is part of a dream that has reached fruition. This reality proves dreams do come true. That anything we touch, have, hold or use is a result of the hopes, energies and imaginations of the ones who create it...it is part of a dream world. Focus on 'a dream world' for just five minutes today and you will realize an appreciation, astonishment and empowerment that you have not felt before...you will literally be opening your eyes, for a first time, in a dream.
"I look at that family, that car, that house and that job and I think, what a dream..."
Matt Forck
Matt Forck is a dad, husband, writer and speaker. Matt has published numerous articles on a variety of topics, and has authored several books. You may check out Matt's books or reach him through his web site: www.thecallproject.org
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Insight for Today 11/5/09
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Government Takeover of Charities Next

Lots of attention—appropriately—is being paid to the federal government’s new, extended reach into the private economy,......>Read More
Insight for Today 11/4/09
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Insight for Today 11/3/09
Larry Winget
Things of True Value
Monday, November 2, 2009
Insight for Today 11/2/09
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