Friday, April 25, 2014

The SEARCH Will Expose How to Get What’s MOST Important To You EVERY Time

The SEARCH Will Expose How to Get What’s MOST Important To You EVERY Time

April 25, 2014
My friend Andrea Noble Respectfully retired herself from her Job within 6 months of taking Action on her goal.  Before taking action was the SEARCH for the WAY and before the search was the DECISION about what she wanted.
I wanted to share a little bit of Andreas words with you to INSPIRE you to decide, to search, and to take action on whatever you decide is most important to you.
Most of you have decided what’s really important to you but sadly most of you haven’t made it beyond decision. Most of you are not IMMERSED in the SEARCH for the WAY to make it happen.  And some of you, when you find the WAY, you offer up reasons why you believe you can’t instead of why you HAVE to. Most of you ROB YOURSELVES of even making the discovery of HOW TO because you’re not IMMERSED in the SEARCH for HOW TO.  Most of you will have the HOW dropped right in front of you and you won’t even see it because you’re not Searching. Instead you offered up reasons why you can’t.  Your brain is stuck on why you can’t and won’t even see the obvious Rhino standing in the middle of the living room.  When you focus on why you can’t, you’ll find why you can’t every time.
Change your focus on why you MUST and you’ll see opportunities that were always there.  IMMERSE yourself in the SEARCH and you’ll make the life changing discoveries of HOW TO EVERY TIME.
Read What Andrea Noble Says and let her words IMMERSE YOU into the SEARCH:
Andrea Noble Loving Her New Found FREEDOM
Andrea Noble Loving Her New Found FREEDOM
You guys are lucky. Tom is here for you. I found that my job was very unhealthy for me.  It BURNED me every gorgeous day that I had to drive thrive traffic to a prison of an office every day! In my searching I was led to TOM who helped me learn how to get into profit mode quickly. I respectfully walked away from the day job forever within 6 months. In the beginning when I told him I aimed to be job free within 6 months, even HE suggested “I don’t recommend it! Unless you are one of the 2% that has what it takes to do it, but so far I haven’t met anyone that has been able to do it that quick yet.” 6 months later, I was job FREE! The 30 days to profit training sequence is what is unique and helped me become successful.
andrea noble follow your heart
A new round starts every month. My whole life has changed. And I will be spending the rest of it happy, free to lie down beneath a tree in gorgeous weather whenever I want! I hope to see some new faces in the group starting up!
Have you enjoyed this? Was it helpful in breaking some circular thought patterns you might have been stuck in? Do you know anyone who could benefit from this? Sharing is caring. Share with friends and family.
- Tom
Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you commented and shared on Facebook and other Social Media, too. You might also enjoy my 31 Ways to Raise Money Now.
If you enjoyed my blog you might LOVE my YouTube video about changing one thing, the direction of your cash-flow, to change Everything:

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Insight for Today April 21, 2014 to April 23, 2014

"Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself."

Og Mandino
1923-1996, Author

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure."

Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Minister and Author

"It doesn't matter which side of the fence you get off on sometimes. What matters most is getting off. You cannot make progress without making decisions."

Jim Rohn
1930-2009, Author and Speaker

Monday, April 21, 2014

Healthy Grocery List - another article by Tom Birkenmeyer

Healthy Grocery List

Nutrition is THEE MOST confusing and IMPORTANT variable in Getting Healthy!
90% – 95% of the food in most grocery stores is nutrient deficient toxic food. People who consume deficient toxic food can’t help but to occupy a deficient toxic body.  ~ Get Informed ~

Most of the nutrient dense non toxic food will usually be on the outside isles of the grocery store.  But not even that is enough!  Look for the organic plant based all natural Whole Foods. I’m personally 100% vegan about 90% – 95% of the time.  Every Intelligent Vegan or nearly intelligent Vegan I know has more natural energy and feels better than people who eat too much meat and dairy. They perform better, feel better, alleviate stress better, recover better from traumatic events, recover better from exercise, and they don’t “crash” in the middle of the day.  This kind of plant based super food nutrition has also been known to prevent, arrest, and reverse many different kinds of chronic diseases.  Hippocrates said let thy food be thy medicine..
Here is a list of some GREAT items I love to throw in my shopping cart when I hit the store! =)  by the way, you might also like our Vegan Cooking and Juicing show for more ideas.
My Healthy Grocery Shopping List!
I’ve listed some VEGAN resources, and other Helpful resources, at the bottom as well as some more food tips!

  1. Lentils
  2. Quinoa
  3. Nuts and seeds
  4. Beans
  5. Fish (water packed tuna or fillets, salmon, halibut, cod, red snapper, tilapia
  6. Chicken (Free range organic)
  7. Buffalo
  8. Ostrich
  9. Turkey
  10. Check out the 10 Sources of VEGAN Protein and see if you can SAFELY make the transition to 100% Vegan.
Complex Carbs
  1. Oatmeal (steal cut oats or organic gluten free rolled oats)
  2. Sweet Potatoes (Yams)
  3. Beans (pinto, black, kidney)
  4. Oat Bran Cereal (watch sugar, less than 6 grams)
  5. Brown Rice
  6. Ezekiel Bread
  7. Pasta (Whole Wheat, Ezekiel brand – watch serving, very dense)
  8. Pasta (Brown rice or Quinoa base no wheat and gluten free)
  9. Rice (jasmine, basmati, Arborio, wild, brown)
  10. Potatoes (red, baking, new)
  11. Enjoy Life Cereal – Crunchy Flax Original Gluten Free 6 grams of fiber per serving!
  12. Whole Wheat Pita (Low Carb Variety – Joseph’s Pita Bread, or Food for Life brand)
  13. Corn Tortillas (Food for life brand)
  14. Whole Wheat Tortillas (Food for Life brand)
  15. Rice Cakes (lightly salted only)
Non Dairy Cheese!! (this is being the most difficult VEGAN food to find that tastes good)
  1. coming soon… But for now DAIYA is the best I’ve found..  I’ve also had CASHEW based home made cheeses that, to my extreme surprise, taste better than the best dairy cheese I’ve had.  I’m from Wisconsin so I know and LOVE dairy cheese.  I just stay away from it now because dairy is a slow killer, literally. I haven’t found any cashew based cheeses sadly.  Not yet anyway.  Google recipes for Cashew based Vegan Cheeses. They are amazing. Also, check out our video on making a VEGAN Nachos and Cheese with a Cashew Base.  Every meat eater I’ve ever fed this to, so far, raves about it and how much better it tastes than dairy cheese.
symbol_dairy_free_answer_6_xlarge personalised-allergy-labels-no-dairy-1-med-500x500 notmilk
I use to be a strong advocate for milk and all dairy. I’ve learned things about milk and dairy that I cannot unlearn.  I put together some resources to help you with your own research and decision.  If you choose to go dairy free for yourself and for your family I want it to be because you made an informed decision that you feel good about rather than because you blindly followed me.  You may even find yourself very angry at the dairy industry, the federal government, the Pharmaceutical industry, and big agriculture as you learn the truth about Dairy that the Dairy industry or the government is not going to tell you.  Click Here for some Non Dairy Resources.
Fibrous Carbs & Vegetables (Fresh first, frozen second, canned last choice)
  1. Green Leafy Lettuce (Green Leaf, Red, Leaf, Romaine)/Bagged Salad
  2. Fresh Beets
  3. Broccoli
  4. Asparagus
  5. String Beans
  6. Black Beans
  7. Spinach
  8. Bell Peppers
  9. Brussels Sprouts
  10. Cauliflower
  11. Celery
  12. Mushrooms
  13. Pickles
  14. Cabbage
  15. Sprouts
  16. Cucumber
  17. Green or Red Pepper
  18. Onions
  19. Garlic
  20. Tomatoes
  21. Zucchini
  22. Squash
  23. Spaghetti Squash
  24. Pumpkin
Sea Vegetables
  1. Wakame Seaweed
  2. Nori Seaweed
  3. Arame Seaweed
  1. Berries (All berries are great!)
  2. Lemons or Limes
  3. Melons (not watermelon)
  4. Grapefruit
  5. Apples
  6. Dates
  7. Grapes
  8. Oranges
  9. Eat bananas, strawberries, peaches or plums sparingly (lots of natural sugar)
  10. No dried fruits, including raisins (loaded with sugar)
Healthy Fats
  1. Olive Oil Extra Virgin First Cold Pressed
  2. Raw Nuts (almonds, pecans, cashews)
  3. Flaxseed Oil
  4. Coconut Oil – un refined extra virgin
  5. Sesame Oil – Cold pressed
  6. Avocado
  1. Water! (Install a water filter for your home. Bottled water is toxic. Bad for you and bad for the environment.  And for Petes sake stay away from Vitamin or Flavored Water!)
  2. Unsweetened Tea (If you use sweetener make sure it’s all natural organic such as cane sugar or stevia)
  3. Black Coffee (I have coffee only once and a while. Always organic and fair trade.  Fair trade ensures the farmers are compensated fairly)
  4. Non Dairy Milk (rice milk, almond milk, hemp milk etc. – Soy Free and Dairy Free)
Condiments & Misc.
  1. Organic Ville Non Dairy Mayo (Finding a VEGAN Mayo that tasted really good was amazing for me. This tastes better than hellmans original mayo and I LOVE hellmans!)
  2. Bragg Liquid Aminos – Soy Sauce substitute
  3. Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered, raw, and unpasteurized)
  4. Miso (Make sure it contains NO MSG)
  5. Mirin (Look for EDEN brand)
  6. Rice Vinegar (Unflavored, unsweetened, no high fructose corn syrup)
  7. Umeboshi Vinegar
  8. Balsamic Vinegar
  9. Balsamic or Raspberry Vinaigrette (Farm Grove)
  10. Salsa or Fresh Pico De Gallo
  11. Extracts (vanilla, almond, etc) <— Great in your coffee in place of creamer!
  12. Cayenne Pepper Powder (A staple in my house I put it on almost everything especially my raw vegan dishes)
  13. Pink Himalayan Salt
  1. Raw, Unfiltered Honey
  2. Stevia
  3. Grade “B” Dark Maple Syrup
  4. Agave Nectar
  5. Raw Cane Sugar
BEST Sweets to Curb your cravings!
  1. Shakeology (Vegan Chocolate is my personal fav!!!)
  2. PB2 – Powdered Peanut Butter that has 85% less fat than regular PB!
Powerful Healers Found in Herbs and Spices! Get into the habit of cooking with these Immediately! RAW has more Power In Healing Yourself and Loved ones:
  1. Oregano
  2. Cumin
  3. Garlic
  4. Ginger
  5. Turmeric
  6. Basil
  7. Clove
  8. Fennel
  9. Mint
  10. Parsley
  11. Fenugreek
  12. Cayenne Pepper
  13. Rosemary
  14. Cinnamon
  15. Paprika
  16. Cilantro
  17. Dill
  18. Sage
  19. Thyme
  20. Safron
More Tips:
- Cut out Dairy
- Cut out GMO contaminated food
- Eat More Organic
- Eat Less Gluten
- Buy Local whenever possible. Support your local economy and the Land!
- Red Meat Purchases; ONLY GRASS FED. Corn fed cattle is pro inflammatory to the human body
- Poultry; purchase only organic and caged free
- Fish; purchase only wild caught.  A lot of the fish farms are toxic and have sea lice as well as other bacteria destroying the nutritional benefit of their fish.
- Pork; there really is no good option but if you buy it buy organic
Check out my Health & Wellness Blog
The Key of Knowledge Website
Shakeologys Impact on Migraines and Headaches
Diabetes Meal Planning
Rest your Body, and your Taste Palate, Back to Nature in 21 Days
Simply Your Meal Planning for Vibrant Health and Better Workout Results
Read About The Success Other People are Having In Their Own Healthy Lifestyle Change
More Resources to help you with a mostly natural Plant Based Whole Food Diet
Vegan Proteins
Christina Cooks – Healthy VEGAN Cooking Teacher
Sunshine Burger
The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen – Nourishing Meals

Did my Healthy Grocery List help you today? If it did feel free to buy me a cup of Coffee,

By the way I am NOT a doctor, nutritionist, or health care professional of any kind.  What you see on this page are foods and ideas that have worked for me and others.  You do your own research and do what SAFELY works for you.  Consult with your doctor, nutritionist, or whomever you want.  Don’t just blindly follow some guy on the internet  =)  I believe you will find what’s right for you if you take on full personal responsibility and do your due diligence.

Two Very Different Views on What Exactly is a Healthy Body - article by Tom Birkenmeyer

There are two main VERY different definitions of what a Healthy body is.  See which one makes more sense to you.

The medical community defines a healthy body as a body that currently displays no risk factors for heart attack, stroke, or chronic disease.  You’re simply told, “Good job you’re healthy see you for your next regular check up”.  And well over half of those supposedly healthy people will go on to develop at least one chronic disease.  Many of them two or more chronic diseases. And many of those will drop dead of a massive sudden heart attack or stroke as their first warning sign that something is wrong in which case will be too late to fix the underlying problem.
Naturalists, as well as my personal beliefs, define a healthy body as a body that is activated and reactivated to enable the bodys own healing mechanisms to keep all disease and sickness at bay and it doesn’t matter what you call the disease if the body is truly healthy then disease cannot invade the body.  If something invades the body its because the invader  was enabled to exploit a vulnerability in the bodys natural defenses because the vulnerability exists in the first place.

Instead of only treating the symptom its our responsibility to fix the underlying problem and REACTIVATE the bodys own healing mechanisms to fix the problem.

In the medical community healthy people are taken over by chronic disease, heart attack, and stroke every day because they do not enable the body to heal itself instead they only treat the disease or the sickness. I believe if the medical community redefined what it is to be healthy then they’d have more power to help people change their life style and become truly healthy people with fully equipped healing mechanisms inside. All of the equipment needed is already there in the body! So Flippin Activate it already!!

If we just accept disease as fate or genetics then it makes us easy to just cry victim powerless over our own lives to reclaim our own health.  The body innately wants to heal itself.  There is a real under estimated MAGIC to that innate desire the body has!  We just have to give the body the tools it needs to do so.   That’s where nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and over all life style come into play.

Either health or sickness will win and take over your body.  The one better nourished wins.  If health wins you win. If sickness and disease wins you lose.  If the body asks for organic whole foods and you give it a diet coke you sabotage your own self interest by nourishing sickness over health. Nourish Health so it can do its thing for you and give you a MASSIVE wonderfully abundant healthy life.

Yes toxic food is generally cheaper than healthy food. Your body doesn’t care!  Health doesn’t comprehend money. But you do! Health is the BEST wealth.  Some of you out there are making money decisions at the expense of your health saving your wealth to buy the deficient toxic foods. And then you don’t have any wealth either so that plan is not working out to well! People who think this way are generally poor in almost every area imaginable especially in wealth and health.  I know its not out of laziness some people are running HARD chasing sunsets but they’re running east!  Maybe a good plan is all that’s needed so all that energy is refocused in a way that’s more in line with what they want?

Shift your beliefs and you can have it all.  Wealth, Health, Success and Fulfillment.

Use my Healthy Grocery list and the Healthiest Meal of the Day to help you get started in activating and reactivating your body to enable its own natural healing mechanisms.

P.S. I am not here to undermined any advice, care, or treatment you are getting from your doctor or other health care professionals. I’m preaching personal responsibility for you to do your own research, include your doctor as part of your team, and make your own decisions as your own personal advocate for the things you want.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Here is a Friday Story from Bob Proctor I would like to share with you called "Restoring Balance"

Restoring Balance

We all come into this world with a task to accomplish… when we don’t think on these things and we get too caught up in the day to day we forget our spiritual responsibilities. We reach a stage where we ask, “Is this all there is?” - “Why am I here?”

Growing up in Barbados, we spent many wonderful days walking the beach and poking around the reefs of the east coast of the island… ahhhh… there is nothing between there and the coast of Africa - the air is cleaner and waves never stop crashing.  

My dad bought our beach house over 55 years ago. He wanted my eldest sister to spend as much time there so it would ease her asthmatic conditions. All four girls have the best memories of spending time at the beach house. The carefree days of being in the sun and getting the salt spray all over your skin and the sand in your hair - oh those were the days. I would spend hours looking into all the rock pools in the reefs at low tide. I’d talk to the fish and hold the sea urchins and watch all their spiny needles dance. I loved all the seaweeds and coral formations - they were home. They needed to be cared for and protected.   

Years later I would find myself happily married in Toronto. My husband Paul loved the east coast as much as I did and cared for the environment just as deeply. I always wanted to help but I didn’t know how. I wanted so much to clean up the beach and to educate people on being more environmentally conscious. We raised our boys checking out the fish and looking for patterns in the coral formations when we’d go on our holidays back home. They grew up frolicking in the same rock pools that we did and our parents did. I wanted for these precious human beings to have the same experiences that we had growing up.

There’s a part of us that gets lazy as we “grow up” - we forget the power and gifts given by the creative forces - we stop taking time to be still and we don’t make time to align with Source. This takes us away from the things we love and treasure - the same things we want for our children and our grandchildren. And yet if we don’t make time for those things and show our children that we are doing all that we can to keep “our home” pure and clean, how will they learn and what condition will our planet be in if we don’t make time to look after what we forget is most dear?

If every home made a conscious decision to live more mindfully, life would be more gracious. So often in the taking and working, we forget that a walk in the forest, a swim in the lake or just laying on a blanket in the park watching the leaves on the trees and the clouds in the sky is what we need most to feel that sense of what’s right with us - taking time to be grateful for all that we have. This can be done by going back to Mother Nature’s laws; to simplifying and making sure we all take time to connect to our divine nature. If we made more conscious choices of what we needed for ourselves, we would be gentler with ourselves and our planet. Even in the coldest longest winters, we can get cozy, close our eyes and give thanks. As we emerge into this spring, let’s remember to give back and take care of our Mother Earth.\

Together we can restore balance to what really matters.

Mala Brindley


Mala is taking part in a special World Healing Conference led by the renowned Kathy Roseborough on April 26th. You don't have to attend physically to be showered with Blessings and Healing. Click here to help heal our waters.

Curried Chicken Over Spinach - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
This dish is rich tasting without a lot of work. The curry coconut flavor goes very well with the spinach. It is simple to make, and if you feel like it, this recipe can be adapted to include more vegetables very easily. Just increase the amount of sauce ingredients slightly and add them to the chicken.
Curried Chicken Over Spinach
Curried Chicken Over Spinach
Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cut into bite sized pieces (6oz each)
  • 1 1/2 cup chicken stock
  • 3 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 TBS fresh ginger chopped, or 1/2 tsp dried
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 medium sized onion, cut in half and sliced
  • 1 medium sized red bell pepper julienne about 1 inch long
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk, make sure it is mixed well before using
  • 4 bunches fresh spinach
  • salt & white pepper to taste
  1. Bring water to a boil for spinach. While water is coming to a boil, cut chicken into bite sized pieces. Healthy Sauté onion in a medium sauté pan over medium low heat for about 5 minutes stirring frequently. Add garlic and fresh ginger and continue to sauté for another minute. Add turmeric, and curry and mix well. Add stock, chicken, bell peppers, and coconut milk. Simmer until chicken is done, about 10 minutes. Season with salt and white pepper.
  2. While chicken is cooking, cut ends off the bunch of spinach all at once. Don't bother trying to do it one stem at a time. It will take you too long and it is not necessary. Rinse spinach well and drop into boiling water for just 1 minute. Strain and press dry. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Place spinach on plates and top with chicken mixture.
Serves 4 For optimum flavor and nutrition serve with:
  • Minted Carrots
Printer Friendly Version of Curried Chicken Over Spinach
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Curried Chicken Over Spinach
Healthy Food Tip
I have been told that too much copper is not good for you. Can you explain?

Too much of any nutrient is not good for you! That rule applies to copper and its fellow minerals, or vitamins, or any other category of nutrient. For virtually all aspects of nourishment, our challenge is to get the optimal amount of nutrients for our individual needs-not the greatest possible amount of each nutrient.
Copper is a key mineral required by the body to maintain health. In a moment, I will give you a list of potential problems related to copper excess. But let me start by telling you that the risks involved with copper excess were great enough for the U.S. Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences to take action in 2000 and establish the following Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for copper:
  • 0-12 months: not possible to establish an UL
  • 1-3 years: 1000 micrograms
  • 4-8 years: 1000 micrograms
  • 9-13 years: 5000 micrograms
  • 14-18 years: 8000 micrograms
  • 19 years and older: 10,000 micrograms
  • Pregnant women, 14-18 years: 8000 micrograms
  • Pregnant women, 19 years and older: 10,000 micrograms
  • Lactating women, 14-18 years: 8000 micrograms
  • Lactating women, 19 years and older: 10,000 micrograms
What are some of the reasons that copper excess has become a topic of widespread concern? One factor involves the amount of copper found in drinking water due to a switch in most areas of the country from galvanized water pipes to copper water pipes. Other factors involve our increasing knowledge of human metabolism and the exact roles that copper plays. For example, we know that there are enzymes in the body-like zinc/copper superoxide dismutase-that only function properly when copper is in a very precise ratio to other minerals (in this case, zinc). If a person has too little zinc and too much copper, this superoxide enzyme (and other enzymes) will cease to function properly.
Excessive intake of copper can cause abdominal pain and cramps, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and liver damage. In addition, some experts believe that elevated copper levels, especially when zinc levels are also low, may be a contributing factor in many medical conditions including schizophrenia, hypertension, stuttering, autism, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, headaches, childhood hyperactivity, depression, insomnia, senility, and premenstrual syndrome.
Postpartum depression has also been linked to high levels of copper. This is because copper concentrations increase throughout pregnancy to approximately twice the normal values, and it may take up to three months after delivery for copper concentrations to normalize. Since excess copper is excreted through bile, copper toxicity is most likely to occur in individuals with liver disease or other medical conditions in which the excretion of bile is compromised. While these examples only tell part of the story, they should begin to make it clear why too much copper could pose problems for our health status.
For more information on this topic, see:

If you have any questions about today's Healthy Food Tip Ask George Your Question

Insight for Today 4/17/14 - Quote by Bob Proctor

"Anyone that ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it."

Bob Proctor
Author and Speaker

Mediterranean Cod with Tomatoes - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Enjoy this low-fat meal with cod as part of your Healthiest Way of Eating this week. It not only tastes delicious but one serving provides 80% of the Daily Value (DV) for health-promoting selenium and 66% DV for vitamin B-12 and much more.
Mediterranean Cod with Tomatoes
Mediterranean Cod with Tomatoes
Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • 1 lb cod fillets
  • 2 medium onions, sliced medium thick
  • 3 medium cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 cup + 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
  • 2 cups fresh or 1 15 oz can (BPA-free) diced tomatoes
  • 2 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • *1/4 cup chopped black olives
  • *1 TBS capers
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil
  • 2 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
  • 2 tsp chopped fresh thyme
  • 1 lb cod fillets, cut into 2-inch pieces
  • salt and cracked black pepper to taste
  • red chili flakes to taste
  • * optional
  1. Slice onions and chop garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out their hidden health benefits.
  2. Heat 1 TBS broth in a 10-12 inch stainless steel pan or skillet. Healthy Sauté onion over medium heat for about 5 minutes in broth, until translucent. Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
  3. Add rest of broth, diced tomatoes, and lemon juice. Bring to a simmer on high heat. Once it starts to simmer reduce heat to medium and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  4. Add herbs, olives, capers, and cod fillets; cover and simmer for about 5 minutes, depending on how thick the fish is. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve cod mixed with tomato herb sauce.
Serves 4 Serving Suggestions: Serve with
  • Great Antipasto Salad
  • Brown Rice
Printer Friendly Version of Mediterranean Cod with Tomatoes
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Mediterranean Cod with Tomatoes
Healthy Food Tip
Are nuts and avocados okay for someone with high blood pressure?

Q. Your website is the first place where I have heard that nuts and avocadoes are OK for those who have high blood pressure. I know doctors in Canada and many other countries don't recommend nuts or avocadoes due to their high level of fats. Can you explain how your data shows the reverse? I, myself, am a person with high blood pressure who has avoided nuts and avocadoes due to the advice of a doctor.
A. First, we do not recommend that you disregard your doctor's nutritional advice. We encourage you to talk with him or her in more depth as to the reasons for avoiding all high-fat foods.
The research we've read suggests that some high-fat foods like olive oil, for example, can be beneficial for persons with high blood pressure. In the case of olive oil, it's the polyphenols in this food that can help to relax the blood vessels through an increase in nitric oxide production. (We've provided you with the research reference and abstract below, under the primary researcher's name, Ruano, if you'd like to see the type of research involving olive oil and hypertension.
Part of the connection between fats and blood pressure is weight. Fats contain the most calories of any nutrient, and high-fat diets are almost always high-calorie. High-calorie diets often result in excess weight gain, and obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure. So it doesn't make sense to eat too many high-fat foods because it becomes too difficult to maintain a healthy body weight.
However, some high-fat foods contain higher quality fat than others. Walnuts and flaxseeds are examples of high-fat foods that contain a significant amount of omega-3 fat, and this type of fat is clearly helpful for most persons in supporting their cardiovascular system. Of course, it's important to make these foods part of a balanced and calorically-appropriate meal plan. We'd encourage you to talk with your doctor about the amount of foods with high-quality fats, like omega 3 fats found in walnuts and flaxseeds and the monounsaturated fats in avocadoes and olive oil, that he or she thinks would be appropriate in your current diet.
Holm T, Andreassen AK, Aukrust P, et al Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve Blood Pressure Control and Preserve Renal Function in Hypertensive Heart Transplant Recipients. Eur Heart J. 2001;22(5):428-36.
Banerjee AK. Hypertension and Dietary Fat Intake. J R Soc Med. 1987;80(10):660-1.
Dusing R, Stumpe KO, Vetter H. Dietary Fat, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis. Klin Wochenschr. 1990;68(Suppl 20):1-3.
Iacono JM, Dougherty RM, Puska P, et al. Dietary Polyunsaturated Fat and Hypertension. Ann Med. 1989;21(3):251-4.
Ruano J, Lopez-Miranda J, Fuentes F, Moreno JA, Bellido C, Perez-Martinez P, Lozano A, Gomez P, Jimenez Y, Perez Jimenez F. (2005). Phenolic content of virgin olive oil improves ischemic reactive hyperemia in hypercholesterolemic patients. J Am Coll Cardiol 46(10):1864-8.
Shinton RA, Dodson PM, Beevers DG. Hypertension and Dietary Fat. J Hum Hypertens. 1989;3(2):73-8.
Unauthored. Dietary Fat, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis. International Symposium, Bonn, November 15, 1989. Proceedings. Klin Wochenschr. 1990;68(Suppl 20):1-6.
Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of the phenolic content of virgin olive oil on endothelial reactivity. BACKGROUND: Endothelial-dependent vasodilatation is impaired during the postprandial state, and oxidative stress could play a key role in its development. METHODS: Twenty-one hypercholesterolemic volunteers received two breakfasts, using a randomized sequential crossover design. Both arms received the same olive oil, but one had its phenolic acid content reduced from 400 to 80 ppm. Ischemic reactive hyperemia (IRH) was measured with a laser-Doppler procedure at baseline and 2 h and 4 h after oil intake. Postprandial plasma concentrations of lipid fractions, lipoperoxides (LPO), 8-epi prostaglandin-F(2alpha), and nitrates/nitrites (NO(x)) were obtained at baseline and after 2 h of the fat meal. RESULTS: The intake of the polyphenol-rich breakfast was associated with an improvement in endothelial function, as well as a greater increa se in concentrations of NO(x) (p < 0.001) and a lower increase in LPO (p < 0.005) and 8-epi prostaglandin-F2alpha (p < 0.001) than the ones induced by the low polyphenol fat meal. A positive correlation was found to exist between NO(x) and enhanced endothelial function at the second hour (r = 0.669; p < 0.01). Furthermore, a negative corelation was found between IRH and LPO (r = -0.203; p < 0.05) and 8-epi prostaglandin-F2alpha levels (r = -0.440; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A meal containing high-phenolic virgin olive oil improves ischemic reactive hyperemia during the postprandial state. This phenomenon might be mediated via reduction in oxidative stress and the increase of nitric oxide metabolites.
If you have any questions about today's Healthy Food Tip Ask George Your Question

Insight fir Today 4/16/14 - Quote by Mary Lou Retton

"Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive, good things and good people will be drawn to you."

Mary Lou Retton
Gymnast and Olympic Gold Medalist

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Which Exercise Burns More Calories? By Annie Hauser, Senior Editor

Which Exercise Burns More Calories?

Regular exercise is essential for managing your weight, reducing your disease risk, and much more. But if you’re not maximizing your calorie burn during your daily dose of activity, you could be selling your health short.
Take our quiz and find out if you’re a calorie-torching master, or if you need to make over your fitness routine for more effective workouts.

1. Which body-weight routine blasts more calories?
2. Which exercise toasts the most calories?
3. Which low-impact activity zaps calories faster?
4. Which burns more calories around the house?
5. Which heart-pumping activity torches more calories?
6. Which workout delivers the greater caloric knockout?
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Physical Symptoms of Depression

You may be familiar with the emotional signs of depression — but sadness can also cause physical symptoms, from digestive problems to actual heartache.


Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH
Though the hallmark symptoms of depression are emotional (such as feelings of sadness and hopelessness), depression may also come with physical symptoms, including nausea, diarrhea, pain, and weight changes. Too often, however, people simply dismiss these health issues or fail to seek proper treatment because they don’t realize what’s going on. “I’ve had folks who were referred to me by the ER because that’s where they went for their symptoms,” says Robin Haight, PsyD, a psychologist in private practice in Vienna, Va.
Don’t ignore possible physical symptoms of depression: Pain and other changes in your health can actually be the first signs of depression, and knowing about possible physical effects of depression may help you get diagnosed and treated earlier. Do you have any of these warning signs?
Last Updated: 09/16/2011

Insight of the Day 4/15/14 - Quote by Zlatoslava Petrak

"You are the master of your life - you are the master of your mind - you have the power to change the way you think and feel. You have the power in you to achieve your goals, to become the person you want to be, and to live the life of your dreams."

Zlatoslava Petrak
Author of Open To The Infinite Riches Of The Universe


Mediterranean-Style Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

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healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Salad lunches are popular along the Mediterranean. They make a complete meal that will carry you through until dinner. The combination of ingredients in this salad can be changed to suit your personal taste. Enjoy!
Mediterranean-Style Salad
Mediterranean-Style Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce
  • 1/3 of a 3.75 oz can sardines, packed in water
  • 1/4 cup crimini mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 cup cooked garbanzo beans or canned (no BPA)
  • 1/4 cup frozen peas

  • Dressing
  • 1 TBS exra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped or pressed
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  1. Place lettuce in large bowl and top with remaining ingredients and dressing.
Serves 1 Printer Friendly Version of Mediterranean-Style Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Mediterranean-Style Salad
Healthy Food Tip
It's great that you have listed all the healthiest foods we should eat. Can you also share with us the "unhealthiest foods," those that we should avoid?

The "unhealthiest" foods tend to be those that least resemble their original natural ingredients and those that have the most added refined and artificial additives. Prime examples are the so-called "white foods" — white sugar, white flour, and white fat, and the gamut of foods in which they are the principal ingredients. It's not that these foods are white in color — many of them are actually not. It's that these foods have had many of their natural components — including their natural colors — processed away. "White foods" is simply the shorthand label that we are using when we refer to these heavily processed, nutrient-depleted foods.
  • "White sugar" includes refined sugar cane or sugar beets having virtually all B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients removed. Corn syrup is also a "white sugar," made from processed cornstarch and essentially devoid of other nutrients.
  • "White flour," analogously, is whole wheat flour minus its nutrient-packed wheat germ and fibrous bran. Nutritionally speaking, white flour is a ghost-like shadow of its original whole grain.
  • "White fat" can include rendered animal lard, vegetable oils "hydrogenated" to make them hard at room temperature, and refined fats such as cottonseed oil. Hydrogenation is a chemical process that transforms natural fats into more saturated trans-fatty acids that do not occur naturally and which are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease.
Foods having "whites" as their primary ingredients are frighteningly ubiquitous! Examples include soft drinks, breads, hamburger and hotdog buns, crackers, pasta, pastries and pastry fillings, pies, cakes, frostings, margarine and bread spreads, jellies, sweets and candies, frozen dinners, pizzas, snack foods, doughnuts, candy bars, and cookies — all of which are common snack and convenience foods. Indeed, many of these combine all three whites together — white sugar, flour, and fat! Furthermore, these foods frequently contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, texturizing and processing agents, and other additives that further detract from their nutritional stature and your health. These are among the foods that I would consider to be the unhealthiest and the ones that I would avoid.

If you have any questions about today's Healthy Food Tip Ask George Your Question

Insight of the Day 4/14/14 - Quote by Les Brown

"Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way."

Les Brown
Speaker and Author

Complications of a Blood Clot (Venous Thrombosis) By Robin Parks, MS, for Healthwise

Complications of a Blood Clot (Venous Thrombosis)

Complications from a blood clot in a deep leg vein can include:
  • A blood clot in your lung (pulmonary embolism). This occurs when a piece of the blood clot in the leg vein breaks off and travels to your lungs. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, coughing up blood, and fainting (syncope). Symptoms can be mild if the blood clot is small or can result in death if the blood clot is large. Blood clots that originate in the deep leg veins cause about 90% of pulmonary emboli.1
  • Are you doing everything you can to manage your heart condition? Find out with our interactive checkup.
  • Postthrombotic syndrome. This syndrome is a long-term (chronic) condition that occurs after a blood clot has been treated. Symptoms of this condition include pain, swelling, skin color changes, and sores in the area where the blood clot occurred. Postthrombotic syndrome occurs in about 25 out of 100 people who have a blood clot in the leg and increases the risk for another deep leg vein thrombosis.2
Other rare complications include:
  • A blood clot in the veins leading to the kidney (renal vein thrombosis). This can occur if the blood clot in the leg extends into the veins leading to one of the kidneys.
  • Amputation of a part or all of the leg. This can occur when blood and oxygen cannot reach an area of the leg or foot because one or more blood clots block blood flow.
  • Right-sided heart failure. This occurs when one or more blood clots formed in the legs break loose and travel to the lungs and block blood flow through the lung. Over time, increased blood pressure in the blood vessels leading to the lungs can cause muscle damage to the right side of the heart.
  • Paradoxical embolus. This occurs when a blood clot travels through a patent foramen ovale and gets into the arterial system, causing a stroke, heart attack, or other serious complications.

  1. Raskob GE, et al. (2006). Venous thrombosis. In MA Lichtman et al., eds., Williams Hematology, 7th ed., pp. 2055–2065. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  2. Kearon C, Hirsh J (2007). Venous thromboembolism. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds., ACP Medicine, section 1, chap. 18. New York: WebMD.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Another Good Book to Read - Economics in One Lesson

Economics in One Lesson  
by: Henry Hazlitt
Originally published in 1946 and republished in 1986, this is another Hazlitt classic text that has helped millions of Americans understand basic economics and the free market. Despite the title, this is not a boring read.
Read our review
Buy the book     

A Must Read Book - It's Rising Time

It's Rising Time

What it really takes to reach your financial dreams

For women who have a vision for what they want in life and are willing to do what it takes to turn that vision into a reality
Kim's own unique style has won over friends and fans all over the world. In her new book, she explains what it really takes to go from wherever you are financially today to where you want to be. It’s a book of courage and creativeness, time-tested principles and real-life stories of success, setbacks and comebacks… with a few surprises along the way. Kim will share candid stories from women and men who have been through the good, the bad, and the ridiculous—and the lessons they learned.
Why a new book from Kim in these unsettling economic times? Because it’s time for women’s true strength and determination to surface. Because it’s time for new answers and new ideas… and because It’s Rising Time! for women everywhere.




Insight of the Day 4/10/14 - Quote by Sri Chinmoy

"Gratitude is the sweetest thing in a seeker's life - in all human life. If there is gratitude in your heart, then there will be tremendous sweetness in your eyes."

Sri Chinmoy
1931-2007, Indian Spiritual Master

Healthy Veggie Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

healthy food tip and recipe
Learn a New Way of Cooking by visiting our new You Tube channel. It will take only a minute to view our latest video: How to Cook Beets for Optimal Health. Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
A large salad meal with veggies and beans can carry you through the entire afternoon. This recipe is just a sample of what you can create yourself with your favorite ingredients.
Healthy Veggie Salad
Healthy Veggie Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • 4 cups mixed salad greens
  • 2 oz low-fat cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup cucumber slices
  • 1/2 cup tomato, diced
  • 1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup avocado, diced
  • 1 cup garbanzo beans
  • 1/2 cup crimini mushrooms
  • 3 TBS sunflower seeds

  • Dressing
  • 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients. Toss with olive oil and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 1
Printer Friendly Version of Healthy Veggie Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Healthy Veggie Salad
Healthy Food Tip
Is there a link between diet and body odor?

All bodies naturally have odors. A wide variety of factors contribute to these odors, including genetic predispositions, lifestyle, hygiene, and overall state of health. Additionally, several research studies suggest that overactive sweat glands may be responsible for unwanted body odors in some individuals. Diet is definitely an additional factor that can contribute to body odors. There are very few research studies, however, that have examined the impact of diet on body odor from a science-based perspective.
An area of research you're sure to be reading more about in the future involves the role of high-methyl foods and body odor. High-methyl foods (those that support the metabolism of methyl-group containing compounds) can be broken down in the digestive tract to create a compound called TMA (trimethylamine). This compound can be excreted through the breath, urine, and sweat and is associated with a problem called "fish odor syndrome." Soy foods, beets, and spinach would all be considered "high-methyl" foods since they are rich in methyl-containing nutrients like choline, betaine, and lecithin. I cannot imagine, however, trying to solve any body odor problems related to high-methyl foods by removing those foods from your diet! Methyl-containing foods are critical for your health and especially important in your body's ability to detoxify unwanted substances like heavy metals, pesticide residues, or synthetic food additives. Instead, if you suspect that a potential connection between your consumption of high-methyl foods and any body odor issues (specifically those that may be described as having a "fish odor"), I recommend that you let a healthcare professional evaluate the health of your digestive tract and other body systems and try to determine whether you might benefit from dietary changes or other steps.
In principle, the most natural body odor should come from a body that is in its optimally healthy and most natural state. I believe that a whole, natural foods diet consisting of minimally processed, organically-grown foods produces optimal nourishment. I also believe that each person's Healthiest Way of Eating should be individualized. A person's health history and current health status are important considerations in this regard as is a way of eating that produces no adverse food reactions. If foods are not matched to a person's metabolism, it's unreasonable to expect those foods to support vitality and good health. Without vitality and good health, it seems equally unreasonable to expect natural body odor.
I've been asked about the possibility of body odor problems due to high dairy intake. If there was scientific research on dairy products and body odor (there isn't any), I would not expect that research to show that dairy products produced unwanted body odor. Instead, I would expect a mixture of findings. For individuals well-matched to dairy products, with no allergic reactions or lactose intolerance, who consumed moderate dairy intake, I would expect perfectly acceptable body odor provided that the overall diet were balanced and nourishing. For individuals poorly matched to dairy products, including those who have lactose intolerance or allergic reactions (or those who have excessive dairy intake), I would expect a much more common finding of unwanted body odor. Individuals falling somewhere in between would be expected to have unwanted body odors some of the time, but in a less predictable way.
Remember that your body is always striving for optimal health and trying to eliminate all substances that might compromise your wellness. For this reason, unwanted body odors can sometimes be regarded as a natural process in your body's elimination process, and not a reason for dietary, behavioral, or lifestyle change. However, routine body odors that seem offensive are most likely pointing in the direction of a needed change. If the needed change is dietary, I recommend consideration of your overall way of eating, with an emphasis on possible adverse food reactions, allergies, and intolerances. There should also be a focus on overall dietary balance, including food excesses, macronutrient excesses (such as too much fat or too many simple sugars), caloric excesses, and nutrient deficiencies.

Insight of the Day 4/9/14 - Quote by Bob Proctor

"The ability to Self-Motivate is a cornerstone of true wealth."

Bob Proctor
Speaker and Author

What Is The Law Of Attraction And How Does It Work?

What Is The Law Of Attraction And How Does It Work?

How can you use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Health, Wealth, & Love?

Since the release of The Secret Movie, many people have been asking what the Law of Attraction is and how does it really work? There are some basic concepts to understand when it comes to the Law of Attraction and making it work for you.

Simply stated, the Law of Attraction means that like things attract like things. Science has established that every thing in our universe boils down to energy or frequency patterns. You could even say that everything is a wave of movement at its core. This includes your feelings, thoughts and personal beliefs.

So like frequency waves attract similar frequency waves. When dealing with the Law of Attraction, you start to realize that what you think, feel and believe sends out a magnetic signal throughout the entire universe that forms everything around you to act in line with the things you think and feel.

Is The Law Of Attraction Real?

So if you think that the Law of Attraction is not real or that it doesn't work, then you will experience things that will validate that belief. If on the other hand, you believe that it does work and it is real, then you will also experience things that will validate that belief.

If you believe that you will have to work hard and struggle to get ahead in life, then that is what is going to be in your reality. If you believe that you can't trust people and that everyone is out to get you, then you will experience events that will validate that belief.

Now this may sound very simple, and really, there's a little more to it than just believing.

Most people get confused with this principle as they say that they have believed in the Law of Attraction but some how things still didn't work out for them. I am not speaking of your superficial or conscious beliefs but also the deeper rooted unconscious beliefs that are what I call "invisible".

These beliefs are so subtle and so much a part of you that you may not really be aware of them. These can be brought out by being open to the thoughts that cross your mind during the day when you are awake. Not all thoughts will always be positive, but by being open to the thoughts that are negative you can start to examine why you have them.

The key is to stop judging yourself and how you think and feel. I know, a lot of self improvement gurus tell you to just think positive, but sometimes that causes more harm than good.

You want to be open to all your thoughts so that you can take the negative ones and find out what is going on deep inside.

Dig Deep - Discover How You Really Feel

This is what I call "digging". By digging you can get to the core of what you really believe. Sometimes your deep beliefs will not make sense or be logical. By using your conscious mind to reason and think, you can start to change that so that you can harness the Law of Attraction to manifest things that please you.
The Law Of Attraction is much like a radio receiver, whatever the strongest signal is, that's what is going to play out in your life.

This is not some "hocus pocus" or "magic", but it is common sense. Whether you call it Law of Attraction or something else, the basic life principles just don't change. Repeating affirmations, breathing a certain way, listening to kits and tapes, making vision boards only get you so far. The key to making the Law of Attraction work for you is YOU. You make it happen.

You don't have to learn how to use the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction has always been working and will always continue to work for you. It's simply changing your inner frequency (your deep seated thoughts, feelings and beliefs) so that now you will receive more of the things you consciously want.

Changing Lives form Ordinary to Extraordinary!