Saturday, August 31, 2019

Women Should Go Out With Friends Twice A Week For Better Health Article

Do you enjoy going out with your best friends? You should do it more often! This will definitely make you happier and healthier! Wine, anyone?

Women have now found the perfect excuse to go out with the “girls” twice a week. According to a new study, Women Should Go Out With Girlfriends Twice A Week To Improve Their Health.

The study was done by a group of researchers from the University of Oxford. The investigation revealed the necessary steps that a woman needs to take to achieve happiness in all aspects of her life. The study discovered the basis would be in women feeling free to go out with their girlfriends at least twice a week.


Hello September Goodbye August

Image result for goodbye august hello septemberell

Happy Labor Day Weekend! Enjoy and Be SAFE!!

Gaining a Competitive Edge in Office Buildings Article by Craig Coppola | Lee & Associates (

Below is an interesting article from The New York Times about office landlords seeking a competitive edge in leasing space to tenants.  Our primary market is Phoenix, so when I travel or read, I am always watching out for trends and changes in what owners are doing and what tenants are leasing.  Here are three things that we are just starting to see in Phoenix:

1. New York building owners are installing auto-dimming windows into their offices to try and get a leg up on their competition.  I was on a Southwest flight a month ago and the windows on the plane had this technology.  I found it really cool. I don’t think it would change my decision to lease office space but it was great new technology.

2. $9.6 Billion was invested in Real Estate technologies for office connectivity and other amenities. This is going to be a game changer.  There is a lot of disruption starting to happen.  For example, Audio visual TI’s are $5 - $15/sf  more than they were just 5 years ago. Read this narrative every chance you get as this trend is one of my primary focuses.

3. There is a ton of focus on automating building systems and creating remote access (which leads to more security risk).  These systems are trying to create a more inviting building for tenants.

Keeping the above in mind but know that location, transportation, access, and floor plans are still the main decision drivers.  The more change we see, the more the fundamentals remain critical. {
Click to Tweet}  I remember back in the 90s there was a developer that built Class A buildings in Class B locations as a strategy.  The idea flopped.  Even today, those buildings are still very nice…and they continue to trade at a far lower price per SF because they can't attract quality tenants at higher rents.

If you want to talk more about these trends, shoot me an email or call.

P.S. Click 
here to view the Q2 Lee & Associates National Market Report. 

As Office Tenants Expect More Tech, Even the Windows Get Smart
To stay competitive, developers and landlords are being driven to add telecommunications infrastructure, video screens and, yes, glass that tints itself automatically.

By Jane Margolies

April 9, 2019

Smart windows from View in a building in Midtown Manhattan darken as the sun becomes brighter. Developers and landlords that offer advancements in office space may be able to command premium rents. Credit Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

Office developers and landlords once had to think only about supplying electricity, plumbing and heating to workplaces, leaving tenants to design their offices to their own technical specifications.

But these days, the providers of office space are being driven to provide telecommunications infrastructure and add sophisticated technology like smart windows to better compete.

Every year, office technology becomes more advanced, and developers and landlords have to stay on top of the trends or risk falling behind. Those that have the technological prowess may be able to command premium rents, but those that lack it may be forced to offer a discount.

It’s placing more pressure on buildings to be that talent magnet for tenants rather than just a people warehouse,” said Phil Mobley, head of research for Building Engines, a property management software company in Boston, and vice chairman of the technology committee of Building Owners and Managers Association International.

The increased attention to technological upgrades has attracted the attention of investors.Venture capital investment in real estate technologies was $9.6 billion in 2018, according to the data supplier CREtech. In the first quarter of 2019, it increased 250 percent to $4.9 billion over the same period in 2018.

The office space market is loosening in some cities. In New York, for instance, the vacancy rate rose to 9.2 percent in the fourth quarter of 2018, from 8.9 percent a year earlier, according to Cushman & Wakefield. As the market softens, office providers are scrambling to meet the expectations of tenants.

DivcoWest, a developer in San Francisco, is placing technology at the forefront of 
Cambridge Crossing, a 45-acre mixed-use development under construction in Cambridge, Mass. By offering high-tech infrastructure, Cambridge Crossing is angling for the same type of companies that have found a home at Kendall Square, a tech hotbed a half-mile away with tenants like Facebook and Google.

When finished, Cambridge Crossing will have six office buildings with 2.1 million square feet of space. Tucked underground, concealed behind walls and hidden in the ceilings will be an estimated 10 miles of fiber-optic cable, which promises robust Wi-Fi with uninterrupted connectivity everywhere on the premises.

The Dutch technology giant Philips has already signed on, leasing seven floors in the development’s first office building, which is nearing completion, for its North American headquarters.

Cables will enter the building through eight conduits — four in the front and four in the back — enough to accommodate multiple service providers and offer built-in backup, known as redundancy in the tech world. If cables in the front of the building go down for any reason, those in the back will carry the day.

Inside, the conduits route to an equipment room on an underground parking level. The room is capacious and will be climate-controlled — a far cry from the cramped and makeshift spaces, sometimes near the boiler room, that make wiring in older buildings vulnerable to overheating or an accidental whacking by a mechanic.

“In the past, we’ve done spare conduits into a building but not the redundancy,” said Tom Sullivan, president of development at DivcoWest.

As competition to provide the best technology in office buildings increases, some companies are trying to help developers achieve their goals. The New York consultant 
WiredScore, for instance, certifies the reliability of a building’s internet connectivity. So far, more than 1,800 office buildings globally have registered for or achieved its certification, with about half of them in the United States, according to the company’s founder and chief executive, Arie Barendrecht. Cambridge Crossing is being designed to obtain Wired certification for the entire development.

Real estate experts say traditional considerations like location, access to transportation and floor-plate size remain the main reasons tenants pick one place over another. But hoping to gain some sort of advantage, some office providers are beefing up other sorts of tech in their buildings, including antennae for picking up and amplifying cellphone signals and lighting sensors that track the brightness of the sun.

The windows were supplied by View, a company in Milpitas, Calif., that makes “dynamic glass.” When the sun shines, a coating between the double panes of glass will darken, like self-tinting glasses. This reduces glare (which can cause eye strain, headaches and drowsiness) and heat gain (which may require turning up the air-conditioning, thus increasing energy use), while maintaining natural light.

As smart as the windows are, they will eventually become even more functional, said Rao Mulpuri, the chief executive of View, which in November announced a $1.1 billion investment from the SoftBank Vision Fund. He said windows would eventually be used like computer screens, displaying content and used for videoconferencing.

Some expect smart technology to expand beyond windows. Andrea Chegut, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Real Estate Innovation Lab, predicts that interior office walls will one day be “turned into data centers, capitalizing on fiber-optic connectivity.”

Already, wall-hung video screens for sharing content, once seen only in boardrooms, have been proliferating. These types of audiovisual systems account for the largest cost increase in office design in recent years, according to the real estate services company CBRE. Five years ago, audiovisual costs averaged $5 per square foot; now, it’s common for developers to spend $10 to $20 per square foot on the systems.

At the gleaming new headquarters of the electronic trading platform MarketAxess, in Manhattan’s Hudson Yards and designed by the architecture firm Spacesmith, screens glow in practically every meeting space on the firm’s three floors, including the small “huddle” rooms where employees can duck in for quick one-on-one meetings.

In other ways, however, technology is intentionally concealed at MarketAxess — or it is moved off site. In the boardroom, there is no messy tangle of wires erupting from the table’s smooth marble surface; drawers under the tabletop provide electrical outlets and data ports. The room has two jumbo wall screens, but all the equipment powering them is tucked away in a walk-in closet down the hall. The office’s main data center is in New Jersey.

Daylight sensors along the windows dim lights when the sun is bright. Window shades go up and down depending on the time of day.

Despite all the automation, some workers like to maintain a little control over their environment. At MarketAxess, software developers on the 17th floor decided the overhead lighting was too bright, so they shut off some of the lights in the ceiling fixtures above their desks. And the firm’s chief executive, Richard M. McVey, did not like the constant creep of window shades in his corner office.

“We turned his off,” said Daniel Wolff, global head of infrastructure for the firm.

Motion sensors that shut off lights in empty rooms have long been used in offices to save energy, but the monitoring information they provide, along with other building data, is increasingly being shared with employees.

Using mobile apps or computer software platforms often provided by the landlord, employees at some companies can use their cellphones to, say, scope out different gathering areas before deciding where to meet colleagues. After checking data on occupancy, daylight and temperature, they can decide whether to head to a sunny part of the office where others are already congregated or to a quieter spot where they can work without distractions. In turn, the data is being monitored by building operators to determine things like whether to increase the flow of fresh air to a crowded part of the floor or scale back janitorial services in a less-frequented area.

All of which raises the Orwellian specter of surveillance that tends to make some Americans skittish. Some companies in China have embraced facial recognition software at building security points, which, for example, allow employees to move from the lobby to an elevator without pausing to slap down building identification cards at turnstiles. But there has been resistance to such technology in the United States.

And even proponents of connectivity admit that the more digital offices become, the more security risks are created.

“There are so many great benefits of a digitally enabled building,” said Mr. Barendrecht of WiredScore. “There’s also a downside.”
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Another Great Quote for August 31, 2019 - And This Is So Very True

I Had A Hot Date

Quote from The Rich Dad Advisors

Donald Trump

Ohhhh I Have An October Soul All Year Round :)

Joke for Today August 31, 2019


Insight of the Day August 31, 2019

Health Benefits of Artichokes

Benefits of Green Tea

Health Benefits of Cilantro


From Linda's Voice Desk - For All You Football Fans! First Game of the 2019 Season Game Is........

Green Bay Packers Vs Chicago Bears 9/5/19 On NBC Channel!!!

From Linda's Voice Desk - Just In - Now This Is A Very Awesome Image for Today 8/31/19

From Linda's Voice Desk - My Favorite Quote for Today August 31, 2019

Linda's Voice Desk

Of All the Pictures I Have On May Wall This Is My Favorite Of All Pictures

I Love Dream-catchers! Do You Have One?

Myth has it that if you put  up a dreamcatcher over your bed it will trap your bad dreams you are having and take them away.  I have several over my bed.

Can You Imagine?

Can you imagine if you were to focus on what you want and not what you  not want how your life would change?  I know it did for me!  I recommend getting the movie called The Secret it will change your life forever!

Linda's Voice Blog Black and White Cool Image for Today 8/31/19

August 31, 2019 Quote by Dr Wayne W Dyer

Lemon Fish with Puree of Sweet Peas - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

Lemon Fish with Puree of Sweet PeasThe combination of lemon flavored fish with the sweet peas in this recipe is a great way to enjoy a Healthiest Way of Eating meal in just 25 minutes. The peas are a not only a great alternative to rice but add extra health-promoting nutrients and flavor as well. Enjoy!

Prep and Cook Time: 25 minutes



  1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Chop garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting qualities.
  3. Mix together minced lemon rind, lemon juice, chopped parsley, salt, and cayenne.
  4. Rub cod filets generously with mixture and place in baking dish. Place fish in oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. While fish is baking, heat 1 TBS broth in a 10 inch stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for about 4 minutes, stirring frequently, until translucent. Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute. Add 3 TBS broth, peas, sunflower seeds, salt and pepper, and heat for about 3 minutes.
  6. Purée pea mixture in blender, scraping the sides with a rubber spatula from time to time to mix well.
  7. Serve cod with peas. If there is a little juice in the pan, you can drizzle it over the fish and peas.
Serves 4 Serving suggestions: Serve with
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© 2001-2019 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

15-Minute Healthy Sauteed Chicken & Bok Choy - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

15-Minute Healthy Sautéed Chicken & Bok ChoyMy Healthy Sauté cooking method avoids the necessity to use heated oils that can be damaging to your health. This one dish meal is easy to prepare and contains only 180 calories!

Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes


  • 2 TBS low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 cup chopped scallions
  • 2 TBS fresh minced ginger
  • 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1½ cups sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms
  • 4 cups chopped bok choy
  • 2 TBS soy sauce
  • 1 TBS rice vinegar
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  • pinch of red pepper flakes


  1. Heat broth in a stainless steel skillet.
  2. When broth begins to steam, add scallions and Healthy Saute for 2 minutes.
  3. Add ginger and continue to sauté for another minute.
  4. Add chicken and continue to sauté.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, add shiitake mushrooms and bok choy. Continue to sauté for another 3-4 minutes, and then add soy sauce, rice vinegar, salt, and pepper.
Serves 4
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For education only, consult a healthcare practitioner for any health problems.
© 2001-2019 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

15-Minute Black Bean Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe

15-Minute Black Bean SaladTry this salad recipe that only gets better with time. It is a great one to keep on hand in your refrigerator for a ready-made healthy meal or snack.

Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes



  1. Mince onions and press garlic and let sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out their health-promoting benefits.
  2. Mix all ingredients together and serve. This salad will keep for a couple of days and gets more flavorful if you let it marinate in the refrigerator for awhile.
Serves 4
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For education only, consult a healthcare practitioner for any health problems.
© 2001-2019 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved

Dr Wayne W Dyer Collection of Quotes August 2019

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