Sunday, May 31, 2020

Linda's Voice Blog Well That Time Again Time to Say Goodbye Be Safe Be Awesome

From Linda Voice Desk - News Department: Governor Ducey declared state of emergency following protests

PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) -- Governor Ducey announced on Twitter that after speaking with local leaders, he has declared a statewide Declaration of Emergency with a curfew in place starting at 8 p.m. Sunday until 5 a.m. and will expire at 5:00 a.m. on Monday, June 8 unless if is extended further.
"At the request of local leaders and in coordination with state and local law enforcement, I’m issuing a statewide Declaration of Emergency and curfew starting at 8:00 p.m. tonight and effective for one week,” said Governor Ducey. 
Any violation of the curfew will result in six months of jail with a fine of $2500 as it will be a class 1 misdemeanor. 
According to a press release from Governor Ducey, all people are prohibited from "using, standing, sitting, traveling, or being present on any public street or in any public place" unless they are law enforcement, medical personnel, part of the National Guard, or authorized by the state. "Individuals traveling directly to and from work; attending religious services; commercial trucking and delivery services; obtaining food; caring for a family member, friend, or animal; patronizing or operating private businesses; seeking medical care or fleeing dangerous circumstances; and travel for any of the above services," will also be exempt. 

From Linda's Voice Blog Desk - I Pray That June July and August are.....................

Goodbye May Hello June 2020

Linda's Voice Blog - Health

How Old Were You When You Found Out These Lines Are Actually Measurements???

Me heck just recently hahahaha

Linda's Voice Blog Desk - Quote from Donald Trump

Collection of Quotes by Dr Wayne W Dyer Part 6

7 Supplements You Need on a Vegan Diet

Linda's Voice Blog Favorite Quote for Today 5/31/2020

I like to recommend watching The Law of Attraction movie.  It is excellent!

Memorial Day is The Time to Honor the Fallen

Thank you Dad for your service and you sacrifice your life so that I may have freedom.  i  miss you terribly dad. 

Linda's Voice Blog Funny for Today 5/31/2020

I enjoy watching the Golden Girls show daily and to me it is a classic funny show

From The Desk of Linda's Voice Blog - Health Department - The Benefits of Vitamin E

I take this vitamin E and other supplements as well every day

Collection of Quotes by Dr Wayne W Dyer Part 5

Collection of Quotes by Dr Wayne W Dyer Part 4

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Well Guys it is Time to Say Goodnight

From The Desk of Linda's Voice Blog: A Lesson for Today - Never Sing in The Shower!!!

I have done this before and yep sure enough I almost fell on my butt!!!  I can laugh now but when I think about it I am so grateful I didn't get hurt because I sure would die of embarrassment!!!!

From Linda's Voice Blog Desk- My Favorite Quote for Today 5/21/20 - A Great Quote by Albert Einstein

15 Signs You Are An Old Soul - I Am An Old Soul - Are You?

Collection of Quotes by Dr Wayne W Dyer Part 3

Health: Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

Linda's Voice Blog Loves Gotta Love That Maxine!!

From The Desk of Linda's Voice Blog: Modern Fashion Summer Dress for Today 5/21/20

 I ordered this summer dress for me and now I just need to find a cool necklace like this one in the image

Linda's Voice Blog Did You Know??

Have Anyone Tried This to see if this is true??

Article: Friends Who Say "I Love You" 5 Different Types of Soul Mates Everyone Encounters In Their Lives

Friends Who Say "I Love You"

5 Different Types of Soul Mates Everyone Encounters In Their Lives

A lot of people think 'soul mate' is a term used to describe that one person that's a perfect match for them, but the truth is that soul mates actually come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

From Linda's Voice Blog Desk: 2 Cool Lavender Color Images