Wednesday, April 24, 2024



Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, 

The courage to  change the things I can,

The wisdom to know the difference. 


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Linda's Voice Blog Desk


Having als is no fun.  It is a very hard illness to accept.  Nothing prepares you for it. Been diagnosed with it almost a year and half ago.  Took almost two years of tests to diagnose it.  I  am now barely walking with a walker.  On bad days need help from chair to stand up and walk to bathroom etc.  Just got medical bed to assist getting up etc.  Am now living with my daughter.   You lose your independence boy that is and still hard to swallow.   I have swallowing issues so I can still drink and eat pureed food etc.  Breathing on my own so far.  Have other minor health issues as well.  I am only 70 years old and I really thought I would live longer.

In spite of all this I am keeping my faith on God, 🙏 🙏 🙏🙏 am praying daily for a miracle hopefully God would choose me in this life on earth for having als disappear miracles.  I do believe in miracles cause it happens everyday.   I  worry that in the end I would get angry and hateful to God if don't happen.  I am trying not to have doubts.  All I can ask for is God don't let me go. 

I Want This!!