“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Update on my weight loss!
Tom Blandi
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Bob Proctor - Insight for Today 2/14/08
J. Donald Walters
Author, Lecturer and Playwright
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki’s Prediction For 2008

Here’s is a series of four part videos that Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki gives his 2 cents worth of prediction of the financial market and the US dollars from 2008 onward.
Watch it and do share your thought in the comment on this post.
For me, i predict a BIG recession for the US after the US presidency election on 4th November 2008. Most likely, it will come in early 2009. This is also the year where the baby boomer from the 1960 starts to retire. With the prevailing pressure of the need to take care of an aging population, couple with the weakening of the Dollars and the poor Stock Market sentiment, the worst is yet to come. So WATCH OUT!
My advice to all our readers here is this: Try to accumulate all the cashes that you possibly can from now to then and making your *killing* in the real estate and the stock market when the recession takes it toil. When the market pick up in the next few years, reinvest your money into precious metal like gold and silver.
During the economics downturn, that’s where opportunities are abundant and you can easily make hugh bargaining purchase.
Without further ado, let’s watch the series of videos below to see what Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosak has to say…. enjoy!
Click here for Part one to Part four videos on predictionBob Proctor - Insight for Today 2/12/08
Charles "Tremendous" Jones
Speaker and Author
Monday, February 11, 2008
YOU ARE CORDINALLY INVITED TO ATTEND................................

RICH DAD EDUCATION ANNUAL FORUM - "Strike it Rich!" with Robert and Kim Kiyosaki
March 30th through April1, 2008 at the Marriott World Center, Orlando, FL
Also appearing ia Larry Winget, Stephen Edwards, David Shamy and many more.....
You've seen him on CNBC's The Millionaire Inside and A&E's reality series Big Spender. Now experience the "Pitbull of Personal Development" LIVE!
New York Times bestselling author and TV personality, Larry Winget will bring his message of personal responsibility and empowerment to the Rich Dad Education Forum on Saturday night with a bold, yet humorous "take no prisoners" style of delivery that will inspire and motivate you like never before.
Meet & Mingle with Money-Making & Business-Building Experts:
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Kim Kiyosaki
- Larry Winget
- Steven Edwards
- David Shamy
- And many more to come!*
These Rich Dad "All Stars" are ready to share potentially lucrative information and motivation with you!
Special Events Designed to Inform & Empower Your Drive for Success
The Rich Dad® Financial Forum will be packed with vital information & ideas from start to finish on topics such as:
- Up-to-the Minute Investing Strategies
- Franchising Opportunities
- Women, Money, & Investing
- How to Use eBay to Build Your Business
- Asset Protection: Keeping More of What You Make
- And more!*
PLUS! Enjoy an Exclusive Cocktail Reception & Awards Ceremony
And Take Advantage of Our Comprehensive Rich Dad® Resource Center
Kevin Sparks CASHFLOW 101 Board Game Club

This is a final reminder. Our group, the Worldwide Success Network (formerly the Arizona Financial Intelligence Network), is having a HUGE Cashflow event tomorrow night...Saturday, February 9th...in Mesa. In addition to playing Cashflow we have an awesome speaker teaching a great topic! To get the details please go to http://worldwidesuccessnetwork.blogspot.com/2008/02/big-cashflow-event-saturday-november.html . This event is FREE and you are welcome to invite all your friends. Feel free to forward them this message if you like. See you there!
Thank you, Kevin Sparks 602-622-1542
Founder-Worldwide Success Network
PS. - To stay up to date on what is happening with the WSN feel free to check out our blog at http://worldwidesuccessnetwork.blogspot.com/
Bob Proctor - Insight for Today 2/11/08

God intended every individual to succeed. It is God's purpose that man should become great. It is God's will that man should not only use, but enjoy every good in the universe. The Law of God denies man nothing.
Man is born to be rich. The powers inherent in him are inexhaustible. Each normal person is endowed with a complete set of faculties which, if properly developed and scientifically applied, will ensure success, ever-growing success.
Man is made for progress. Every man contains within himself the capacity for endless development. Advancement into all things is the Law's great purpose. By learning to work with the Law in promoting that aim, man may build himself into greater and greater success.
All the processes of Nature are successful. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She aims at results in every form and manner. To succeed in the best and the fullest sense of the term we must, with Nature as our model, copy her methods. In her principles and laws we shall discover all the secrets of success.
Infinite resources are at man's disposal. There are no limits to his possibilities. He focuses and individualizes the elements, forces, and principles of the whole world. He can develop a wonderful intelligence; thus, all life's questions may be answered, all Nature's secrets discovered, and all human problems solved. Nothing is impossible.
Higher faculties, remarkable talents, superior insight, and greater power are dormant in all, and by special psychological methods, these exceptional elements can be developed to an extraordinary degree for actual and practical use. Every mind can develop greatness. It is simply a matter of knowing how. True self-help, self-discovery, self-knowledge, and the proper instruction in applying one's faculties and using one's forces will advance any person. Practice will ensure efficiency; use will bring forth results. Success, therefore, is within the reach of every aspiring man.
Do you wish to succeed? You can. You possess all the essentials within yourself; all you need is to gain a right understanding of the principles and laws upon which success is based, and then to apply the right methods of operating these causes until success is earned.
From Working With The Law
To listen to a free tele-seminar on the above information with one of the premier teachers of this program, Mary Morrissey go to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/397393655 to register. This session will take place this evening at 10pm Eastern (New York Time).
Click here for our printable version
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Bob Proctor
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Insight for Today 2/7/08 - Thursday
Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
1767-1835, German Statesman
"Always... Unconditionally... Follow your heart. Understand that persistence, hard work, and determination are the keys to success....