Friday, January 30, 2009

The Rich Dad Water Cooler

Bob Turner one of our guys in the Rich Dad Water Cooler has posted a blog regarding Robert's Conspiracy of the Rich online book and 911 issue:

Robert's new book- Conspiracy of the Rich and 911 Conspiracy Evidence
Well FINALLY, someone with credibility and a reputation for challenging the status quo in finance comes through and uses the term "conspiracy" when talking about money. I'm referring to Robert Kiyosaki's latest free online book, "Conspiracy of the Rich" which became available online January 22nd, 2009. It was debated for months in the office here whether or not the term "conspiracy" should be used in the title.

This book is offered for free and a chapter will be added one at a time every couple of weeks. Readers have the ability to contribute their opinion(s) to the each chapter in a forum setting. Robert offered this book for free because this knowledge is vital to get out to the masses who desperately need it in these volatile economical times.

The word "conspiracy" evokes one response when read/heard. That the subject matter about to be spoken about just isn't true but it's a "THEORY". After all, MOST of us have all been conditioned that all conspiracies are just theories and couldn't possibly be true.

This is what I've faced in researching the events of 9/11/2001. No matter what video evidence I present to someone asking valid questions regarding Sept 11th, I'm immediately shot down and discredited.

I do realize that this is a VERY controversial subject. The reason I'm bringing it up is that the mainstream media ignores this evidence and attacks the messenger instead of looking at the considerable evidence that 9/11 was an inside job.

My opinion is that you MUST take yourself out of the two party Democrat/Republican system and take a much larger view in order to look at this. This is what I've learned to do thanks to Robert.

Hence the following examples:

I can show video evidence that shows 17 seconds of explosion type noises coming from the second World Trade Center that fell BEFORE, yes BEFORE it starts to collapse. What do you think is going on here?

I can show video evidence that World Trade Center Building #7 collapsed over 7 hours after the Twin Towers collapsed and looks like a Las Vegas casino controlled demolition vs. the building collapsed due to fire. (Watch this video and let me know if you really think a fire caused it to fall symmetrically as it did to the ground in 7 seconds or so).

9 seconds long #1.
5 min #2:

I can show you video evidence that WTC Building 7 fell at free fall speed (fell through itself) which is only possible in a controlled Demolition:

I can show video evidence that BBC America reported that World Trade Center Building #7 had collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did and the reporter is standing there reporting this as the building is still shown on video standing over her left shoulder. What's up with that?

I can show photographic evidence that there are no jet airliner parts (wings/seats/luggage/people/fuselage, etc) remaining after a supposed crash of Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon.

Hunt the Boeing (at the Pentagon):

Fox news/911 In Plane Site/ Jimmy Walter:

Further proof that the buildings were taken down by controlled demolition and the use of THERMATE/THERMITE was used to melt the steel beams:

Thermite reaction here?

What do all of you think of this newly learned knowledge????

Do you think it's all BS because CNN/FOXNEWS/ABC/NBC/CBS/MSNBC/CNBC/the NY TIME/LA TIMES/WASHINGTON POST/etc didn't report any of this?

Give me some feedback here....

My point here is that just because you've never seen this point of view on 9/11/2001 does NOT mean it isn't true. The questions raised in the above videos/pictures are valid. The corporate media tells us what they want us to know. Period.
I hope some of you will come to the minimum conclusion that there are many more questions that haven't been answered related the Sept 11th events. As I said before, you've got to forget about Democrats and Republicans and that two party paradigm; otherwise you'll form an opinion based on one of these inept political parties.

Robert doesn't support/endorse anything I write here. However, he has put his name on a book with "Conspiracy" in the title. That's why I wrote on this subject. I I hope others will take this blog entry and learn something from it.

Could there be a conspiracy as Robert states in his book ( I believe to be be a real possibility. You'll have to make up your own mind.

I'm sure we'll be hearing from Jack on this. He is the most close-minded person at the RD Company and will put the screws to me on this. However, bear in mind that he's only spent about an hour or two on the subject if that talking with me/watching videos..... I do know that he has a hard time with World Trade Center Building 7 and how that thing collapsed the way it did... We'll see what he has to say....



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Insight for Today 1/29/09

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."

Lance Armstrong
Cancer Survivor and Athlete

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Soulmate Secret

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find the love of your life? Do you have a dream to find a life-partner who will love, cherish and adore you?

My friend, Arielle Ford, did it 11 years ago. She manifested the love of her life and now she is sharing her secrets in her new book...
The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life With the Law of Attraction.

Arielle Ford will show you how to take control of your romantic destiny with specific techniques, visualization, and manifestation tools that will prepare your body, mind, spirit and home for the soulmate your heart truly desires.

It works for men and women of all ages. It even worked for Arielle's 80-year-old mother-in-law, Peggy!

To get started finding your soulmate NOW, visit:

Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You

Truth Heals: What You Hide Can Hurt You, written by TV commentator, health & wellness expert, and Hay House author Deborah King, PhD., explores the relationship between the suppression of truth and how this later manifests into pain or illness.

This is an innovative and highly practical healing journey for everyone who has ever wondered why they have problems with their health, their weight, their relationships, their finances, or their spiritual progress.

For all of you who are seeking to liberate yourselves from pain, I recommend you order a copy of The Truth Heals. It's a fascinating read - a combination of juicy personal memoir, fun celebrity examples, and solid information that connects the dots between your emotions and your health and happiness.

Start living your personal truth now...
Order from Amazon TODAY!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Linda's Weight Loss Update 1/26/09

Well guys it has been one year and almost 3 weeks since I started my weight loss program. It has been a very challenging year for me and the best decision I have ever made in my life! I went from 245 lbs down to as of today 126 lbs! That is a total lost of 119 lbs! Wow!

Conspiracy of the Rich: The New 8 Rules of Money

Check it out:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Insight for Today 1/22/09

"Your living is determined not so much by what life brings you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens."

Lewis L. Dunnington

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

An Article from Robert Kiyosaki in the Publisher's Weekly Magazine

Making Book on the Great Depression of 2009
In this time of economic stress, publishers have some financial advice for the little guy
by Dermot McEvoy -- Publishers Weekly, 12/15/2008:

Maybe the mainstream media is just too polite to come out and say: we're pretty damn close to a depression in this country (recently, the National Bureau of Economic Research finally confirmed that the nation has been in recession since December 2007). In just a year the stock market almost halved its highs of 2007; nearly two million jobs have been lost in 2008 alone; foreclosures are rampant; the housing market is years from recovery; bankruptcies are at an all-time high; 401(k) plans are at an all-time low; the clueless Detroit automakers are near extinction; and, by the way, Americans owe over $1 trillion on their credit cards. Let's face it, this is an economic mess that would put fear even into the stouthearted Franklin Delano Roosevelt himself.

But the “D” word is seldom used (this side of Paul Krugman and Robert Kiyosaki), only that we are in for a “prolonged recession,” a “protracted recession” or a “slow recovery.” Even the cheerleaders at Fox Business and CNBC, although more solemn than the giddy days of only 15 months ago, have failed to broach the dreaded “D” term. (You'll also notice that they don't call Maria Bartiromo the “Money Honey” that much anymore; perhaps “Credit Crunch Wench” doesn't have the same sex appeal.)

But what's bad for Wall Street can be good for publishers and Americans facing unprecedented financial stresses. If there's one place that Americans can get information about debt, foreclosure, dwindling 401(k)s, etc., it is from books. The publishing industry not only boasts the biggest names in the personal finance business (i.e., Ramsey, Orman, Kiyosaki, etc.) but also a steady group of professionals who know their stuff.

And in these unprecedented times, publishers have stepped up, with one publisher, Grand Central's Business Plus, even considering a new book from Rich Dad's Robert T. Kiyosaki free online, chapter by chapter, starting sometime this winter (before turning it into book form sometime next year).

It will be called Conspiracy of the Rich: The New Rules of Money, and it will be a daring venture on both the part of Grand Central and Kiyosaki's Rich Dad empire. “[Kiyosaki] wants to do this,” says Mona Gambetta, president of the Rich Dad Company, “because he believes he can't wait for the traditional book publishing route—the message is too timely, too important, it's in the headlines every day. People are frustrated and angry and scared a little bit. They feel out of control, and that's what moving Robert to say this book has to happen now. And in this economy, it's really the right price. They can download it, they can print it, they can send it to their friends—no hidden agenda.”

Rick Wolff, publisher of Grand Central/Business Plus, notes, “Robert is compelled to help the millions everywhere who feel that they've been betrayed by the Wall Street leaders, and he's very eager to get his message out right away. Doing an online book—for free—makes a lot of sense in terms of facilitating Robert's message as quickly as possible.”

We are in uncharted economic waters, and Kiyosaki is not one to sugarcoat the disaster we may be morphing into. “There's two kinds of depressions—inflation or deflation,” says Kiyosaki. “The question on the next depression is, which one will it be? Which type? Because if you know which type it is, at least you can prepare, but if you don't know which type it is, you can be cleaned out. I'm doing my best to boil it down so chapter one is, 'Are you prepared for the coming depression?' ” READ MORE CLICK HERE:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Conspiracy of the Rich: The New 8 Rules of Money


Yes. Conspiracy of the Rich is a new book in development by Robert Kiyosaki, the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, that has traditionally bucked convention and undoubtedly will yet again with this new work in progress. In this book he challenges conventional wisdom about finance, and teaches readers how to adapt to money's new rules in today's economic turmoil.

This book will be distributed free, online, chapter by chapter, and readers are encouraged to read, ask questions, post opinions and contribute their points of view on the subject. It's a completely collaborative process, and the author will be hosting discussions and inviting commentary throughout.

The site is in final stages of development, and will be available soon. If you'd like to be a part of the Conspiracy of the Rich discussion, please submit your email and you'll be notified when the first chapter is available free of charge, online.

On the site you'll be able to:
- Read each chapter, for free
- Post questions and comments
- Get involved in the writing process
- Discuss the topics with other online readers

Jack Canfield - Author of "The Success Principle" Book


As human beings, we often believe we don't have enough money,
romance, success or joy in our lives. But what we need to
understand is that greatness exists in all of us. It's simply
a matter of pulling that greatness out of ourselves and using
it to get us from where we are where we want to be.

While many people believe they are entitled to live a great
life, top achievers we've met over the years know they must
take 100% responsibility for achieving the lifestyle,
relationships, financial freedom and opportunities they
experience in their lives.

This isn't always easy. But one way to start taking more
responsibility is to begin responding differently to the events
that occur in your life. Remember the formula from Principle #1
of The Success Principles book?

---->>> E + R = O

Event + Response = Outcome. That's can actually
change the outcomes in your life - and get better ones - simply
by responding differently to challenges and opportunities
that occur.

From Bob Proctor

Happy New Year to you!

This is your year! Yep- it's time for YOU!
Life is going to be Divine in 2009. Just you watch and see...

2008 is history... and 2009 still a mystery!

The beginning of a new year is always a great time to reflect on where you are in life.

To ask yourself a couple of questions, "Am I where I really want to be"? "Am I doing what I really want to be doing"? "What can I do to get myself on track; to have a true daily purpose"?

It is a great time to set some new goals: however, it is also a time where people give up early! When setting goals for anything we need to be passionate about them; we need to believe in ourselves, and our ability to manifest them; we need to be able to visualize them actually happening; we also need to write them down as if we are already achieving them! e.g.; "I am living my life on purpose; I am ready for perfect health, wealth and wisdom to flow into my life with ease and joy; and I know and feel that I am worthy of receiving the best in life"! Please note that I have spoken about feeling ready and deserving! Why?

There are three main keys in unlocking the door to creating anything!
Firstly: we must feel ready for whatever it is we are desiring; Secondly: we must feel deserving (worthy) of receiving same; and, Thirdly: we must visualize and feel the results as if they are already with us, and constantly re-affirm to ourselves that they are happening... now!

In going through this process, do your best to make your desires stronger and more persistent than the excuses or bad habits which may try to sabotage you and your results! Do your best to recognize and minimize those obstacles which may present themselves as saboteurs!

And do your best to avoid letting all of this slip behind into the busy-ness of life as the year progresses; and therefore do your best to stay on track and achieve what you deserve to achieve!

Remember this: A positive attitude may not directly change your circumstances, but it will change the way you respond to your circumstances!

Positive people are much more likely than are negative people to turn their ideas into positive behavior. Positive behavior, in turn, does change circumstances, and usually for the better.

To grab hold of a problem and rise above it, first grab hold of a positive thought!

I've got some personal news to share with you all (see below) but I want to leave you with some ways to challenge yourself this year:

This year is my year - it is time for me!
I don't want to conform or comply or feel obligated - I am just being myself!
I am teaching myself (and others) to take risks - rather than living in fear!
I am learning the simplicity of enjoying every breath - 'cos without 'em I'm stuffed!
I have an attitude of gratitude for the simple things I have - like my ability to see!
I am learning to be a walking talking lesson to others - 'cos I'm teaching by example!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

RD's Weekly 7:30am Tuesday Round Table Meeting

Rich Dad's Number of Games played (Coaching) - 1041
Rich Dad's Number of Games played (Education) - they no no numbers this week
Rich Dad's Number of Games played (Franchising) - 1504

The "I Am The Rich Dad's Company" letter was read by coaching this morning.


Rhonda (Marketing Director):
1. Rich Woman new product (RW Organizer in 3 different colors)
2. RBRS Book Launch in New York 1/4/09
3. Still working on our new RD's Logo

Other Updates:

2/28/09 KTAR Economic Summit Event coming up

March 23, 2009 Franchising Training Event coming up

1/15/09 Jayne Johnson is presenting at the Kat's CASHFLOW Club

Jayne Johnson's Goals Workshop 2/7 and 2/8

Mona requested from Rhonda to get stats on the holiday and DVD sales

Our new website launch will be up and running in a week website launching 1/22/09 and will have a chapter after chapter on the book "The Fly" by Robert (Online Book)

Our Discussion Topic is "Biggest Lesson You Learned in 2008 and your Goals for 2009"

My biggest lesson Learned in 2008:

A. Health
1. Not to be taken lightly
2. A loser can be a big winner in the end (115 lbs)
3. Strategy in accomplishing your goals

B. Robert 3 Day Event "How To Predict The Future" held in October of 2008
1. Understand the Mandrake Mechanism
2. Understanding the Federal Reserve and its functions, etc (doing a book study on the book "The Creatures of Jykell Island")

My goals for 2009:

A. Education
1. HTML class starts 1/26/09 to create my own website I started constructing on Purple Linda Health, Happiness, and Wealth
2. Management class to learn another skill for being a manager and also manage my wesite, etc
3. Work on my IT bachelor degree I did not finish (4 classes left to go)
4. Attend one Sales Dogs Event
5. Attend Jayne Johnson Goals Workshop Event 2/7 and 2/8
6. Attend a 3 Day Stock Event
7. Continue reading books and working on my personal growth

B. The Five G's
1. Purchase Gun and ammo when my CCW License arrives
2. Purchase more Gold and Silver
3. Take out my IRA from Motorola 3/1/09 to put on investing
4. Join Pre-Paid Legal Network Marketing to create more Cashflow for me
5. Launch my website
6. Keep watching the value of my home continue to go down (177,000) and hopefully will go down more and find a way to purchase it

Insight for Today 1/15/09

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."

Benjamin Disraeli
1804-1881, British Prime Minister

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A TIP-OF-THE-DAY 1/14/09

Fruit for Thought

"I find that fruit is a great way to keep your energy up during the day, as well as keep you satisfied without crashing and craving sweets. For people like me who have an insatiable sweet tooth, I am always craving chocolate and candy."
—Haley, Philadelphia

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Daily Motivator 1/13/09

Mini Goals

Not losing weight as fast as you'd hoped? Quit your whining and start working harder. Focus on setting mini goals, like walking 20 minutes a day, which are easier to achieve.

Get more of my tips here >>

Insight for Today 1/13/09

"It is only when people shake off the baggage of financial misinformation they have acquired from their parents, teachers, friends and past financial disasters that they are able to advance themselves financially."

Todd Dean
Financial expert on taking control of your finances and author of More Money Than Month

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Full Circle???

Hi guys, I am going to talk about something that is completely off the subject I usually talk about on my blog. There is this boy back in High School when I was 16 years old that was my first boyfriend and we couldn't date because my step family wouldn't let me and I was upset and by the time I turned 18 years old I ran away with someone who I ended up marrying to get away from my dysfunctional step family. Through out 38 years of my life I have married twice, have two grown children and two young grand children. I did not always have a good choice of husbands and boyfriend during that time frame due to my up bringing from my step mom etc. I really didn't have a have good and happy childhood but a have survived and love my life now and very grateful for what I do have, etc.

About a week ago I had decided give up on dating and trying to meet guys to have a relationship with and one day get married so I had canceled one of my dating site I belonged to and the other will be canceled in March 2009. I figure if it is meant for me to be single for the rest of my life well then I better learn to adjust to it. My last relationship of 11 years really took it toll on me and how can you forget someone you have gone through so much with?? Will getting in another relationship help me forget? I know I could find love again and I have to learn it just takes time and give it a chance and you will be fine.

For some reason out of the blue I decided to join and heck it was a special for three months of 15.00. So I decided to see who all was on that were my former classmates from Pennsbury High School. I came across a name, John Fortino and I am like wait a minute is this the first boyfriend from High School so I emailed him. Well sure enough it was. Ever since then we have been emailing back and forth and also have spoke on the phone a couple of times. He lives in Pampa, TX. Even got two of my old girlfriend's info and have emailed them.

So could this John be my full circle? I know if we go slowly in time the pain from my ex will go away. Hopefully he cares enough to give me the time and take it slow etc. You know 38 years is 38 years. Our lives sure have paralleled over 38 years and I do care for him as a person. One thing I do know that even if nothing come of it we will be great friends! That is a neat feeling to have! Isn't the below poem by John cool! He is creative in his writing.

Poem - Things to Remember by John Fortino

If I climbed a mountain in spring time, and looked down in the valley at all of natures glory, as a warm breeze brushed past my face, I would remember all of the beauty I see in you. And the breath of fresh air you have given my life. Ah,
yes, I remember you!

If I woke up in the morning, to birds singing outside my window, I would remember all of the times, you sang your beautiful songs to me in that sweet voice of yours. Ah yes, I do remember!

If I were to go to the zoo, and see the cage with chattering monkeys, I would remember all of the great times we had talking and playing around, and all the laughter we had shared. But yes, I do remember!

And when I stare into the sky, and look at all of the stars, I would remember that twinkle in your eyes that seemed to brighten when you were being mischievous, or looking up at me, in my arms, with love. Ah yes, I remember, I remember you!

John Fortino

Friday, January 9, 2009

TWO DIFFERENT PATHS TO GOD, MONEY, and HAPPINESS by Robert Kiyosaki and his sister, Emi Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki and his sister Emi have written a book together. That may not sound so unusual until you realize one is a multi-millionaire and the other a Buddhist nun. Both openly and honestly share personal, and often intimate, details about their journey to find inner faith and financial peace.

Written almost as a journal of self-discovery Rich Brother Rich Sister by Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and his sister Emi Kiyosaki chronicles the years spent trying to build a life in balance and harmony with their personal and professional values and beliefs. Both siblings, on seemingly different career and life paths, were actually searching for the same thing - a higher spiritual purpose.

Robert the Vietnam warrior and Emi the peace activist, as opposite as they may seem are in fact more alike than they are different. Their parents instilled within them a sense of giving back. Robert's mission evolved into teaching others how to make their way in the world by building self-sufficiency and financial freedom. Emi's life became devoted to the teaching of Buddhism and working along side His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Rich Brother Rich Sister chronicles a soul-searching inner journey of two siblings looking to find their professional, personal and spiritual place in the world.

The two paths became one when Emi became ill and needed medical attention. Concentrating time and effort on her faith and not on making money, Emi found herself in need of financial help from Robert. Robert concentrating time and effort on being a successful entrepreneur found a need to cultivate a more gentle spiritual side. Together the siblings helped and supported one another in discovering greater inner peace, purpose and spirituality.

Robert's role as the older brother was to support Emi and her Buddhist beliefs while teaching her how to become more financially self-sufficient. Emi's role was to help soften Robert's rough edges and help open his heart to his own deep-seeded spirituality. As Robert put it, "I found more gentleness within myself while talking with my sister."

You may want to classify this book as self-development but I would recommend you also look at Rich Brother Rich Sister as about financial abundance and finding true personal and professional purpose. Together, Robert and Emi Kiyosaki share an intimate and personal look at how they were able to bring out the "rich" person not only within themselves but also within each other.

Review written by Sharon Michaels -

Insight for Today 1/9/09

Dogged Determination

Grab hold of that bone and never let it go!

"Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work it until it's done and done right."

- Walt Disney

Have you ever witnessed a dog with a bone? No matter how hard you try to wrench it out of that pooch's mouth, she won't let go. As a matter of fact, the more you attempt to take the bone away, the deeper the dog will sink her teeth in. That is sheer, dogged determination, a quality that is absolutely required if you want to achieve any goal, no matter how large or small-that is, regardless of the size of the bone.

The late Maurice Richard was a dog with a bone when it came to pursuing his dream of playing hockey. It was very clear what he wanted to do with his life early on, even though he incurred a large number of injuries at a young age. While he was ultimately accepted to play with the Montreal Canadiens, very early in his career he was labelled a "frail" player. He was also challenged by a lack of support from those around him, except for his devoted wife. Maurice's passion for the sport took him past these obstacles, however, and led him to a record-breaking career of more than 20 years. He had a bone and would not let go!

When you know what you want, and you have no doubt that you want it, you need to become just like Maurice Richard. Clench your teeth firmly on your bone and don't let it go. Be determined not to allow anyone or anything to take it from you.

Many circumstances can make it difficult to hold on, such as health challenges or your own doubts and fears. Other people, even well-meaning loved ones, may also try to yank that bone away from you. When you face these obstacles, you just need to turn up the volume on your determination and feel the passion of your desire, the force that will propel you toward your goals.

While being determined is crucial, it's also important to open yourself up to receive new ideas and expand your thinking. You must be ready to let go of those limiting thoughts that feature the words should and ought to, such as, I should be realistic and not make such a lofty goal for myself, or I ought to do what the people I love want me to do instead of pursuing my own passion. Go for what you really want!

Challenge yourself to scratch out a new path and chase your dream, but be careful of the route you take. Be willing to explore new paths; after all, if you travel the same route that you've been taking thus far, you'll end up at the same destination. Is that where you long to go?

Peggy McColl

Excerpt taken from New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy's McColl's new book: Be a Dog With a Bone (Always Go For Your Dreams) Get your copy here.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Insight for Today 1/8/09

"Mick Jagger sang, "You CAN'T always get what you want!" He was wrong!"
(Read the rest of the story!)

Gerry Robert
Author of The Millionaire Mindset

Daily Motivator Tip for Thursday, January 8, 2009

Economy Woes

Times are tough and stresses are high. No matter what your financial situation is, you can't ignore the one vehicle that will carry you through. Take care of your body. Health is wealth, baby.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Insight for Today 1/7/09 - This Is So True!!!!

"The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better."

Barbara Pletcher

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rich Dad's Weekly Tuesday Round Table 7:30am Meeting

First Round Table Meeting for the year 2009

(Robert Kiyosaki was not in attendance due to he is i New York with our President Mona Gambetta promoting his latest book "Rich Brother Rich Sister" due out today)

Number of Games played:

Rich Dad's Coaching - 1,300
Rich Dad's Education - 1,062
Rich Dad's Franchising - 1,956

2008 Highlight for Coaching:

1. Numbers going up
2. Importance of the game
3. Lessons of the game
4. Teaching other people to teach people to play the game

2008 Highlight for Education:

1. Increase in the numbers for the 3-Day Event
2. Branding
3. Messaging - economic conditions, etc

2008 Highlight for Rich Dad's:

1. The "I Am The Rich Dad Company" letter written by 6th Degree Kathy Heasley (Branding Company) - "Hope gets you no where, Why Hope when you can learn and take action, Take charge of your DREAMS"

Rhonda - Marketing Director

1. Solid Marketing Team (Brett, Sara, Ryan, and Scott) - working together as a team
2. Web site numbers have increased tremendously
3. Our 3-Day Event with Robert Kiyosaki "How To Predict The Future"
4. Holiday Sales has been huge
5. Going to introduce a new book Rd's Stories
6. Online book "The Fly"

Kim Kiysaki - Robert's wife 2008 Highlights:

1. Major house cleaning of the Rich Dad's Company
2. Lawsuit - major lessons and processes we learned
3. The new book "The Fly" online book

New word for 2009:


(Looking at the whole economic crises)

Kelly - Franchising 2008 Highlights:

1. Major one is the CASHFLOW Clubs world wide - importance of the clubs
2. Pushing out to the market, talking with the customers


Discussion Article:

"Contemplatng the Boobs We Were" it was in the New York Times newspaper 1/4/09

Contemplating the Boobs We Were
Published: December 27, 2008

Yes, it’s been a miserable year.
Had Time waited a few days it might have decided to go with Bernard L. Madoff, the ultimate face of this annus horribilis, as its Person of the Year instead of Barack Obama.
But, when it comes to money, hope springs eternal. Just ask the financial magazines which are already full of advice about the better year to come. “Your Comeback Year — 2009,” announces Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. In Money it’s: “Get Your Money Back — A Six-Step Plan to Rebuild Your Savings.” BusinessWeek’s Investment Outlook promises: “Yes, Things Are Grim. But Here’s Your New Plan to Emerge Stronger.”
Maybe next year will be better. It can’t be much worse. But before we toss the latest unopened 401(k) statement into the trash, a year-end toast to us all — the boobs and easy marks who from time immemorial have mastered the art of buying high and selling low, investing in bubbles as transparent as an open window, making crashes and swindles as much a part of the human experience as love, vanity and bad breath.
“Insofar as there is a lesson in history,” said James Grant, editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, “it’s that human beings are not very good with large sums of money, anything over $136.”
As we await a better 2009 we ask: Are we doomed forever to be the fleeced or is there anything we can learn form this latest round of financial catastrophe? In fact, there are plenty of lessons to be learned. So here’s a revolutionary idea: Maybe it’s time we even start thinking about ways to teach them.
All financial collapses have their own brand of pain. But this one cuts particularly deep because over the past few decades, without even quite knowing it, we went from a nation with a few financial choices to one with thousands, and we’re making decisions previous generations never faced — in I.R.A.’s, 401(k)’s, 529 plans and elsewhere. What’s the right asset allocation? Regular I.R.A. or Roth? When is it best to retire and when to begin withdrawing funds from retirement plans? Tell me again how that annuity is supposed to work? What’s the catch in that cheap adjustable-rate mortgage?

Back in 1972, Money magazine was a revolutionary idea, a money magazine for people who didn’t have much of it. Now the marketplace is full of people and publications offering advice, much of it self serving, some smart, some dumb. Were you lucky enough you might have happened upon David Lereah’s invaluable primer, “Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust — And How You Can Profit From It” or Robert Zuccaro’s prescient book, “Dow, 30,000 by 2008 — Why It’s Different This Time.” There was plenty more where those came from.
Not all that long ago financial wisdom for the masses was Louis Rukeyser on “Wall Street Week” trading puns and market insight with buttoned-down Wall Street savants in that sedate living room on PBS. Now it’s Jim Cramer shouting, sweating and making loud animal noises in his financial carnival on CNBC. We’re all part of a 24/7 financial noise machine even if most of us don’t know the first thing about it.
Surely, there are different levels of financial ignorance and folly. People who took out loans they had no ability to pay based on the quaint notion that housing prices only went up didn’t make the same mistakes as Mr. Madoff’s investors, who had at least some reason to think they were doing something prudent and wise.
But can anyone doubt that the demands on people to make reasonably intelligent choices with their money has so far exceeded their wisdom to do it, that maybe we should at least try to figure out some way to close the gap? If many presumably sophisticated Madoff investors were ruined, what chance do the rest of us have?
Frederick E. Rowe Jr., a Dallas money manager, has a framed quote attributed to financier and investor Bernard Baruch near his desk.
It reads: “If you are ready and able to give up everything else, to study the whole history and background of the market and all the principal companies whose stocks are on the board as carefully as a medical student studies anatomy, to glue your nose at the tape at the opening of every day of the year and never take it off till night. If you can do all that and in addition you have the cool nerves of a great gambler, the sixth sense of a kind of clairvoyant, and the courage of a lion,” then you’ve got a chance.
That level of commitment may be a bit beyond most of us. But shouldn’t we be teaching more of this in high school and college? Shouldn’t every high school graduate at least know what compound interest can do for you as a saver and what it does to you as a borrower? Any college kid at some point gets lectures and required readings on the importance of diversity, academia’s favorite subject. Shouldn’t they graduate with a modicum of financial literacy as well?
“We’re taught that money is the root of all evil and that money can’t buy you love, but the nature of compound interest, that you have to have more money coming in than going out, is almost never taught,” Mr. Rowe said. “Students have to take math and foreign language and history, but you can graduate from every good school in the country without any exposure at all to how money works.”
One lesson of this year is that these days, no one, even the most financially secure, can afford to be stupid. Another might be that investing for the long term, can mean for a very, very long term.

It’s ugly out there. Better luck next year.

As the Rich Dad's Company we are in the right place at the right time. People are now listening to us and are following us including Donald Trump!!!!!!!

Bye guys!

Insight for Today 1/6/09

"As you're on your journey to success, do remember to enjoy the trip. Stick your head out of the car window, just like a dog does, and let the wind blow through your hair."

Peggy McColl
New York Times Best-Selling Author.
Get her latest book: Be A Dog With A Bone

Monday, January 5, 2009

A Tip-A-Day for Monday, January 5, 2009

Push Yourself

"It's important to get your blood moving almost every day even if you are injured. I recently went through surgery on my jaw and was bed-ridden for over a week. Even though I couldn't run or go to the gym, I still made sure that I took a walk everyday."

—Haley, Philadelphia


$7.2 trillion allocated so far...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009 Gangs!

Wow 2008 sure went by fast! It was a great year for me, I lost 115 lbs (130 lbs) and now I just need to do 2 more to get back to 128 lbs! I am surprise I did well only gaining the most 5 lbs and then losing it and gaining 3 and then back down and then 3 and then lost the 3, etc. Now 2009 I will just focus on staying between 128 - 130 lbs. Below is my Goal for 2009:


1. Mail in Money Order for 65.00 to get CCW License to purchase a gun

2. Rich Dad’s Education Stock 3 – Day Training – need to attend the free 2 hour Event first

3. Rich Woman Coaching

4. HTML/Website Class and Management and Leadership Level 1 Class – starts 1/26/09 and 1/21/09

5. Launch my website live – in Under Construction status at this time

6. Join Pre-Paid Legal Network Marketing - $50.00 to join

7. Jayne Johnson and Blair Singer Goal Setting Workshop 2/7 and 2/08 of 2009

8. Continue sessions with Body Talk – 1/16/09

9. Maintain my weight loss and once a month check up visit with Dr Rob Ellsworth

10. Continue book study on Creatures From Jykell Island” book – 1/8/09

11. Purchase more books on website and personal growth books:

A. Confession of an Economic Hit Man
B. Love is Letting Go Of Fear
C. Secret of Letting Go
D. Same Soul Many Bodies
E. The Body/Mind Connection
F. Conversational Capital

12. Attend at least one Sales Dogs 2 – Day Event

13. Purchase gun and ammo

14. Stock up more on Silver/Gold, food, and cash.

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May the wisdom of personalized tarot be with you today and always!

Insight for Today 1/2/09

Take a Year-End Attitude Inventory

It's a wise custom to end an old year and begin a new one with serious self-reflection. What did you learn this year that can improve your life and make you a better person?

Start by examining the way you think and feel about your job, your relationships, and yourself. After all, the single most important factor in personal happiness and your impact on others is your attitude.

In the geometry of life, the axiom is "positive attitudes produce positive results." They make success more likely, failures less harmful, pleasures more frequent, and pain more bearable. Some people tend to bring warm sunshine wherever they go; others bring cold chills. What do you bring?

To find out where you can improve, take an honest inventory of your predispositions, the attitude you're most likely to start with.

. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic?
. Do you tend to assume the best or expect the worst of people?
. Is your first instinct to be empathetic or judgmental?
. Is your first instinct to be supportive or critical?
. Do you send the message that you enjoy life or that you're barely enduring it?
. Do you come across as the captain of your own ship or simply a passenger?

Wherever you are on the positive-attitude spectrum, think how much better things could be if you were more consistently and self-consciously optimistic, empathetic, supportive, grateful, enthusiastic, hopeful, and cheerful.

So why not resolve to think, act, and speak more positively about yourself, your family, your coworkers, and everyone else in your life?

Michael Josephson

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Insight for Today 1/1/09

"You can conquer almost any fear if you will make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind."

Dale Carnegie
1888-1955, Speaker and Author