Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Email I Received by UgleyBugley - A Suze Orman Hate Club

This email below confirms just how I really feel about Suze Orman! On my website "Power Women" I have a page called "Why I Hate Suze Orman". I will be in the next week be putting this email response on that page. Anyone who also hates her please email me your response and why you hate her and I will also put it on my Website! Voice your opinion!!! Send it to

"I've come across Suze Orman here and there on TV occasionally,but, yesterday, she was on Oprah with the "Octomom" pretending to sort out her personal finances. All I got out of it was that Suze's full of herself and that she's a total drama queen who loves to be in the limelight. She's on a total ego trip and often refers to herself in the third person, i.e. "a Suzie Smackdown". Anyone who refers to themselves in the third person is an egomaniac, in my opinion, as though they are so great that they can speak about themselves as if they were a separate entity. Ugh...pass the bucket, I think I'm gonna puke! She is so nauseating. If I ever come across her on TV again, I'll switch the channel, for sure."

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