“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Friday, April 29, 2011
This is a KEY to success -- are you missing it? Another GREAT article by Dr Robert Anthony
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Psychologist Martin Seligman,
the godfather of the positive psychology moment, conducted
extensive research in optimists versus pessimists. What he found
was optimism can be learned. He discovered that optimists
consistently talk about what they are rather than what they are
not, or what they have instead of what they don't have. Pessimists
have one thing in common, they talk about why things are not the
way they should be and what they don't have.
We are not born pessimists. In fact, all children are optimists
until we program them differently. Stand outside any amusement park
on any given weekend and talk to the families that exit. Kids come
out and you ask them, "What did you think of the park?" The gush,
"Oh that was so cool!" Now talk to the parents and here is what
they say, "Lines are too long". "Food was overpriced". "The damn
noise and crowds get on my nerves". So is the amusement park a
happy place or a place from hell? The answer is - it is neither. It
depends on the meaning we give to it.
How did we go from being born optimists to being pessimists?
Somewhere along the way we were trained not to be optimistic in
case things don't work out. If you are too optimistic and things
don't work out you will be very disappointed. But if you are
pessimistic and they don't work out you will be less disappointed
and of course, you will be "right".
Seligman also states that we can learn or relearn how to be
optimistic. According to his research optimists outperform
pessimists ten to one! Maybe it is time to reprogram our thinking
and ask, "What is good about this situation?" and if we cannot find
the good, ask, "What does my reaction to this say about me?" This
can help you to become more of an optimist.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Are You Surrounded?? Article by Dr Robert Anthony
If your objective is to vibrate at a higher level and attract higher
and higher results in your life, you will find it difficult, if not
impossible to do so, if everything around you is reinforcing the
If you look at the people you are close to and they are not going
in the same direction, or at least not supporting you in the
direction you are going, then they are most likely not thinking
the things you are thinking or doing the things you are doing. They
will hold you back, plain and simple. If you want to grow you
must surround yourself with like minded people.
Are you spending time with people who support you and are helping
you move toward your intentions? Or, are you investing your time and
energy with people who are holding you back?
This was a hard lesson for me to learn. At one point in my life I
tried to "ration lies" in my mind that I could still surround
myself with the same people that I had outgrown. I tried to make it
work, but in my heart I knew they were bringing me down to a level
where I was no longer comfortable.
I decided I no longer wanted to spend high quality time with people
I didn't want to be around. It wasn't easy, but I have never
regretted it. I started spending time with people who aspired to
values, traits and accomplishments similar to mine. It wasn't long
before I had new friends who supported who I was becoming and where
I was going. It is without a doubt one of the most empowering
things I have done.
Just accept that when you choose to pursue your greatness that your
peer group doesn't possess, they will try to stop you or slow you
down. Surround yourself with people who share the vibrations that
you are giving to the universe and you will find that you will
achieve your dreams and desires much faster and much easier.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Attract More of What You Want article by Dr Robert Anthony
So take a look at Karim's "Creating Power" course and see what
you think.
A quick look at his website shows how he helps you master
things like:
- How To Identify Your Own Path to Success
- How to Eliminate the Fears that Drain Your Power.
- How to Effortlessly Embrace Your Strengths, Anytime You Need To
- Simple Steps To Immediately Replace Your Limiting Beliefs With Empowering
- How Power Can Enhance Your Intimate Relationships
- How Successful People Handle Mistakes Differently Than Others
Plus so much more... I can't fit it into this email.
I know there are a lot of personal growth and self-improvement
books and systems out there. Some of them are good and some
are not so good. But Karim's Creating Power system is one of
the best.
He takes you by the hand and leads you through some very
important principles that really will change your life.
We all have our own personal power. But take a look around
you and you'll see plenty of people leading rather mediocre
lives while a few others (with the same level of intelligence
and opportunities) seem to flourish.
Haven't you known people who just seem to have The Midas Touch?
People who set goals and always seem to achieve them?
The only difference between them and their not so successful
friends is that they've tapped into their personal power and
make it work for them.
That's exactly what you'll master with Karim Hajee's Creating
Power System.
Now, I'm not going to try and explain Karim's system in this
email. But I am going to ask you to visit this link to take a
look for yourself:
It only takes a moment, and I'm sure you'll be glad you did.
In no time at all, you could be enjoying a much happier, more
successful life.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight for Today 4/28/11
"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."
Willie Nelson
Insight for Today 4/27/11
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
Mother Teresa
1910-1997, Catholic Nun and Founder of Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta
Insight for Today 4/26/11
"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
Mark Caine
Insight for Today 4/21/11
"I quit being afraid when my first venture failed and the sky didn't fall down."
Allen H. Neuharth
Founder of USA Today
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My first & new guest on my blog!!! Trhonda Edwards "90 Day Challenge"
My Stop & Stare Journey
My name is Trhonda, I’m 28 out of St Louis MO. I am a first time mom of a 4 year old, Kaden, who’s more than enough to keep me on my toes. I “officially” started my weight loss journey on 12/19/10, but realistically, I have made a lot of starts & stalls for the last 10 years. From my teen years and beyond I have always been self-conscious about my weight. I was teased by family & friends for my body, and therefore spent a lot of time not being comfortable in my own skin.
Fast forward to 2001, I was fresh out of high school and had joined the U.S. Army. I was in the shape of my life and the WORLD knew it! LOL That was a time when I knew I loved absolutely everything about me. I met my fiancee’ in a whirlwind romance, we both in peak shape. I was truly inspired by my appearance, but slowly but surely the weight started to creep up. So fast forward again, to 2010, where I had picked up a total of 68lbs since I was considered “skinny”! I was so devastated at my body at this point I can’t even find too many pictures of my natural body without help from girdles, spanx, & magic mirrors. I had once again got to a point where I hated the woman I saw in the mirror. Throughout that span of 9 years I tried a little bit of everything, to the point I could’ve been a stockholder at Weight Watchers, but nothing stick for longer than 3 to 4 weeks.
What about the rest of your life?? Article by James Ray Arthur
I sure hope to live to at least 100 years old! I will just keep on being healthy, happy, be spiritual! Here is the article I want to share with you:
People live so much longer these days.
Some scientists predict most of us will see our eightieth birthdays. Even more optimistic, Dr. Deepak Chopra says we're easily equipped to live to 120. Imagine hitting sixty and thinking, "Hello, middle age!"
Knowing it's possible you'll live to be much older than most people at any other time in history, you have to realize, even if you've already summited that proverbial hill, you've got a whole life ahead of you. Most of us haven't even hit our stride yet.
What will you choose to create for the rest of your life?
Know where you're going.
That's a funny phrase: the rest of your life. Most of us don't envision swinging in a hammock for thirty to sixty years. Even though I'm years away from sixty, I certainly don't plan on lazing about for the entire remainder of my time here on earth. Yet if we can think of "the rest" as both purposeful activity and mindful inactivity, along with the absence of both busywork and exhaustion, then "the rest of our lives" can take on an entirely new meaning and meaningfulness.
Easier said than done, though, isn't it? To expend our energy on what's most important and to remember to slow down so we can rejuvenate takes conscious attention to a clear vision for our lives. We must know with absolute clarity what we choose to create. So many of us, though, find it much easier to define what we don't want: "I don't want to be downsized out of a job," or "I don't want to be fat any more," or "I don't want to be alone."
Knowing these "don't-wants" is only half the equation.
These are the conditions we want to move away from. What are we moving toward? To be successful for the long term, you must know both the moving away, which tends to compel you to action in the first place, and the moving toward that will keep you going even after you've reached a major milestone.
Let's consider the example of a goal to lose weight. A major factor in the yo-yo effect commonly associated with this goal is people being clear about what they don't want and not having a vision for what they do want. If the goal is to lose weight, what will they gain? Once the weight is lost, why continue to exercise and eat sensibly? The goal has been achieved, so there's nothing left to do but hope that some good habits got ingrained. But for most people, that doesn't happen. Ninety percent of people who lose weight in North America gain everything back within two years or less -- plus two more pounds!
Once people who were overweight get far enough away from being fat, the motivators are gone, and they get sucked back into their old behaviors. A better strategy is to acknowledge the moving away motivator, but then to focus on the moving toward. For example, "I will feel confident and strong in my body," or "I will be able to enjoy any physical activity that interests me," or "I will look irresistible in my jeans and a sweater."
It works something like a rocket going into space.
A tremendous amount of energy and effort and force goes into moving that rocket away from the earth's gravity, but after that initial thrust, and once the ship gets out of the gravitational pull, it drops the booster and gets a new burst of energy to move toward its destination planet. Otherwise, the rocket would travel only halfway. Moving away from the earth was a critical first step, but to actually land on the moon, the rocket has to drop the propellant to reach its target.
Likewise, a person who wants to get out of debt (move away), needs to come up with a vision to move toward. For example, "I will have the freedom to travel anywhere in the world." Someone who doesn't want to feel lonely any more (move away), needs to focus on what he or she chooses to create: "I will reach out to my family and friends so I always feel connected." We need to know where we're headed, not just what we're leaving behind.
Be specific, make it measurable and set a date.
For best results, goals should meet three important criteria: They are specific, measurable and timed. In fact, in one of my seminars, I give participants a mnemonic for remembering the key criteria for goals.
The S.M.A.R.T. goal is one that is:
Instead of "I want to lose weight," make it specific and measurable: "I will be in excellent condition: My body will have 25 percent body fat, and I will be able enjoy jogging for 45 minutes."
Is this achievable? Certainly. Is it realistic? Careful, here. "Realism" can be a trap, mainly because for most of us, realism is actually pessimism. Dr. Martin Seligman, who wrote a book titled Learned Optimism, revealed that most achievers are optimists who, in pushing the limits of what is "reasonable" or "realistic," accomplish much greater things than those who are unwilling to test the boundaries (also known as pessimists). One great example he gives to illustrate the difference is that you can stand outside Disneyland and listen to the adults leaving the park, grumbling about how long the lines were, how expensive the food was, and how that stupid mouse got on their nerves. Yet the children -- even if they're dragging out with droopy eyelids -- are still enthusiastic about how fun the rides were, how they loved the cotton candy and Goofy and Small World and the pirates and the music and... and yo u get the picture. The kids optimistically focus on what was great for them.
Really go for it!
My point is, that in setting "realistic" goals, to not allow that label limit you. Be an optimist. Set goals that will challenge you, goals that give you butterflies, goals that put you right out on the edge without one more step to take. Anything less challenging can bore you. Anything more challenging can break you. So search your heart. Set goals that will, for you, really put you out there and motivate you to continue. You deserve nothing less. After all, it's the rest of your life.
It's hard for me to believe this series of lessons is at an end -- or is it?
That depends on you. You may have treated these as e-mails you read, saying to yourself, "Interesting!" and then deleting them from your inbox. I hope instead that you saved these lessons and mulled over the ideas I've tried to convey. You may have even tried a few of these concepts out and seen their effect in your life. But I have to be honest with you: 99 percent of people who read success literature or listen to personal-growth tapes don't put what they've learned into practice.
What's next if you are among the 1 percent who is truly committed to greatness? There is nothing like a time of concentrated learning and application in the company of other excited and dedicated people to propel you into a new level of life.
There's a difference between learning how to create Harmonic Wealth® in your life, and living a commitment to achieve not just money, fame, power, influence (whatever success means to you) but health, balance, happiness and contribution along with it.
And there's a difference between reading e-mail lessons, no matter how valuable, and deciding to give the rocket ship of your life the fuel it needs to blast off and reach the stars.
I appreciate the gift of your time for these lessons. And I wish that you start living the next years of your life today with ever more joy, passion, and success.
To your continued wealth and fulfillment,
James Arthur Ray
Insight for Today 4/20/11
"If you put off everything till you're sure of it, you'll never get anything done."
Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Minister and Author
Monday, April 18, 2011
What Stands Between You And Having What You Want??? article by Dr Robert Anthony
Another great article!!!
What stands between you and having what you want?
Be honest. A lack of education? A toxic marriage? A bad divorce?
You have no relationship and can't find anyone? A problem employer?
You are stuck in a job you hate? Be honest. A medical condition?
A weight problem? A lack of money? Be rigorously honest.
I'm proposing that the real reason that you don't have what you want
is because you are creating your life unconsciously by DEFAULT instead
of consciously by DESIGN. Most of the time you are blocking the deliberate
creation process because your conscious messages and your unconscious
messages are in conflict.
Am I saying that you are deliberately or consciously sabotaging yourself?
Absolutely not; but I am saying that through limited, mostly unconscious
beliefs, and negative, unexamined habitual patterns, you are creating your
life by DEFAULT.
You cannot achieve success by simply slapping positive thoughts on top
of a lifetime of negative expectations. You need to uncover and release
the unconscious obstacles and habitual patterns that hold you back from
creating the life you desire.
Once you become "conscious" about what is truly happening in your life
and why you don't have what you want, you are destined to live a life that
is free of fear, doubt and worry. One in which you feel happy and rejoice
soundly in the knowledge that you are meant to thrive; not struggle. A life
Consciously Chosen and Deliberately Created that puts you into a "state" of
unlimited possibility instead of a state of limitation and unfulfilled desires.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. My program 'The Secret of Deliberate Creation' shows you exactly how to
collapse the limiting beliefs and unconscious habitual patterns that stand
you and what you want -- use the program for a FULL 365 Days, guaranteed...
Insight for Today 4/18/11
"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates."
Thomas Szasz
Psychiatrist and Author
How Do We Create Meaning Article by Dr Robert Anthony
I like this article and I wanted to share it with you:
Nothing in life has any meaning besides the meaning we give it.
How do we create meaning? In many cases we are programmed by our
culture and the people around us. The truth is that all meaning is
subjective. Some of us are taught that having designer clothes, a
perfect body and having a lot of money is the true meaning of
success. In other cultures having a loin cloth, a lip plate, long
earlobes and living off the land is the true meaning of success.
Some of us are taught that death is sadness and others believe it is
joyful because we get rid of our warn-out bodies so our spirit can
move on and have more fun!
Imagine you are in the ocean and you are a poor swimmer. Behind you
is a huge wave. Now what do you think? Do you think what an
exciting and fun wave? No! You're scared as hell. Now imagine you
are an experienced surfer and the same wave comes up behind you.
You say, "Cool. Hang ten. What a wave dude". Did the wave change?
Obviously it was just the meaning you gave to it.
If nothing in life has any meaning besides what you give to it then
your experiences in life have nothing to do with what is happening
in your life, but everything to do with the meaning you attach it
Understanding that you can choose the meaning to the events in your
life gives you a tremendous power to change the quality of your
experiences, the quality of your results and the quality of your
If you feel angry or upset ask yourself, "What does my reaction to
this say about me?" In other words, what do I have to believe to
experience the emotions I am experiencing right now in this
situation? In short, you define your own experiences. You create
your own meaning.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Insight for Today 4/14/11
"My father instilled in me that if you don't see things happening the way you want them to, you get out there and make them happen."
Susan Powter
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Money is an idea...........another good article by James Ray Arthur
I like this one:
If you think that money is green slips of paper...think again!
It takes a bigger person to make $20,000 in a month than it does to make $20,000 in a year. Not a better person, but a bigger one: a bigger risk taker, a bigger thinker, someone with bigger willingness and creativity. In the same way that creating any kind of measurable success and Harmonic Wealth(TM) requires more from us -- as in a long, happy marriage or a satisfying and meaningful career or a fit and healthy body -- earning the bigger dollar amount requires a bigger person.
How big are your results?
Many of us want to be that bigger version of ourselves, to expand our consciousness to include all the riches life has to offer, including money. Yet many of us are held back.
More money will only magnify your current situation
Before we go any further, let me be clear: I don't believe money solves all of life's woes. On the contrary, I see money as a magnifier, both in lack and abundance. Any time you move outside your comfort zones with money, it magnifies the circumstances of your life. If you have a great relationship, if you're spiritually connected and you're healthy, then an abundance or shortfall of money will make that seem even greater. (The high life with extra cash will be fun and joyful; the tough times will make you appreciate what you have in other areas of your life.)
If you are sick and tired now...
If you're experiencing the converse, money will magnify that, as well. (Life will seem bleaker and more lonely at the top and more impossible and desperate at the bottom.)
In the last e-mail you received from me, I introduced you to the idea of a TBS (Total Belief System), a governing set of ideas and feelings stemming mostly from past experiences. Indeed, the TBS also gets magnified by money. Nowhere else is the TBS more blatantly at work than in the realm of our finances, either restricting or expanding our income potential and influencing our spending, saving, investing and planning habits.
A Couple of Bad Ideas
In my events, I frequently meet people whose TBS puts undue limitations on their wealth. For most of us, our TBS has not set us up for monetary wealth. The most common problems in this area are two beliefs: I'm not worthy; and Money is bad (or will make me bad). People may not articulate those two beliefs so clearly, either to themselves or to others, but of the unconscious limitations that hold people back from the wealth they consciously desire, these two are the most likely psychological roadblocks.
Where the heck do these ideas come from?
They are usually the result of early conditioning. "I'm not worthy" can stem from any number of childhood events or issues that wind up leaving us feeling as if we don't deserve more than anybody else. As an adult, it looks something like this: "I'm not good enough to earn that much money," or "I'm not any better than anyone else, so why should I expect to earn more money?" But who among us would say to a friend, "You know, you're smart enough. Stop learning because you're bound to make someone else feel stupid," or "You're already very healthy. Don't you feel bad that you can bench press 220 pounds when there are those who can't do 40?" or "Your daughter is quite well adjusted. Maybe you should back off on encouraging her self-esteem or she will be more confident than her peers"?
One down...one more to go
The "I'm not worthy" idea about money is on pretty shaky ground when you put it in the context of other accomplishments, isn't it? How about the other one, Money is bad? More often than not, this equally insidious idea comes from a misinterpretation of religious principles about wealth. Although according to John 10:10, Jesus Christ announced he had come to earth to give us life more abundant, many of his followers today have somehow decided that lack was Christ's legacy, that abundance of any kind, and particularly monetary wealth, is sinful.
So many of the scriptures have been misquoted or taken out of context to support this idea. For example, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24). The point here was not that there's something wrong with being rich, as it's often interpreted. Instead, according to Paul Pilzer, economist, biblical scholar, and author of God Wants You to Be Rich, Jesus was explaining what God expects of us of where we are to experience heaven, and pointing out that for those of us who acquire material wealth are called to do even more.
But wait! I didn't mean to turn this into a Bible lesson...
My point is simply that church leaders have abused sacred texts to make us feel bad about achieving economic success. Why? So we feel compelled to give away much of what we earn. (I'll let you figure out to whom.) Yet some religious groups have gotten it right. They encourage their followers to do well, and to continually put forth an equivalent amount of value to all those they meet. This is part of what Pilzer refers to when he says that more material wealth means a higher obligation, I think.
Balancing on the Teeter-Totter of Wealth
We bump up against some interesting beliefs when we start talking about giving, too. What most of us need to remember is that giving is an integral part of receiving.
Wealth is something like a teeter-totter, requiring balance on many levels. One of those levels is giving-receiving. Many of us say, "Oh, I'll give money away when..." When we make "enough." Or when we make "extra." But giving is a habit that's easiest developed with less money instead of more. Do you think it's easier to give $1 out of $10, or $100 out of $1,000, or $10,000 out of $1 million?
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that by giving away money, you will earn more money, though there are those who do say that. My point is balance.
Notice I said wealth is a teeter-totter, not a train. There are several balancing elements that affect one another but don't necessarily precede or cause one another.
There are two kinds of wealth...
A great example of this is income, which has two balancing elements: psychic rewards and monetary rewards. Monetary rewards are the paycheck; that's obvious. The psychic rewards come from doing something in alignment with your purpose, from doing something that has meaning for you.
In any profession or career, the ideal is to balance both types of rewards. If one is insufficient for you -- either your pay is great, but the job stinks; or you love the job, but can barely cover the mortgage -- then you will ultimately be unhappy in that role. The mistake most of us make is thinking that if we just hang on long enough, the income will balance itself: in time, the sacrifices we make will be noticed and compensated, or the money will come to be fulfilling in and of itself. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.
Then how can we increase our income, both in terms of psychic and material rewards? It all comes down to mindset. Remember these keys:
You are compensated based on three factors:
1. the perceived value,
2. the actual value you deliver, and
3. the ease with which you can be replaced.
Improve one or all of these areas to increase your income.
It's noble to ask a fortune for your service or product, if you provide a fortune in value. If you don't feel comfortable asking for that fortune, you need to ask yourself:
1. Am I providing enough value to earn what I want to earn, and
2. Am I providing that value but afraid to ask for it because of my TBS?
Remember, money is a magnifier, both in your life in general and in the workplace in particular. What you do well will be magnified with an increase in pay, and what you need to improve will also come into sharper focus. Be the first one to notice and take action.
When you address the TBS (Total Belief Systems) many people find they can increase their incomes immediately. More important, they experience what I call Harmonic Wealth(TM) -- greater abundance in almost every area of their lives -- spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, as well as fiscally.
I hope you're ready to make the decision to become the bigger version of "you" that you've perhaps dreamed of but never attained. And I look forward to seeing you as you discover and enjoy a more abundant life!
To your continued wealth and fulfillment,
James Ray Arthur
If you think that money is green slips of paper...think again!
It takes a bigger person to make $20,000 in a month than it does to make $20,000 in a year. Not a better person, but a bigger one: a bigger risk taker, a bigger thinker, someone with bigger willingness and creativity. In the same way that creating any kind of measurable success and Harmonic Wealth(TM) requires more from us -- as in a long, happy marriage or a satisfying and meaningful career or a fit and healthy body -- earning the bigger dollar amount requires a bigger person.
How big are your results?
Many of us want to be that bigger version of ourselves, to expand our consciousness to include all the riches life has to offer, including money. Yet many of us are held back.
More money will only magnify your current situation
Before we go any further, let me be clear: I don't believe money solves all of life's woes. On the contrary, I see money as a magnifier, both in lack and abundance. Any time you move outside your comfort zones with money, it magnifies the circumstances of your life. If you have a great relationship, if you're spiritually connected and you're healthy, then an abundance or shortfall of money will make that seem even greater. (The high life with extra cash will be fun and joyful; the tough times will make you appreciate what you have in other areas of your life.)
If you are sick and tired now...
If you're experiencing the converse, money will magnify that, as well. (Life will seem bleaker and more lonely at the top and more impossible and desperate at the bottom.)
In the last e-mail you received from me, I introduced you to the idea of a TBS (Total Belief System), a governing set of ideas and feelings stemming mostly from past experiences. Indeed, the TBS also gets magnified by money. Nowhere else is the TBS more blatantly at work than in the realm of our finances, either restricting or expanding our income potential and influencing our spending, saving, investing and planning habits.
A Couple of Bad Ideas
In my events, I frequently meet people whose TBS puts undue limitations on their wealth. For most of us, our TBS has not set us up for monetary wealth. The most common problems in this area are two beliefs: I'm not worthy; and Money is bad (or will make me bad). People may not articulate those two beliefs so clearly, either to themselves or to others, but of the unconscious limitations that hold people back from the wealth they consciously desire, these two are the most likely psychological roadblocks.
Where the heck do these ideas come from?
They are usually the result of early conditioning. "I'm not worthy" can stem from any number of childhood events or issues that wind up leaving us feeling as if we don't deserve more than anybody else. As an adult, it looks something like this: "I'm not good enough to earn that much money," or "I'm not any better than anyone else, so why should I expect to earn more money?" But who among us would say to a friend, "You know, you're smart enough. Stop learning because you're bound to make someone else feel stupid," or "You're already very healthy. Don't you feel bad that you can bench press 220 pounds when there are those who can't do 40?" or "Your daughter is quite well adjusted. Maybe you should back off on encouraging her self-esteem or she will be more confident than her peers"?
One down...one more to go
The "I'm not worthy" idea about money is on pretty shaky ground when you put it in the context of other accomplishments, isn't it? How about the other one, Money is bad? More often than not, this equally insidious idea comes from a misinterpretation of religious principles about wealth. Although according to John 10:10, Jesus Christ announced he had come to earth to give us life more abundant, many of his followers today have somehow decided that lack was Christ's legacy, that abundance of any kind, and particularly monetary wealth, is sinful.
So many of the scriptures have been misquoted or taken out of context to support this idea. For example, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24). The point here was not that there's something wrong with being rich, as it's often interpreted. Instead, according to Paul Pilzer, economist, biblical scholar, and author of God Wants You to Be Rich, Jesus was explaining what God expects of us of where we are to experience heaven, and pointing out that for those of us who acquire material wealth are called to do even more.
But wait! I didn't mean to turn this into a Bible lesson...
My point is simply that church leaders have abused sacred texts to make us feel bad about achieving economic success. Why? So we feel compelled to give away much of what we earn. (I'll let you figure out to whom.) Yet some religious groups have gotten it right. They encourage their followers to do well, and to continually put forth an equivalent amount of value to all those they meet. This is part of what Pilzer refers to when he says that more material wealth means a higher obligation, I think.
Balancing on the Teeter-Totter of Wealth
We bump up against some interesting beliefs when we start talking about giving, too. What most of us need to remember is that giving is an integral part of receiving.
Wealth is something like a teeter-totter, requiring balance on many levels. One of those levels is giving-receiving. Many of us say, "Oh, I'll give money away when..." When we make "enough." Or when we make "extra." But giving is a habit that's easiest developed with less money instead of more. Do you think it's easier to give $1 out of $10, or $100 out of $1,000, or $10,000 out of $1 million?
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that by giving away money, you will earn more money, though there are those who do say that. My point is balance.
Notice I said wealth is a teeter-totter, not a train. There are several balancing elements that affect one another but don't necessarily precede or cause one another.
There are two kinds of wealth...
A great example of this is income, which has two balancing elements: psychic rewards and monetary rewards. Monetary rewards are the paycheck; that's obvious. The psychic rewards come from doing something in alignment with your purpose, from doing something that has meaning for you.
In any profession or career, the ideal is to balance both types of rewards. If one is insufficient for you -- either your pay is great, but the job stinks; or you love the job, but can barely cover the mortgage -- then you will ultimately be unhappy in that role. The mistake most of us make is thinking that if we just hang on long enough, the income will balance itself: in time, the sacrifices we make will be noticed and compensated, or the money will come to be fulfilling in and of itself. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.
Then how can we increase our income, both in terms of psychic and material rewards? It all comes down to mindset. Remember these keys:
You are compensated based on three factors:
1. the perceived value,
2. the actual value you deliver, and
3. the ease with which you can be replaced.
Improve one or all of these areas to increase your income.
It's noble to ask a fortune for your service or product, if you provide a fortune in value. If you don't feel comfortable asking for that fortune, you need to ask yourself:
1. Am I providing enough value to earn what I want to earn, and
2. Am I providing that value but afraid to ask for it because of my TBS?
Remember, money is a magnifier, both in your life in general and in the workplace in particular. What you do well will be magnified with an increase in pay, and what you need to improve will also come into sharper focus. Be the first one to notice and take action.
When you address the TBS (Total Belief Systems) many people find they can increase their incomes immediately. More important, they experience what I call Harmonic Wealth(TM) -- greater abundance in almost every area of their lives -- spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, as well as fiscally.
I hope you're ready to make the decision to become the bigger version of "you" that you've perhaps dreamed of but never attained. And I look forward to seeing you as you discover and enjoy a more abundant life!
To your continued wealth and fulfillment,
James Ray Arthur
The Science of Success - an article by James Ray Author
I know the unfortunate Sweat Lodge Death happen to James but you know this guy is very good in the Law of Attraction. If the death wouldn't have happen he wouldn't be there in prison right now. People could have walked away and they didn't. Why did they pressed on??? What are you trying to prove by doing that??? Shame.....but death happens and they had to blame someone instead of those who went through with it....but I do like this article anyway:
According to ancient myths, our lives are played out at the whims of gods and goddesses rolling dice and amusing themselves with our fortunes and disasters. If we succeeded in this world, we were lucky, and if we failed, well, maybe Zeus was just having a bad hair day.
Sounds a little ridiculous, doesn't it?
That's because all of us have had the experience of working diligently, maybe for years, to achieve a goal, and then others congratulate us on our good luck when we know full well that luck had nothing to do with it.
Luck?! Yeah right...
Random good fortune is rare, gods or no gods. Personally, I have spent twenty years studying the top achievers in many fields, and it's obvious to me that luck is rarely a factor, unless we want to redefine it as L.U.C.K.: "living under correct knowledge."
The reason I titled my book The Science of Success is that I have learned success and true Harmonic Wealth(TM) can indeed be measured and duplicated, two criteria for scientific study. And the truth is that the internal game runs the external game: consciousness drives results, as you've been learning throughout this e-mail series. Most people tend to think the opposite, however; they believe they have to do something different to get different results, but the reality is that they have to be something different. Being is consciousness.
Remember your school locker...
Truly, when you get the combination of how things work at a consciousness level, then you can open the door to success every single time. It's just like having the combination to a padlock. If you don't have the combination, then you may open it periodically (success may occur temporarily), and then you'll chalk it up to chance, but you'll also set yourself up for frustration and failure.
Many people do this.
They have a great month or quarter or year, then it slips from their fingers and they don't know why. That's because they don't know consciously what is driving them unconsciously -- the TBS as you've learned in the previous e-mail lessons.
Creating a rapport between those two levels of consciousness is really what it is all about: How do we consciously choose where we're going, what we're about, what we want to create in our lives, and then hand it over to the unconscious mind to move the body into action to create the result?
Like learning to ride a bike -- or...
It's like learning to drive a stick shift. At first, you have an awful lot to consciously control: the gears, the clutch, the steering wheel, the brake, the accelerator. Then, in time, it becomes automatic, unconscious.
How often do you drive totally unconscious...
And we even develop the ability to drive from one place to another without thinking at all, to arrive at our destination and wonder, How did I get here? In fact, we might even go places we didn't plan to go, such as the office on a Saturday, just because we're on autopilot.
Life can be like that, too. But if we want to create a genuine rapport between the conscious and unconscious where we choose our destination and the unconscious supports us in getting there, we can use the Seven Laws of Harmonic Wealth(TM) which was based on the work I did for my book, The Science of Success.
Each of these laws, which I called SuperLaws, were drawn from physics and applied to daily life. We have been studying these laws already in small pieces throughout the course of this e-mail series.
Laws, not Luck, is the name of the game...
The first SuperLaw, "The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy," overarches all the others. It states that energy is always moving and changing form; everything is energy, and energy is motion.
If you talked to a physicist and asked, "What creates our universe," he or she would answer, "Energy."
If you requested a description of energy, you would hear something like, "It's in and through everything, and all that ever was and shall be. It has always existed and it can never be created or destroyed. It's always coming into form, moving through form and out of form."
Then, if you went to a theologian and asked the same question, you would get a similar explanation:
"What creates our universe?"
"Would you describe God?"
"God is in and through everything, all that ever was and ever shall be..."
Same thing. It's just a matter of terms.
So clearly, whether you are partial to science or theology, energy/God is the source of everything; everything is comprised of energy. I once read that in our bodies, we each have enough energy to light up the whole North American continent for a week. Convert that to kilowatt hours, and it's worth billions. We are, just as everything else is, comprised of energy.
So our foremost task in following the laws of success, indeed the laws of the universe, is to use that energy wisely, which doesn't just mean to spend that energy, but also to collect, condense and escalate it. Who we are and the results we can produce are a direct reflection of the amount of energy we have within us.
There is a time and place for massive action, but there is also a time and place for no action. Clearly, to sit still even for a little while takes a lot of courage, since most members of our society don't buy into this idea. Instead, they're of the opinion that it's perfectly okay to go, go, go on the highway of life at 80 miles an hour and never stop for gas.
Extend the metaphor and it holds true: this is impossible to maintain, or the vehicles (we) break down. No gas, no go.
We see people for whom the go, go, go has paid off financially, yet their emotional lives run on empty. They've ego-powered themselves into certain monetary results, but they haven't taken the time to fill up in a long, long time.
Likewise, we know those who have admirable relationships but are financially broke, those who are devoted to spiritual practice but are also sick all the time, those who have great health but no real spiritual connection. All great teachers and sages have told us repeatedly that life is meant to be fulfilling and complete in all areas; we are meant to experience Harmonic Wealth(TM). Why is it, then, that so many of us lack vitality -- positive energy -- in one or more areas of our lives?
To the degree that we increase our personal velocity through the constant balance of yang (activity) and yin (inactivity/receptivity), we will find our environment and our world will change.
How can you put this to work in your life?
1. If you passionately feel that something is right to do, do it passionately. If you are ambivalent or uncertain, wait. Take time each day to be alone and journey inside (yin).
2. Turn off "the plug-in drug" (a.k.a. the TV). This income and energy reducer transmits a constant stream of electrons right into your brain that can put you in a trance and dull your mind. Witness the most popular programs: nightly news, reality TV, Jerry Springer, WWF, organized sports -- and then study history and the fall of great empires.
3. Stop listening to and reading the news. This can keep you in a constant state of fear and disempowerment. Doubt me? Prove me wrong! Everything we are told is murder, mayhem, and sensationalism. Everything communicated will ultimately dull the senses, limit creativity, and suggest that we are totally out of control and unable to do anything about the world in which we live.
We've explored only one of the Super Laws in this lesson. But there are six more to help you create as much success, balance, and happiness in your life as you could ever want.
You'll be able to turn on a brand-new flow of energy in your life. You'll discover the truth of who you really are -- the unique, timeless, universal soul who deserves the best life has to offer -- and you'll have both the drive, the skills, and the mindset to create what you've always wanted.
To your continued wealth and fulfillment,
James Ray Arthur
Insight of the Day 4/13/11
"If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however, if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I help you become that."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1749-1832, Author and Philosopher
Insight for Today 4/12/11
"Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realize that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way."
Eileen Caddy
The Secret of The Most High Vibration Blog
I came across this post on the Mind of Power Blog and had to share it with you!!!
The Secret Technique of The Most High Vibration
1. Sit up from bed (first thing after you wake up). Close your eyes.
2. Your body is already in a very relaxed state, your brainwaves are in a light “trance” state, called the hypnagogic state. Sit up so you don’t fall back asleep, but remain calm and relaxed, spine straight.
3. Roll your eyes upward about 20 degrees, just above the bridge of your nose. When the mind is in alpha, this will put you into Theta.
4. Most magickal work is done in the white light of the astral. But this opens you up to anyone or anything that might want to use your energy via transference. Instead, go higher. Much higher…
While the eyes rolled up, imagine your awareness is moving upward, out the top of your head and into the sky, into space, beyond the planets, past the solar system, keep going up and up and up (your awareness moves faster than the speed of light) keep going beyond the stars, galaxies, and into the bright white light far above… but keep going through this light, keep going and the light will get smaller and smaller, just as all the planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, get smaller and smaller in your awareness as you keep going up and up… beyond the white light (far beyond) is a dark light – almost like a black hole – keep going – go through it – go beyond it – in the distance you’ll see “deep space” which is made up of violet light – this is where you want to be – go into it – as you move into the violet light – feel it and fill your awareness with it…
5. Bathe yourself in this Violet Light and notice how you feel as you do… this is the “God Mind” or Core of Source Energy… beyond space/time… beyond all dimensions… this is the Most High.
6. Feel all stress dissolve in every dimension of yourself, every aspect of yourself… feel your very perception of awareness “melt” into this Light and merge with it… as your awareness merges with the Violet Light you become One with it, and all of Creation.
7. Absorb yourself in this Violet Flame, and breathe in the energy of the Most High vibration into YOU… all of you. Every cell of your being. Feel your being empowered by this Light as it radiates within your soul… nothing lower than this vibration of Light can exist within the same space… your awareness is saturated with Violet Light.
8. Now feel a compression… this Most High energy, the core emanation of consciousness itself… compress all this energy into a single pinpoint of Light and it IMPLODES in on itself and with a supernova of an explosion of Violet Light you find yourself back in your physical body, with a new higher awareness of consciousness, empowered… embued with the Light of True Creation – the core of creative energy… potential realized, charged and activated…
9. Open your eyes immediately and look at an object in front of you. Now notice the space between you and the object. The “empty” space in the middle. Feel the space (and everything connected to it) charged with this same power… its all around you… it’s in you… it saturates the atmosphere… feel the Silent Witness, the Observer of all things you perceive… its right there in that space… just as it is within your body… and within everything around you… it is YOU.
10. Now go about your day and notice what seems different than before… do this every morning before you get out of bed. After 2 weeks (14 consecutive days) your life will begin shifting in the most “interesting” and beneficial ways. Give it a shot. ;)
The Secret Technique of The Most High Vibration
1. Sit up from bed (first thing after you wake up). Close your eyes.
2. Your body is already in a very relaxed state, your brainwaves are in a light “trance” state, called the hypnagogic state. Sit up so you don’t fall back asleep, but remain calm and relaxed, spine straight.
3. Roll your eyes upward about 20 degrees, just above the bridge of your nose. When the mind is in alpha, this will put you into Theta.
4. Most magickal work is done in the white light of the astral. But this opens you up to anyone or anything that might want to use your energy via transference. Instead, go higher. Much higher…
While the eyes rolled up, imagine your awareness is moving upward, out the top of your head and into the sky, into space, beyond the planets, past the solar system, keep going up and up and up (your awareness moves faster than the speed of light) keep going beyond the stars, galaxies, and into the bright white light far above… but keep going through this light, keep going and the light will get smaller and smaller, just as all the planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, get smaller and smaller in your awareness as you keep going up and up… beyond the white light (far beyond) is a dark light – almost like a black hole – keep going – go through it – go beyond it – in the distance you’ll see “deep space” which is made up of violet light – this is where you want to be – go into it – as you move into the violet light – feel it and fill your awareness with it…
5. Bathe yourself in this Violet Light and notice how you feel as you do… this is the “God Mind” or Core of Source Energy… beyond space/time… beyond all dimensions… this is the Most High.
6. Feel all stress dissolve in every dimension of yourself, every aspect of yourself… feel your very perception of awareness “melt” into this Light and merge with it… as your awareness merges with the Violet Light you become One with it, and all of Creation.
7. Absorb yourself in this Violet Flame, and breathe in the energy of the Most High vibration into YOU… all of you. Every cell of your being. Feel your being empowered by this Light as it radiates within your soul… nothing lower than this vibration of Light can exist within the same space… your awareness is saturated with Violet Light.
8. Now feel a compression… this Most High energy, the core emanation of consciousness itself… compress all this energy into a single pinpoint of Light and it IMPLODES in on itself and with a supernova of an explosion of Violet Light you find yourself back in your physical body, with a new higher awareness of consciousness, empowered… embued with the Light of True Creation – the core of creative energy… potential realized, charged and activated…
9. Open your eyes immediately and look at an object in front of you. Now notice the space between you and the object. The “empty” space in the middle. Feel the space (and everything connected to it) charged with this same power… its all around you… it’s in you… it saturates the atmosphere… feel the Silent Witness, the Observer of all things you perceive… its right there in that space… just as it is within your body… and within everything around you… it is YOU.
10. Now go about your day and notice what seems different than before… do this every morning before you get out of bed. After 2 weeks (14 consecutive days) your life will begin shifting in the most “interesting” and beneficial ways. Give it a shot. ;)
The Key to Riches..........by Dr Robert Anthony
I can identify with the article below. It is so easy to blame and when people blame they wonder why same things happen over and over again. That is why I love the Law of Attraction and listens to The Secret as much as possible to be aligned, etc. See Article below:
When we discover something is going wrong in our lives we have two
choices. We can complain and blame, or change. I have learned not
to beat myself up when things go "wrong" because that creates a
very low vibration and by doing that I attract more of the same
thing. Instead I ask, "How can this serve me?" In other words, if
things did not turn out the way I wanted them to, I at least want
to pull one good thing out of the experience. So my focus is on
what I can take away from the experience that will help me next
time. Then I move on.
Remember, if you think your problems are "out there" then you will
continue to look "out there" for the solutions. Keep in mind that
if you blame someone else for your problems then THEY have to
change in order for you to have what you want and be happy. It
never works.
Too many people take the victim road and end up in a ditch. When
you PLAY the victim you FEED the victim and the universe sends you
more opportunities to be one.
Riches flow to those who are accountable. In fact, let's take
accountability to the next level. Let's talk about being
accountable for EVERY single thing in our lives. That's right - I
said everything - even when you are convinced it is not your
"fault". You will always experience the greatest results when you
become fully accountable. Only when you become accountable for
EVERYTHING can you be responsible to change ANYTHING.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Does He Like Me Or Not?
Have you ever been in a situation where you really like a guy but
don't know if he feels the same about you or not? Maybe you meet
just as friends or work colleagues, you have great conversations
every time you meet and feel as though he would be perfect for you.
However you want to take things further, but just wish he would
make the first move!
I got an article by Matthew Hussey, author of the ebook "Secrets of the Male Mind ebook" that I thought would be great to post for those women who are single:
"Does He Like Me Or Not?"
Do you catch him looking over?
Let me tell you the biggest secret about men: GUYS. AREN'T. THAT.
So many women I know have guys who like them all the time, but they
dismiss it as "Oh, he's just being friendly." Or: "I'm not sure why
he's looking over at me".
Trust me, guys who make frequent eye contact are attracted. If he's
looking over a lot at your group then he's dying for conversation.
Does he position himself near you?
Proximity is a key sign of initial attraction.
If a guy spots a girl he likes in the venue, rest assured he'll
make steps to positioning himself near her. This is also an open
invite for conversation. He is trying to make it easier to talk to
you, or pluck up the courage to say something.
Equally in bars and bookshops, guys will find ways to drift closer
to girls they're attracted to even if they don't have the courage
to strike up conversation.
Does he lean in during conversation?
When in conversation, notice how the guy moves his body. The best
sign is to look for is what we call pecking. Put simply, pecking is
when a guy leans in closer to listen every time you speak.
We tend to be more attentive to people we're attracted to; Because
we're interested in them we make a greater effort to catch every
part of what they are saying.
So try and be aware of how he leans his body towards you or moves
in closer as you speak.
Does he offer information that you didn't ask for?
When you're in conversation with a guy, listen closely to see the
information he offers.
If he starts dropping in any kind of boasts or achievements without
you asking then it's a fair bet he is trying to impress you. Guys
do this to girls they are attracted to because its a form of
showing off what they perceive to be their best assets.
Does he try and re-initiate conversation?
Once you've built enough rapport with a guy, allow the conversation
to lull and see if he re-initiates.
If he tries to start a new topic or move the conversation forward
it's because he doesn't want you to leave. If he's not attracted to
you he'll probably excuse himself as soon as conversation runs dry.
Does he find excuses to touch you?
Guys will attempt to be more physical with women they're attracted
Notice if he tries to touch you playfully on the arm, if he grabs
you cheekily from the waist, or even if he plays little games like
a thumb-war with you!
Men will always make excuses to have physical contact with the
women they like, no matter how small it seems.
All this takes is an awareness of the signs. You won't believe how
many women who completely fail to notice how many men are attracted
to them simply because they weren't aware of the signs.
So there you have it, simple steps to follow right? If you follow
them correctly and pluck up the courage to take things further,
then you will get the guy you want... I've spoken to women about
this so many times and it always gets more complicated the longer
you leave, so get moving!
If you're absolutely serious about this guy and for some reason
just can't take things to the next level, then you really need to
check out my Secrets of the Male Mind ebook. You would be amazed at
the response it's been getting from women in the same position...
I've spoken to women who have known guys they've fancied
for well over a year if not longer and could never understand why
the guy didn't approach them or if they were even attracted to
them. After reading the ebook, it's a totally different story. They finally
understand why guys act the way they do! So it really will get you
started, make sure you check it RIGHT NOW:
Secrets of the Male Mind eBook
Kind regards,
Matthew Hussey
Monday, April 11, 2011
Insight for Today 4/11/11
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
Harriet Tubman
1822-1913, Abolitionist
Insight for Today 4/7/11
"The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
Frank Lloyd Wright
1867-1959, Architect, Writer and Educator
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the heart live 1984
Turnaround, every now and then I get a
little bit lonely and you're never coming around
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit tired of listening to the sound of my tears
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit nervous that the best of all the years have gone by
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified and then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit restless and I dream of something wild
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit helpless and I'm lying like a child in your arms
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry
Turnaround, Every now and then I get a
little bit terrified but then I see the look in your eyes
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround bright eyes
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll never be the boy you always you wanted to be
Turnaround, every now and then I know
you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's no one in the universe as magical and wonderous as you
Turnaround, every now and then I know
there's nothing any better and there's nothing I just wouldn't do
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
Turnaround bright eyes, Every now and
then I fall apart
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you'll only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
Cause we'll never be wrong together
We can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Insight for Today 4/6/11
"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
Harriet Beecher Stowe
1811-1896, Writer
Insight for Today 4/5/11
"The choices I make today will determine the rest of my life!"
Ginny Dye
Founder of The Ultimate Life Company
Insight for Today 4/4/11
"Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."
Leon Suenens
1904-1996, Clergyman
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