“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Friday, September 9, 2011
Insight for Today 9/8/11 - A Friday Story from Bob Proctor
I am really inspired by his story below:
"Don't Put Off Till Tomorrow."
"Five more minutes," I screamed at my mother as she always tried to awaken me from bed to go to school every morning.
It was a morning ritual. That "5 minutes" would inevitably turn into 10 minutes, which would then turn into 15, then . or, if one does not have a "willing, gullible mother" there's always the clock radio with the ever powerful snooze button. (Why do they have them anyway?)
It's a common habit for many, many people to always "push the snooze button," or more simply put, "procrastinate." I guess I learned the hard way that "procrastination is not the best way to do things and get them accomplished."
In high school I was always "putting things off" or procrastinating. It did not seem to matter, as I was always making great grades, but always pushing it to the limits. If I had a huge final, it did not matter as, apparently, "God would always watch out for me in high school" because I would always (barely, but always) get the work done. That's how I "preferred" it (I thought); I thought I was invincible; at least in regard to my procrastinating ways.
That method of studying seemed to work well as a freshman in college also, as well as the first semester of my sophomore year. I even procrastinated on one of my first semester sophomore finals, not taking exams until after the Christmas break. I did well and thought again: "Procrastination did not hurt me at all." However, very soon I learned life was not so easy, as two weeks after I took that "make up final" my entire life changed forever, as well as my desire to procrastinate.
I was seriously injured, suffering a traumatic brain injury. Most physicians and lay people did not believe I would survive, much less return to college, much less be a functioning member of society ever again. It was not easy. However, I have learned life is not supposed to be easy. Eighteen months after almost losing my life and spending those months in painful therapy I returned to college. Back at college I could now not "skip" my classes as I previously had. My traumatic brain injury obligated me to work hard in order to comprehend the material, and that meant attending all classes and lectures.
However, after four years back at college I graduated at the top of my class with many honors. Smiling and limping as I crossed the stage to accept my diploma from the dean, I realized that all my painful and difficult work was worth everything, as, again, I realized that "anything in life that's worth doing, rarely comes easily." As I accepted the diploma from the dean I chuckled inwardly as I asked myself, "What's procrastination?"
However, years later, I learned another lesson in regard to procrastination.
My family was going to my cousin's wedding in New York City in the late 1990s. Our hotel was directly across the street from the World Trade Towers. I thought about climbing all the stairs to the top (for exercise; to set a "goal"; and simply because I wanted to prove that I could do it). Looking from my hotel room at one of the "Towers" I thought, "It's already getting close to the time when we have to get ready for the wedding, plus, the "Towers" will be there when I return on another trip."
Little could I ever imagine what would happen on September 11, 2001, and that the Towers would NOT be there for a return trip.
Looking back, I realize what might happen when one "puts off for another day" what he can do today. Sometimes the tomorrows never come about. One should never put off until tomorrow what one can do today: climbing a skyscraper, saying you love someone, visiting friends in a hospital. They are all important. One never knows what the future holds in store for you. That is why if you look in the dictionary you will find a definition as "right now" for "present." No one knows what the future will be.
The present is a gift -- that is why it is called "present" -- it's a gift to you -- remember that and live life accordingly.
©2009 by Michael Jordan Segal; all rights reserved
Michael Jordan Segal, who defied all odds after being shot in the head, is a husband, father, social worker, freelance author (including a CD/Download of 12 stories, read with light backgroud music, entitled POSSIBLE), and inspirational speaker, sharing his recipe for happiness, recovery and success before conferences and businesses. To contact Mike or to order his CD, please visit www.InspirationByMike.com and please take a moment to check out his youtube video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNeRqpaoNpQ you will be glad you did.
Bob Proctor
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