“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Friday, October 28, 2011
Insight for Today 10/27/11
"None of us can be free of conflict and woe. Even the greatest men have had to accept disappointments as their daily bread."
Bernard Baruch
1870-1965, Financier and Political Consultant
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Insight for Today 10/26/11
"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all."
Sam Ewing
Former Major League Baseball Player
Insight for Today 10/24/11
"And so it has come to this. I am one of the lucky people in the world. I found something that I always wanted to do and I have enjoyed every single minute of it."
Johnny Carson
1925-2005, Television Host and Comedian
Monday, October 24, 2011
From The Desk of Mary.......
Here is a link to Video 1 - Discovering Your Dreams
Here is a link to Video 2 - What Causes Success & Failure
Here is a link to Video 3 - Receiving Your Dreams (Coming Soon!)
Manifest your greatness...an article by Dr Robert Anthonhy
You are here on this planet to manifest your greatness. The problem
is that WHO YOU ARE - your Authentic non-physical Self - is
already great but you don't know that yet if you are experiencing
Another way to look at this is imagine the seed of the oak tree.
Everything that defines the oak tree is already in the acorn.
Unlike us, the acorn does not live under the illusion that it needs
to be something else or needs to strive towards an
accomplishment that is not in its nature.
Your Inherent Greatness is your soul, your Authentic non-physical
Self, stripped of all the conditioning,
excuses and contingencies that have created your LIMITED SELF.
Okay, if everyone is born great, then why are so many people still
struggling? Why do so many relationships and businesses fail?
The answer is actually quite simple. We are as great as we ALLOW
ourselves to be.
The problems is most of us don't ALLOW ourselves to live our
greatness. Instead, we are quick to place huge limits on what we
can do before we have even begun to do it.
The only limits you have are the ones you are placing on yourself.
Do me a favor. Put them aside for now. You can always go back to
them later if you need to, but I promise you, you will not need
them any longer if you practice living in the "flow" and living in
"alignment". Remember, we are as great as we ALLOW ourselves to be.
ALLOW yourself to be great for the next few months and see what
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight for Today 10/20/11
"Step number one for changing the entire world, is falling in love with it as it already is. The same is true for changing yourself."
Mike Dooley
Author of Leveraging The Universe: 7 Steps To Engaging Life's Magic
Insight forToday 10/19/11
"You can't just sit and wait for people to give you that golden dream. You've got to get out there and make it happen for yourself."
Diana Ross
Singer and Actress
Insight for Today 10/18/11
"Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress."
Nicholas Murray Butler
1862-1947, Philosopher, Diplomat and Educator
Insight for Today 10/17/11
"Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again."
James R. Cook
1728-1779, Naval Explorer
Insight for Today 10/13/11
"There never has been security. No man has ever known what he would meet around the next corner; if life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor."
Eleanor Roosevelt
1884-1962, First Lady of the United States and Civil Rights Activist
Insight for Today 10/12/11
"Behold the turtle: He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out."
James Bryant Conant
1893-1978, Educator and Diplomat
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Insight of the Day 10/11/11
"Life is too short to waste. Dreams are fulfilled only through action, not through endless planning to take action."
David J. Schwartz
Trainer and Author
Insight of the Day 10/10/11
"If you put off everything till you're sure of it, you'll never get anything done."
Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Minister and Author
Monday, October 10, 2011
Unemployed seek protection against job bias (article on the AZFamily.com)
(This article really scares me so much as I am in the same boat. It has been a year and one month and I can't seem to find a job and unemployment runs out January 2012 and could lose my house as well.)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- After two years on the unemployment rolls, Selena Forte thought she'd found a temporary job at a delivery company that matched her qualifications.
But Forte, a 55-year-old from Cleveland, says a recruiter for an employment agency told her she would not be considered for the job because she had been out of work too long. She had lost her job driving a bus.
"They didn't even want to hear about my experience," said Forte. "It didn't make sense. You're always told just go out there and get a job."
Forte, scraping by now as a part time substitute school bus driver, is part of a growing number of unemployed or underemployed Americans who complain they are being screened out of job openings for the very reason they're looking for work in the first place. Some companies and job agencies prefer applicants who already have jobs, or haven't been jobless too long.
Click here to read more on the article:
The Worst Ways to Treat Depression
I came across this article this morning (See below) and it kind of hit home. When I was sixteen I tried to commit suicide and tried again for a second time. I was losing it because I was in a step-parent dysfunctional family. Step-mother's second husband was verbally and physically abusive. He was both to my younger sister but to me was verbally abusive. It was so stressful and depressing. So when I finally turned 18 years old I left home because I was afraid of him laying a hand on me and hated the way he looks at me like he was undressing me. I carried a heavy burden leaving my younger sister to deal with it because I couldn't take her with me. In the end found out she was sexually molested by the step-father when she was 16 years old, turned to drugs and alcohol and in her early 30's overdosed on heroin. She told her mother what happened but went to counseling her mother had her husband there so she knew mother didn't believe her to begin with so she said nothing happened. Imagine carrying that burden?? That really hit me very hard and made me angry at my step-mother for allowing this to happen. I shouldn't have waited too long to tell her that step-father even asked me to a hotel room to have sex since we weren't blood related. So my life throughout the years have been very challenging, lots of ups and downs, married twice, divorced twice, bad relationships, etc. So I dealt with anxiety and depression off and on throughout the years. Then 10 years ago when I started with Robert Kiyosaki, The Rich Dad Company, I learned with deal with a lot of challenges. Depression and dealing with it with drinking and eating and first the first time in my life was 255 lbs. 2008 I decided to lose weight and deal with whatever was causing my emotions and I did and for the first time in my life was very happy. I came to terms with things and let it go and knew it was not my fault. I bought a house for the very first time in my life January 2010. BUT life was pulled out from under me by Robert Kiyosaki and let me go after 10 years!! My self-esteem was lost, etc. That was August of 2010 and I haven't found work since. Robert was always quoting how older people are toasted, etc. I was the one who had done the most changes than anyone in the company, losing 120 lbs because he quoted fat people are lazy, etc. Also told us to walk the talk and work on getting financially free, etc. I was doing that as well. I was committed to him, I was dedicated to him, stood up for him, stood by him as well, etc. Then this, shortly after I bought a house and was working on a plan to get another house for CASHFLOW and looking for ways to afford it, etc. I get let go. He knew how hard it would be for me even though I went back to school to get certified for Web Designing, etc. Why??? I keep asking myself and question the validity of Robert Kiyosaki and the kind of man he is, etc. Now I am dealing with anxiety and depression all over again. This is why I want to post this article because I know there are lots of people out there dealing with life challenges and the way the economy is now. PLEASE read and seek help. Go to a group therapy for people who are dealing with life challenge. I have been listening to the Secret a lot and I am in a situation of losing my house now and unemployment is running out January 2012 and I have no clue where I am going to end up. I will do my best to keep my head up and keep looking and finding ways to save my home and get a job somehow and somewhere something got to give..............
The Worst Ways to Treat Depression
Have you ever tried to eat, sleep, or drink your blues away?
Booze, comfort food, and all-day snooze-fests can temporarily numb feelings of depression — and because of that, self-medicating with these methods (instead of actually getting to the source of your depression and seeking treatment) may sound like a viable quick fix.
Actually, numbing your blue mood with unhealthy coping mechanisms may be one of the first signs of depression, explains Stephanie A. Gamble, PhD, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. Gamble’s current research into depression in alcohol-dependent women reveals that many women aren’t fully aware of the link between their depression symptoms and their alcohol use until they take a lifetime look at their alcohol usage — when they started, and what they were using alcohol in reaction to.
By some estimates, nearly one in three people with depression have a substance abuse disorder, such as drugs or alcohol. But turning to these vices won’t actually get you the depression relief you seek — instead, it can just make things worse. On top of feeling depressed, you may find yourself in the midst of financial hardship, family conflict, and worsened mood. Click here to read more on this article......
The Worst Ways to Treat Depression
Have you ever tried to eat, sleep, or drink your blues away?
Booze, comfort food, and all-day snooze-fests can temporarily numb feelings of depression — and because of that, self-medicating with these methods (instead of actually getting to the source of your depression and seeking treatment) may sound like a viable quick fix.
Actually, numbing your blue mood with unhealthy coping mechanisms may be one of the first signs of depression, explains Stephanie A. Gamble, PhD, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York. Gamble’s current research into depression in alcohol-dependent women reveals that many women aren’t fully aware of the link between their depression symptoms and their alcohol use until they take a lifetime look at their alcohol usage — when they started, and what they were using alcohol in reaction to.
By some estimates, nearly one in three people with depression have a substance abuse disorder, such as drugs or alcohol. But turning to these vices won’t actually get you the depression relief you seek — instead, it can just make things worse. On top of feeling depressed, you may find yourself in the midst of financial hardship, family conflict, and worsened mood. Click here to read more on this article......
Sunday, October 9, 2011
7 Ways to Keep Work Stress Out Your Relationship by Dr Michelle Callahan (Article)
Now more than ever, it is important that we strive to gain and maintain work-life balance. According to one study, 52 percent of employees say that job demands interfere with family or home responsibilities, while 43 percent say that home and family responsibilities interfere with job performance. These statistics show just how overworked people are, especially when they feel as if their home life is interfering with their work.
As a psychologist, I see it as a stress cycle. The stress at work causes stress at home, and then the stress of neglecting home affects the person's work performance and further increases their stress at work. In this economy, people are working around the clock so it appears that personal things (that they should be able to do) seem to interfere with their job performance.
Right now some people have the responsibilities of 2-3 different roles. Their job day starts earlier and ends later, and everyone has one, if not two cell phones. People are working so much that they don't have the time and energy to maintain work-life balance and healthy relationships.
When things get out of balance and their personal relationship becomes stressed, that stress will seep into their work life. It seems that personal responsibilities are impinging upon work because work has become so demanding that it prevents people from getting home early to spend time with family or from having time during the day to call their significant other.
Click here to read on...........
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I am
asking - no begging you to take just 15 minutes per day to "check
in" with yourself and really look at what you have been focused on...
If you had a "bad" day then that cannot be changed. But what can
change is the way you look at it. Something went "right" today.
Something good happened. Record that evidence today.
Find something good that you can focus on. This is what will keep
you in the "flow". You are out of the "flow" anytime you focus on
or replay things in your mind that are not in alignment with the
way you want to live.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight for Today 10/6/11
"It's the little things you do that can make a big difference. What are you attempting to accomplish? What little thing can you do today that will make you more effective? You are probably only one step away from greatness."
Bob Proctor
Speaker and Author
Insight for Today 10/5/11
"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them."
Denis Waitley
Speaker and Author
Photo of my son, Jason, Angelica, Isaiah during the Summer 2011
This is a picture of my son and grand kids Summer of 2011! I will post some Halloween pictures my son did outside shortly!!!! Love you kids!!!!
How to give up struggle forever... article by Dr Robert Anthony
Deliberate Creation is about learning how to give up the
struggle. This is why we will talk about it frequently. Struggle is
trying to rearrange the world so that it aligns with the way you
think it should be. It is the greatest source of unhappiness in our
world today. It happens when you focus on what you perceive you
don't have, instead of embracing what you do have.
The need to struggle and effort to get what we want is an illusion
and like all other illusions (or assumptions), by their very nature,
they keep us from seeing the truth that is right before us.
We live in a time of striking contrasts. There is tremendous
prosperity and at the same time there is also tremendous poverty.
Why is this so? The reason is that we (meaning all of us on this
planet) must change our paradigm and see abundance as a mindset.
Abundance is waking up to the reality that you
are already the person you yearn to become and that you already
have everything you need.
The denial or more accurately the resistance to your true nature is
what keeps you struggling. Abundance is about lovingly accepting
WHO and WHERE you are IN THIS MOMENT. It is focusing on
all that you have and not losing yourself in all that you don't
have. In the end, it is this thought that allows us to live in the
Flow of unstoppable riches in every area of our lives.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Fire Your Facebook Friends - California Psychics Blog
Is the Happiness of Others on Facebook Bumming You Out?
Author Ambrose Bierce humorously defines “happiness” as “an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.” Now, as we know, there is always a little truth in humor. For many, it is actually common to feel better about one’s self or one’s situation when facing the misfortunes of another. This is because it is more difficult to celebrate one’s own successes when another’s gains seem superior to our own. For example, How can I get that excited about my new Mazda when my neighbor just bought a Porsche?! Forget the fact that you are different people, with different experiences, backgrounds, and support systems. With most things, what it all boils down to are RESULTS, and we can’t help but view our results differently, better or worse, when comparing them to those of our peers. Seems like this habit is just part of our human nature, and sort of reminiscent of the “Survival of the Fittest” theory in that we naturally strive to outlive or, in this case, out-success our competitors. In the past, these grand purchases and achievements would typically just be shared at parties, ceremonies, or through letters…
But now, there is FACEBOOK! With this online community, one’s happiness is immediately shared with the world via photos, wall posts, comments, likes, and more. Now you can see instantly when people are happy due to this rapid, in-your-face evidence on our computers – and even on our phones nowadays. News of others’ happiness is almost inescapable.
Of course, we want our friends to be happy, but Facebook isn’t just filled with our friends anymore. Let’s be real – we all have lots of acquaintances we met once on our profiles as well as people we actually do not even like anymore, such as exes or friends of exes (whom we only keep in our contacts in order to keep abreast of what they are up to lately). We generally do not like to see these people happier than us!
It just hurts sometimes to see people, especially people we don’t necessarily like, getting the things that we want in life; it reminds us that we haven’t achieved those accomplishments yet. I’ll admit I get jealous at times when people’s relationship status changes from “Single” to “In a Relationship” or “Engaged” or “Married.” In addition, I become envious of anybody who has a newborn, so I do the unthinkable: I hide posts from ALL people with BABIES! This way, I never have to see their dreadfully cute baby pictures or disgustingly playful posts pop up in my news feed. I do this because their pictures and remarks remind me that I don’t have children of my own even though I want them badly. Essentially, it’s not that their happiness depresses me; it’s that it reminds me of what I’m missing in my own life. And this hinders me from enjoying the things I do have and appreciate right now! In the end, it’s better for my own success to hide the success of others, ironically. Otherwise, I feel like I am always behind in the game of life and not drumming to my own beat.
I must also admit that I get especially bitter if I feel the person doesn’t deserve great things because they are spoiled, mean, or undeserving in some other way. With that said, I am ecstatic when I see that my close friends and family members are doing well. This pleases me beyond belief, and I want to “Like” and “Comment” away on their statuses. Basically, when a good person in my close circle achieves success, I want nothing more than to celebrate it. So, when I get bummed out by other people’s happiness on Facebook, I know that it is for one of the following irrational reasons: (1) Someone has UPSTAGED my success making my accomplishment feel less. Thus, I need to recognize that I am my own person (2) Someone I DO NOT LIKE has achieved success. Accordingly, I must “Un-friend” this person because I shouldn’t remain connected online with someone I do not even respect in person (3) Someone has ACHIEVED something that I want to accomplish myself, so I need to learn from their journey toward success and let it inform my own progress toward my goals, not intimidate me.
In conclusion, when a social networking site starts “bumming you out” for any reason, you need to log off or, perhaps, even cancel your account. Facebook should be fun; it shouldn’t be depressing. The larger issue though is, if other people’s happiness (in and of itself) is truly upsetting you, then make some changes in your online habits and, more importantly, your real life habits that are positive and self-empowering. If you start actively pursuing your own goals and then achieving success, then other people’s achievements may not bother you as much. Or, you could always just think about how many people must be jealous of YOU and YOUR FABULOUS LIFE based on all the interesting status updates and entertaining pictures you post!
Friday, October 7, 2011
6 Things you should leave in the past.........article by California Phychics Blog
Learning to Let Go
Are you holding a grudge over a silly argument you had with a loved one or a former love? Are you stuck in a place of hate and resentment or perhaps trying to hold on to something or someone that doesn’t fit in your present life or your plans for the future? One of the best ways to live your life to the fullest is to put the negative parts of your past in the past and leave them there.
We may not be able to forget our past, and some of it we don’t want to, but when the things you carry with you through life are the negative things from our past, we leave little hope for a life lived to its potential. Take with you, by all means, the lessons your past has taught you, but discard the resentments that those lessons may be borne from.
Negative events from our pasts may shape us, but they don’t define us. To give up our futures to events of the past is to rob ourselves of life and to give away our power to someone or something that isn’t worthy of our pity, let alone our power. Here are a few things to leave in your past that will help you grow and move on:
1. Hurtful words and arguments that made you feel small;
2. The image of yourself as half of a whole; you are always a whole person;
3. Anything you’ve forgiven someone for, making it off limits to bring up again;
4. Physical trinkets that spur on bad memories or make you cry; they’re just “things,” toss them;
5. Grudges; they eat away at you, hold you back, and limit your vision of what could be; or
6. Expectations that your future will be no better than the past; that’s just not so.
People and situations, both negative and positive, are part of what make us into who we are in the present. Luckily, over time, most of the experiences we remember from our past are the good ones. But to keep a negative experience alive is to invite it into your future; it will happily come along and hold you back when you should be moving forward. You could waste years of your life mulling over what might have been or could have been if things had been different, but the past cannot change, it has already happened.
Tabula Rasa
Tabula rasa is a Latin term meaning “clean slate.” Make a conscious effort to leave a negative past where it belongs, in the past. Be it a job or a romantic relationship or whatever, resolve to forgive and forget. If you forgive someone, then don’t bring up their past indiscretion again. If you move on from someone, remember why you did, and leave it that way. It is entirely possible to have a tabula rasa, and a future that looks as bright as the Sun. All you have to do is leave behind the things that no longer serve you.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Breaking News Article by Robert Kiyosaki Conspiracy of the Rich
"In my latest Conspiracy of the Rich (COR) update, I said I didn't know why the price of gold was falling. I believe I just heard the answer"
– Robert Kiyosaki's Conspiracy of the Rich Bulletin
Opportunity in disguise? (Another Article by Dr Robert Anthony!)
Every action you take will either strengthen or weaken your power.
Every time you give in to any impulse, your ability to resist it
in the future becomes weaker.
Anytime you are tempted by any behavior that is in contradiction to
what you desire, you have a strengthening choice or a weakening
Instead of looking at such options as a temptation to overcome, I
want you to begin looking at those moments as opportunities. You
have an opportunity to strengthen your ability to become a
Deliberate Creator.
Think - if you make that strengthening decision just once, the pain
of it will be only very brief, but the strengthening of your
ability to make choices that will support you instead of defeat you
will last you for the rest of your life.
Say to yourself, "As I choose the strengthening decision now, I am
making myself more powerful and my life easier from this moment
As you practice this way of thinking every day, these
decisions will become easier and easier because you will trust the
"Flow", as a result, you will become more and more powerful by the
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
How to reach your desired outcome...(Article by Dr Robert Anthony)
In order to reach your desired outcome you must focus your
attention on what you desire. Seems simple doesn't it? But most
people do the opposite. They focus on what they don't want and
that's what they get.
If you have to have surgery, how would you feel if your doctor was
watching a ball game on TV at the same time? Wouldn't you want him
to focus on what he was doing instead of being distracted?
You cannot serve two masters. In any moment you are either moving
TOWARDS or AWAY from the things you desire based on what you focus
on most of the time.
Pay attention to what you are focused on as you go through your
day today...
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight for Today 10/4/11
"If you're feeling low, don't despair. The sun has a sinking spell every night, but it comes back up every morning. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
Dolly Parton
Singer-Songwriter, Author and Philanthropist
Insight for Today 10/3/11
"People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."
Sir Edmund Hillary
1919-2008, Mountaineer, Explorer and Philanthropist
Monday, October 3, 2011
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