In a way I agree and in a way I don't only because Arizona has some really corrupted policemen especially in Mesa area.
Arpaio to arm deputies with 400 new assault rifles - CBS 5 - KPHO
“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
30 Days Mental Cleanse Progam Chapter 8
Last year I joined this program and you read the book by Napoleon Hill and I really love it! This program is highly suggested to join! Here is an email I got today below for your information:
In the lesson plan below Russ Aker gives You many word pictures on what Hill is talking about from Chapter 8 in Think and Grow Rich. . The Skills call this Wednesday will showcase many other view points from around the world... . Time: Wednesday 01-30-2013 at 3:00 and 8:00 PM ET. . Phone: 1-712-432-5225 code 300 300 #. . Web-Site: . We Believe In You Michael & Linda Dlouhy 1-352-799-8779 anytime. “Be A Mentor With A Servant’s Heart” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Think & Grow Rich, Chapter 8 - Decisions The Mastery of Procrastination The Seventh Step toward Riches Your Success is a two part word spelled: de-ci-sion + ac-tion. Success as you Dream it, or accepting a life of mediocrity is solely based on your “DECISIONS and Actions" This blog is addressed to three groups of people…see if you can identify where you might fit in one of the three groups below…don’t skip ahead. Give what you are about to read some genuine deep thought. Be honest in your “Decision” to agree or disagree. But open your MIND and do not let your “want” to be right influence you. I suggest, just accept the truth and you will be very close to a correct DECISION. Most everything we ever wanted but never got or get was and is due to lack of DECISION. Think about this. Make a list of your needs and wants. Here are a couple examples. Maybe you NEED medical insurance but you can not afford it, maybe you need a new water heater or a better car because what you have is not dependable. Make a list of WANTS. Maybe you WANT to take a trip or you want a big screen TV or a cool new phone. Can you actually afford this or do you buy it on credit, putting your needs & wants on credit with non- recurring income? You strengthen your dependence on a job and life of servitude. Now think about how the JOB (your career) whatever you call it, is it robbing you of time? Think of ways and places you would rather spend the time. Is your job leaving you stressed? When you do have time is it quality personal time, with yourself, family, friends? How do you feel Sunday mid-day? Do you start stressing about Monday? How well do you sleep Sunday night, fit-full, wake up several times…then finally just get up early Monday morning somewhat sleep deprived and face it again. How good does Thursday feel realizing tomorrow is ‘TGIF”. Friday night feels great as you wind down. Cram everything you can into Saturday and Sunday…Then Sunday afternoon and evening hits with that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach…and it repeats. Have you ever seen the movie “Groundhogs Day” with Bill Murray? If so, watch it again. If not it is a must. How many times will you do it over before you “get-it”, make your Decision add the Action and do it right? You keep saying you are going to do something about it. You keep thinking of scenarios about what you will do. You even go as far as write them down in a frustrated moment. Let me tell you what is missing…Two simple things, Decision, and Action on the Decision. Decision is two part and the two parts are attached, Decision+Action. If you make a Decision but do not take Action you are back to absolutely nothing. Here is a fact. Better than 97% of people live in the CIRCLE of the Monday through Sunday cycle I just described. You may love your vocation but you toil away at the discretionary mercy of the company you work for and all the peaks and valleys. Let’s be honest, you’re freedom of choice is limited…so you continue to struggle through the days mentally and physically exhausted. The motivation is fear of loss of job. Thinking your thoughts of financial freedom and independence is the closest you come to a Decision to change. You tell yourself, “Someday”. But someday will never come until you actually Decide-and-take-Action. I am talking to “three” groups of people here, those in NETWORK MARKETING and those in what is known today as business main-“stream”. The keyword “STREAM”, where life’s current takes you as it races through the peaks and valleys. Like a bad dream, you know you must reach out but feel powerless and unable to do so, nor do you know where to reach. Of these groups, we identify a third, 1.) Network marketers that have made a DECISION+Action & reach solid ground, 2.) Network Marketers that have made a DECISION but no action, remain on shaky ground, they continue to struggle & quit, and 3.) Those in business main “STREAM” struggling in the current, seemingly paralyzed, unable to reach out. If they could, they wouldn't know where. If what you have read here sounds familiar and you would like to find out more, "reach out" to the person who sent you this blog. They can help you with the additional information you need to finally MAKE THAT DECISION. Ask, “WHY” network marketing ( Ask about the Five Pillars of due diligence in Network Marketing. Just like in the “Main-Stream”, understanding due diligence in choosing a JOB or starting your own company is also vital to your success in network marketing as well. But unlike the Main-Stream you will learn how to make good Decisions with a personal Coach and Mentor that has experienced the *gauntlet we call life and career, survived to be here and reach out to you when you were paralyzed unable to reach out or on shaky ground, struggling to hold on… The key difference between the Main-Stream and Network Marketing is, unless you help others to succeed first, you cannot succeed. Your prime directive is the success of others. For further understanding, read "The Go-Giver". In the book “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, you’ll find a chapter on Autosuggestion. Hill describes autosuggestion as, “The medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind. Your *gauntlet is overcoming a life full of Autosuggestion by the nay-Sayers. You can’t do this, you must do that, that won’t work, get a JOB Bla-Bla-Bla… Now, those that have “DECIDED” to get involved with network marketing but continue to struggle or quit are still under the spell of the nay-Sayers and have not yet traversed the gauntlet nor have they actually made a DECISION-to-take-ACTION. Definition: *[gaunt-let \ ‘gont-let, 1. a double file of people facing each other and armed with ***weapons*** with which to strike at an individual who is made to run between them.] You will find lists of the subliminal *weapons used and how you have been programmed through Autosuggestion by generally well meaning people and accepted them as part of your life in Chapter 15, outwitting The Six Ghosts of Fear in “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. You can stay in the “Main-Stream” with the 97%, or you can CHOOSE to take the hand of the individual who reached out to you and make the DECISION, take the road less traveled at the side of the stream. It has a great view. Russ Aker Portland, Oregon
Healthy Veggie Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
A large salad meal with veggies and beans can carry you through the entire afternoon. This recipe is just a sample of what you can create yourself with your favorite ingredients.
- 4 cups mixed salad greens
- 2 oz low-fat cheddar cheese
- 1/2 cup cucumber slices
- 1/2 cup tomato, diced
- 1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper
- 1/4 cup avocado, diced
- 1 cup garbanzo beans
- 1/2 cup crimini mushrooms
- 3 TBS sunflower seeds
- Dressing
- 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients. Toss with olive oil and lemon juice. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serves 1
Printer Friendly Version of Healthy Veggie Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Healthy Veggie Salad
Healthy Food Tip
Should I eat a variety of grains?
One of the concerns regarding the current intake of grains is that most people's diet overemphasizes wheat. Adverse and allergic reaction to wheat lies near the top of most food allergy studies. It's not always clear that wheat itself is the problem. Sometimes the issue of whole wheat versus processed wheat seems equally important in understanding the allergic response. However, adverse reaction to wheat is a problem that may go undetected and can be a contributing factor to many different problems including joint pain, skin rash and irritation, mood disorders, and bowel problems.
Therefore, I encourage consumption of a variety of grains and not simply (or even predominantly) wheat. Whole grains such as oats, barley, rye, quinoa, amaranth, corn, kamut, and spelt can provide a variety of nutrients (please note that some foods that we refer to as grains-such as quinoa and amaranth-are not technically grains from a botanical perspective but since they are prepared like true grains I refer to them as such). For example, oats and barley contain beta-glucans that can help to lower cholesterol. Other grains like amaranth contain ferulic acid that can act as an antioxidant. Plus, most whole grains are rich in fiber, which not only has its own special benefits but as part of the grain helps to blunt the blood-elevating effect that the grains' carbohydrates would otherwise have. (Refined grains are typically lacking in fiber and therefore can cause unwanted blood sugar elevations.)
Flow of unstoppable riches in every area of your life - an article by Dr Robert Anthony

struggle. This is why we will talk about it frequently. Struggle is
trying to rearrange the world so that it aligns with the way you
think it should be. It is the greatest source of unhappiness in our
world today. It happens when you focus on what you perceive you
don't have, instead of embracing what you do have.
The need to struggle and effort to get what we want is an illusion
and like all other illusions (or assumptions), by their very nature,
they keep us from seeing the truth that is right before us.
We live in a time of striking contrasts. There is tremendous
prosperity and at the same time there is also tremendous poverty.
Why is this so? The reason is that we (meaning all of us on this
planet) must change our paradigm and see abundance as a mindset.
Abundance is waking up to the reality that you are already the person
you yearn to become and that you already have everything you need.
The denial or more accurately the resistance to your true nature is
what keeps you struggling. Abundance is about lovingly accepting
WHO and WHERE you are IN THIS MOMENT. It is focusing on
all that you have and not losing yourself in all that you don't
have. In the end, it is this thought that allows us to live in the
Flow of unstoppable riches in every area of our lives.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. Notice I said "Abundance is about lovingly accepting WHO you
are." Do you struggle with that? If so, no worries, you can have
unstoppable self-confidence is just 7 days (really)...
Click Here to find out how
Tuesday 12913 Insight for the Day
have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every
single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You
just have to decide to do it. Decide today's the day. Say it; this is
going to be my day."
Brendon Burchard
Creator of Experts Academy
Brendon Burchard
Creator of Experts Academy
Monday 1/28/13 Insight of the Day
from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in
the only moment of time of which you have any control: now."
Denis Waitley
Author and Speaker
Denis Waitley
Author and Speaker
Quick Broiled Chicken Breast with Honey-Mustard Sauce - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
Check Out What's New On Our Website
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Enhance the flavor of chicken with this special honey-mustard sauce and serve with spinach for a great tasting addition to your Healthiest Way of Eating. Enjoy!
- 4 boneless chicken breasts with skin
- 2+1 TBS fresh lemon juice
- 1 1/2 cups chicken broth
- 2 1/2 TBS honey
- 2 TBS Dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup sliced dried apricots
- 2 TBS coarsely chopped walnuts
- 1 TBS chopped parsley
- salt and pepper to taste
Quick Broiled Chicken
- Preheat the broiler on high and place an all stainless steel skillet (be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan about 6 inches from the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot.
- While the pan is heating, rinse and pat the chicken dry and season with 2 TBS lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
- Leaving the skin on, place the breast skin side up on the hot pan. It is not necessary to turn the breast because it is cooking on both sides at once. Depending on the size, it should be cooked in about 7 minutes. Begin preparing the sauce while the chicken is cooking.
- The breast is done when it is moist, yet its liquid runs clear when pierced. The inside temperature needs to reach 165°F (74°C). Remove the skin before serving; it is left on to keep it moist while broiling.
Honey-Mustard Sauce
- For honey-mustard sauce, combine broth, 1TBS lemon juice, honey, and mustard in a small saucepan. Whisk together and bring to a boil on high heat. Once it comes to a boil, simmer for about 20 minutes. You want it to be reduced to a little less than half the volume you start with. This will thicken and intensify the flavor.
- Add apricots and cook on high for another 5 minutes. When sauce is done, add chopped walnuts, parsley, salt ,and pepper. Serve over cooked spinach or other cooked greens.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Quick Broiled Chicken Breast with Honey-Mustard Sauce
Healthy Food Tip
On a television news program today, I heard someone say that whole-wheat bread is not a whole-grain food because it's made of flour. Is that true?
No, what you heard is not true. The fact that bread has been made from flour does not automatically mean that it's not whole grain.
There are many different ways of making flour from grain. Most of these ways can be classified according to a measurement system called "percent extraction." When a grain is harvested, it's essentially whole in nature. The flour must then be extracted from the grain.
When flour is classified as 100% extraction, 100% of the whole grain that went into the extraction equipment is recovered in the flour itself. This type of extraction flour is therefore completely whole grain and is considered 100% whole grain wheat.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of breads in the supermarket aren't anything close to 100% extraction. Most of them are much closer to 60% extraction, which means that only 60% of the whole grain ends up in the flour. The other 40% of the whole grain (mostly the germ and bran portion) never makes it into the final flour at all.
Unfortunately, no breads on the grocery store shelf will tell you their percent extraction. The labeling of bread in the United States has long been a source of confusion for consumers, and even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued some new voluntary policy guidelines for the labeling of whole grain products in February 2006, the non-binding nature of these guidelines is unlikely to make bread labeling much clearer.
With respect to wheat, many types of bread simply carry the label "wheat bread" in very large letters. That label tells you absolutely nothing about the whole grain content of the bread. (Most of the time, however, there is very little or no whole grain content in breads that are simply labeled, "wheat bread.") The label "whole wheat bread" may help a little bit, but please note that companies are allowed to use the label "whole wheat bread" even when a very, very small amount of 100% extraction wheat flour has been used to make the bread. In strictly legal terms, a "whole wheat bread" could contain very, very little whole wheat.
The label "100% whole wheat bread" is another story. In this case, all of the wheat flour in the bread would be 100% extraction. Therefore, "100% whole wheat bread" would indeed be the most nutritious wheat bread available-provided, of course, that it was also made from organically grown wheat.
In its 2006 guidance statement on the labeling of grain products, the FDA recommended that the principle components of a grain (including the bran, germ, and starchy main portion, called the endosperm) be present in a whole grain flour "in the same relative proportions as they exist in the intact grain" in order for the flour to be considered "whole grain." While this recommendation did help to clarify the intended use of the term "whole grain," it also left some room for manufacturers to use something less than 100% extraction wheat flour in a bread and still refer to that bread as whole grain. More important was the fact that this guidance statement carried with it no mandatory action. Companies were not required to limit their labeling claims, just asked to voluntarily adopt a general labeling approach.
Your best bet is to look for wheat breads that advertise themselves as being "100% whole wheat" and that also carry the USDA's symbol of being certified organic. That same principle would apply to all other whole grain breads as well (not just those made from wheat).
For more information on the FDA's definition of whole grains, please see their website at
For more information on this topic, please see:
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2006). Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff: Whole Grain Label Statements. Draft Guidance. Food Labeling and Standards Staff Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, College Park, Maryland.
Insight for the Day 1/24/13
"We get to choose how we're going to live - what level of energy, what level of vibrancy, what level of excitement."
Brendon Burchard
Founder of Expert's Academy
Brendon Burchard
Founder of Expert's Academy
15-Minute Halibut Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
This is a great recipe to help add more omega-3 fatty acids to your meal. Combined with the salad greens, you get a wide range of nutrients that will work together synergistically towards optimal health. Enjoy!
- 4 medium cloves garlic, pressed
- 1/2 lb mixed salad greens
- 4 - 6 oz halibut steaks or fillets
- 1 TBS + 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- salt and cracked black pepper to taste
- 1 cup vegetable broth
- 3 TBS fresh chopped sage (or 3 tsp dried sage)
- *optional 3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
- Press garlic and let it sit for 5 minutes to bring out its health-promoting properties.
- Rinse and dry salad greens by using salad spinner if possible. Place greens mixture on 4 plates.
- Rub halibut with 1 TBS lemon juice and season with a little salt and pepper.
- Heat broth and add halibut; cover and cook for 10 minutes for each inch of thickness.
- Remove fish from pan and place on salad greens.
- Discard extra broth or use for soup. In same pan add garlic, sage and 1/4 cup lemon juice to hot pan and heat for about 30 seconds.
- If you'd like to add olive oil, do so after turning off heat. Stir mixture together for a few seconds and then drizzle over salad. Season with salt and cracked black pepper.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Halibut Salad
Healthy Food Tip
Should I be concerned about dairy products being highly allergenic foods?
From a research perspective, there is no question whatsoever about the higher allergenicity of cow's milk than most other human foods. Along with wheat products, dairy products show the highest incidence of adverse reactions.
When the casein proteins in cow's milk are the source of this adverse reaction, the reaction is usually referred to as a milk allergy. When the milk sugar (lactose) in cow's milk is the source of the adverse reaction, the reaction is typically called milk intolerance.
People usually get different symptoms in the two types of reaction. Milk allergy usually produces more global symptoms, like fatigue or "brain fog," or symptoms like rashes, unrelaxed breathing, or other changes. Milk intolerance usually produces gas, bloating, and discomfort. But sometimes the symptoms overlap, and at times there may be few dramatic symptoms at all, even though lab tests might show unwanted, invisible metabolic changes from milk ingestion.
It's worth pointing out that milk intolerance can be partly or completely overcome through the purchase of lactose-free milk (which has been treated with the enzyme lactase to break the lactose apart into glucose and galactose) or the use of lactase enzyme supplements. Many individuals with lactose intolerance find these steps 100% effective in overcoming milk intolerance. I want to point out that the purchase of lactose-free milk that has already been treated with this lactase enzyme or the direct addition of lactase-containing liquid supplements into a quart of milk is the best way to go when you want to lower the milk's lactose content. Oral tablets of lactase (or lactase capsules or liquid lactase drops taken by mouth) can also work, but they are not nearly as reliable since all interactions between the enzymes and the milk sugar must take place in the complicated environment of your digestive tract.
None of the above problems is really a problem with milk per se. Adverse reactions to milk are more like a match-up problem between milk and the individual who consumes it.
Evidence Journal (strange but it works)
If you are like most people your life is very busy. However, I am
asking - no begging you to take just 15 minutes per day to "check
in" with yourself and put SOMETHING in your Evidence Journal.
Using an Evidence Journal to give yourself daily evidence of how
you are shifting and deliberately creating is extremely powerful.
It may seem strange - but it works.
Here is an example for how you can use your Evidence Journal...
If you had a "bad" day then that cannot be changed. But what can
change is the way you look at it. Something went "right" today.
Something good happened. Record that evidence today.
Find something good that you can focus on. This is what will keep
you in the "flow". You are out of the "flow" anytime you focus on
or replay things in your mind that are not in alignment with the
way you want to live.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. Have Unstoppable Self-confidence in just 7 days (guaranteed)
Click Here to see how
asking - no begging you to take just 15 minutes per day to "check
in" with yourself and put SOMETHING in your Evidence Journal.
Using an Evidence Journal to give yourself daily evidence of how
you are shifting and deliberately creating is extremely powerful.
It may seem strange - but it works.
Here is an example for how you can use your Evidence Journal...
If you had a "bad" day then that cannot be changed. But what can
change is the way you look at it. Something went "right" today.
Something good happened. Record that evidence today.
Find something good that you can focus on. This is what will keep
you in the "flow". You are out of the "flow" anytime you focus on
or replay things in your mind that are not in alignment with the
way you want to live.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. Have Unstoppable Self-confidence in just 7 days (guaranteed)
Click Here to see how
Insight for the Day 1/23/13
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve
1952-2004, Actor, Director, Author and Activist
Christopher Reeve
1952-2004, Actor, Director, Author and Activist
Insight of the Day 1/22/13
your guard is up, let it down. If you've constructed a defensive wall
to protect yourself and keep all the bad guys out, don't forget who that
wall also prevents from getting in - the good guys."
Brendon Burchard
Author and Marketing Expert
Brendon Burchard
Author and Marketing Expert
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Poached Eggs over Spinach & Mushrooms - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
Check Out What's New On Our Website
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Don't reserve this meal just for breakfast; it's great for lunch or dinner as well. You may not think to enjoy vegetables with eggs, but it is a wonderful combination and a way to include more vegetables in your Healthiest Way of Eating. Frozen vegetables are a good choice when fresh is not available and it is also very convenient when you don't have much time. Enjoy!
- 4 large free-range chicken eggs
- 1 tsp light vinegar, (rice, white wine, or apple cider)
- 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 2 cups sliced crimini mushrooms
- 1 medium tomato, seeds and excess pulp removed, chopped
- 3 medium cloves garlic, chopped
- 10 oz package frozen spinach, thawed and excess water removed
- salt and black pepper to taste
- Chop onions and garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance their health-promoting properties.
- Add 1 tsp vinegar to water in a 10-inch skillet.
- While water is coming to a high simmer, in a separate skillet heat 1 TBS broth. Healthy Sauté onion and mushrooms in broth for 3 minutes over medium heat stirring frequently.
- Add tomato, garlic, spinach, salt and pepper and sauté for another 2-3 minutes.
- When water comes to a high simmer poach eggs for about 5 minutes, or until whites are firm. Remove from water with a slotted spoon and place over spinach mixture.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Poached Eggs over Spinach & Mushrooms
Healthy Food Tip
Most of your salad dressings are the same - olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper. Are there other low fat, delicious, healthy options?
We like using those ingredients as a basis for salad dressings. From there, you can add other ingredients to add variety. We like to experiment, and basically make a salad dressing that suits our tastes at the moment, mixing and matching oftentimes from ingredients we have in the kitchen.
For example, if we want a dressing with a creamy texture, we'll add a little low-fat yogurt and some water. Or we'll blend a little avocado with some water and add that to the basic recipe as this not only gives it an good texture but a rich flavor. These ingredients will give you a creamy dressing without the added fat of traditional regular creamy dressings.
We'll also sometimes add herbs and spices. Fresh herbs are best when we have them on hand. Depending upon the flavor profile we want, we'll add ones like oregano, thyme or marjoram (for Italian) or cilantro (for Asian).
Other ingredients we like to add to some of our dressings include lemon juice, cranberry juice concentrate, Dijon mustard, and ground pumpkin or sunflower seeds.
As you can see, you can really be creative when it comes to making delicious salad dressing that are low in calories and really good for you.
Here are two healthy dressing recipes, which are examples of what you can create using the ingredients mentioned above:
Italian Vinaigrette
Yields: ¾ cup
Oriental Dressing
- 1 tsp grated ginger
- 2 cloves garlic, pressed
- 3 TBS rice vinegar, or lemon juice
- 1 TBS honey
- 3 TBS soy sauce
- ½ tsp dry mustard
- ½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp white pepper
- 1/3 cup olive oil
Yields: approximately ½ cup
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Insight for the Day 1/21/13
"Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize."
Elizabeth Harrison
1849-1927, Educator
Elizabeth Harrison
1849-1927, Educator
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Quick Broiled Salmon with Ginger Mint Salsa
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Short on time? You receive enormous nutritional benefits by adding from this flavorful combination of tangy salsa and salmon to your Healthiest Way of Eating. And it can be prepared in minutes. It is an exceptionally good source of hard-to-find, health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids.
- 1/3 lb salmon fillet, cut in half
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- Salsa
- 1 ripe tomato, diced
- 1/2 cup green onions, minced
- 1 tsp ginger, minced
- 2 tsp fresh mint, minced
- 1 tsp lime juice
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- To Quick-Broil, preheat broiler and place an all stainless steel skillet (be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan under the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot. The pan should be 5 to 7 inches from the heat source.
- Rub salmon with 2 tsp fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. (You can Quick Broil with the skin on; it just takes a minute or two longer. The skin will peel right off after cooking.)
- Using a hot pad, pull pan away from heat and place salmon on hot pan, skin side down. Return to broiler. Keep in mind that it is cooking rapidly on both sides so it will be done very quickly, usually in 7 minutes depending on thickness. Test with a fork for doneness. It will flake easily when it is cooked. Salmon is best when it is still pink inside.
- Combine all salsa ingredients.
- Spoon over salmon.
- Garnish with mint and a sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Quick Broiled Salmon with Ginger Mint Salsa
Healthy Food Tip
I'm a strict vegetarian. How can I get enough vitamin B12?
The only reliable food sources of active vitamin B12 are animal foods, such as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, yogurt, and cheese. While some plant foods in their fermented or otherwise processed versions (including sprouting, in some cases) contain vitamin B12, there are no known plant foods that provide consistent, dependable levels of this important nutrient.
Many soil bacteria can make vitamin B12; so can certain bacterial inhabitants of the human digestive tract. Yet, there is inadequate research to confirm that these potential B12 sources are reliable sources for a person who is strictly vegan and eats no animal foods of any kind, including dairy products.
It's important here to distinguish between a strict vegetarian — who might include eggs and dairy products in his or her meal plan — and a strict vegan, who would not include these foods. All of those non-flesh yet animal-derived foods can contain B12. Strict vegans should therefore do one or more of the following:
- Regularly consume foods that have been fortified with active vitamin B12, such as fortified breakfast cereals or bread products, fortified soy products (like soy burgers, hotdogs, or breakfast patties), nutritional yeast, and yeast extracts
- Take an oral, nasal, or sublingual vitamin B12 supplement
- Receive vitamin B12 injections from their doctor.
Insight for the Day 1/17/13
of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you
are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a
mental edge that results in victory."
Diane Arbus
1923-1971, Photographer
Diane Arbus
1923-1971, Photographer
When Fat is your Friend - interesting.....
While obesity increases a person's risk of
early death, being slightly overweight could reduce it, according to an international analysis
of almost 100 studies including three million adults. This finding, nicknamed
the "obesity paradox," is confusing to some, but has several possible
explanations. Overweight people might hold nutritional reserves that can improve
survival; they might present with certain conditions earlier, or get more
preventive medical care, including health screenings. Thinness, particularly in
old age, can be a sign of serious illness, so thinner people who seem to have a
higher mortality rate might simply die younger because they are ill.
The Surprising Protective Qualities of Body Fat
When Fat Is Your Friend
According to some research, being overweight can give you an advantage in certain situations. But it's not the fat that provides the benefit.
By Chris Iliades, MD
Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
Besides overall longevity, research has shown that fat can provide certain benefits in a few specific situations.
Read on to find out more.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Mediterranean-Style Salad - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Salad lunches are popular along the Mediterranean. They make a complete meal that will carry you through until dinner. The combination of ingredients in this salad can be changed to suit your personal taste. Enjoy!
- 6 cups chopped romaine lettuce
- 1/3 of a 3.75 oz can sardines, packed in water
- 1/4 cup crimini mushrooms, sliced
- 1/2 cup cooked garbanzo beans or canned (no BPA)
- 1/4 cup frozen peas
- Dressing
- 1 TBS exra virgin olive oil
- 1 clove garlic, chopped or pressed
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- Place lettuce in large bowl and top with remaining ingredients and dressing.
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Mediterranean-Style Salad
Healthy Food Tip
It's great that you have listed all the healthiest foods we should eat. Can you also share with us the "unhealthiest foods," those that we should avoid?
The "unhealthiest" foods tend to be those that least resemble their original natural ingredients and those that have the most added refined and artificial additives. Prime examples are the so-called "white foods" — white sugar, white flour, and white fat, and the gamut of foods in which they are the principal ingredients. It's not that these foods are white in color — many of them are actually not. It's that these foods have had many of their natural components — including their natural colors — processed away. "White foods" is simply the shorthand label that we are using when we refer to these heavily processed, nutrient-depleted foods.
- "White sugar" includes refined sugar cane or sugar beets having virtually all B vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients removed. Corn syrup is also a "white sugar," made from processed cornstarch and essentially devoid of other nutrients.
- "White flour," analogously, is whole wheat flour minus its nutrient-packed wheat germ and fibrous bran. Nutritionally speaking, white flour is a ghost-like shadow of its original whole grain.
- "White fat" can include rendered animal lard, vegetable oils "hydrogenated" to make them hard at room temperature, and refined fats such as cottonseed oil. Hydrogenation is a chemical process that transforms natural fats into more saturated trans-fatty acids that do not occur naturally and which are strongly associated with cardiovascular disease.
Insight for the Day 1/16/13
"The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking."
Robert H. Schuller
Televangelist, Pastor and Author
If you have not already opted-in to see this great video series make sure to do so by clicking here.
Robert H. Schuller
Televangelist, Pastor and Author
If you have not already opted-in to see this great video series make sure to do so by clicking here.
Insight for the Day 1/15/13
"If you look at high performers they are always the most passionate - in any industry."
Brendon Burchard
Author and Marketing Expert
Click here to get an incredible video from Brendon that has already gotten over 11,700 comments.
Brendon Burchard
Author and Marketing Expert
Click here to get an incredible video from Brendon that has already gotten over 11,700 comments.
15-Minute Steamed Halibut with Bok Choy - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
January 15, 2013
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healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
This dish is a great example of how you can prepare several foods at one time by steaming them all together. You come out with a great tasting meal in only takes a matter of minutes! The variety of foods also increases the number of nutrients you will derive from this meal. Enjoy! Ingredients:
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Steamed Halibut with Bok Choy Healthy Food Tip
The Latest News about Cabbage
Cancer prevention tops all other areas of health research with
regard to cabbage and its outstanding benefits. More than 475 studies
have examined the role of this cruciferous vegetable in cancer
prevention (and in some cases, cancer treatment). The uniqueness of
cabbage in cancer prevention is due to the three different types of
nutrient richness found in this widely enjoyed food. The three types are
(1) antioxidant richness, (2) anti-inflammatory richness, and (3)
richness in glucosinolates.
What's New and Beneficial About Cabbage
WHFoods Recommendations
You'll want to include cabbage as one of the cruciferous vegetables
you eat on a regular basis if you want to receive the fantastic health
benefits provided by the cruciferous vegetable family. At a minimum,
include cruciferous vegetables as part of your diet 2-3 times per week,
and make the serving size at least 1-1/2 cups. Even better from a health
standpoint, enjoy cabbage and other vegetables from the cruciferous
vegetable group 4-5 times per week, and increase your serving size to 2
Traditional methods of steaming or boiling make cabbage watery. To retain the maximum number of nutrients and flavor we recommend Healthy Sautéeing cabbage. Slice cabbage into 1/4 -inch slices and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting benefits before cooking. Our Chinese Chicken Cabbage Salad recipe is a great example of how to enjoy the delicate flavor of napa cabbage in your favorite salad. It is a milder tasting variety of cabbage that boasts the highest concentration of folate. Enjoy the mild flavor of bok choy by using our Healthy Sauté method of cooking. Bok choy is the #1 vegetable in China and has a higher concentration of beta-carotene and vitamin A than any other variety of cabbage. Our 4-Minute Healthy Sautéed Bok Choy recipe will give you great tasting bok choy in a matter of minutes!
Cruciferous Vegetable Benefits
All cruciferous vegetables-including cabbage-provide integrated
nourishment across a wide variety of nutritional categories and provide
broad support across a wide variety of body systems as well. For more on
cruciferous vegetables see:
Health Benefits
Cabbage provides numerous health benefits including:
Nutritional Profile
Cabbage is an excellent source of immune-supportive vitamin C and
anti-inflammatory vitamin K. it is a very good source of
digestive-health-supporting fiber, enzyme-activating manganese, and
heart-healthy vitamin B6, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally,
it is a good source of energy-producing vitamin B1 and vitamin B2,
free-radical-scavenging vitamin A (through its concentration of
carotenoid phytonutrients), bone-healthy calcium and magnesium, and
muscular-system supporting potassium and protein.
Cabbage as a "Goitrogenic" Food
Cabbage is sometimes referred to as a "goitrogenic" food. Yet, contrary
to popular belief, according to the latest studies, foods
themselves-cabbage included-are not "goitrogenic" in the sense of
causing goiter whenever they are consumed, or even when they are
consumed in excess. In fact, most foods that are commonly called
"goitrogenic"-such as the cruciferous vegetables (including broccoli,
kale, and cauliflower) and soyfoods-do not interfere with thyroid
function in healthy persons even when they are consumed on a daily
basis. Nor is it scientifically correct to say that foods "contain
goitrogens," at least not if you are thinking about goitrogens as a
category of substances like proteins, carbohydrates, or vitamins. With
respect to the health of our thyroid gland, all that can be contained in
a food are nutrients that provide us with a variety of health benefits
but which, under certain circumstances, can also interfere with thyroid
function. The term "goitrogenic food" m
akes it sound as if something is wrong with the food, but that is
simply not the case. What causes problems for certain individuals is not
the food itself but the mismatched nature of certain substances within
the food to their unique health circumstances. For more, see an An Up-to-Date Look at Goitrogenic Substances in FoodFor more on this nutrient-rich vegetable, including references related to this Latest News, see our write-up on Cabbage.
Insight for the Day 1/14/13
absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to
performing daily trivia, until we ultimately become enslaved by it."
Robert Heinlein
1907-1988, Novelist and Screenwriter
Robert Heinlein
1907-1988, Novelist and Screenwriter
Sunday, January 13, 2013
To Roland Bailer - Bon Jovi - Letting you go
"(It's Hard) Letting You Go"
It ain't no fun lying down to sleep And there ain't no secrets left for me to keep I wish the stars up in the sky Would all just call in sick And the clouds would take the moon out On some one-way trip I drove all night down streets that wouldn't bend But somehow they drove me back here once again To the place I lost at love, and the place I lost my soul I wish I'd just burn down this place that we called home It would all have been so easy If you'd only made me cry And told me how you're leaving me To some organ grinder's lullaby It's hard, so hard - it's tearing out my heart It's hard letting you go Now the sky, it shines a different kind of blue And the neighbor's dog don't bark like he used to Well - me, these days I just miss you - it's the nights that I go insane Unless you're coming back for me That's one thing I know that won't change It's hard, so hard - it's tearing out my heart It's hard letting you go Now some tarot card shark said I'll draw you a heart And we'll find you somebody else new But I've made my last trip to those carnival lips When I bet all that I had on you It's hard, it's hard, it's hard, so hard It's hard letting you go It's hard, so hard, it's tearing out my heart But it's hard letting you go
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Warm Spinach Salad with Tuna - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Enjoy this easy-to-prepare warm version of spinach salad in a matter of minutes. The tuna not only adds extra flavor but protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
- 6 cups baby spinach
- 2.5 oz canned light tuna
- 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
- 1 medium clove garlic
- sea salt and pepper to taste
- *1/2 medium tomato diced
- Combine the olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste in a small sauce pan and heat until warm.
- Drizzle over spinach leaves and top with tuna and tomatoes if desired.
Printer Friendly Version of Warm Spinach Salad with Tuna
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Warm Spinach Salad with Tuna
Healthy Food Tip
Is wine dehydrating?
The common belief that consumption of alcoholic beverages, such as wine, results in dehydration is fully supported by scientific research. When we consume an alcohol-containing drink, the alcohol level in our bloodstream can rise very rapidly. When our blood alcohol level rises, a metabolic regulatory mechanism kicks in and our pituitary gland stops releasing one of the hormones that it stores up-a hormone called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH. When release of ADH is blocked, our kidneys know to start increasing the release of water from our body in the form of increased urination. Unless we compensate for this increased loss of water, we will become partly dehydrated. The metabolism of alcohol can also interfere with our water balance in other ways-all of them pointing in the direction of increased dehydration. Dehydration is one common contributing factor to hangovers.
Of course, there are enormous differences in the amount of alcohol that different individuals can consume. People vary in their ability to metabolize alcohol, and the amount of dehydration caused by a specific amount of alcohol will vary from person to person. In addition, it is important to take into account the strength of the alcoholic beverage. A glass of wine containing 14% alcohol is going to challenge a person's metabolism (and hydration level) more than a similar glass with 10%. However, for any given person, larger amounts of alcohol always cause greater dehydration than smaller amounts (just as you might expect).
I haven't seen any research whatsoever to determine exactly how much additional water drinking would be recommended for different levels of alcohol consumption. However, I'd be surprised if a person needed to make changes in his or her total daily water intake to help offset the amount of alcohol contained in the six-ounce glass of wine typically enjoyed at dinnertime. The routine consumption of wine or other alcoholic beverages, however, would definitely make it more important for a person to pay attention to daily water intake and to increase his or her water intake above the eight glasses of water routinely recommended.
Natures Flu Shots
NATURE'S FLU SHOTS - Juice of 6 fresh lemons
1 bulb Garlic
2 tsp. Ginger powder
2 Tbsp. Honey
3 cups Pineapple juice
¼ tsp Cayenne powder
Blend all ingredients thoroughly and store in a glass jar. Take 1 cup 4 times a day until the symptoms are resolved.
By: Diane Decker Adams
Source: True Health and Healing
Dave Sommers
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
15-Minute Salmon with Mustard, Dill Sauce - Healthy Food Tip and Recipe
healthy food tip and recipe
Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
Scientific research continues to discover the importance of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health. Salmon is one of the best food sources for both of these hard-to-find health-promoting essential nutrients.
15-Minute Salmon with Mustard, Dill Sauce
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Salmon with Mustard, Dill Sauce
Healthy Food Tip
Within the near future, I expect the National Organics Standards Board at the USDA to adopt recommendations from its Aquaculture Working Group and start certifying farmed fish as organic within the U.S. if the fish meet the defined organic guidelines. This step will allow for display of the USDA�s green organic logo on farmed fish that meet organic standards for health and the environment. I encourage you to purchase those fish when they become available!
Since virtually all fish labeled organic will be farmed fish, what about wild-caught fish? At present, it doesn�t look like the USDA will be allowing display of its organic logo on fish that have been wild-caught. Nevertheless, I believe you can purchase wild-caught fish that are both healthy and also safe to consume from the standpoint of the environment.
When it comes to wild-caught fish, what�s important is geography. Different fish swim in different native waters, and these waters vary greatly in terms of their contaminants. We�ve taken a close look at the latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report on mercury levels in different fish, and on the basis of this report, have identified your best and worst choices when it comes to wild-caught fish. Your best wild-caught choices are Alaskan salmon and West Coast salmon caught in the Pacific Ocean along the coastlines of California, Oregon, and Washington. Pacific scallops, shrimp, oysters, clams, mussels, herring, and anchovies are also good choices based on this EPA data. I recommend that you consider these wild-caught fish for inclusion in your Healthiest Way of Eating on a several-meals-per-week basis.
At the other end of the spectrum are wild-caught fish that we encourage you to avoid due to their high mercury ratings from the EPA. Wild-caught fish on your �avoid list� should include: swordfish, tilefish, marlin, shark, bluefin tuna, and king mackerel.
For further information about organic standards and aquaculture, I encourage you to visit the following resources:
How to Order The World's Healthiest Foods, Essential Guide for the Healthiest Way of Eating.
See sample pages and find out how to place an order for our new book.
The special offer of free shipping is still in effect. We are already
getting wonderful feedback which we want to share with you, so we're
posting it on the bottom of our home page. Enjoy the book and let us
know how you like it.
Thank you. I purchased the WHfoods (Essential Guide) a couple of years ago and since then we have become inseparable. The book is everything I was hoping for. It, the book, changed the way we, my whole family, treat, cook and eat the individual food items and as a result we are all better off for it. Thank you again. - Will
Copyright © 2012 The George Mateljan Foundation, All Rights Reserved
George Mateljan Foundation, PO Box 25801, Seattle, Washington 98165 Scientific research continues to discover the importance of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health. Salmon is one of the best food sources for both of these hard-to-find health-promoting essential nutrients.
- 1-1/2 lbs salmon filet cut into 4 pieces, skin and bones removed
- 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
- Dill Sauce
- 2 medium garlic cloves, pressed
- 1 TBS Dijon mustard
- 2 TBS fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup chicken broth
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp chopped fresh dill
- salt and white pepper to taste
- Preheat broiler on high and place an all stainless steel skillet (be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan under the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot. The pan should be 5 to 7 inches from the heat source.
- Press garlic and let it sit for at least 5 minutes to bring out its health-promoting properties.
- Rub salmon with 1 TBS fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. (You can Quick Broil with the skin on; it just takes a minute or two longer. The skin will peel right off after cooking.)
- Using a hot pad, pull pan away from heat and place salmon on hot pan. Return to broiler. Keep in mind that it is cooking rapidly on both sides so it will be done very quickly (7 minutes per inch of thickness). Test with a fork for doneness. It will flake easily when it is cooked. Salmon is best when it is still pink inside.
- To make the sauce, add garlic to a stainless steel skillet and stir for half a minute. Add mustard, lemon juice, broth, honey, salt and pepper. Cook on high heat for a minute to reduce slightly and then add dill. Pour over salmon and serve.
- Pureed Sweet Peas
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Salmon with Mustard, Dill Sauce
Healthy Food Tip
Is there such as thing as organic fish?
As of spring 2008, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has
yet to start certifying fish as organic within the United States. Yet,
agencies in other countries (like the Certified Organic Associations of
British Columbia in Canada) do certify fish as organic and some of these
fish are sold in the U.S. and display a legitimate organic seal. While
organic fish farming remains an area of some controversy and confusion, I
support these certifying processes and encourage you to consider the
potential inclusion of organically farmed fish into your Healthiest Way
of Eating. Since approximately 80% of all fish sold in the U.S. have
been imported from other countries, there are a number of organic,
farmed fish options currently available in different parts of the
country (but not yet as widely available as many other organic foods).
Within the near future, I expect the National Organics Standards Board at the USDA to adopt recommendations from its Aquaculture Working Group and start certifying farmed fish as organic within the U.S. if the fish meet the defined organic guidelines. This step will allow for display of the USDA�s green organic logo on farmed fish that meet organic standards for health and the environment. I encourage you to purchase those fish when they become available!
Since virtually all fish labeled organic will be farmed fish, what about wild-caught fish? At present, it doesn�t look like the USDA will be allowing display of its organic logo on fish that have been wild-caught. Nevertheless, I believe you can purchase wild-caught fish that are both healthy and also safe to consume from the standpoint of the environment.
When it comes to wild-caught fish, what�s important is geography. Different fish swim in different native waters, and these waters vary greatly in terms of their contaminants. We�ve taken a close look at the latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report on mercury levels in different fish, and on the basis of this report, have identified your best and worst choices when it comes to wild-caught fish. Your best wild-caught choices are Alaskan salmon and West Coast salmon caught in the Pacific Ocean along the coastlines of California, Oregon, and Washington. Pacific scallops, shrimp, oysters, clams, mussels, herring, and anchovies are also good choices based on this EPA data. I recommend that you consider these wild-caught fish for inclusion in your Healthiest Way of Eating on a several-meals-per-week basis.
At the other end of the spectrum are wild-caught fish that we encourage you to avoid due to their high mercury ratings from the EPA. Wild-caught fish on your �avoid list� should include: swordfish, tilefish, marlin, shark, bluefin tuna, and king mackerel.
For further information about organic standards and aquaculture, I encourage you to visit the following resources:
- Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia
- USDA Agricultural Marketing Service
- Proposed National Organic Standards for Farmed-Aquatic Animals and Plants
If you have any questions about today's Healthy Food Tip Ask George Your Question
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George's Q&A
What Is your opinion about hydroponically grown vegetables?
Thank you. I purchased the WHfoods (Essential Guide) a couple of years ago and since then we have become inseparable. The book is everything I was hoping for. It, the book, changed the way we, my whole family, treat, cook and eat the individual food items and as a result we are all better off for it. Thank you again. - Will
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A Quality Life Demands Quality Questions - Article by Dr Demartini
quality of your life is based partly upon the quality of the questions
you ask yourself daily. If you are not inspired about your life or if
you are not living the life you truly dream of, it just may be because
you are not asking yourself the highest quality questions. The moment
you do is the moment your life begins to change. Most people who
struggle through life ask themselves such uninspiring questions that
their lives become exactly that, uninspiring. Asking yourself
low-quality questions leads to a low quality life, but asking yourself
high quality questions is one of the keys to living the more
self-actualized life you dream of and deserve.
Below are seven high quality questions you could begin asking yourself daily. I have been asking myself these seven questions for many years and have been able to fulfill many of my dreams through this method. Many of my friends and students have also done the same. These questions have already been demonstrated to increase the quality of many people's lives around the world. Let's now take a look at these seven high quality questions. 1. What would I absolutely love to do in life? This question helps bring clearly into your conscious mind one of your heartfelt and meaningful dreams or objectives. 2. How do I become handsomely or beautifully paid to do it? This question helps you awaken your creativity and helps you reward yourself in return. It helps make your vocation your avocation. Why not get financially rewarded for doing whatever you love? 3. What are the seven highest priority actions steps I could complete today that would enable me to do it? This question helps you see how possible it is to accomplish this or any other meaningful dream or objective. It helps you organize your actions. 4. What obstacles might I run into and how do I solve them in advance? This question helps you plan more effectively and prepares you for the challenges you might face in advance. It enables you to act more than react along your journey. 5. What worked and what didn't work today? This question helps you refine your actions and keep them on priority. All great endeavors require such feedback. 6. How do I do what I would love more effectively and efficiently? This question helps you consistently think of more effective and efficient ways of accomplishing your meaningful dream or objective. 7. How did whatever I experienced today - whether positive or negative, serve me? This question helps you realize that all great endeavors come with both supportive and challenging consequences both of which act as feedback mechanisms to assist you along your accomplishment journey. Yes, there is a bit of thinking involved in asking and answering quality questions, but with a little effort and refinement you can certainly accomplish a great number of objectives and fulfill a greater number of dreams. Don't you deserve to live your dreams? Now begin asking yourself the same quality questions and see what answers they lead you to. Be as specific and concise as you can. Watch how your creativity begins to soar. The quality of your life is based partly upon the quality of the questions you ask yourself daily and the quality and quantity of actions you take for yourself daily. Begin to ask higher quality questions and begin to act on your dreams today. Love and Wisdom Dr. John Demartini
2 CD Set
Purchase now for US $50
As a business owner or manager do you find yourself spending more time addressing staff performance issues rather than working on growing the business? Would you love to have teams that innovate and take responsibility for their objectives? Everybody lives according to their values. When you identify the values that a job requires and match the candidate with the corresponding values, productivity soars. In this audio presentation Dr. John Demartini educates business leaders on how to achieve inspiring productivity in the workplace. This CD set is an essential business tool for all business owners and entrepreneurs.
Purchase now for US $17
Anything you dream is possible... In this book you'll find 60 inspiring laws that will show you how to live an amazing life. They're the very same laws that I live my life by, and that have enabled me to truly live out my dreams. I've dedicated my life, since I was 17 years old, to the study and teaching of the natural laws of life, especially as they apply to personal growth and healing. The results have taken me from living as a surf bum and high school dropout, to living the life of my dreams - with abundant wealth in all areas of my life - spiritual, mental, career, finance, family, social; and physical. It inspires me to think of what a difference you can make in your own life as well as the lives of others simply by applying these amazing laws in a daily basis. And you can do so by just focusing on a single law per day. "You can do it!" Ask Men - Dealing with a Bully The bully is attracted to his or her opposite. Both are in a dance of growth. The bully eventually gets humbled and the bullied gets strong. Both require the traits of the other to make them both awaken to their wholeness. Remember, any area you do not empower someone will over power. Empower yourself and let the bully do their bullying to someone else who needs it more than you do.
Ask Men - How to say 'no'
For some people saying 'no' is really difficult. They find it more daunting than looking after kids, running a business or even climbing a mountain. How often have you found your head screaming 'no' and your mouth articulating 'yes'? What are Dr. Demartini's thoughts on being able to say 'no'?
Ask Men - How to handle stress
Since each event in life has both positive and negative components or repercussions anytime we misperceive such an imbalance we become stressed. Stress is where we are looking at only half of an emotional equation, not the loving and ordered whole. In this video, Dr. Demartini shares how to go from stress to success.
Ask Men - How to have more energy
In this video, Dr. Demartini revelas that people who are at the most risk of 'suffering' a lack of energy are those who do not feel like they are living purposefully; they feel lost, overwhelmed and out of focus. They are scattered and trying to live other people's lives. They are the ones also whose diets and lifestyles are also not all that ideal.
Ask Men - The key to being inspired
As your voice on the inside grows in clarity and strength so will your inspiration when you listen. Begin to attune to that inspiring station from within. Listen as it guides you to new levels of creativity and operation. Your inner voice will put few or no limits on your life. Dr. Demartini guides viewers on how to tranform desperation to inspiration. For full information on the Breakthrough Experience please download our Breakthrough Brochure by clicking below... |
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
January 12 - 13, 2013 / Houston 2 Inspiring Days. Where Leadership Begins. VENUE: JW Marriott Hotel TIMES: Saturday 8am - midnight; Sunday 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; US $599 Repeat Attendee COUPLES: 5% off New Only BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
PUBLIC TALK - Make More Money
January 17, 2013 / Los Angeles Learn the strategies required to increase your self-wealth. VENUE: Fairmont Miramor TIMES: 7:30pm - 9:30pm COST: US $35 in advance; US $45 at the door; US $250 for group of 10. BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
January 19 - 20, 2013 / Los Angeles 2 Inspiring Days. Where Leadership Begins. VENUE: Fairmont Miramor TIMES: Saturday 8am - midnight; Sunday 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; US $599 Repeat Attendee BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
PUBLIC TALK - Make More Money
January 24, 2013 / Dallas VENUE: Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Center TIMES: 7pm registration. 7:30pm - 9:30pm incl. Q&A COST: US $35 in advance; US $45 at the door; US $250 for group of 10 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
January 26 - 27, 2013 / Dallas VENUE: Hilton DFW Lakes Executive Center TIMES: Sat 8am - midnight. Sun 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee, US $599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Jan 11 US $1,199 - SAVE US $100 New Attendee; US $574 - SAVE US $25 Repeat Attendee BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
February 9 - 10, 2013 / Hawaii VENUE: Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort TIMES: Saturday 9:30am - midnight. Sunday: 9am to 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; US $599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Jan 25, US $1,199 New Attendee - SAVE US $100; US $574 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $ 25 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - Prophecy I
April 9 - 15, 2013 / Houston VENUE: Hotel Derek TIMES: Tuesday to Sunday 8am - 10pm. Monday 8am - 7pm COST: US $3,199 New Attendee US $1,299 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Feb 8 US $2,799 - SAVE US $400 New Attendee; US $1,199 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - Empyreance I
July 16 - 25, 2013 / Houston VENUE: Hotel Derek TIMES: First nine days: 8am - 10pm. Final day: 8am - 7pm COST: US $4,199 New Attendee; US $1,599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until May 17 US $3,799 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $1,499 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 COUPLES: 5% off New Only BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - Level I Demartini Method Training Program
October 16 - 20, 2013 / Houston 5-day training program learning how to use and apply the Demartini Method. VENUE: Hotel Derek TIMES: 8:00am - 7:00pm daily except final day until 6:00pm COST: US $3,999 New Attendee; US $1,299 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Aug 17 US $3,599 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $1,199 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - Level II Demartini Method Training Program
October 16 - 20, 2013 / Houston 5-day training program learning how to use and apply the Demartini Method. VENUE: Hotel Derek TIMES: 8:00am - 7:00pm daily except final day until 6:00pm COST: US $1,999 EARLY BIRD: EARLY BIRD: Until Aug 17 US $3,599 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $1,199 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
October 26 - 27,2013 / Denver 2 Inspiring Days. Where Leadership Begins. VENUE: The Ritz-Carlton TIMES: Saturday 8am - midnight; Sunday 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; $599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Aug 27 US $899 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $499 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 COUPLES: 5% Off New Only BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
PUBLIC TALK - Make More Money
March 29, 2013 / Toronto Learn the strategies required to increase your self-wealth. VENUE: Park Hyatt Toronto TIMES: 7:30pm - 9:30pm COST: US $35 in advance; US $45 at the door; US $250 for group of 10 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
March 30 - 31, 2013 / Toronto 2 Inspiring Days. Where Leadership Begins. VENUE: Park Hyatt Toronto TIMES: Saturday 8am - midnight. Sunday 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; $599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Jan 29 US $899 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $499 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
PUBLIC TALK - Success Principles of High Achievers
April 18, 2013 / Calgary 11 key principles of the world's top high achievers. VENUE: Calgary Marriott Downtown Hotel TIMES: 7:30pm - 9:30pm COST: US $35 in advance; US $45 at the door; US $250 for group of 10 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234
SEMINAR - The Breakthrough Experience
April 20 - 21, 2013 / Calgary 2 Inspiring Days. Where Leadership Begins VENUE: Marriott Downtown Hotel TIMES: Saturday 8am - midnight. Sunday 9am - 7pm COST: US $1,299 New Attendee; US $599 Repeat Attendee EARLY BIRD: Until Feb 19 US $899 New Attendee - SAVE US $400; US $499 Repeat Attendee - SAVE US $100 BOOKING: or call +1 713 850 1234 |
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"Always... Unconditionally... Follow your heart. Understand that persistence, hard work, and determination are the keys to success....