“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Study: Drinking Alcohol More Important Than Exercise to Living Past 90
RAISE A GLASS TO THE golden years.
Making it past 90 years old may boil down to drinking a couple of glasses of alcohol a night, according to a study on members of the oldest demographic in the U.S.
The 90+ Study, started in 2003, focuses on the fastest growing age group in America – the "oldest-old" – to determine what habits lead to quantity and quality of life, according to its website. This year, researchers at the Clinic for Aging Research and Education in Laguna Woods, California, focused on what food, activities and lifestyles are commonly featured among those living longer.
Click here for the article
Anti-Inflammatory Coconut and Sweet Potato Muffins with Ginger, Cinnamon and Maple Syrup Recipe
Flourless Sweet Potato Muffins
- 1 small organic sweet potato, roasted (1 cup, packed)
- 3 organic free range eggs, lightly beaten
- ¾ cup of organic canned coconut milk
- 2 tbsp of organic olive oil
- ½ cup of pure organic maple syrup
- 1 cup of organic brown rice flour
- ¼ cup of organic coconut flour
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- ½ tsp pink Himalayan salt
- 1 tbsp of ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp of ground ginger
- ⅛ tsp of ground cloves
- ⅛ tsp of ground nutmeg
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Oil a 12-hole muffin tray.
- Poke holes in your sweet potato and place on middle rack - cook for 60 minutes (or until soft).
- Remove sweet potato from oven and let cool.
- Scoop the sweet potato from the skin and place in a mixing bowl.
- Discard the skin or eat it as a snack - it contains a lot of the same vitamins as the insides!
- Add olive oil, almond milk and maple syrup to the sweet potato and mix until it is smooth.
- In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients together.
- Pour the dry ingredients into the sweet potato and mix until well combined.
- Pour the batter in the muffin pan and fill each tin until ⅔ full.
- Cook in the oven on the middle rack for 30-35 minutes (or until an inserted knife in the middle of the muffin comes out clean).
- Now take that muffin and eaaaaaaaaaaaat it. Nom nom nom nom nom.
Danielle Steel's New Novel - ACCIDENTAL HEROES
A decorated former Air Force pilot. A pregnant flight attendant. A dedicated TSA agent.
The fates of these three, and many others, converge in this gripping new novel—a heart-stopping thriller that engages ordinary men and women in the fight of their lives during a flight from New York to San Francisco.
Click here to order
The fates of these three, and many others, converge in this gripping new novel—a heart-stopping thriller that engages ordinary men and women in the fight of their lives during a flight from New York to San Francisco.
Click here to order
Pumpkin Oil for the Prostate, Bladder and Kidneys
Pumpkin Oil is of great value for the prostate, kidneys and bladder. Activation Products has a rare pumpkin oil that you don't want to miss.
Rare Styrian Pumpkin Oil
The thought of pumpkins may have you longing for pumpkin pie,
but you’re about to find out that pumpkin is for more than just pies...
it's for fighting disease year round.
Thanks to its high content of carotenoids and liposoluble vitamins, pumpkin seed oil has long been considered an ingredient appropriate
for illness prevention, especially for prostate diseases.
In addition to that well-known use, research has proved its effectiveness as a treatment for diabetes, anxiety and even cancer.
Pumpkin seed oil is a handy ingredient to keep around and use
on a daily basis to improve health.
When the oil from these little seeds is extracted at the right temperature, the possibilities are virtually endless!
but you’re about to find out that pumpkin is for more than just pies...
it's for fighting disease year round.
Thanks to its high content of carotenoids and liposoluble vitamins, pumpkin seed oil has long been considered an ingredient appropriate
for illness prevention, especially for prostate diseases.
In addition to that well-known use, research has proved its effectiveness as a treatment for diabetes, anxiety and even cancer.
Pumpkin seed oil is a handy ingredient to keep around and use
on a daily basis to improve health.
When the oil from these little seeds is extracted at the right temperature, the possibilities are virtually endless!
3 years ago we pressed 500 bottles of this incredibly rare oil and released it during our Hallowe’en special.
We sold out almost immediately.
Now I’m proud to say that you have a second chance to stock up on this one-of-a-kind superfood.
If you know anything about Styrian Pumpkin Oil then you know that it’s garnered an impressive following among top natural health experts.
That’s why, when high-quality versions of it (like this one) become available, people buy it up in bulk.
Especially people worried about prostate issues.
It’s delicious (probably our best tasting oil); smooth and rich with many health benefits.
The problem is, it’s not easy to get.
Styrian pumpkin oil is incredibly rare.
It’s made from pumpkins that are grown only for their seeds.
That’s how nutritious these seeds are.
They get bought up quick.
You won’t find these seeds on any grocery store shelf and you won’t be carving these pumpkins anytime soon.
They’re the best…
And the oil they produce is truly spectacular.
Try a bottle of Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil before they’re all gone.
[Limited Supply]
You deserve to experience the reasons why so many people LOVE this oil.
Oregano Oil
Oregano Oil: More Powerful Than Antibiotics? (Unlike antibiotics, oregano oil kills viruses and parasites too)
By: Cat Ebeling
Co-author of the best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix
Co-author of the best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix
I love to travel and was fortunate enough to travel to Colombia, Thailand, Peru, and Nepal last year. While these countries are beautiful, exotic and fascinating to visit, their sanitation, and water supplies—as well as food preparation—are not up to the same standards as we have in the United States. In spite of taking all the usual precautions, both my significant other and I got very ill in Colombia. In fact, we were sick for a good two and a half weeks after we got home, with all the symptoms of a serious Giardia infection, which is an amoebic parasitic infection. Symptoms include: fever, aches, pains, chills, severe stomach pains, diarrhea, nausea, weight loss. It was miserable!
The general conventional treatment for giardia infections is a prescription antibiotic, which as you probably already know, will wipe out all the beneficial bacteria in your body, as well as the bad stuff. In addition, many infections are now antibiotic-resistant, making them even harder to eliminate with conventional medical antibiotics. Before resorting to antibiotics, I thought I’d try a proven natural remedy first.
After doing some research, I purchased oregano oil capsules, took as directed, and was good as new in 24 hours. Now we never travel without it—and it has saved us numerous times! As soon as I feel any kind of tummy troubles coming on, I start taking the recommended amount as a precaution, and viola! All good! In fact, I can say, that since that trip to Colombia, I have traveled to Thailand, Peru and Nepal and have not had any ‘issues’ whatsoever!
Oregano oil to the rescue!
Oregano has been used all the way back in ancient Grecian times as a highly effective medicinal herb. The Greeks used it for wounds, insect bites, snakebites, digestive and respiratory infections–and for good reason–oregano oil is the ultimate natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal!
Oregano essential oil has been proven scientifically to kill bacteria, viruses, fungal infections, and parasites, including giardia, an amoebic infection. Oregano oil has actually been scientifically proven to be effective against even antibiotic-resistant pathogens.
Oregano oil is also incredibly effective against food poisoning, stomach flu, candida infections, ringworm, eczema, sinus infections, nail fungus, acne, skin infections, insect bites, warts, allergies, and more. However, oregano oil is very strong and can be irritating, so it must be diluted in a carrier oil when using on the skin. When taken internally, it is best to purchase and take as a prepared capsule, so you get the proper strength and dosage.
The active ingredients in oregano oil include phenols, carvacrol (60-80%) and thymol (5%) which provide its antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant components. Other ingredients include terpenes, pinene and terinene which contribute to the antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.
All in all, over 800 studies have been conducted on oregano oil and its amazing healing abilities.
Carvacrol is scientifically proven to be highly effective in killing off dangerous staphylococcus, norovirus, E.coli, listeria, campylobacter, and salmonella—all organisms that can cause violent food poisoning. Even better than an antibiotic (which only kills of bacteria), carvacrol is a highly effective antiviral as well. Carvacrol is also an anti-inflammatory aid, and can be used to calm down redness and swelling due to injuries or allergic reactions and insect bites. Studies show carvacrol works against candida overgrowth in the mouth or digestive tract, helps kill cancer cells, and even helps to lower blood sugar.
Oregano essential oil is one of the most potent, versatile natural medicines. Keep it on hand at all times, and you are sure to enjoy its powerful and effective healing properties. Also, don’t miss this article:
Sunday, March 18, 2018
The Success Principles Mentorship Message #1 by Jack Canfield
Welcome to the first email you'll receive as part of the 21-day
Success Principles FREE Mentorship Course - filled with success
strategies that can help you get from where you are now to
where you want to be.
Each day you'll receive an email just like this one. Some,
like today's, will include links to a downloadable form or
other activity to complete.
As you read each day's message, be sure to have your copy of
The Success Principles book nearby. We'll be referring to
various chapters and exercises in the book that will enhance
your Mentorship Program.
To give you a running start with the concepts found in the
book, we recommend that you listen to a special teleclass with
Jack Canfield as he discusses 'The Success Principles' and
answers many of the questions readers have for him as they
journey down the path to success:
http://www.thebigwhitebook.com/replay.php? <------ do this first!
There's even a tell-a-friend feature so you can share this
valuable teleclass with family, friends and loved ones you
know deserve more success in their life:
And now - with a heartfelt welcome from Jack Canfield and Janet
Switzer - let's get started with today's Mentorship Message...
As human beings, we often believe we don't have enough money,
romance, success or joy in our lives. But what we need to
understand is that greatness exists in all of us. It's simply
a matter of pulling that greatness out of ourselves and using
it to get us from where we are now...to where we want to be.
While many people believe they are entitled to live a great
life, top achievers we've met over the years know they must
take 100% responsibility for achieving the lifestyle,
relationships, financial freedom and opportunities they
experience in their lives.
This isn't always easy. But one way to start taking more
responsibility is to begin responding differently to the events
that occur in your life. Remember the formula from Principle #1
of The Success Principles book?
---->>> E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome. That's right...you can actually
change the outcomes in your life - and get better ones - simply
by responding differently to challenges and opportunities
that occur.
Listen now as Jack walks you through how to respond differently
using the E+R=O formula. Click on this audio link now and wait
a few moments for today's audio lesson to start playing:
Windows Media:
Real Player:
Taking 100% responsibility is what successful people do.
And it's the first step YOU must take on your new Success
Principles journey.
We'll see you tomorrow with another mentorship message.
In friendship,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You are receiving this email because you registered for the
free Success Principles Mentorship Program offered at
www.thesuccessprinciples.com or www.jackcanfield.com
The Jack Canfield Companies
P.O. Box 30880
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
(805) 563-2935
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
Success Principles FREE Mentorship Course - filled with success
strategies that can help you get from where you are now to
where you want to be.
Each day you'll receive an email just like this one. Some,
like today's, will include links to a downloadable form or
other activity to complete.
As you read each day's message, be sure to have your copy of
The Success Principles book nearby. We'll be referring to
various chapters and exercises in the book that will enhance
your Mentorship Program.
To give you a running start with the concepts found in the
book, we recommend that you listen to a special teleclass with
Jack Canfield as he discusses 'The Success Principles' and
answers many of the questions readers have for him as they
journey down the path to success:
http://www.thebigwhitebook.com/replay.php? <------ do this first!
There's even a tell-a-friend feature so you can share this
valuable teleclass with family, friends and loved ones you
know deserve more success in their life:
And now - with a heartfelt welcome from Jack Canfield and Janet
Switzer - let's get started with today's Mentorship Message...
As human beings, we often believe we don't have enough money,
romance, success or joy in our lives. But what we need to
understand is that greatness exists in all of us. It's simply
a matter of pulling that greatness out of ourselves and using
it to get us from where we are now...to where we want to be.
While many people believe they are entitled to live a great
life, top achievers we've met over the years know they must
take 100% responsibility for achieving the lifestyle,
relationships, financial freedom and opportunities they
experience in their lives.
This isn't always easy. But one way to start taking more
responsibility is to begin responding differently to the events
that occur in your life. Remember the formula from Principle #1
of The Success Principles book?
---->>> E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome. That's right...you can actually
change the outcomes in your life - and get better ones - simply
by responding differently to challenges and opportunities
that occur.
Listen now as Jack walks you through how to respond differently
using the E+R=O formula. Click on this audio link now and wait
a few moments for today's audio lesson to start playing:
Windows Media:
Real Player:
Taking 100% responsibility is what successful people do.
And it's the first step YOU must take on your new Success
Principles journey.
We'll see you tomorrow with another mentorship message.
In friendship,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You are receiving this email because you registered for the
free Success Principles Mentorship Program offered at
www.thesuccessprinciples.com or www.jackcanfield.com
The Jack Canfield Companies
P.O. Box 30880
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
(805) 563-2935
If you no longer wish to receive communication from us:
To update your contact information:
What do you need to release? Article by Dr Robert Anthony
"'Soul' is not a thing, but a quality or dimension of experiencing
life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness,
heart and personal substance." - Thomas Moore
Part of living a deeper, richer life is honoring what is important
to you. You can do this through ritual and celebration. You may be
part of a group or religion or culture that still focuses on
rituals and rites of passage. But, for many, there is not much
formal ritual remaining in their lives.
But, that's OK, you can make your own ritual. Let's take your
participation in this program as an example. Design ways to honor
and acknowledge the shifts and changes you experience as you
journey through the course.
Let's look at some possibilities.
1. Write down what you have decided to release in your life, for
example, your limiting beliefs and stories, and then burn the paper
in the fireplace. Light some candles and make a declaration of
freedom from limitation out loud. You can do this anytime you want
to let go of something in your life.
2. Celebrate the completion of your Follow-up Items by honoring at
least one major insight you had through doing them. You can do this
when you complete one Item or by each DVD or by each month - you
decide how often you want to celebrate. Use fine food, dress,
decorations, candles, etc. to enhance the special nature of the
3. Make a commitment in writing to yourself - a contract - for what
you are focusing on in Follow-up. If you decide you no longer want
to fulfill the contract, have a ceremony to dissolve the contract -
don't just blow it off.
4. Write a mission statement for yourself on how you choose to live
your life. Add color and pictures if you like. Frame and display it
where you can see it everyday.
5. Find a special totem to keep in your pocket or on your desk to
remind you of what you value most.
We encourage you to make a big deal out of the little things in
your life - for yourself and your family - create traditions that
honor you and yours simply for being the magnificent people that
you are.
What can you do today to celebrate your life?
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. Releasing the things that hold you back often includes
extra weight and the negative feelings that come with the
struggle of weight loss -- that's why I created my program
Zero Resistance Weight Release -- it's designed to let you
release your extra weight forever with no pills, diets or
willpower -- and I completely guarantee it -- find out more here...
life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness,
heart and personal substance." - Thomas Moore
Part of living a deeper, richer life is honoring what is important
to you. You can do this through ritual and celebration. You may be
part of a group or religion or culture that still focuses on
rituals and rites of passage. But, for many, there is not much
formal ritual remaining in their lives.
But, that's OK, you can make your own ritual. Let's take your
participation in this program as an example. Design ways to honor
and acknowledge the shifts and changes you experience as you
journey through the course.
Let's look at some possibilities.
1. Write down what you have decided to release in your life, for
example, your limiting beliefs and stories, and then burn the paper
in the fireplace. Light some candles and make a declaration of
freedom from limitation out loud. You can do this anytime you want
to let go of something in your life.
2. Celebrate the completion of your Follow-up Items by honoring at
least one major insight you had through doing them. You can do this
when you complete one Item or by each DVD or by each month - you
decide how often you want to celebrate. Use fine food, dress,
decorations, candles, etc. to enhance the special nature of the
3. Make a commitment in writing to yourself - a contract - for what
you are focusing on in Follow-up. If you decide you no longer want
to fulfill the contract, have a ceremony to dissolve the contract -
don't just blow it off.
4. Write a mission statement for yourself on how you choose to live
your life. Add color and pictures if you like. Frame and display it
where you can see it everyday.
5. Find a special totem to keep in your pocket or on your desk to
remind you of what you value most.
We encourage you to make a big deal out of the little things in
your life - for yourself and your family - create traditions that
honor you and yours simply for being the magnificent people that
you are.
What can you do today to celebrate your life?
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
P.S. Releasing the things that hold you back often includes
extra weight and the negative feelings that come with the
struggle of weight loss -- that's why I created my program
Zero Resistance Weight Release -- it's designed to let you
release your extra weight forever with no pills, diets or
willpower -- and I completely guarantee it -- find out more here...
Step 4 ~ Create Vision Board and Life Statement
Law of Attraction Planner (frederik@secretmeditations.com)
Today we diving in to Step 4 : Create Vision Board and Life Statement. This is the most important step i learned from the Book " Thinking and Grow Rich " from Napoleon Hill.
Let's hear from Lesli on how she completed step 4 in the planner:
Step Four is one of my absolute favorite steps to do! This is where I hadstrong feelings of gratitude and appreciation for things that hadn’t happened yet, but I know will come into my experience! First, you will need to create your Life Statement. Using the present tense, I wrote the details of how I wanted my life to play out. Using all five senses really helped illustrate how it would feel to accomplish what I was writing. This was VERY FUN! My imagination ran completely wild; I was picturing it all happening in my mind, and it felt as though I was LIVING IT. What you write should be fun to read every single day. The idea is to read (with intention) your Life Statement in the morning after waking up and at night before sleeping.
Every day, as I read my Life Statement, I am feeling genuine gratitude for it as if it already happened. This really puts me in the best of moods! Visualizing is very powerful and it truly solidifies your goals. To increase the power of visualization, the Life Statement is paired with a Vision Board. Both of these tools combined provide a one-of-a-kind order to the Universe, in where you are expressing to the Universe what you would like to “order” for yourself in life.
The Vision Board is a special tool used to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on specific life goals. The planner is so awesome that it actually equips us with a section where we can create our vision board and have it with us at all time. In this section, you display images, words, and phrases that represent what you want in life. Like I said, it is like you are placing an order to the Universe to bring to you all that is on your Vision Board. The key is to only choose images and words that make you FEEL GOOD and inspire you. You should be able to see your Vision Board every day and feel totally grateful and happy for it’s content. I LOVE spending time in the mornings and nights to look over my Life Statement and Vision Board. Sometimes, I look at a specific item on my board and visualize myself already having it. Other times, I like to look over all the items I have on there and feel the abundance of having them all.
The great thing about the Vision Board is that you can put both short-term and long-term goals on it. One suggestion the planner gives is to select our top goals and make those images the biggest. I love this, because being focused on the most important goals allows for clarity. When viewing the Vision Board, it is important to feel excitement and appreciation for all things on there, as if you already have it. This tool has really transformed my life! I am already seeing the synchronicity of the events leading up to what I have on my Vision Board. It is SO MUCH FUN! I look forward to seeing my dreams come true and creating new dreams as I achieve them!
by Lesli Baker
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