The shape is a triangle because according to R. Buckminster Fuller, the triangle is the perfect form. Once the shape is established, it cannot be changed or distorted.
The triangle was chosen for this business icon because once the rules (what the shape is really defining) are in place, holding the shape of the business is effortless. The rules do the job for you. Examples of rules are a code of honor, legal agreements, time agreements, etc.
The CONTENT of the business is contained within the triangle, held together by the CONTEXT. Product, legal, systems, communication (marketing), and cash flow. All very, very important. Each one fulfilling a specific need within the company.
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Hi, I've read about the B-I Triangle for several years now but still I'm not sure I understand what each part represents. Do these segments each represent a policy, division of the company, a system, a manager or what? Please help me understand what this represents and how to implement them to my business.
Steve M.
Hi, I've read about the B-I Triangle for several years now but still I'm not sure I understand what each part represents. Do these segments each represent a policy, division of the company, a system, a manager or what? Please help me understand what they represent and how to implement them to my business.
Steve M.
Hi Steve I am opening my first business following all rich dads advise and other such books and successful entrepreneur I meet..
Now,an easy way to approach the BI triangle is not to think as a physical structure such as departments rather think as concepts or frameworks which flows through your company structure level.
For instance lets see:
Team -Can your staff produce the right activity,reach goals?are they producing all they can is there room for improvement,did you hire good people?
Mission-What do you want from your business? are all the people involved aware of the mission?if not create a mission a higher objective such as conquer the world... heheheheh
Leadership-its all about you and those that have administrative position on you company..what,how, where,when,why... are the question you should be asking continuously on a day to day bases...what do you need to learn,am I leading or following, how can I improve, most of the times it is not what you know that you should be worried about,but what you need to know.
That´s how I approach the BI triangle as "fundamentals" the basic things you need to look at in order for your business to grow,like Jim Rohn says "half a dozen things" .. that will make it or brake it..
Hope it helped...
From Africa
Mongo Saraiva
I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
Just popping in to say nice site.
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