Globalization is a fact of life in today's environment. As Robert described China and India as growing economies we must watch, I simply smiled - as once again we have been thinking alike. Many people think it will take years for China and/or India to approach America's position as the largest economic power. But this may be yet another example of groupthink in process. Both Robert and I have seen their global impact already.
Recently, I was talking to a friend who lives in Europe, and he mentioned the huge amount of coverage China gets over there, compared with what we have about it in the United States. It's a very big topic there. There are two facts alone about China that will indicate how that country is doing and where that country is going:
1. The first Starbucks opened in China two years ago. There are now more Starbucks in China than in the United States.
2. In the 1970s, Shanghai had exactly ONE skyscrapers. It now has close to 800.
As a builder of skyscrapers and having a Starbucks in Trump Tower, I find those two facts staggering. Those are just two examples, yet easily visualized examples that should bring something home: China is a big force, Its population is such that one in every five people in the entire planet is Chinese. Chine has a vibrant economy and workforce and has adapted very well to the new technology. The Chinese are industrious and disciplined. What does this mean? We can either close our eyes and be blown aside, or we can study China and position ourselves to benefit from the changes
Taken from "Why We Want You To Be Rich" by Donald J. Trump and Robert T. Kiyosaki
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