Friday, September 28, 2007

Duplication Article by Jayne Johnson

At our 7:30am Round Table Meeting held on 9/25/07, Jayne had another great half hour speech on Duplication!!

"Duplication: Impartial perception; it’s perceiving something exactly, precisely, with no alteration.
Example: if a person says, “green apple,” the listener gets “green apple,” not “apple,” or “red apple” or
“green apple with a brown stem.” You get something exactly as it is. No spin on it, no change to it, no
“I agree” or “I disagree” type of judgment tacked on to it. You just get IT, precisely, with nothing
added to it or subtracted from it.
Misduplication: The prefix “mis” means “wrong” or “incorrect,” etc. Misduplication is perceiving
something inaccurately, incorrectly; it could include adding more to it or subtracting something from
Adding more to it could mean putting a spin on it or putting an interpretation to it. This is often done
through judging, assessing, evaluating, associating, or identifying. Example: You perceive a certain
look on your friend’s face and interpret it as anger. You say, “What are you mad about?” Your friend
says, “Nothing, I’m not angry. I was just thinking about something.”

To continue to read this article click here

After you read the article, any feedback???

Friday, October 5 - Ken McElroy - Rich Dad's Advisor RDTV Taping

On Friday, October 5, Ken McElroy will bring his expertise to the Rich Dad Studio. Ken is a Rich Dad Advisor and the author of three Rich Dad Books. He has 20 years of real estate experience, owns several businesses, and his company is the largest property management company in the southwest. The two-hour taping begins at 9:00AM.

If want to attend:

Please RSVP to Kathy Grady, with the following information:

- Your complete name
- Your guest's complete name
- Taping Ken McElroy

Please use 'STUDIO TAPING' as the subject line of your reply.

Thursday, October 4 - Larry Winget RDTV Taping

On Thursday, October 4 we welcome another special guest. Larry Winget, author of Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life, is known for his confrontational style of teaching. Some of you may have seen him on CNBC's The Millionaire Inside. Larry is viewed by many as a behavioral change expert who has personally traveled the road from rags to riches - using a combination of strategies to help people move from financial wreckage to responsible spending habits. Larry is a straight shooter whose style is strong and effective. The two-hour taping begins at 9:00AM.

If want to attend:

Please RSVP to Kathy Grady, with the following information:

- Your complete name
- Your guest's complete name
- Taping Larry Winget

Please use 'STUDIO TAPING' as the subject line of your reply.

America's top oil suppliers to slash exports by 2012: CIBC World Markets

I was carpooling with one of my co-workers at work, Bob Turner, the oil man at Rich Dad's. We were listening to the news and heard that the oil barrel has gone up to $83.50 per barrel! Then he saw this article:

America's top oil suppliers to slash exports by 2012: CIBC World Markets
Global supply gap, surging prices will shift attention to oil deposits north of border

NEW YORK, Sept. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - CIBC - Six of the largest oil suppliers to the U.S. are poised to significantly cut exports by 2012, ramping up pressure on supply and price, and intensifying the focus on one of the last great deposits open to private investment: Canada's oil sands.

The forecasted cuts by Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Nigeria, Algeria and Russia are the subject of a keynote address that Jeff Rubin, chief market strategist and chief economist at CIBC World Markets will deliver at the firm's Industrial Conference Oct. 2 in New York City. In his remarks, Mr. Rubin will share his latest research on the global oil supply/demand balance, with specific focus on the size and scope of the oil supply crunch facing the U.S. over the next five years.

Click here to read further

Give me your feedback after reading this article.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Economics Study Group with Robert

Robert had a study group yesterday at the Rich Dad's office on the Dow Theory article he subscribes to. Click here to view the video

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Insight for Today 9/26/07

"If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through."

Rosalynn Carter
Former American First Lady

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Insight for Today 9/25/07

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference."

Luciano Pavarotti
1935-2007 Opera Singer

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Big Favor to ask.........................................................

Please tell ten friends to tell ten today! The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram' for free (pink window in the middle).

This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors /advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know.

Insight for Today 9/19/07

"It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

Claude M. Bristol
1891-1951, Author of The Magic of Believing

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Success Principles Mentorship Message # 2

Click here to purchase the book

This lesson is pretty cool. It taught me something that I never do! Need to Acknowledge your past success. We remember our failures more than our successes. The more self-esteem you have the more risk you are willing to take. Divide your own life into 3 equal time periods:

#1 - Birth to age 20

Think of things that you have accomplished, victories, etc. Like the first time you learn how to ride a bike, participate in a school play, learned how to spell a really tough word, graduating from high school, wrote an essay, etc.

#2 - Age 20 to 40

Same thing as above, maybe got the job you always wanted, relationship, house etc.

#3 - Age 40 to 60

Same as above

Then the lesson takes you to another exercise, list 100 or more successes. Boy was that hard!! At first I just couldn't. Once I read into the lesson more than it became easier.

Another lesson is to do a Victory Log daily.

What successes can you come up with? Comments?

"Looping" by Jayne Johnson

In our 7:30am Round Table meeting last Tuesday, 9/11/07, Jayne Johnson spoke on a subject called "Looping" She is a Clearing Practitioner for Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. She also attends our early meetings every week and she give us an half an hour of her speech. Have you ever felt that you were stuck and you couldn't move forward? There can be different reasons why one gets stuck. Consider the idea that people sometimes communicate their opinions as if their opinions were facts. They may not be facts to the listeners, but the speaker, even the most well-meaning friend for loved one, at times will communicated to you as facts. One comment can suddenly put you stuck in a mystery that you now must solve. So you ask yourself questions, questions for which you probably have no solid answers. Now you are caught in a loop, puzzled, second guessing yourself, and worrying, with lots of maybes and I wonder why swirling around in your head. When we are certain we feel good, when we are uncertain, we loop around and around trying to become certain. Sound familiar?? Find yourself doing that?? I know I have. It is self-doubt about what you thought you were sure about an can lead to worry and stress quickly. Boy is that a fact! The opinions of others can often be helpful, but at times they are flat out wrong. If you fail to notice that and abandon your own certainty, the trap is set. You are unwittingly throwing your own truth out the window. Looping comes from doubting yourself. Is there a solution to this?? Sure there are, TRUST YOURSELF AND DON'T BUY IN. Someone says something to you, is it true to you? If it is not, then acknowledge that to yourself because rebuttals to the other person often produce an argument or upset. Simple silent recognition accomplish four things:

1. Prevents you from looping
2. Keeps you from being engulfed in mystery
3. Releases stress you may incur from being told something that is worrisome to you
4. Gives you certainty about yourself and your own truths

This is an article she wrote in her Goals Workshop Companion Workbook. You can also check out her website by clicking here

Any body have any comments or feedback?

It is true that every one has the right to have and express his or her own opinions, when you consciously distinguish between your own opinions and the opinions of others, you show respect for both the other person and yourself.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Rich Dad RDTV Taping on 9/6/07 called "Addicted to Proverty

I attended the taping and it was pretty interesting. His name is Dr Michael Carlton. He works with people with addictions, like drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc. Is it possible to be addicted to poverty? It sure is. Soon this will be on our website on the RDTV page of the Click on the title to get a brief youtube video by John Seiferth of the Rich Dad's Underground.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Insight for Today 9/11/07

"The money I have is in direct proportion to the value I've given to others. The more I give of myself, incredibly, the more economic power comes my way."

Tod Barnhart
Author of The Five Rituals of Wealth

Monday, September 10, 2007

Quote for Today 9/10/07

"Focus on what you want and not what on you don't want."
- The Law of Attraction

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Insight for Today 9/6/07

"The difference between getting somewhere and nowhere is the courage to make an early start. The fellow who sits still and does just what he is told will never be told to do big things."

Charles M. Schwab
1862-1939, Industrialist