"Duplication: Impartial perception; it’s perceiving something exactly, precisely, with no alteration.
Example: if a person says, “green apple,” the listener gets “green apple,” not “apple,” or “red apple” or
“green apple with a brown stem.” You get something exactly as it is. No spin on it, no change to it, no
“I agree” or “I disagree” type of judgment tacked on to it. You just get IT, precisely, with nothing
added to it or subtracted from it.
Misduplication: The prefix “mis” means “wrong” or “incorrect,” etc. Misduplication is perceiving
something inaccurately, incorrectly; it could include adding more to it or subtracting something from
Adding more to it could mean putting a spin on it or putting an interpretation to it. This is often done
through judging, assessing, evaluating, associating, or identifying. Example: You perceive a certain
look on your friend’s face and interpret it as anger. You say, “What are you mad about?” Your friend
says, “Nothing, I’m not angry. I was just thinking about something.”
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