In our 7:30am Round Table meeting last Tuesday, 9/11/07, Jayne Johnson spoke on a subject called "Looping" She is a Clearing Practitioner for Robert and Kim Kiyosaki. She also attends our early meetings every week and she give us an half an hour of her speech. Have you ever felt that you were stuck and you couldn't move forward? There can be different reasons why one gets stuck. Consider the idea that people sometimes communicate their opinions as if their opinions were facts. They may not be facts to the listeners, but the speaker, even the most well-meaning friend for loved one, at times will communicated to you as facts. One comment can suddenly put you stuck in a mystery that you now must solve. So you ask yourself questions, questions for which you probably have no solid answers. Now you are caught in a loop, puzzled, second guessing yourself, and worrying, with lots of maybes and I wonder why swirling around in your head. When we are certain we feel good, when we are uncertain, we loop around and around trying to become certain. Sound familiar?? Find yourself doing that?? I know I have. It is self-doubt about what you thought you were sure about an can lead to worry and stress quickly. Boy is that a fact! The opinions of others can often be helpful, but at times they are flat out wrong. If you fail to notice that and abandon your own certainty, the trap is set. You are unwittingly throwing your own truth out the window. Looping comes from doubting yourself. Is there a solution to this?? Sure there are, TRUST YOURSELF AND DON'T BUY IN. Someone says something to you, is it true to you? If it is not, then acknowledge that to yourself because rebuttals to the other person often produce an argument or upset. Simple silent recognition accomplish four things:
1. Prevents you from looping
2. Keeps you from being engulfed in mystery
3. Releases stress you may incur from being told something that is worrisome to you
4. Gives you certainty about yourself and your own truths
This is an article she wrote in her Goals Workshop Companion Workbook. You can also check out her website by clicking here
Any body have any comments or feedback?
It is true that every one has the right to have and express his or her own opinions, when you consciously distinguish between your own opinions and the opinions of others, you show respect for both the other person and yourself.
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