Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Insight for Today 7/30/08

"If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough." Oprah Winfrey Television Host, Actress and Producer

Check out her website here

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another Article from Sales Dogs Blair Singer


FR: Blair Singer
RE: Communication & Psychology

Remember a few days ago when I was telling you about my
system to quickly and easily handle objections? Well, folks
have taken it and are absolutely ROCKING!

Here's an example... take a look at these industries:

- Dentistry
- Real Estate
- Network Marketing
- Investments
- Consulting
- Teaching
- Youth Outreach

That's quite a mix, isn't it?

Well, the SalesDogs Mastery Club members come from a broad
range of industries and services which is a lot of fun...
and extremely insightful.

Are the objections in "Dentistry" different than in "Youth

Of course, but it's also amazing how similar they are.
Here's the thing...

The objection handling system I teach works across
industries, markets, and economies... because it leverages
simple human communication and rapport building psychology.

It's about how you validate and respond. Plus, it's also
about your mental game... how you stand in the heat and
remain cool under the pressure of a sales call.

You mix them together and the results are explosive.

I've seen this work over and over with sales
professionals... but it works just as great with holistic
practitioners and engineers.

See for yourself...

Be awesome,


Article from Sales Dogs Blair Singer


FR: Blair Singer
RE: Systemize your objection handling

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

(and I think Charles Dickens would agree with me ;)

I had every opportunity to elevate myself, to make a
difference in my lifestyle and earn some money.. That was
the good. The bad was...

But in the beginning, I was so darn scared of what people
would say, that they would judge me, hate me, tell me I was
stupid, that I actually BECAME stupid. Seriously, all of
this was in my head and it kept me from going out and making

And then there were the times I worked up the courage to go
on a sales call and what did I run into?? Objections! Think
this helped my already frail self-image? Of course not.

The fact is, most sales people get discouraged after a few
objections and, like it did me, it keeps them from hitting
their real potential.

Here's the secret to a successful career in sales (and in
getting what you want):

You MUST be confident in your ability to stand and face
objections. That's 95% of the sales game.

To succeed in sales you MUST expertly handle objections.

In order for me to win big I had to build the confidence and
the skills to stand and face objections.

Over the past several emails you've gained some insight into
how to do this yourself and judging by the feedback, folks
are getting a lot out of it.

Here's the thing: this method evolved into a complete
objection handling system now used by top businesses and
sales pros around the world. In fact, my good friend Robert
Kiyosaki worked with me on this.

Want to master the art and science of handling tough
objections, emotional and angry responses and even how to
head them off at the pass before they even come up? Good,
because you will.

Folks have told me this system is like having a cheat sheet
to a sales call because it's broken down for you step-by-
step. With it I've built an international business and

What can you build? You tell me...

Look, if a long-haired beach bum like myself could grow and
prosper into the business person I am today because of this
system... what will you become?

Start your training today and make this the best of times:

Be awesome,


Monday, July 28, 2008

UPDATE to Linda's Weight Loss 7/28/08

AS OF TODAY MY WEIGHT IS 161 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE MORE TO REACH MY GOAL OF 160 LBS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Robert Kiyosakism Quote for 7/23/08

"Losing is part of Winning" - Robert Kiyosaki

Insight for Today 7/23/08

"Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends you choose for you will become like them."

W. Clement Stone
1902-2002, Author and Businessman

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

ARTICLE From Sales Dogs Blair Singer


FR: Blair Singer
RE: The Drill & Grill Explained

Hi Linda,

Only after extreme pressure and extended duration do the
most sought-after, most cherished diamonds emerge. It's wild
that they even come from something so common and ordinary as
basic carbon.

This happens in nature... and in sales. It's the fundamental
thinking behind my Drill & Grill process for mastering the
art of objection handling.

The Drill & Grill will make you a better, more fluid and
capable salesperson when it comes to handling any and all

Most everyone who practices the Drill & Grill can, within a
few minutes, effortlessly flow through objection after
objection. If you've been to my Authentic Sales & Leadership
program then you've experienced this firsthand.

In my last email you learned the simple steps to handling
objections. You get hit with an objection, then you need to
Acknowledge it and follow-up with a Question so you get to
the root of what their real issue is.

OBJECTION: "I need to think about it."

ACKNOWLEDGE: That's awesome.

QUESTION: What particular questions or issues do you need to
think over?

Now, you're about to learn the Drill & Grill process so the
next time you're hit with an objection, you can handle it
flawlessly... like a diamond :)

The Drill & Grill Explained

Fair warning: this process, while simple, can be very
intense. Do this regularly, though, and you'll be a master.

You're going to want a partner for this. Have them hit you
with an objection. You're going to Acknowledge and then ask
a Question. At any moment you stumble, pause, or "umm...
uhh..." they will yell "Stop!" and immediately hit you with
the objection again.

The name of the game here is speed. Don't try and answer
conversationally. This isn't about that. It's about being
quick and smooth. The Drill & Grill is about creating rapid-
fire stress and pressure and you overcoming it with ease and

Once you overcome the objection, your partner will fire
another one at you. Keep this up for as long as you can.

The best salespeople I know do this every day. My good
friend, Robert Kiyosaki, and I still do this with each

If you're average in sales now, even if you're a pro, the
Drill & Grill is proven to make you even better.

From carbon to a diamond. From a SalesPup to a SalesDog ;)

Be awesome,


P.S. If you want to really excel, but don't always have a
partner to do this with then I strongly suggest you try

This is the objection handling software program I had custom
developed and loaded with nearly all of the most common
objections you'll run into. (there's more to it than that
but check it out for yourself)

Check it out here...

UPDATE to Linda's Weight loss7/22/08


Monday, July 21, 2008

UPDATE to Linda's Weight Loss 7/21/08

Good morning guys,

I am now 3 pounds from my goal of 160!!!!!!!! Yeah I am getting there!



Thursday, July 17, 2008

UPDATE to Linda's Weight Loss

Hi everyone!! I am half way through my six week weight loss program under the care of Dr Ellsworth. Briefly: I had started my change of lifestyle drastically on 1/14/08 by changing my eating habits, take herbal natural vitamins, quit drinking wine everyday, etc. I also joined the gym on 1/21/08. In December of 2007 I got as high at 242 pounds and today as of 7/17/08 I weigh 167 pounds. I have lost a total of 75 pounds as you can see in my photo's. ANYONE CAN DO IT NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU ARE!!!!!!

I will continue to work on losing more as my goal is 160 pounds. Then once I reached that goal I will set another goal to tackle and I am thinking as far as maybe going to what my ideal weight should be at my age.


"Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it."

William Feather
1889-1981, Writer

For more quotes from this writer, please click here

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

INSIDERS Email from Robert Kiyosaki 7/14/08

Today, we are sending out the attached “Insiders Apology” video email from Robert.

You will also note the email introduces and provides prelim details on the “All-new INSIDERS” product we will be launching in August. The “new” INSIDERS will include the weekly posting of new videos, weekly blog entries from RD personnel, forums for member questions, and more. This product’s price point will also be increased from $9.97 to a $19.99— a benefit to existing members—we will be offering their existing price point of $9.97 for 2-years.

In the marketing department, we are really excited about this re-launch. We will be keeping the entire team informed on the nuances to INSIDERS, including the official launch date, over the next few weeks.

Please let me know of any questions or concerns you might have.



July 2008

“The All New” INSIDERS

We’re dedicating both time and resources to an upgraded & more robust
INSIDERS experience and the launch is coming your way this August.

You will find we’ve added new features, benefits and components--all
created to support your financial education & growth as an investor.

New features will include additional video lessons, more frequent
“inside” blog entries, new opportunities to “talk” and direct
questions to Robert and the Rich Dad team of advisors, free product
and services previews, and more valuable “inside” stuff!

We’ve appreciated your feedback regarding Robert’s lessons and the
Rich Dad company meetings and we’re pleased to announce meeting
segments will now be posted every Wednesday.

As our most loyal and steadfast community, we appreciate the
suggestions and input you have offered over the years and for your
patience with INSIDERS' evolution. This affirmation of our commitment
to an enhanced INSIDERS experience also offers us the opportunity to
thank and acknowledge you.

With the new program upgrades, the retail price will be increasing to
$19.99 per month starting in September. But for all current INSIDERS,
we will be holding your (current) charter member subscription price
for 2-full years! That’s an added value for charter INSIDERS of
nearly $250!

We remain committed to your financial education as you increase your
financial IQ. We know you’ll be thrilled with the program upgrades and
enhancements and will share our excitement around the launch of the
all-new INSIDERS.

- The Rich Dad Company

Insight for Today 7/16/08

"If you make the unconditional commitment to reach your most important goals, if the strength of your decision is sufficient, you will find the way and the power to achieve your goals."

Robert Conklin
Teacher, Author and Speaker

Tuesday, July 15, 2008



FR: Blair Singer
RE: Try this next time

Over 478 objections have come in so far. Luckily, I took
none of them personally ;)

See, objections will literally destroy your presentation if
you don't know how to properly deal with them. More
importantly, they can really cause havoc with your Little
Voice and send you into a sales slump.

The key to this part is the "drill and grill" process we
use, which I'll get to soon.

Couple of things for you today, I want to give you a few
Acknowledgments you can use to help your prospect recognize
that you've heard their objection and that it's important to
you. Then I want to review a few objections that you hit me

First thing, Acknowledge your prospect's objection. Not only
does it show you're listening to them, it also provides a
buffer for your reply so they don't feel you're attacking
their objection.

* Thanks for that feedback. I can understand why you would
feel that way.

* I understand. Price is an extremely critical
consideration, particularly in this case.

* I can appreciate that. And I definitely do not want to
waste your time, so thank you for bringing it to my

Now, here are a few objection highlights along with some
examples of how to use the Acknowledgment and some
Questions you can use to get at the REAL objection.

OBJECTION: "You don't know what you're talking about."
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Thank you for your concern.
QUESTION: What has given you that impression?

OBJECTION: "Your competitor has a better product and price."
ACKNOWLEDGE: Thanks for that feedback.
QUESTION: What specific functions were you looking for in
this product and what is your actual budget for this

OBJECTION: "I need to think about it."
ACKNOWLEDGE: That's awesome.
QUESTION: What particular questions or issues do you need to
think over?

Is this difficult? No. But the real key to flawlessly
pulling this off is the "drill and grill" process. Next
email I'll explain how that comes into play.

In the meantime, I challenge you to take your top objections
and write out an Acknowledgment and a Question for each
one. Do this now because if you don't, you can bet that
they'll come up in your next sales call.

Up next, the "drill and grill."

Be awesome,


P.S. Join me for the next SalesDogs Mastery Club open-line
call where I'll be working LIVE with members on their
business and sales challenges.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Meet Kim Kiyosaki at the RW CF Club Event

FINANCIAL IQ BOOK by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki’s newest addition to the Rich Dad's line of best-selling books, “Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter With Your Money” provides you with the Five Financial IQs you need to gain financial freedom. From learning to make more money to leveraging your money, Robert provides insight into getting rich with applicable examples from his own life.

Please visit:



FR: Blair Singer
RE: Live session on Monday

I hope I caught you in time for this quick heads-up before
we hit the weekend.

Join me Monday at 2:30pm Pacific for a live elevator pitch
"grill and drill" session with Mastery Club members.

On the call I'll be listening to and giving feedback on your
30-second pitches.

When: Monday July 14
When: 2:30pm Pacific

Dial-In and Passcode are located inside the Mastery Club
membership area.

If you're not yet a member, you can join us by going to this

I hope you can make it.

Be awesome,


Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Weight Loss Program

As you all know I started eating healthy, and joined the gym in January 2008. I also joined a 6 week program with my naturopatic doctor and as of date:

January - my weight was the highest on my doctor chart of 242

Today 7/10/08 - my weight is 170 - I have lost a total of 72 lbs!!!!! I am now 10 lbs away from reaching my goal!

I have plans and working on my idea to start a website regarding your health and financial IQ (Rich Dad's philosophy) shortly. On my health side I have plan to put in the 6 weeks program that is working for me along with other things that is helping.

Talk to you guys soon!!


Another Quote

"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."

Wayne Dyer
Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker

Quote for you

"People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Actor and Author of Michael Josephson
Radio Commentator



FR: Blair Singer
RE: Don't take 20 years to crush an objection

Humor me for a second and think back 5 or 10 years. I
actually have to stretch back about 20 years...

I'm in better shape now than I was 20 years ago. Back then
if you'd have hit me with an objection such as:

"I have to talk it over with __someone else__"

(note: if you haven't yet submitted your objections, you can
do so at

Talk about flustered... that would be me - tongue-tied, eyes
wide, and that horrible sinking feeling in my stomach.. A
literal SalesPup ;)

Then up would pop the Little Voice, "See, you DON'T know
what you're doing and you DO look like an idiot. You're
never going to make any money!"

Ever feel like you're leaving a sales call with your tail
between your legs? Yeah, I know that feeling, too. Been
there, done that. However, things can change...

Here's what I now know about how to handle objections:

1. Acknowledge - let them now you're listening

"Great! That's probably a good idea."

2. Ask a question - dig for the real objection and maintain
control of the conversation

"What specifically about what we have talked about would you
want to discuss with them? (and why?)"

Now, some folks might say this technique is pretty simple -
and it is - (one paper) but those who reeeeaallly know how
to use it have received great results and evolved from
order-takers to sales pros.

I think I'll cover this more in-depth but...

Here's the thing, the difference between now and 20 years
ago is the fact that I've experienced and learned a heck of
alot about sales communication and how people think.

A now for the million dollar question: "What's the
difference between today and your success tomorrow?"

If you say "experience and education" then you're absolutely

Over the next couple of emails I'll share with you some of
the strategy and tips on how to handle objections and you'll
learn a killer way to cut down on the "experience" learning
curve so you can quickly put all this in to play. Why take
20 years when you can take 20 minutes?

In the meantime, keep submitting your top objections:

Be awesome,


P.S. One of the things that happens on the Mastery Club
open-line calls is we discuss the objections you run up
against and how to crush them like a pro. We do this Live
once a month. The next one is coming up.

Be sure to join us: