Today, we are sending out the attached “Insiders Apology” video email from Robert.
You will also note the email introduces and provides prelim details on the “All-new INSIDERS” product we will be launching in August. The “new” INSIDERS will include the weekly posting of new videos, weekly blog entries from RD personnel, forums for member questions, and more. This product’s price point will also be increased from $9.97 to a $19.99—however...as a benefit to existing members—we will be offering their existing price point of $9.97 for 2-years.
In the marketing department, we are really excited about this re-launch. We will be keeping the entire team informed on the nuances to INSIDERS, including the official launch date, over the next few weeks.
Please let me know of any questions or concerns you might have.
July 2008
“The All New” INSIDERS
We’re dedicating both time and resources to an upgraded & more robust
INSIDERS experience and the launch is coming your way this August.
You will find we’ve added new features, benefits and components--all
created to support your financial education & growth as an investor.
New features will include additional video lessons, more frequent
“inside” blog entries, new opportunities to “talk” and direct
questions to Robert and the Rich Dad team of advisors, free product
and services previews, and more valuable “inside” stuff!
We’ve appreciated your feedback regarding Robert’s lessons and the
Rich Dad company meetings and we’re pleased to announce meeting
segments will now be posted every Wednesday.
As our most loyal and steadfast community, we appreciate the
suggestions and input you have offered over the years and for your
patience with INSIDERS' evolution. This affirmation of our commitment
to an enhanced INSIDERS experience also offers us the opportunity to
thank and acknowledge you.
With the new program upgrades, the retail price will be increasing to
$19.99 per month starting in September. But for all current INSIDERS,
we will be holding your (current) charter member subscription price
for 2-full years! That’s an added value for charter INSIDERS of
nearly $250!
We remain committed to your financial education as you increase your
financial IQ. We know you’ll be thrilled with the program upgrades and
enhancements and will share our excitement around the launch of the
all-new INSIDERS.
- The Rich Dad Company
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