Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Insight for Today 3/31/09

"Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing, that we see too late the one that is open."

Alexander Graham Bell
1847-1922, Inventor

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Daffodile Principle - A Story of the Week From Bob Proctor

Here is your Friday story,

The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, "Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over." I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. Going and coming took most of a day - and I honestly did not have a free day until the following week.

"I will come next Tuesday," I promised, a little reluctantly, on her third call. Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and so I drove the length of Route 91, continued on I-215, and finally turned onto Route 18 and began to drive up the mountain highway. The tops of the mountains were sheathed in clouds, and I had gone only a few miles when the road was completely covered with a wet, gray blanket of fog. I slowed to a crawl, my heart pounding. The road becomes narrow and winding toward the top of the mountain.

As I executed the hazardous turns at a snail's pace, I was praying to reach the turnoff at Blue Jay that would signify I had arrived. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house and hugged and greeted my grandchildren I said, "Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in the clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these darling children that I want to see bad enough to drive another inch!"

My daughter smiled calmly, "We drive in this all the time, Mother."

"Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears - and then I'm heading for home!" I assured her.

"I was hoping you'd take me over to the garage to pick up my car. The mechanic just called, and they've finished repairing the engine," she answered.

"How far will we have to drive?" I asked cautiously.

"Just a few blocks,"Carolyn said cheerfully.

So we buckled up the children and went out to my car. "I'll drive," Carolyn offered. "I'm used to this." We got into the car, and she began driving.

In a few minutes I was aware that we were back on the Rim-of-the-World Road heading over the top of the mountain. "Where are we going?" I exclaimed, distressed to be back on the mountain road in the fog. "This isn't the way to the garage!"

"We're going to my garage the long way," Carolyn smiled, "by way of the daffodils."

"Carolyn, I said sternly, trying to sound as if I was still the mother and in charge of the situation, "please turn around. There is nothing in the world that I want to see enough to drive on this road in this weather."

"It's all right, Mother," She replied with a knowing grin. "I know what I'm doing. I promise, you will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience."

And so my sweet, darling daughter who had never given me a minute of difficulty in her whole life was suddenly in charge - and she was kidnapping me! I couldn't believe it. Like it or not, I was on the way to see some ridiculous daffodils - driving through the thick, gray silence of the mist-wrapped mountaintop at what I thought was risk to life and limb.

I muttered all the way. After about twenty minutes we turned onto a small gravel road that branched down into an oak-filled hollow on the side of the mountain. The fog had lifted a little, but the sky was lowering, gray and heavy with clouds.

We parked in a small parking lot adjoining a little stone church. From our vantage point at the top of the mountain we could see beyond us, in the mist, the crests of the San Bernardino range like the dark, humped backs of a herd of elephants. Far below us the fog-shrouded valleys, hills, and flatlands stretched away to the desert.

On the far side of the church I saw a pine-needle-covered path, with towering evergreens and manzanita bushes and an inconspicuous, lettered sign "Daffodil Garden."

We each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path as it wound through the trees. The mountain sloped away from the side of the path in irregular dips, folds, and valleys, like a deeply creased skirt.

Live oaks, mountain laurel, shrubs, and bushes clustered in the folds, and in the gray, drizzling air, the green foliage looked dark and monochromatic. I shivered. Then we turned a corner of the path, and I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight, unexpectedly and completely splendid. It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it down over the mountain peak and slopes where it had run into every crevice and over every rise. Even in the mist-filled air, the mountainside was radiant, clothed in massive drifts and waterfalls of daffodils. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swaths of deep orange, white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, saffron, and butter yellow.

Each different-colored variety (I learned later that there were more than thirty-five varieties of daffodils in the vast display) was planted as a group so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue.

In the center of this incredible and dazzling display of gold, a great cascade of purple grape hyacinth flowed down like a waterfall of blossoms framed in its own rock-lined basin, weaving through the brilliant daffodils. A charming path wound throughout the garden. There were several resting stations, paved with stone and furnished with Victorian wooden benches and great tubs of coral and carmine tulips. As though this were not magnificent enough, Mother Nature had to add her own grace note - above the daffodils, a bevy of western bluebirds flitted and darted, flashing their brilliance. These charming little birds are the color of sapphires with breasts of magenta red. As they dance in the air, their colors are truly like jewels above the blowing, glowing daffodils. The effect was spectacular.

It did not matter that the sun was not shining. The brilliance of the daffodils was like the glow of the brightest sunlit day. Words, wonderful as they are, simply cannot describe the incredible beauty of that flower-bedecked mountain top.

Five acres of flowers! (This too I discovered later when some of my questions were answered.) "But who has done this?" I asked Carolyn. I was overflowing with gratitude that she brought me - even against my will. This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

"Who?" I asked again, almost speechless with wonder, "And how, and why, and when?"

"It's just one woman," Carolyn answered. "She lives on the property. That's her home." Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house that looked small and modest in the midst of all that glory.

We walked up to the house, my mind buzzing with questions. On the patio we saw a poster. "Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking" was the headline. The first answer was a simple one. "50,000 bulbs," it read. The second answer was, "One at a time, by one woman, two hands, two feet, and very little brain." The third answer was, "Began in 1958."

There it was. The Daffodil Principle.

For me that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than thirty-five years before, had begun - one bulb at a time - to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountain top. One bulb at a time.

There was no other way to do it. One bulb at a time. No shortcuts - simply loving the slow process of planting. Loving the work as it unfolded.

Loving an achievement that grew so slowly and that bloomed for only three weeks of each year. Still, just planting one bulb at a time, year after year, had changed the world.

This unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. She had created something of ineffable magnificence, beauty, and inspiration.

The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principle of celebration: learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time - often just one baby-step at a time - learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time.

When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world.

"Carolyn," I said that morning on the top of the mountain as we left the haven of daffodils, our minds and hearts still bathed and bemused by the splendors we had seen, "it's as though that remarkable woman has needle-pointed the earth! Decorated it. Just think of it, she planted every single bulb for more than thirty years. One bulb at a time! And that's the only way this garden could be created. Every individual bulb had to be planted. There was no way of short-circuiting that process. Five acres of blooms. That magnificent cascade of hyacinth! All, just one bulb at a time."

The thought of it filled my mind. I was suddenly overwhelmed with the implications of what I had seen. "It makes me sad in a way," I admitted to Carolyn. "What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years. Just think what I might have been able to achieve!"

My wise daughter put the car into gear and summed up the message of the day in her direct way. "Start tomorrow," she said with the same knowing smile she had worn for most of the morning. Oh, profound wisdom!

It is pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson a celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, "How can I put this to use tomorrow?"

Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Insight for Today 3/25/09

"The people who receive the most are the ones who give the most. This is true of individuals, but also for businesses. If the focus is on how can we give the absolute best service, then the profits will follow. If a company is only focused on profits, they miss the big picture and will always be scurrying for business instead of having clients chasing them."

Susan Bagyura
Author of the just released book, The Visionary Leader: How To Inspire Success From The Top Down

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jayne Johnson Clearing Meeting In Scottsdale, AZ 4/17/09


You’re invited to join us for a Clearing meeting on Friday April 17th, 2009.

Topic: The Scale of Emotions

This topic is based on Chapter Seven of Lawrence West’s book, Understanding Life.

• Have you ever been fooled by someone? Did that person lead you to trust them when in fact the person was not at all someone to trust?

• OK, have you ever liked someone immediately and you didn’t even know why?

This information about the Scale of Emotions is so valuable -- you can use it to understand people better (and faster!) and also to make optimum decisions about family, friends, business associates, your child’s teachers & coaches, a business, a group...any one, any time!

Join us Friday April 17th • See below for details

Hope to see YOU here!

Jayne Johnson

The Clearing Sight
Expand Your Context, Improve Your Content

*Lawrence West was my teacher and my husband until his passing in 1997. More info about Lawrence and Understanding Life here: <http://www.theclearingsight.com/bookul.html>

Note: Understanding Life is also available in Español as an e-book! Visit my brand NEW website in Spanish at -- My thanks to Miguel Alexandro Torres for creating this beautiful website in Spanish!

Please RSVP so that seating and other logistics can be planned. Thank you!
If this is your first time attending, please call or email for location



To connect with like-minded people;
To have fun; to learn valuable knowledge;
To expedite the attainment of your dreams and goals!




Friday Evening, April 17, 2009


6:30pm – 7:00pm - Refreshments & Socializing
7:00pm - 9:00pm – Clearing Meeting




Jayne at 480.363.4387

Financial Times 3/22/09

Ron Paul: Believer in small government predicts 15-year depression
By Phil Davis
Pension trustees and insurance company portfolio managers look away now. Your increased commitment to government bond holdings in recent times is about to blow up spectacularly.
At least, that is the view of Ron Paul, the US congressman who ran against John McCain in last year’s Republican Party presidential nomination.
His is a minority view. Yields on government bonds worldwide have been falling fast over the past few months and in the UK, the commencement of “quantitative easing” this month sent bond prices soaring.
But the credibility of both western governments and their currencies is waning, and has been ever since the gold standard was abandoned in 1971, says Mr Paul. And that means even “safe” investments are far from safe, he claims.
“People will start to abandon the dollar as current and past economic policies create a steep rise in interest rates,” Mr Paul says.
“If you are in Treasuries, you will need to be watchful and nimble to time your escape.”
Unfortunately, cashing out will not protect the value of investments, he insists, because “fiat” currencies will all decline over the coming years as measures to try to haul the world economy out of recession fail. “The current stimulus measures are making things a lot worse,” says Mr Paul.
“The US government just won’t allow the correction the economy needs.” He cites the mini-depression of 1921, which lasted just a year largely because insolvent companies were allowed to fail. “No one remembers that one. They’ll remember this one, because it will last 15 years.”
At some stage – Mr Paul estimates it will be between one and four years – the dollar will implode. “The dollar as a reserve standard is done,” he says. He sees little hope for other currencies where central banks have also created too much liquidity dating right back to the early 1970s.
“Europe and the US will both have to fundamentally change their money systems,” he adds.
And don’t even mention shares to Mr Paul: “The last place you want to be is in the stock market,” he says. “It may not bottom out for 10 years – just look at Japan.”
Of course, everyone has a view on the credit crisis, its causes and putative solutions. What differentiates Mr Paul is that he has been warning of the dangers to the world economy for nearly 40 years. “The breakdown of Bretton Woods was my motivation for running for Congress. I have been talking about the dangers ever since and warning that the control by central banks over the money supply would create an enormous bubble.”
A deep recession had only been avoided up until now because of the efforts of successive governments to reflate the economy. But there are no more policy levers left, says Mr Paul. “This is the big one.”
Unsurprisingly, Mr Paul has been viewed as a crank in Washington, dismissed as a doomsayer and a party-pooper. His bill early this year to abolish the Federal Reserve was largely ignored. And his adherence to the Austrian School of economics, which predicted that fiat currencies would destabilise the world economy, has won him few friends.
“People don’t like the Austrians because they are against big government, against armies and against the welfare state. To accept Austrian economics, you have to accept limitations of credit expansion and that is what has kept the government and financial firms in business for so long.”
However, his views are, for the first time, being taken seriously in Washington. Like another politician who recently aimed for high office, Al Gore, Mr Paul’s uncomfortable truths are starting to be deliberated at elevated political levels. “Before last summer, in meetings nobody really knew I was there. Now they often defer to me on economic matters. But you won’t catch any of them admitting that publicly – not yet at least.”
He believes that markets will fall much further and inflation rise much higher before his fellow politicians recognise that the system has failed. “We are likely to see an inflation depression,” Mr Paul says.
“In the 1970s, we had stagflation, but not depression. Inflation depression is what you see in Zimbabwe.”
Even Nouriel Roubini, the renegade economist whose once “extreme” views are now mainstream, fights shy of this analysis. The investment options arising from the analysis are no more palatable. In fact, according to Mr Paul, there is only one: gold.
Such an unproductive asset (unless you are a jeweller) appears unattractive even with the gold price having risen three-fold during the Bush administration. But Mr Paul argues that the current price of about $900/ounce could look cheap in a few years.
“It is not so much that gold will go up but that fiat currencies will go down,” he says. He even advocates a return to the gold standard, which he says is not as difficult as it sounds to achieve.
Mr Paul, it should be noted, first invested in gold nearly 40 years ago when it was worth $35/ounce and holds a part of his wealth in the metal. But he is not alone: gold exchange traded commodities have seen record inflows in the past six months, most wealth managers now recommend a core holding and central banks are loath to sell their quotas. Indeed, Russia has even announced it is buying gold.
Nevertheless, most large institutions, including pension funds, have little or no gold holdings. Mr Paul argues this is a mistake and decries the widely held view that gold is an anachronism.
“Gold is natural money and has been for 6,000 years,” he says.
“You just can’t repeal those laws. A scrap of paper, which the government can just add a nought to, will not do.” He does not, though, expect the mainstream investment industry and its advisers to rush to the bullion vaults.


An invitation to a special event that is happening today!

Are you ready to take a giant step to having an extraordinary life - in ANY economy?

Blair Singer, has written his third book called "Little Voice" Mastery - How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less...and have an Extraordinary Life! Blair calls "Little Voice" Masteryhis $500,000 book, as he shares the tools he has invested in and learned to use during his 25 years of successful business and personal development training.
In the "Little Voice" Mastery book, Blair gives you 21 techniques to help move your life forward no matter what the circumstances. Whether you are in your car or on a plane, at work, or doing chores around the house, you can use those moments to reprogram your brain so that you can get everything you want out of life physically, financially and emotionally.
Today is the official day of the Worldwide launch!
For this special event, Blair has gathered together some of the leading personal development and business experts in the fields of wealth building, personal branding, social networking, wellness, weight management, tax strategies and more!I believe in Blair's message so strongly that I am participating in this campaign too!
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Why Blair Singer you may ask? Blair has worked with hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations in over 20 countries helping them increase their income and wealth through "Little Voice" management and skill training in the real world of sales, team development, money and relationships. Blair is not someone who just talks about "Little Voice"management techniques...through practice; he has learned to master them!
Today is the day to take the next steptowards success by mastering your "Little Voice".
Click here to get stared now...

To Your Success,

Dick Read
SalesPartners Indiana NE

P.S. Getting your copy of the book and your gifts will jumpstart you to mastering your "Little Voice"!
P.P.S. I am sure you know lots of people who would love to get the book and enjoy the $7,000.00 worth of bonus gifts. Share this message with them so they can get their copy of "Little Voice" Mastery as soon as possible.

Insight for Today 3/24/09

"Remember, success is not measured by heights attained but by obstacles overcome. We're going to pass through many obstacles in our lives: good days, bad days. But the successful person will overcome those obstacles and constantly move forward."

Bruce Jenner
Olympian, Speaker and Entrepreneur

Friday, March 20, 2009

Alex Jones on the Fed Video

Here at Rich Dad's we are having a book study on the book "Creatures of Jykell Island" and we are on chapter 9 discussing the bank history since as early as 1600 on how all this started and what their role is pertaining to Fed's. Check out below video:

Friday Story From Bob Proctor 3/20/09

Pounding In and Pulling Out Nails

When I confronted my daughter after she hurt another child with a mean comment, she cried and immediately wanted to apologize. That was a good thing, but I wanted her to know an apology can't always make things better.

I told her the parable of Will, a 9-year-old whose father abandoned his mom two years earlier. Will was angry, and he often lashed out at others with hurtful words. He once told his mom, "I see why Dad left you!"

Unable to cope with his cruel outbursts, she sent him to his grandparents for the summer. His grandfather's strategy to help Will learn self-control was to make him go into the garage and pound a two-inch-long nail into a four-by-four board every time he said a mean thing.

For a small boy, this was a major task, and he couldn't return until the nail was all the way in. After about ten trips to the garage, Will began to be more cautious about his words. Eventually, he even apologized for all the bad things he'd said.

That's when his grandmother stepped in. She told him to bring in the board filled with nails and instructed him to pull them all out. This was even harder than pounding them in, but after a huge struggle, he did it.

His grandmother hugged him and said, "I appreciate your apology, and of course I forgive you because I love you, but I want you to know an apology is like pulling out one of these nails. Look at the board. The holes are still there. The board will never be the same. Your dad put a hole in you, Will, but please don't put holes in other people. You're better than that."

Michael Josephson

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Insight for Today 3/19/09

"Every decision you make - every decision - is not a decision about what to do. It's a decision about Who You Are. When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes. You begin to see life in a new way. All events, occurrences, and situations turn into opportunities to do what you came here to do."

Neale Donald Walsch
Author of Conversations With God

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Robert Kiyosaki's 3-Day Event coming up on May 1 - 3, 2009

How To Raise Capital - The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur

Be sure to join Robert and his team of advisors as they provide tangible real-world strategies on how to raise capital.

Whether you are just starting out or considered a seasoned entrepreneur, this 3-day event will provide the skills you need to develop the #1 skill of an entrepreneur.

Each Rich Dad 3-Day is a ‘one-time only event’ in terms of its subject matter and in order to keep these seminars ‘personal and intimate’ seating is limited.

Rich Dad's 3-Day Seminar Event
Scottsdale Plaza Resort, AZ
May 1-3, 2009

For more info...........

Our weekly Rich Dad's Tuesday Round Table Meeting 3/17/09

Bob Turner read the traditional The I Am The Rich Dad letter.

Rich Dad’s Coaching number of games played – 180 (numbers are low due to their tracking numbering system they are having issues with and is working on it)
Rich Dad’s Education number of games played – 1787 with 155 board game bought
Rich Dad’s Franchising number of games played – 3588 - WOW numbers are going up!

Mona discussed the newspaper article on AIG Bonuses to companies, etc. it was laughable to her, all part of the Conspiracy of the Rich.

Jayne Johnson will be giving us a lesson later on in the meeting.

Anita discussed that they have 600 players that joined in on their weekly Monday Franchising conference call. Also Kelly and Henry Lee are traveling and are in Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico. CF Club meeting successful – having a guide for can can use online, etc. Plus today at 10:30am is having a CF Club Leaders meeting upstairs in old Sales Dogs office.

Mona brought up the Perth Chart – CF Club Leaders – goal is for the leaders to be making 1,000.00 a month – discussed we had our first RD’s Cashflow Game Day using the 10 lessons which we will be doing every Monday till we are done through the 10 Steps.

Kathy Grady mentioned the Franchising training next week. Coaching will be there, franchisee members, Blair will be there to discuss the Perth Chart, Robert and Kim will be there, Brett from Education will be there, etc.

Rhonda updated us on the Conspiracy of the Rich website that we had 8 million hits, Robert video blogging, also can vote on it, etc. She brought up the book study coming up this Thursday, Chapter 9.

Mona brought up a new person coming on board with Rich Dad is Debra Minghi in the PR department.

Coaching reported that one of their coaches, Wendy held an event at a school, KG donated a dozen CF board games or so, CTI compensated for the travel expense, and also how success and a great tool for schools. Additional format or the Choose To Be Rich program and having it online, etc. Discussing a Coach Network and be online web page.

Education Reported per Erica there are 4 new modules being created, iConference was successful, this is the third iConference we had, Coaching may be looking into that as well, their marketing person is leaving and a new one is coming on board at Education, her name is Victoria, she use to be their marketing person before, etc. Mentioned the event in Orlando, FL was successful.

Mona said Greg figure it out with our budget that we will be having another Rich Dad Strategic Partner’s meeting in June 2009 and also we will have out second annual Rich Dad Golf tournament. Dates still are being worked out.

Anita mentioned that the Rich Dad Company Letter is written in Spanish, Brett mentioned a taping with the letter being read in different languages, cool!!! Anita also mentioned that the CF Club Kit in Spanish in going into production – upcoming Anna’s Women’s Spanish Cashflow Club event.

Mona discussed the new book on real estate coming out in May 2009, we will be having a launch party and KG is working out the details, etc. Robert is writing a personal comment before each chapter. Robert and Kim will be travelling internationally 2009.

Ron Salvador updated us on this travel in Europe as Kelly did last week in the Round Table Meeting, etc. Kathleen Murray was in Estonia, Jamaica, etc and they want her back to host the clubs again, etc. Poland, Sweden, Estonia , Germany also wants Ron to come back and host, etc. Ron is flying out to Hawaii for an event and that he is book up for the month of May 2009. I brought up the idea of a newsletter to let everyone know about the clubs and their successes, notes, video, etc and Mona discussed we will bring that into the Intranet and how it can be accessed by the RD members, etc etc. Great idea for the Intranet, etc.

Kat was at the meeting and she gave her discussion of the KTAR event and that also the Alpha Cashflow Club has now grown into 7 new clubs, etc.

And now a lesson from Jayne Johnson:

How many viewpoint can we hold?

“The test of a first rate intelligence is to be able to hold 2 different view points of view at the same time and still function intelligently.”

Dichotomy Paradigm – two views:

High/Low, etc

World is full of Dichotomy. We get lock into this trap, people do this automatically, and how confine we can be with limited view points. Lots of people are in this right or wrong foundation, etc. We all are subconsciously driven – not in a person control , compulsion, like biting your nails, more like being sucked in.

The whole thing about this content there is no right or wrong, etc. just good to know, etc. Jayne then asked what book do you know that is out with this lesson she is discussing?

Rich Dad Poor Dad – Jayne is just referring to the title – it was a hook – it is brilliant by Robert.

Then she went on to discuss Infinite Viewpoint, (no line down the middle of the circle like the Dichotomy circle where there is a line down the middle), Whole Integrity, needing to see another point of view and not be scared of it. Can agree. How powerful you can viewpoint different viewpoint without agreeing to it. Like for example the subject of politics. Lots of viewpoints right?! Can really expand on the subject, See it for what it is.

Your context is what determines your content – is what Robert Kiyosaki says

Jayne said she is not out to judge other people, or change people........... As Blair tells it – go into their world first. Lot of people are stuck in Dichotomy thought because it is safe, comfortable, secure, etc. Some people get threaten by another viewpoint.

Now she discussed the book: Rich Brother Rich Sister – spiritual edge, intelligent side, emotional side, and so on. It expands, etc. So all in all Rich Brother Rich Sister comes to a full circle kind of thing, brought it together from Rich Dad Poor Dad, etc. Lots of viewpoints can expand on, etc.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55am.

Robert Kiyosaki's 3-Day Event coming up on May 1 - 3, 2009

How To Raise Capital - The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur

Be sure to join Robert and his team of advisors as they provide tangible real-world strategies on how to raise capital.

Whether you are just starting out or considered a seasoned entrepreneur, this 3-day event will provide the skills you need to develop the #1 skill of an entrepreneur.

Each Rich Dad 3-Day is a ‘one-time only event’ in terms of its subject matter and in order to keep these seminars ‘personal and intimate’ seating is limited.

Rich Dad's 3-Day Seminar Event
Scottsdale Plaza Resort, AZ
May 1-3, 2009

For more info...........

The Endgame Video is a must view video for our American

I heard about this when I was young and I just thought no it can't be true. Well it is coming true. View the video below:

Insight for Today 3/18/09 - This quote reminds me of Robert Kiyosaki

"Really big people are, above everything else, courteous, considerate and generous - not just to some people in some circumstances - but to everyone all the time."

Thomas J. Watson
1874-1956, Founder of IBM


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


CASHFLOW THE E-GAME is a electronic version of the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game. You can play a single player mode, hot seat mode or you can play the e-game online with others around the world. You will need to first go to www.richdad.com and sign up for INSIDERS to pay a monthly fee to join.

Rich Dad's Franchise Official CASHFLOW® Clubs

Robert and Kim Kiyosaki explain the advantages of official CASHFLOW® clubs now being developed around the world thru the Rich Dad's Franchise business

CASHFLOW Franchising Clubs Number's for last week......

At our weekly 7:30am Tuesday Round Table Meeting that we record every week and post on the video section on the Rich Dad's Website we have gave our highest numbers for club members that played the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game!!!! It was 3,550 people that have played the board game!!! Rich Dad Coaching had an error in their reporting system and only gave us 180 players while Rich Dad Education had 1781 players and 155 bought the board game!!! LOOKING GOOD!!! That is what we call a Hawthorne Effect!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ENDGAME Blueprint for Global Enslavement

Check out this site and sign up to support Alex Jones against Obamba!

The Obama Deception!!!!!

You got to listen to this video. I knew this was going to happen!!!!!!!

Have you try out the Rich Dad's Education Program???? You will be glad you did!

Learn to be Rich™ is an all-new series of 2-hour Free Trainings* that puts the lessons of Rich Dad Poor Dad into action... channel your desire for wealth into actual money-making investment opportunities... help you take that final step from saying "I can" to saying "I am"... give you the courage to succeed... and the know-how to achieve it! Learn More

Get Out Of The Rat Race Faster With Your Own Rich Dad's Coach!!

Create Your Own Customized Plan

Having a Rich Dad Coach is like having your very own rich dad — someone to give you feedback, hold you accountable, and to encourage your success. The focus is on you and how you will personally get out of the rat race – just like rich dad did for me.

Take a look at where you are right now and then consider where you want to be. Your coach will help you get there. By going through this process, you will come away with a real, workable plan — customized to your strengths and passions.
Your Rich Dad Coach will help you:

* Build a personalized financial and CASHFLOW plan
* Discover your Mission, Passion and Purpose
* Create an individual strategy to become secure, comfortable, and rich
* Map out where you want to go and what you'll need to do to get there
* Personalize an investment plan to help you into the "B" and "I" quadrants
* Set your plan in motion—so that becoming rich is an automatic process

Insight for Today 3/16/09

"I think I began learning long ago that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."

Booker T. Washington
1856-1915, Educator and Author

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Secret - the movie

The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.

Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.

What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.

The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.

This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.

Conspiracy of the Rich: The New 8 Rules of Money by Robert Kiyosaki

A free online Interactive book from Robert Kiyosaki the bestselling author of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad! Please go to www.conspircyoftherich.com and read his latest chapter 3 just posted. It is titled: The Conspiracy Against Our Money: The Bank Never Goes Broke. After reading the chapter then hop on over to the forum to discuss the chapter you have just read!

NEW NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!

New week Robert Kiyosaki will be video blogging!!!! He will be commenting on our reader's comments. COME ONE AND GET INVOLVE!!!!!!!!

I got to thinking...........................

As of today I am still weighing in at 128 lbs! Wow I have come a long way here!!


I got to thinking that probably those who are reading this blog are asking themselves:

What is HCG shots?

HCG Diet
Imagine a weight loss program where you can predictably lose up to 23 lbs in just 23 days!

Most patients lose 1/2 - 1 lb on the scale daily!

Where other diets have failed, the HCG diet has helped 1000’s of patients reach their weight loss goals safely and with a nearly 100% success rate.

HCG is not new. Treatment with H.C.G. Kevin Trudeau's The Weight Loss Cure(Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) plus a low calorie diet was a major discovery to the obesity problem. Dr. A.T.W. Simeons began this work 60 years ago at Salvador Mundi International hospital in Rome. He discovered in trials that when small doses of HCG were administered to patients that were overweight, they began experiencing unexpected weight loss with little to no relapse of gaining the weight back. In addition these patients also felt considerable less hungry. Patients receiving the HCG were able to live comfortably, without hunger or weakness. In fact, HCG in combination with a low calorie diet reduced weight at a rate of 1/2 to 1 pound per day in women and even more in men.

This diet has regained its popularity after it was featured in Kevin Trudeau’s best-selling book, “The Weight Loss Cure.” Below is a video of the hcg diet on the Morning Show with Mike and Juliet shows patient experiences and what to expect.

Benefits of the HCG Program:

• This diet targets fat in problem areas (waist, buttocks, love handles, thighs).

• You will lose ½ to 1 pound per day.

• Easier and less expensive than the alternatives such as liposuction or gastric bypass surgery.

• Can be combined with vitamin injections (B6/B12 or MIC) or other Fat Burner injections or Lipo-Disolve for even faster results.

• Keeps the weight off by resetting your fat burning metabolism.

• Many hormonal imbalances are corrected. (i.e. thyroid, insulin resistance, hypercortisolemia).

• The HCG program can be combined with Velashape, the only FDA approved non-surgical procedure for the reduction of cellulite and circumferential reduction.

Since 1975, the FDA has required labeling and advertising of HCG to state: HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity. There is no substantial evidence that it increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restricted diets.

I know there are a lot of people who thinks this is a scam and Kevin Trudeau made millions for promoting Dr Simeon's program, BUT I tried it and under the care of a naturopathic doctor AND lost 120 lbs in a year!! I am the living proof and anyone can do it, all it takes is COMMITMENT to do it. Below is the link to the book "The Weight Loss Cure Program"

The Weight Loss Cure Program.......................

Just read and trust me it won't hurt!!!!!!

Insight for Today 3/12/09

"My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories."

Bjorn Borg
Professional Tennis Player

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Insight for Today 3/10/09

"I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good."

Oprah Winfrey
Television Personality and Producer

Insight for Today 3/11/09

"One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone: and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."

Ida Scott Taylor
1820-1915, Author

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Story from Bob Proctor 3/06/09

And the Award Goes to.

Does the idea of standing in front of a mirror and appreciating your positive qualities feel uncomfortable and stupid? It did to me-which was a sign that I really needed to try it.

I first learned this mirror exercise in 1990, when I took a week-long course from my mentor, Jack Canfield, on self-esteem. Jack assigned the exercise as homework every night, saying, "Make sure you do this behind a closed door so nobody walks by and thinks you're crazy." Each night my roommate and I took turns going into the bathroom, shutting the door, and whispering sweet nothings to our reflections: "You're kind." "You're loyal." "You have a loving heart."

The first night, I felt like a California New Age woo-woo nutcase, but soon I experienced a rush of sadness; I was such an expert at judging myself-why was it so hard to say nice things?

With practice, it gradually became easier to list reasons to love myself: "You're smart." "You go out of your way to help others." And so on. But the real power of this exercise came when I learned to express appreciation for myself for no reason-to look myself in the eye and simply love who I was, unconditionally.

If you're like most people, consciously recognizing the positive about yourself may feel conceited. After all, we're raised not to "toot our own horns." So we end up not giving ourselves credit or acknowledgment or even worse, beating ourselves up, which shuts down our hearts, contracts our energy, and decreases our happiness levels.

Doing the research for my book Happy for No Reason, I interviewed scores of scientists along with one hundred unconditionally happy people (I call them the Happy 100). One of the things I discovered is that truly happy people have a compassionate, encouraging, and validating att itude toward themselves. This isn't arrogance or self-centeredness; it's an appreciation and acceptance of who they are.

Learning to see the positive about yourself starts by changing your brain's habit of focusing on your negative experiences and instead inclining your mind toward joy.

So today, begin registering your happy experiences more deeply-- consciously look for them. You can make it a game you play with yourself. Have the intention to notice everything good that happens to you: anything you see, feel, taste, hear or smell that brings you joy, a "win" you experience, a breakthrough, an a-ha, or an expression of your creativity-the list goes on and on.

This intention triggers the reticular activating system (RAS), a group of cells at the base of your brain stem responsible for sorting through the massive amounts of incoming information and bringing anything important to your attention. Have you ever bought a car and then suddenly starting noticing the same make of car everywhere? It's the RAS at work. Now you can use it to be happier. When you decide to look for the positive, your RAS makes sure that's what you see.

Adelle, one of the Happy 100, told me about a unique method she has for registering the positive. As she goes about her day, she gives away awards in her mind: the best-behaved dog award, the most colorful landscape design at a fast food drive-through award, the most courteous driver award. This keeps her alert to the beauty and positivity that is all around her. Charmed by this idea, I tried it myself. I liked it so much, I've been giving out these "Happiness Oscars," as I call them, ever since.

Once you notice something positive, take a moment to savor it consciously. Take the good experience in deeply and feel it; make it more than just a mental observation. If possible, spend around 30 seconds, soaking up the happiness you feel. If you want to accelerate your progress, take time every day to write down a few of your wins, breakthroughs, and things you appreciate about others-and about yourself.

You'll know you've really mastered this when you can give yourself an Academy Award-for outstanding achievement in true happiness!

Marci Shimoff

Based on the New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, which offers a revolutionary approach to experiencing deep and lasting happiness. The woman's face of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and a featured teacher in The Secret, Marci is an authority on success, happiness, and the law of attraction. To order Happy for No Reason, newly released in paperback, and receive free bonus gifts, go to www.happyfornoreason.com/mybook

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello Guys!!!

Well first I want to say that I apologize for not posting many threads for February 2009! February was a roller coaster ride for me.

1. I started dating my ex-boyfriend after three and a half years of separation and my next door neighbor was not pleased he started harassing me and my boyfriend. I have had problems with him off and on for almost 4 years that I lived in my house. He has nothing better to do with his life and found out that he had been documenting me since the day I moved in!!! Three weeks ago he took pictures of me!! That is weird and stalking in my book!
2. Took him to court for harassing me and he contested the court papers. Ended up losing because I did not documented and documented the times he came over like I founded out he has been documented me. However, the judge kept cutting him off because he had another neighbor as a witness (a close friend of his) and brought his 12 year old daughter in court to lie for him!!! Took her out of school too! This also tells you what kind of father he is too! The judge saw how he was handling it but he was also suck between a rock and a hard spot as far as the law goes and why the harassment papers were filed in the first place. It was quashed BUT the judge told him verbally to take he heart what he had to say and that was TOO LEAVE ME ALONE! Even though it was quashed it will still be on his record and if bother me again well they will not take it to kindly.
3. After all this I decided to move as I was afraid for my safety and the neighbor made it quite clear he will not stop till I move. In the mist of driving around being upset and stressed I came across a house in my community that just put up a sign a few minutes before I arrived. It was meant to happen and I jumped on the new house! It was so much better than the other house and the neighbors there seem more friendlier than the other house. So that day rented a u-haul and my boyfriend helped me move into the other house in a few days.
4. Between moving from one house to another, found out I am terribly allergic to dust and with moving, going to school, going to work, no sleep, etc. I got sick due to exhaustion.
5. I also ended up in February a job offer at the Rich Dad's Company that got me tickled to death over!! I accepted a position as a Web Designer for Special Project Department! The timing is great as I am taking a class in Web designing right now! I have a website that I have been working on and my goal is to have it up and running by the end of summer 2009! It will be on Health, Happiness, and Wealth dedicated to serving people with weight problems, etc. As you guys know I have gone from 248 lbs to 128 lbs, that is a total loss of 120 lbs. All by going to a naturopathic doctor, doing the Weight Loss Cure Program using hormone shots, eating natural healthy foods, quit drinking wine everyday to one day on the weekend, and occasionally I don't end up having a glass, no soda, coffee once in a blue moon, herbal tea, herbal vitaims, etc.

March 1st, 2009 I celebrated my 55th birthday and I have kept the weight off for almost 4 months and still maintaining around 128 lbs and feel great. The move was the best thing to do, and I feel March 2009 will be a great month!
