Bob Turner read the traditional The I Am The Rich Dad letter.
Rich Dad’s Coaching number of games played – 180 (numbers are low due to their tracking numbering system they are having issues with and is working on it)
Rich Dad’s Education number of games played – 1787 with 155 board game bought
Rich Dad’s Franchising number of games played – 3588 - WOW numbers are going up!
Mona discussed the newspaper article on AIG Bonuses to companies, etc. it was laughable to her, all part of the Conspiracy of the Rich.
Jayne Johnson will be giving us a lesson later on in the meeting.
Anita discussed that they have 600 players that joined in on their weekly Monday Franchising conference call. Also Kelly and Henry Lee are traveling and are in Singapore, Malaysia, Mexico. CF Club meeting successful – having a guide for can can use online, etc. Plus today at 10:30am is having a CF Club Leaders meeting upstairs in old Sales Dogs office.
Mona brought up the Perth Chart – CF Club Leaders – goal is for the leaders to be making 1,000.00 a month – discussed we had our first RD’s Cashflow Game Day using the 10 lessons which we will be doing every Monday till we are done through the 10 Steps.
Kathy Grady mentioned the Franchising training next week. Coaching will be there, franchisee members, Blair will be there to discuss the Perth Chart, Robert and Kim will be there, Brett from Education will be there, etc.
Rhonda updated us on the Conspiracy of the Rich website that we had 8 million hits, Robert video blogging, also can vote on it, etc. She brought up the book study coming up this Thursday, Chapter 9.
Mona brought up a new person coming on board with Rich Dad is Debra Minghi in the PR department.
Coaching reported that one of their coaches, Wendy held an event at a school, KG donated a dozen CF board games or so, CTI compensated for the travel expense, and also how success and a great tool for schools. Additional format or the Choose To Be Rich program and having it online, etc. Discussing a Coach Network and be online web page.
Education Reported per Erica there are 4 new modules being created, iConference was successful, this is the third iConference we had, Coaching may be looking into that as well, their marketing person is leaving and a new one is coming on board at Education, her name is Victoria, she use to be their marketing person before, etc. Mentioned the event in Orlando, FL was successful.
Mona said Greg figure it out with our budget that we will be having another Rich Dad Strategic Partner’s meeting in June 2009 and also we will have out second annual Rich Dad Golf tournament. Dates still are being worked out.
Anita mentioned that the Rich Dad Company Letter is written in Spanish, Brett mentioned a taping with the letter being read in different languages, cool!!! Anita also mentioned that the CF Club Kit in Spanish in going into production – upcoming Anna’s Women’s Spanish Cashflow Club event.
Mona discussed the new book on real estate coming out in May 2009, we will be having a launch party and KG is working out the details, etc. Robert is writing a personal comment before each chapter. Robert and Kim will be travelling internationally 2009.
Ron Salvador updated us on this travel in Europe as Kelly did last week in the Round Table Meeting, etc. Kathleen Murray was in Estonia, Jamaica, etc and they want her back to host the clubs again, etc. Poland, Sweden, Estonia , Germany also wants Ron to come back and host, etc. Ron is flying out to Hawaii for an event and that he is book up for the month of May 2009. I brought up the idea of a newsletter to let everyone know about the clubs and their successes, notes, video, etc and Mona discussed we will bring that into the Intranet and how it can be accessed by the RD members, etc etc. Great idea for the Intranet, etc.
Kat was at the meeting and she gave her discussion of the KTAR event and that also the Alpha Cashflow Club has now grown into 7 new clubs, etc.
And now a lesson from Jayne Johnson:
How many viewpoint can we hold?
“The test of a first rate intelligence is to be able to hold 2 different view points of view at the same time and still function intelligently.”
Dichotomy Paradigm – two views:
High/Low, etc
World is full of Dichotomy. We get lock into this trap, people do this automatically, and how confine we can be with limited view points. Lots of people are in this right or wrong foundation, etc. We all are subconsciously driven – not in a person control , compulsion, like biting your nails, more like being sucked in.
The whole thing about this content there is no right or wrong, etc. just good to know, etc. Jayne then asked what book do you know that is out with this lesson she is discussing?
Rich Dad Poor Dad – Jayne is just referring to the title – it was a hook – it is brilliant by Robert.
Then she went on to discuss Infinite Viewpoint, (no line down the middle of the circle like the Dichotomy circle where there is a line down the middle), Whole Integrity, needing to see another point of view and not be scared of it. Can agree. How powerful you can viewpoint different viewpoint without agreeing to it. Like for example the subject of politics. Lots of viewpoints right?! Can really expand on the subject, See it for what it is.
Your context is what determines your content – is what Robert Kiyosaki says
Jayne said she is not out to judge other people, or change people........... As Blair tells it – go into their world first. Lot of people are stuck in Dichotomy thought because it is safe, comfortable, secure, etc. Some people get threaten by another viewpoint.
Now she discussed the book: Rich Brother Rich Sister – spiritual edge, intelligent side, emotional side, and so on. It expands, etc. So all in all Rich Brother Rich Sister comes to a full circle kind of thing, brought it together from Rich Dad Poor Dad, etc. Lots of viewpoints can expand on, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55am.
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