Monday, March 28, 2016

Any Time Frittata Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

Don't reserve this great frittata for breakfast; it's wonderful for lunch or dinner as well! Zucchini and tomatoes provide excellent sources of health-promoting nutrients to your Healthiest Way of Eating. And you get all of this for only 85 calories!
Any Time Frittata
Any Time Frittata
Prep and Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 4 egg whites
  • pinch of turmeric
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped fine
  • 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
  • 3 medium cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 cups thinly sliced zucchini
  • 1/2 4 oz can diced green chili
  • 1 small tomato, chopped with excess pulp removed
  • 2 TBS chopped cilantro
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  1. Chop onions and garlic and let sit for at least 5 minutes to enhance their health-promoting properties.
  2. Beat together eggs, egg whites, turmeric, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Set aside.
  3. Heat 1 TBS broth in 10-12 inch stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion, garlic, and green chili for about 3 minutes stirring frequently.
  4. After 3 minutes, add zucchini, tomato, cilantro, salt, and pepper to zucchini mixture.
  5. Pour egg mixture over vegetables. Turn heat to low and cover. Cook for about 10 minutes checking periodically to see if eggs are firm. When done, run a rubber spatula around edge of frittata, cut into four wedges and serve.
Serves 4 Serving Suggestions Serve with
  • Romaine & Avocado Salad
Printer Friendly Version of Any Time Frittata
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Any Time Frittata

Napa Cabbage Salad Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

This healthy cabbage side salad adds a wonderful Asian flavor to your Healthiest Way of Eating. Enjoy!
Napa Cabbage Salad
Napa Cabbage Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • 4 cups finely chopped Napa cabbage
  • 1/2 cup chopped scallion
  • 1 medium tomato, seeds and excess pulp removed
  • Optional: 1/4 cup soaked hijiki seaweed or organic arame; 1 cup chopped cooked chicken breast
  • Dressing
  • 1 tsp grated fresh ginger
  • 2 medium cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1 TBS rice vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 TBS soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp dry mustard
  • 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  1. If you opt to include the seaweed, rinse and soak hijiki or organic arame in 1 cup warm water until softened, about 10 minutes. Drain and squeeze out excess water when ready.
  2. While hijiki or arame is soaking, chop cabbage, scallion and place in a bowl. Cut tomato in half and squeeze out seeds, cut out pulp, and slice in thin strips.
  3. Whisk together dressing ingredients and toss with cabbage, tomato, and scallion (and hijiki or arame and/or chopped chicken if so desired). Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Serves 4 If you're concerned about the safety of sea vegetables, read this article Printer Friendly Version of Napa Cabbage Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Napa Cabbage Salad

Salmon, Cucumber, Dill Salad Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

Salmon, especially Chinook (king) salmon, is a great way to add more of those hard-to-find omega-3 fatty acids to your Healthiest Way of Eating. Enjoy!
Salmon, Cucumber, Dill Salad
Salmon, Cucumber, Dill Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 20 minutes
  • 11/2 lbs salmon filet, cut into 4 pieces, skin and bones removed
  • 1 TBS Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 TBS honey
  • 1 large cucumber, peeled (if not organic), cut in half lengthwise, seeds scooped out, diced in ½ inch cubes
  • 1 large ripe fresh tomato, diced
  • 1 medium ripe, but firm avocado, diced in 1/2-inch cubes
  • 2 TBS chopped fresh chives (or 2/3 tsp dried chives)
  • 3 medium cloves garlic, pressed
  • 11/2 TBS chopped fresh dill (or 11/2 tsp dried dill weed)
  • 1 + 2 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and cracked black pepper to taste
  1. Press garlic and let sit for 5 minutest to bring out its health-promoting properties.
  2. Preheat broiler on high and place an all stainless steel skillet (be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan under the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot. The pan should be 5 to 7 inches from the heat source.
  3. Rub salmon with 1 TBS fresh lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  4. While pan is heating, mix together cucumber, tomato, avocado, chives, garlic, and dill in a bowl and set aside.
  5. Whisk together 2 TBS lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper in a separate bowl. Toss with cucumber mix when ready to serve.
  6. Place salmon on hot pan and cook for about 7 minutes, depending upon thickness. Combine honey and mustard and coat salmon during last 2 minutes of cooking.
  7. Divide cucumber mixture between 4 plates and serve with salmon.
Serves 4 Printer Friendly Version of Salmon, Cucumber, Dill Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Salmon, Cucumber, Dill Salad

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Health Article: Is It Anxiety or Heart Disease? Sometimes It’s Hard to Tell the Difference By T. Jared Bunch, MD

Many of us will experience symptoms of anxiety and panic during our lives, but these symptoms can also mimic those of heart disease. These are natural body responses that help us on a very basic level to escape from danger or harm. They allow the body to respond quickly and in a heightened way. They also cause the heart rate to elevate quickly and the force of each beat to increase.
In some people, symptoms of anxiety and panic can significantly impair their quality of life. Severe anxiety can also stem from, as well as cause, depression. General anxiety disorder is a condition in which people experience significant symptoms of anxiety on more days than they don’t during a 6 month period. It is estimated that between 5-11 percent of people will experience a form of general anxiety disorder during their lifetime.
As I mentioned, anxiety can be a normal reaction of the body. For example, if you are hiking and run into a bear, the anxiety you experience will help you get away. This is a normal response, but at times our mind and bodies can experience anxiety from abnormal responses.
There are a number of abnormal heart rhythms that come from the upper heart chambers. When these rhythms are fast (over 100 beats per minute) they are called supraventricular tachycardias or SVTs. These abnormal rhythms can occur in completely normal hearts as well as in people that have had prior heart injuries or problems. In most people they are a random event and not provoked by exercise or other activities. They often cause symptoms of palpitations, lightheadedness, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and at times passing out. The mind often has to respond to the heart beating very fast and as such can produce symptoms of anxiety and panic.
Often in my clinic I am faced with one of two possibilities. Did anxiety and panic make the heart go fast or did the heart going fast make the body develop anxiety and panic?
Sometimes the answer is not easy. In the most extreme case I know, I saw a patient that experienced a lifelong history of fear, anxiety, and panic. She was over 70 years of age. She stopped leaving her home in fears that she may experience a panic attack.  She tried multiple anxiety medications and therapies without benefit. When I saw her we found that each episode of anxiety was caused by a rapid heart rhythm that was easily corrected by a simple procedure called an ablation. Shortly after the procedure she attended the wedding of a close relative free of anxiety. This was the first time that she had participated in an open family activity in nearly 40 years. Most of time what I encounter is people who have experienced anxiety for a few years and medications have not worked. The lack of response to anxiety medications or additional symptoms prompted their doctors to look for additional potential causes of the problem.

Clues to Abnormal Heart Rhythm

Here are some clues that I use to help me determine if an abnormal heart rhythm is causing the anxiety or vice versa.
1. The most straightforward clue is the pattern in which they occur. For example, if anxiety is making the heart go fast, then usually there is something that causes the stressful feelings followed by an elevated heart rate. If the heart is causing the anxiety, then you will often experience palpitations or a racing heart followed by anxiety. Sometimes the racing heart will cause you to feel lightheaded or develop chest discomfort and this can make the anxiety worsen or escalate.
2. Anxiety disorders or panic attacks rarely cause you to pass out. Whenever I hear that a patient has completely passed out it raises my concern about an abnormal heart rhythm. Many people may feel lightheaded or dizzy if they stand up quickly or move quickly. Rarely do people pass out during activity. If you have ever passed out during exercise or experienced a seizure during exercise you should see a heart specialist. It is also very uncommon to pass out unprovoked while seated or standing. People commonly pass out when they have their blood drawn or experience something that is unsettling, but if have no warning signs or symptoms before you pass out the risk of a heart problem increases.
3. If you are anxious or panic you often breathe very quickly or hyperventilate. This can cause a feeling of numbness and tingling in the tips of your fingers on both hands and often a similar sensation around your mouth. Most of the time these symptoms are from anxiety causing hyperventilation. However, if you also feel lightheaded or faint they can also represent a falling of your blood pressure and an abnormal heart rhythm.
4. Abnormal heart rhythms often are the result of a trigger. These triggers are extra beats from the upper and lower heart chambers. We all experience these extra beats and they typically feel like a skipped or hard beat. People with abnormal heart rhythms often feel these extra beats and then suddenly the heart rhythm goes very fast, like a light switch turning on a light. Typically with anxiety the heart rate increases in a uniform manner without the extra or skipped beats.
5. With anxiety alone, the heart is responding in a normal manner to a condition. With abnormal heart rhythms the heart is what is abnormal. Abnormal rapid heart rates that persist and go untreated can result in the heart muscle weakening. This can cause swelling or edema in the stomach, legs, and feet. You can experience unique symptoms of trouble breathing while lying down and the need to use extra pillows to get comfortable at night. Anxiety-related elevated heart rates do not cause the heart to weaken over time and these unique symptoms should not develop.
The best way to truly understand if it is anxiety causing a fast heart rate or a fast heart rate causing anxiety is to wear a heart monitor. This is a simple device that records your heart rhythm day and night for a certain number of days. I often have people wear these for 2-4 weeks. Some automatically record all heart rhythms and others require you to push a button when you experience heart symptoms. Unfortunately, if you don’t have any symptoms these monitors may not provide the information needed for the diagnosis. For that reason, I like to use them for a number of weeks to increase my chances of capturing the event.
If you are experiencing symptoms like those discussed in this column, contact your doctor. Your doctor will be able to treat both problems with anxiety as well as those from abnormal heart rhythm in a variety of ways.

Food of the Week: Aspargus

Enjoy Asparagus This Week

The fleshy green spears of asparagus are both succulent and tender and have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. This highly prized vegetable arrives with the coming of spring, when its shoots break through the soil and reach their 6-8 inch harvest length. In California the first crops are picked as early as February, however, their season generally is considered to run from April through May. The growing season in the Midwest and East extends through July. According to the WHFoods Rating System Asparagus is an excellent source of eight vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, folate, copper, vitamin B1, selenium, vitamins B2, C, and E. Read More

Introducing: New SuperGreen Teas for Mind-Body Benefits

Marinated Bean Salad Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

This is a great dish to add to your Healthiest Way of Eating because you can keep in your refrigerator for 3-4 days and its flavor gets better each day!
Marinated Bean Salad
Marinated Bean Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 25 minutes
  • 2 TBS minced onion
  • 3 medium cloves garlic, pressed
  • 2 cups fresh green beans cut into 1-inch lengths
  • 2 cups or 1 15 oz can (BPA-free) lima beans, drained and rinsed
  • 2 cups or 1 15 oz can (BPA-free) kidney beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1 large ripe fresh tomato, chopped
  • 2 TBS chopped fresh basil (or 2 tsp dried basil)
  • 1 TBS chopped fresh oregano (or 1 tsp dried oregano)
  • 1 TBS chopped fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried parsley)
  • 3 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 2-3 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and cracked black pepper to taste
  1. Mince onion and press garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out its health-promoting benefits.
  2. Fill the bottom of a steamer with 2 inches of water.
  3. While steam is building up in steamer cut green beans.
  4. Steam for 5 minutes. A fork should pierce them easily when they are done.
  5. Drain and rinse canned beans. Let beans sit in colander for another couple of minutes to drain excess water.
  6. Mix all ingredients together. If you have the time, let it marinate for at least 15 minutes. It can keep in the refrigerator for a few days. Keep on hand for a quick meal.
Serves 4 Printer Friendly Version of Marinated Bean Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Marinated Bean Salad

Egg Thread Soup With Asparagus Recipe

Some days call for a quick and easy comfort food recipe, and this delicious soup fits the bill. Just five ingredients combine to make a light and tasty soup, and you probably have most of them on hand in your kitchen already: chicken broth, pastina or small pasta, four eggs, lemon juice, and vitamin-rich asparagus (one of spring’s standout seasonal vegetables). There are 9 grams of protein and only 116 calories in a serving, making this a diet-friendly but satisfying meal that you can whip together in under 20 minutes, start to finish.

Egg Thread Soup With Asparagus
• 8 cup(s) broth, chicken, less sodium, or homemade chicken broth, fat skimmed
• 1/2 cup(s) pasta, alphabet, or stars, or pastina
• 12 ounce(s) asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 1/2-inch diagonal pieces, (2 cups)
• 4 large egg(s)
• 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
• 1/4 teaspoon salt, (optional)
Get the recipe!

Foods That Fight Pain

Linda's Favorite Quote Pick for Today 3/19/16

Salmon in Citrus Sauce Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

If you want to add over 100% of the daily value for those hard-to-find omega-3 fatty acids to your Healthiest Way of Eating try this delicious, easy-to-prepare salmon recipe. The tangy sauce is a great complement to the flavor of the salmon and it only takes minutes to prepare. Enjoy!
Salmon in Citrus Sauce
Salmon in Citrus Sauce
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • 1-1/2 lbs salmon filets, cut into 4 pieces
  • 1/2 medium sized onion, chopped
  • 2 medium cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 TBS + 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1-1/2 cups fresh orange juice
  • 1 tsp fennel seeds
  • 2 TBS minced fresh parsley, or if you have it, green fennel tops
  • salt and white pepper to taste
  1. Preheat broiler and place a stainless steel or cast iron skillet under broiler for about 10 minutes to get it very hot.
  2. Chop onions and garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to enhance their hidden health-promoting properties.
  3. While skillet is heating, place chopped onion, garlic, fennel seeds, 2 TBS lemon juice, and orange juice in a shallow, wide saucepan and cook on high heat for about 10-15 minutes to reduce to half the volume.
  4. Season salmon pieces with 2 tsp lemon juice, salt and pepper and place on hot pan from broiler skin side down and cook for about seven to ten minutes (depending on thickness). Return pan to broiler (approximately 5-7 inches from heat) and broil salmon for about 7 minutes depending on thickness (10 minutes per inch of thickness). Do not turn, as salmon is cooking on both sides at once.
  5. Remove salmon from pan, and place on platter. Season citrus sauce with salt and pepper and strain liquid over salmon. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
Serves 4 Printer Friendly Version of Salmon in Citrus Sauce
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Salmon in Citrus Sauce

Did you know??

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

If you are tired of that plain green salad for dinner you will want to add the extra nutrition and pizzazz that the figs and walnuts add to this spinach salad to your Healthiest Way of Eating. It's a great will complement to almost any meal. Enjoy!
Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad
Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • 1/2 medium onion, sliced thin
  • 2 TBS white wine or apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 5 oz baby spinach
  • 2 TBS balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp honey
  • 2 TBS extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and cracked black pepper to taste
  • 8 dried figs, sliced
  • 2 TBS chopped walnuts
  1. Slice onion and let sit for at least 5 minutes to enhance its health-promoting properties.
  2. Marinate sliced onion in 2 TBS white wine or apple cider vinegar and hot water for 10 minutes while preparing rest of ingredients.
  3. Rinse and dry baby spinach. If you have a salad spinner that is best, otherwise, dry with paper towels. This will avoid dressing getting diluted.
  4. Whisk together balsamic vinegar, honey, salt and pepper, drizzling in the olive oil a little at a time at the end. Drain the liquid in which the onions were marinating. Toss spinach, onions, walnuts, and figs with dressing and serve.
Serves 4 Printer Friendly Version of Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Figs, Walnuts and Spinach Salad

Best Lunches to Lose Weight

Light Lunches to Lose Weight

Pack these super-healthy lunch ideas and delicious recipes for a satisfying and slimming midday meal.

Veggie-Packed Dinners Recipes

Get More Delicious Veggies in Every Meal!

Do your health a favor with veggie-packed meals loaded with nutrients and fiber. Enjoy recipes and genius tips to help your whole family love veggies.

Get-More-Veggies Tricks & Tips

Build a Healthier Veggie-Filled Salad 

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

15 Tasty Veggie Casseroles

How to Roast 12 Veggies

Paprika-Spiced Stuffed Peppers

Green Smoothie Freeze-Ahead Hack 

Linda's Favorite Quote Pick for Today 3/9/16

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Quote by Harold S Kushner

Quote by Earl Nightingale -

Quote by Gillian Anderson, Actress

Health Article: 9 Ways to Drink to Your Health

9 Ways to Drink to Your Health

  • 1 / 10  

    Sodas, sugary juices, and other calorie-packed drinks are often pinpointed as the leading cause of rising obesity rates in the United States. But research shows that if you choose the right beverages in your diet (soda isn’t one of them), they can have a positive impact on your health and even weight loss.
    Green tea is often cited for its health benefits, but it turns out that coffee, black tea, red wine, and even beer can be good for you, too, in moderation. And the best beverage? Plain old water, of course. Find out more about the best beverage bets for your health.

Recipe of the Week

Recipe of the Week

Try This Recipe of the Week
Garlic Dip

Enjoy this tasty Garlic Dip with your favorite crudité - a great way to start a meal and help curb your appetite! (Found on page 299 of the 2nd Edition of theWorld's Healthiest Foods book.) Read More

Food of the Week

Enjoy Garlic This Week

With their unique combination of flavonoids and sulfur-containing nutrients, allium vegetables - such as garlic - belong in your diet on a regular basis. There's research evidence for including at least one serving of an allium vegetable - such as garlic - in your meal plan every day. If you're choosing garlic as your allium family vegetable, try to include at least 1/2 clove in your individual food portion. If you're preparing a recipe, we recommend at least 1-2 cloves. Garlic is a wonderful seasoning to add aroma, taste and extra nutrition to your dishes. We often recommend using raw chopped or pressed garlic in many of our dishes to take advantage of the benefits derived from garlic. However, if you cannot tolerate raw garlic, you can add chopped garlic to foods while they are cooking. It is best to add it towards the end of the cooking process to retain the maximum amount of flavor and nutrition. Read More

Zesty Mexican Soup Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dessert tonight ...

This spicy vegetable soup is full of flavor, and easy to prepare, and is the perfect addition to your Healthiest Way of Eating. It's a great way to incorporate a variety of vegetables into on meal and it actually gets better with time.
Zesty Mexican Soup
Zesty Mexican Soup
Prep and Cook Time: 40 minutes
  • 1 medium onion, minced
  • 4 medium cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 TBS red chili powder
  • 3 cups + 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 small to medium green bell pepper, diced into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 1 small zucchini, diced into 1/4-inch pieces
  • 1 cup finely chopped collard greens
  • 1 15 oz can (BPA free) diced tomatoes
  • 2 cups or 1 15 oz can (BPA free) black beans, rinsed
  • 1 cup frozen yellow corn
  • 1 4 oz can (BPA free) diced green chili
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/4 cup chopped pumpkin seeds
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Heat 1 TBS broth in a medium soup pot. Healthy Sauté onion, garlic, and green peppers in broth over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring often.
  2. Add red chili powder and mix in well. Add broth and tomatoes. Cook for another 5 minutes and add beans, corn, green chili, oregano, and cumin.
  3. Bring to a boil on high heat. Once it begins to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes longer. (Simmering uncovered enhances the flavor.)
  4. Add zucchini and collard greens and cook for 5 more minutes. Add chopped cilantro, pumpkin seeds, salt, and pepper.
Serves 6 Serving Suggestions Serve with
  • Romaine & Avocado Salad
Printer Friendly Version of Zesty Mexican Soup
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Zesty Mexican Soup

Black Bean Burrito, Indian Style Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

The combination of Southwestern ingredients and Eastern seasonings add a unique flavor to this burrito. Enjoy!
Black Bean Burrito, Indian Style
Black Bean Burrito, Indian Style
Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • 1 medium onion, cut in half and sliced thin
  • 4 medium cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 tsp minced fresh ginger
  • 1-1/2 cups sweet potatoes cut in 1/2-inch cubes
  • 1 cup green peppers, thinly julienned
  • 1 cup red peppers, thinly julienned
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 1 TBS + 1/2 cup vegetable broth
  • 2 cups or 1 15 oz can black beans (BPA free), drained
  • 2 oz Chevre goat cheese (optional)
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  • 4 whole wheat tortillas
  • Topping
  • Prepared salsa (optional)
  • 1 head of romaine lettuce, shredded (remove outer leaves and discard)
  1. Chop onions and garlic and let sit for 5-10 minutes to bring out their health-promoting properties.
  2. Prepare other vegetables.
  3. Heat 1 TBS broth in a 12 inch stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion, garlic, ginger, and peppers in broth over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add garam masala and sweet potatoes and mix well. Add 1/2 cup broth and cook covered on low heat for about 10 minutes, or until potatoes are tender.
  4. Add beans making sure they are rinsed and drained well first. Mix, cooking for another 5 minutes.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. While vegetables are cooking, shred lettuce.
  7. Place vegetable mixture in tortilla and top with goat cheese. Roll and top with salsa and shredded lettuce.
Serves 4 Printer Friendly Version of Black Bean Burrito, Indian Style
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Black Bean Burrito, Indian Style

Golden Spinach and Sweet Potato Healthy Sauté

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

Enjoy the combination of spices that gives this spinach and sweet potato dish a unique flavor. Spinach is one of the most nutrient-rich vegetables around and the sweet potatoes add fiber and an extra dose of health-promoting carotenoids to this dish. Enjoy!
Golden Spinach and Sweet Potato Healthy Sauté
Golden Spinach and Sweet Potato Healthy Sauté
Prep and Cook Time: 35 minutes
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 4 medium cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup + 1 TBS chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp coriander
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp cardamom
  • 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cups sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 6 oz frozen spinach, thawed
  • 2 TBS chopped fresh cilantro
  • salt & pepper to taste
  1. Chop onions and mince garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out their health-promoting benefits.
  2. Heat 1 TBS broth in a large stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for 5 minutes stirring frequently. Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
  3. Add seasonings and lemon juice and stir to mix thoroughly. Add broth and sweet potatoes. Simmer covered over low heat, stirring occasionally, until sweet potatoes are tender, about 15 minutes. Uncover to allow sauce to thicken and cook another couple minutes.
  4. Press water out of spinach and add to sweet potatoes. Cook uncovered for a 3-4 more minutes to allow sauce to thicken. Add cilantro, salt, and pepper.

Serves 4

Printer Friendly Version of Golden Spinach and Sweet Potato Healthy Sauté
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for Golden Spinach and Sweet Potato Healthy Sauté

Healthy Food Tip

Healthy Food Tip

What's new and beneficial about carrots?

What's New and Beneficial about Carrots

We are fortunate to have the results of a new 10-year study from the Netherlands about carrot intake and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)—and those results are fascinating. Intake of fruits and vegetables in the study was categorized by color and focused on four color categories: green, orange/yellow, red/purple, and white. Out of these four categories, orange/yellow (and in particular, foods with deeper shades of orange and yellow) emerged as most protective against CVD. Read More

30-Minute Recipe: Asian Noodle Salad and Vegetable Stir-Fry Recipe

D | Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH
  • 1 / 8  

    You know how important good nutrition is. More and more people are learning the basics of healthy cooking for their family meals. And providing healthy options every night really doesn’t have to be that complicated or time consuming. A few rules of thumb? Include plenty of vegetables and whole grains. Get your protein from fish, poultry, beans, and lean meats. Avoid saturated fats, and include some dairy for calcium. We’ll help you get started: Each 30-minute recipe on this list fits the bill.
  • 2 / 8   Sunday's 30-Minute Recipe: Low-Fat Macaroni and Cheese

    Start the week with an old family favorite. Macaroni and cheese may not be the first thing you think of when you think of healthy cooking, but this version is low in saturated fat, low in cholesterol, and high in taste. Using low-fat cottage cheese, ricotta, and cheddar, this recipe packs in lots of luscious cheesy flavor. Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs on top, and serve it hot and bubbly from the oven. For a complete meal, add a salad or side of vegetables.
    Get the Low-Fat Macaroni and Cheese recipe!
  • 3 / 8   Monday's 30-Minute Recipe: Salsa, Black Bean, and Rice Salad

    This southwestern Salsa, Black Bean, and Rice Salad delivers protein from black beans, fiber from long grain rice, plenty of vegetables, and calcium in the dairy. When you use fat-free sour cream and Monterey pepper jack cheese, you get a nutritious and balanced healthy family meal with no saturated fat, nine grams of protein, 42 grams of carbohydrates, and only two milligrams of cholesterol. Salsa, green onions, and cilantro add delicious flavors to this healthy recipe.
    Get the Salsa, Black Bean, and Rice Salad recipe!
  • 4 / 8   Tuesday's 30-Minute Recipe: Adobo Pork Chops

    It’s time to add some lean meat to your healthy cooking with Adobo Pork Chops. You can keep this meal healthy by using top loin pork chops and trimming off the fat. A marinade that includes brown sugar, orange juice, cilantro, and cumin adds plenty of flavor to this dish. You will want to marinate the meat for at least two hours (you can do it in the morning), but total preparation and cooking time is under 30 minutes. A baked potato and a side of steamed vegetables turn this recipe into a complete meal.
    Get the Adobo Pork Chops recipe!
  • 5 / 8   Wednesday's 30-Minute Recipe: Vegetable Pita Pizzas

    Who doesn't love pizza for family meals? This 23-minute recipe for Vegetable Pita Pizzas is ideal. The recipe uses whole-wheat pita bread for fiber, assorted fresh vegetables to satisfy daily requirements, and shredded low-fat mozzarella cheese for protein and calcium. These pizzas have just 113 calories per serving and are low in saturated fat. Round out your meal with a filling Chopped Veggie Salad With Feta.
    Get the Vegetable Pita Pizzas and Chopped Veggie Salad With Feta recipes!
  • 6 / 8   Thursday's 30-Minute Recipe: Chicken Creole

    Chicken is the backbone of many family meal favorites. This healthy recipe for Chicken Creole uses canned tomatoes (high in lycopene), fresh celery, and peppers, and has just 225 calories per serving — and it cooks in only 20 minutes. Onions, garlic, fresh basil, and mild salsa combine to add a delicious Creole flavor. This easy recipe can be served over cooked rice or whole-wheat pasta. Add a favorite vegetable for a side dish.
    Get the Chicken Creole recipe!
  • 7 / 8   Friday's 30-Minute Recipe: Asian Noodle Salad and Vegetable Stir-Fry

    This Asian Noodle Salad and Asian Vegetable Stir-Fry make a complete and balanced meal that is both heart-healthy and exotic. Fresh pea pods, mushrooms, bean sprouts, and dry roasted peanuts combine with sesame oil, hoisin sauce, and ginger to bring you all the flavors of the Orient — and absolutely zero cholesterol. Both of these healthy recipes cook up in a snap, and leftovers can even be combined for lunch the next day.
    Get the Asian Noodle Salad and Asian Vegetable Stir-Fry recipes!

The Best Lemon Chicken Stir-Fry Recipes

Sizzling Stir-Fries

Stir-fries are the go-to easy, healthy weeknight dinner. They whip up in a jiff, are easily adaptable and pack in tons of good-for-you veggies.

15-Minute Cod with Avocado Salsa Recipe

Today's Recipe

If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...

Get an extra boost of lycopene from the tomatoes and heart-healthy monounsatured fats from the avocados in this great addition to your Healthiest Way of Eating.
15-Minute Cod with Avocado Salsa
15-Minute Cod with Avocado Salsa
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • 6 medium cloves garlic, pressed
  • 1/4 cup minced scallion
  • 1-2 tsp finely minced jalapeno pepper
  • 3 TBS chopped fresh cilantro
  • 8 cherry tomatoes, quartered
  • 1 medium ripe but firm avocado, diced into 1/4-inch cubes
  • 1/4 cup + 1 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 4 6 oz cod fillets
  • salt and black pepper to taste
  1. Press garlic and let sit for 5 minutes to bring out its health-promoting properties.
  2. Mix together garlic, scallions, jalapeno pepper, cilantro, tomatoes, avocado, 1/4 cup lemon juice, and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside.
  3. Heat 2 inches of water in the bottom of a steamer and let it come to a boil.
  4. Rub cod with 1TBS lemon juice and season with a little salt and black pepper. Place in steamer and steam 10 minutes for every inch of thickness. (e.g., 5 minutes if it is 1/2-inch thick)
  5. Place fish on plate, and top with salsa.
Serves 4 Serving Suggestion: Serve with Mexican Corn on the Cob and Green Salad.
Printer Friendly Version of 15-Minute Cod with Avocado Salsa
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Cod with Avocado Salsa

Enjoy Avocados This Week

Enjoy Avocados This Week

This week we bring you avocados when they are in the peak of their season, the least expensive, and have the best flavor. Adults who consume avocado receive some important nutrient benefits, including intake of more potassium, vitamin K1, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and monounsaturated fat. In addition to these conventional nutrients, avocados offer a wide range of phytonutrients that are related to their unusual fat quality, including phytosterols and carotenoids. Avocados are also an especially rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular, oleic acid, which accounts for over 60% of the total fat found in this food. Also important is the greater amount of absorption of carotenoids that can take place when very low-fat, carotenoid-rich foods are combined with fat-containing foods like avocados. Read More