Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Can You Believe it? Just 17 Weeks till Christmas?????

15 Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad Recipe

Today's Recipe
If you don't know what to serve for dinner tonight ...
This quick and easy shrimp salad makes the perfect light meal or a substantial side salad. It is a great tasting combination of shrimp and plenty of health-promoting vegetables.
15-Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad
15-Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad
Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • 1 lb cooked medium sized shrimp (buy still frozen if possible for freshness), remove tails
  • 1 medium-sized tomato, seeded and chopped
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • 1 large clove garlic, pressed
  • 2 TBS fresh lemon juice
  • 1 TBS balsamic vinegar
  • 1 large firm avocado, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
  • 1 TBS chopped cilantro
  • 1 TBS chopped fresh mint
  • 2 TBS chopped pumpkin seeds
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • 1 head small romaine lettuce, outer leaves removed
  1. Make sure shrimp is completely unfrozen if you buy it already cooked. Pat it dry with paper towels.
  2. Mix all ingredients, except lettuce, in a bowl. For optimum flavor, marinate in refrigerator for 15 minutes or more. It is still very good served right away if you don't have the time. Serve on bed of chopped romaine lettuce.
Serves 4
Printer Friendly Version of 15-Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad
In-Depth Nutritional Profile for 15-Minute Shrimp and Avocado Salad
Healthy Food Tip
Why do you need to eat vegetables everyday?
You need to eat vegetables everyday because you simply cannot find another food group that is as perfectly matched to our everyday human needs as vegetables! Vegetables fit us like a glove. From so many different perspectives, the nature of vegetables and the nature of human health are matched up in a way that simply cannot be duplicated by other food groups, including fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, grains, seafoods, or poultry and meats.
To begin with, vegetables as a group are so low in calories that it is very difficult to gain weight even if you overeat them. (This statement wouldn't apply, of course, to batter-coated and fried vegetables, or to vegetables mixed into a thick cheese casserole.) On average, you are looking at 50 calories (or less) per cup from most of the World's Healthiest vegetables! That amount is astonishingly low, even when you compare it to other food groups within the World's Healthiest Foods. With the World's Healthiest nuts and seeds, for example, you're almost always looking at 750 calories or more per cup. That's 15 times higher than the World's Healthiest vegetables. With legumes, calories per cup fall into the 225-250 range. For fruits, the calories per cup can drop down fairly low for extremely watery fruits (like watermelon, which drops down to about 50 calories per cup), but it can also spike up to more than 400 calories per cup in the case of dried fruits like raisins. Th e uniquely low-calorie nature of vegetables as a group means that you can be generous with them in a Healthiest Way of Eating and not have to worry about the calories.

Cool Image A White Tiger and Black Tiger

10 Ultimate Breakfast Smoothies


YES!! I Can't Wail Till Fall! Just 1 More Month to Go

For Laugh LOL

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Fluid Art? You Know What? It Is Kinda Cool Art

Les Brown University

Change your Mindset, Change Your Life.

Your mindset has determined your past, present and will shape your future. It can either hold us back or once expanded can take us to greater heights.

President John F. Kennedy once asked a top NASA engineer, ‘What would it take to go to the moon?’ The engineer simply answered,“The will to do it". With those five words and the declaration by President Kennedy, the US went to the moon. A nation's mindset changed and it was done.

Let me ask you…What would it take to live your dreams?

Sure, you can say Time, Support, Money, but what it really takes is…

The Will To Do It

It takes you garnering unwavering FAITH, COURAGE, and WILLPOWER.

Want more proof?

The first flight by the Wright brothers was only 59 seconds with a distance of 852 feet. Did the laws of aerodynamics changed? No, what changed was the mindset that IT’S POSSIBLE.

I want to help you shift your mindset. It’s a process and it didn’t happen overnight.

Will you join me at LBU? Let’s go to new dimensions together.

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life, and Change the World!

That's My Story and I'm sticking to it!!


Final ThoughtNo advice on success works unless you do.

Have You Signed Up Yet?

Les Brown U is a unique virtual training platform designed for busy executives, teams, and anyone aspiring to stay motivated on a day-to-day basis.

Les Brown University brings a success-focused lineup of educational programs in topics ranging from leadership, speaker training, customer service, personal development, sales and marketing, and beyond.

If you’ve found online learning in the past to be lifeless, you’ll love the format that Les Brown University’s interactive video learningprovides with custom training and an interactive platform that engages the learning audience in a whole new way.

Invest in yourself and your team today at the low rate of $29 a month.

Don’t wait too long, this low price will expire soon.
P.S. Also check out www.lesbrowninstitute.comand get registered to join me live in Fort Lauderdale, FL in October.

It will be my last in person training for 2017. I look forward to seeing you there! 

Quotes by Dr Wayne W Dyer

R.I.P Louise Hay Founder of the Hay House

Some very sad news today Louise Hay founder of Hay House passed away yesterday

Quote by Jayne Johnson

Using the mind to objectively observe is different than being judgmental/critical because the motive behind each is different ~Jayne Johnson

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

10 Signs of B12 Deficiency in Women Article

Did you know that a woman’s ability to absorb the vitamin B12 gradually decreases with age? In fact, research from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that 4-percent of females between the ages of 40 to 60-years old suffer from a B12 deficiency. Combine age with certain prescription medications (i.e., for heartburn) and a lack of meat in your diet (i.e., especially for vegetarians or vegans) and you could find yourself sorely lacking vitamin B12.

Daily Dr Wayne W Dyer Quote

Over 50 MPGs for a 2008 Kia Optima with No Parts? YES! (Update 8/15/17)

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Paying With Your Face Technology Article

Paying with Your Face

Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?

Availability: Now
Click here to read the article

Self Driving Trucks Technology Article

Self-Driving Trucks

Tractor-trailers without a human at the wheel will soon barrel onto highways near you. What will this mean for the nation’s 1.7 million truck drivers?

Availability: 5 to 10 years

Reversing Paralysis Technology Article

Reversing Paralysis

Scientists are making remarkable progress at using brain implants to restore the freedom of movement that spinal cord injuries take away.

Availability: 10 to 15 years
Click here to read the article

My Favorite Quote for Saturday 8/12/17

A 100 MPH Prius Hybrid with No Parts Added?? YES!!!

Friday, August 11, 2017

What Happens When You Sniff Rosemary

Health Benefits of Ginger

BBQ Vegan Ribs Recipe

BBQ Vegan Ribs


•1 cup vital wheat gluten
•2 teaspoons smoked Spanish paprika
•2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
•2 teaspoons onion powder
•1 teaspoon garlic powder
•¾ cup water
•2 tablespoons tahini or other nut butter
•1 teaspoon Liquid Smoke
•1 tablespoon soy sauce
• about 1 cup of your favorite barbecue sauce (see some suggestions below)


Preheat the oven to 350 and lightly spray an 8×8 baking dish with canola oil. Mix the first 5 ingredients together in a large bowl. Mix the water with the nut butter, Liquid Smoke, and soy sauce and add it to the dry ingredients. Stir to mix well and then knead lightly in the bowl for a couple of minutes.
Put the dough into the baking dish and flatten it so that it evenly fills the pan. Take a sharp knife and cut it into 8 strips; then turn the pan and cut those strips in half to form 16 pieces:
Put it in the oven and bake for 25 minutes. While it’s cooking prepare your grill.
Remove it from the oven and carefully re-cut each strip, going over each cut to make sure that the ribz will pull apart easily later. Generously brush the top with barbecue sauce. Take it to the grill and invert the whole baking dish onto the grill (or use a large spatula to lift the seitan out, placing it sauce-side down on the grill). Brush the top of the seitan with more sauce:
Watch it closely to make sure that it doesn’t burn. When it’s sufficiently brown on one side, turn over and cook the other side, adding more sauce, if necessary. When done, remove to a platter and cut or pull apart the individual ribs to serve.
Preparation time: 10 minute(s)
Cooking time: 35 minute(s)
Number of servings (yield): 4
To make this without a grill, bake it for 25 minutes without barbecue sauce. Then brush the top with a generous coating of sauce, turn the whole thing over carefully in the pan, and brush the other side with sauce. Bake for another 10-20 minutes or until the sauce has thickened and caramelized slightly but not burned. Remove from oven, cut apart, and serve.
Nutrition Facts
Nutrition (per serving): 196 calories, 39 calories from fat, 4.7g total fat, 0mg cholesterol, 186mg sodium, 83.2mg potassium, 12.8g carbohydrates, 1.3g fiber, <1g sugar, 27.7g protein, 5.2 points.
Note: Nutritional info is calculated without barbecue sauce so that you can add the figures for the brand of barbecue sauce you use.

Shared via Vegan Recipes(

Avocado Salsa-Vegan

Avocado Salsa-Vegan


•3 avocados diced chunky
•¼ cup chopped red onion
•3 Roma Tomatoes diced
•⅛ cup fresh cilantro finely chopped
•1 Tbsp. lime juice
•¼ tsp. garlic salt
•⅛ tsp. pepper


After you have diced and chopped the avocados, red onion, Roma tomatoes and cilantro, combine in a medium bowl. Add lime juice, pepper and garlic salt.
Toss and lightly stir to combine flavors.

Shared via Vegan Recipes(

My Fortune Cookie for Today 8/11/17

Your infinite capacity for patience will be rewarded soon.

Collections of Dr Wayne W Dyer Quotes

Saturday, August 5, 2017

My Picses Horoscope for August 5 2017

Pisces · Feb 19 - Mar 20
Horoscope for August 5, 2017
A new group of people that you meet online could be very important to your social future. While you may never meet face to face, you may be forming powerful bonds in the virtual world. There is even the prospect of a whirlwind virtual romance.
Horoscopes - daily horoscope and fortune
Available on Google Play Store

Sharon Lechter Made the Oprah Magazine & Fortune Magazine!!!!

Linda's Voice Favorite Quote for Today is by Theodore Roosevelt

When I was a kid

5 Surprising Hacks!

Darren Hardy Quote

Vegan diet: Health benefits, risks, and meals tips

A vegan diet is part of a lifestyle that excludes the consumption or use of any products of animal origin.
Vegans eat no animal produce, including honey, eggs, or dairy produce, and they will not use clothes, soaps, and other products that are sourced in any way from animals.
This can be a healthful choice, but a lack of proper planning or understanding of nutrition can lead to some health risks.

Eating a Black Bean Burger vs a Hamburger

Check out the PurpleCarrot website

Mark Twain Quote

Bob Proctor Quote

Thursday, August 3, 2017


This Video Will Make You Jump

Leonardo DiCaprio posted this Article on Facebook

This #GlobalTigerDay, help Discovery Communications and World Wildlife Fund protect wild tigers at #ProjectCAT

Linda's Voice Favorite Quote for Today 8/3/17

The Earth has Shifted Article

Global Climate Change: The Earth Has Shifted, Say Inuit Elders. A new warning has come to NASA from the Inuits. They are warning that the change in climate is not due to global warming but rather, because of the Earth shifting a bit.
The Inuits are local people that live in the Arctic regions of Canada, the United States and Greenland. They are excellent weather forecasters and so were their ancestors. Presently they are warning NASA that the cause of change in weather, earthquakes etc, are not due to global warming as the world thinks. They also report that…
Waych video on link below:

Click here to read on

John C. Maxwell Quote