Thursday, July 29, 2010

Insight for Today 7/29/10

"There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge - both poverty and riches are offspring of thought."

Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Weight Loss Cure Program Part 1 Video by Kevin Trudeau

I really believe in this guy because I did this program in 2008 when I was weighing 250 lbs - 255 lbs. I grew up a toothpick and then when I was in my forties I started changing in my weight but I didn't think too much of it at the time. It was when I got involve with someone and the way the relationship was going I started drinking more than usual to deal with it. When I was feeling depressed, stressed, etc I would eat a lot and drink a lot, etc. Then one day I was sick and tired of me and was ready to commit myself to stop. I ended up losing a total of 120 lbs in 11 months. I really believe in this program but I really suggest reading his book first so you can understand what obesity is. The Weight Loss Cure Program book, you can find on

Since 2008 I have gained 40 lbs of it back and I just finished the 42 days HCG Drops to lose it again. I got 15 more lbs to go to reach my goal and I am confident I can do it as I did it before!

For part 2 - 8 video please click here................

Michael Jackson - Dangerous dance break live

Insight for Today 7/28/10

"Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself. You may be surprised at how easily this happens. Your doubts are not as powerful as your desires, unless you make them so."

Marcia Wieder
Author and Speaker

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Insight for Today 7/27/10

"One difference between successful people and all the rest is that successful people take action."

Bob Proctor
Speaker and Author


CMI Gold and Silver Daily Prices as of July 26,2010

Updated 07/26/2010

Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago

Gold $1,185.00 -$3.60 $1,182.30 $1,255.80 $954.00

Silver $18.24 +$0.10 $17.59 $19.15 $13.92

Platinum $1,555.80 +$12.80 $1,513.00 $1,580.000 $1,192.00

Palladium $475.00 +$8.00 $446.00 $477.55 $263.60

Read more:

Insight for Today 7/26/10

"You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind."

Dale Carnegie
1888-1955, Speaker and Author

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Insight for Today 7/22/10

"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."

Helen Keller
1880-1968, Author and Lecturer

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Article from Dick Read - SalesPartners in Indiana - The Key Element to Make Any Team Work!

Dick Read
Regional Developer

Indiana NE


"The most important thing in any relationship is not what you get but what you give."

Eleanor Roosevelt (United States, 1884 - 1962)

The Key Element To Make Any Team Work

What is a team? Blair Singer defines it as a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to:
A common purpose and vision
A set of performance goals
A set of personal performance standards
An approach and strategy
Demonstrating a commitment by all members
Exhibiting trust and trustworthiness between the players
Holding all mistakes as "learning experiences" and takes the time to "debrief" what was learned in all cases
Now is a good time to ask yourself, "do I have a staff, or a team?" Chances are good that you only have a staff. What's the difference? A staff works independently and requires you to prod them individually. A team holds each other accountable for their actions and challenges one another to take their performances to the next level.

A Code of Honor is what you need to turn your staff into a team. Create a set of rules with your staff that they all feel invested in and responsible for. Now your team will become more motivated to work together and achieve your goals. For help with this refer to our Code of Honor Training Kit.

Once you have established a team the key to keeping it working is trust. Here are some elements required to build, maintain and restore trust:

Create brightness of the future or clear and beneficial goals that have an ending in sight
Maintain frequency of interaction between the members
Purposely make and keep agreements to form a track record of trustworthiness
Build and maintain rapport based upon use of language, tonality, behaviors and understanding other's points of view

Insight for Today 7/21/10

"Most great men and women are not perfectly rounded in their personalities, but are instead people whose one driving enthusiasm is so great it makes their faults seem insignificant."

Charles A. Cerami

Insight for Today 7/20/10

"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."

Mary Pickford
1893-1979, Actress and Producer

Insight for Today 7/19/10

"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon them and to let them know that you trust them."

Booker T. Washington
1856-1915, Educator and Writer

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Great Movie - The Secret (Law of Attraction) - Bob Proctor

Insight for Today 7/15/10

"I live by this credo: Have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations. Even in your darkest moment, you usually can find something to laugh about if you try hard enough."

Red Skelton
1913-1997, Comedian

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Insight for Today 7/14/10

"Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret."

Mary Kay Ash
1915-2001, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

Hey Mike, what would you do if you were elected the head of the U.S. Federal Reserve today?

Gold and Silver Spot Prices 7/14/10

Updated 07/14/2010

Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago

Gold $1,207.80 -$6.20 $1,198.40 $1,223.60 $922.80

Silver $18.31 +$0.02 $18.03 $18.43 $12.88

Platinum $1,527.00 -$5.00 $1,528.00 $1,564.30 $1,122.10

Palladium $466.45 -$2.55 $441.50 $463.70 $245.95

Read more:

Race to Debase - Middle 2010 - Silver

Base currency is Silver Ounces January 1, 2010 June 30, 2010 % Silver Gain

Afghanistan Afghanis 821.03 827.79 0.8%
Albania Leke 1,616.07 2,075.62 22.1%
Algeria Dinars 1,215.40 1,379.21 11.9%
Argentina Pesos 64.20 73.24 12.4%
Australia Dollars 18.82 21.97 14.3%
Bahamas Dollars 16.89 18.63 9.3%
Bahrain Dinars 6.37 7.02 9.3%
Bangladesh Taka 1,164.57 1,298.19 10.3%
Barbados Dollars 33.78 37.25 9.3%
Bermuda Dollars 16.89 18.63 9.3%
Brazil Reais 29.46 33.46 12.0%
Bulgaria Leva 23.04 29.64
CFA BCEAO Francs 7,729.52 9,939.62 22.2%
CFA BEAC Francs 7,729.52 9,939.62 22.2%
Canada Dollars 17.77 19.76
Chile Pesos 8,570.83 10,185.31 15.9%
China Yuan Renminbi 115.32 126.33 8.7%
Colombia Pesos 34,552.63 35,729.14 3.3%
Comptoirs Français Francs 1,406.16 1,808.22 22.2%
Costa Rica Colones 9,517.54 9,880.79 3.7%
Croatia Kuna 86.10 109.11 21.1%
Czech Republic Koruny 309.89 389.23 20.4%
Denmark Kroner 87.74 112.87 22.3%
Dominican Republic Pesos 610.16 684.86 10.9%
East Caribbean Dollars 43.91 50.01 12.2%
Egypt Pounds 92.63 106.12 12.7%
Estonia Krooni 184.37 237.09 22.2%
Euro 11.78 15.15 22.2%
Fiji Dollars 32.57 37.25 12.6%
Hong Kong Dollars 130.97 145.03 9.7%
Hungary Forint 3,186.55 4,315.87 26.2%
IMF Special Drawing Rights 10.77 12.59 14.5%
Iceland Kronur 2,096.05 2,371.39 11.6%
India Rupees 787.24 864.41 8.9%
Indonesia Rupiahs 158,766.14 168,653.16 5.9%
Iran Rials 167,295.44 186,310.06 10.2%
Iraq Dinars 19,483.61 21,763.80 10.5%
Israel New Shekels 63.67 72.23 11.9%
Jamaica Dollars 1,508.75 1,598.04 5.6%
Japan Yen 1,571.23 1,648.59 4.7%
Jordan Dinars 11.98 13.21 9.3%
Kenya Shillings 1,281.11 1,522.63 15.9%
Kuwait Dinars 4.85
5.40 10.3%
Lebanon Pounds 25,411.00 27,984.69 9.2%
Malaysia Ringgits 57.84 60.32 4.1%
Mauritius Rupees 520.43 588.56 11.6%
Mexico Pesos 221.19 238.95 7.4%
Morocco Dirhams 133.39 166.84 20.1%
New Zealand Dollars 23.26 27.00 13.8%
Norway Kroner 97.47 120.78 19.3%
Oman Rials 6.50
7.17 9.3%
Pakistan Rupees 1,424.00 1,594.52 10.7%
Peru Nuevos Soles 48.76 52.68 7.4%
Philippines Pesos 780.99 863.94 9.6%
Poland Zlotych 48.15 62.49 23.0%
Qatar Riyals 61.52 67.77 9.2%
Romania New Lei 49.67
66.30 25.1%
Russia Rubles 511.99 581.04 11.9%
Saudi Arabia Riyals 63.35 69.86
Silver Ounces 1.00 1.00 --------
Singapore Dollars 23.73 26.01 8.8%
South Africa Rand 124.80 142.07 12.2%
South Korea Won 19,656.58 22,757.56 13.6%
Sri Lanka Rupees 1,931.71 2,115.29 8.7%
Sudan Pounds 37.74 43.90 14.0%
Sweden Kronor 120.79 144.42 16.4%
Switzerland Francs 17.49 20.07 12.8%
Taiwan New Dollars 539.67 601.88 10.3%
Thailand Baht 563.28 603.56 6.7%
Trinidad and Tobago Dollars 106.95 118.09 9.4%
Tunisia Dinars 22.37 28.20 20.7%
Turkey Lira 25.33 29.38 13.8%
United Arab Emirates Dirhams 62.04 68.41 9.3%
United Kingdom Pounds 10.45 12.45 16.1%
United States Dollars 16.89 18.63 9.3%
Venezuela Bolivares Fuertes 36.31 80.09 54.7%
Vietnam Dong 312,112.09 355,093.60 12.1%
Zambia Kwacha 78,386.49 96,391.31 18.7%


Race to Debase - Middle 2010 - Gold

Base currency is Gold Ounces January 1, 2010 June 30, 2010 % Gold Gain

Afghanistan Afghanis 53,343 55,353 3.8%
Albania Leke 104,997 138,793 32.2%
Algeria Dinars 78,965 92,226 16.8%
Argentina Pesos 4,171 4,898 17.4%
Australia Dollars 1,223 1,469 20.1%
Bahamas Dollars 1,097 1,245 13.5%
Bahrain Dinars 414 470 13.5%
Bangladesh Taka 75,662 86,808 14.7%
Barbados Dollars 2,195 2,491 13.5%
Bermuda Dollars 1,097 1,245 13.5%
Brazil Reais 1,914 2,237 16.9%
Bulgaria Leva 1,497 1,982 32.4%
CFA BCEAO Francs 502,190 664,645 32.4%
CFA BEAC Francs 502,190 664,645 32.4%
Canada Dollars 1,154 1,321 14.4%
Chile Pesos 556,850 681,074 22.3%
China Yuan Renminbi 7,493 8,448 12.7%
Colombia Pesos 2,244,898 2,389,146 6.4%
Comptoirs Français Francs 91,358 120,912 32.4%
Costa Rica Colones 618,358 660,711 6.9%
Croatia Kuna 5,594 7,296 30.4%
Czech Republic Koruny 20,134 26,027 29.3%
Denmark Kroner 5,701 7,548 32.4%
Dominican Republic Pesos 39,642 45,795 15.5%
East Caribbean Dollars 2,853 3,344 17.2%
Egypt Pounds 6,018 7,096 17.9%
Estonia Krooni 11,979 15,854 32.4%
Euro 766 1,013 32.4%
Fiji Dollars 2,116 2,491 17.7%
Gold Ounces 1 1 --------
Hong Kong Dollars 8,509 9,698 14.0%
Hungary Forint 207,032 288,594 39.4%
IMF Special Drawing Rights 700 842 20.3%
Iceland Kronur 136,181 158,571 16.4%
India Rupees 51,147 57,801 13.0%
Indonesia Rupiahs 10,315,100 11,277,543 9.3%
Iran Rials 10,869,251 12,458,229 14.6%
Iraq Dinars 1,265,793 1,455,308 15.0%
Israel New Shekels 4,136 4,830 16.8%
Jamaica Dollars 98,024 106,858 9.0%
Japan Yen 102,084 110,238 8.0%
Jordan Dinars 779 883 13.4%
Kenya Shillings 83,234 101,815 22.3%
Kuwait Dinars 315 361 14.7%
Lebanon Pounds 1,650,963 1,871,288 13.3%
Malaysia Ringgits 3,758 4,033 7.3%
Mauritius Rupees 33,812 39,356 16.4%
Mexico Pesos 14,371 15,978 11.2%
Morocco Dirhams 8,666 11,156 28.7%
New Zealand Dollars 1,512 1,805 19.4%
Norway Kroner 6,332 8,076 27.5%
Oman Rials 423 479 13.4%
Pakistan Rupees 92,518 106,623 15.3%
Peru Nuevos Soles 3,168 3,523 11.2%
Philippines Pesos 50,741 57,770 13.9%
Poland Zlotych 3,128 4,179 33.6%
Qatar Riyals 3,997 4,532 13.4%
Romania New Lei 3,227 4,433 37.4%
Russia Rubles 33,265 38,853 16.8%
Saudi Arabia Riyals 4,116 4,671 13.5%
Singapore Dollars 1,542 1,739 12.8%
South Africa Rand 8,108 9,500 17.2%
South Korea Won 1,277,096 1,521,759 19.2%
Sri Lanka Rupees 125,504 141,446 12.7%
Sudan Pounds 2,452 2,936 19.7%
Sweden Kronor 7,848 9,657 23.1%
Switzerland Francs 1,137 1,342 18.1%
Taiwan New Dollars 35,063 40,247 14.8%
Thailand Baht 36,597 40,359 10.3%
Trinidad and Tobago Dollars 6,949 7,896 13.6%
Tunisia Dinars 1,453 1,885 29.7%
Turkey Lira 1,646 1,965 19.4%
United Arab Emirates Dirhams 4,030 4,575 13.5%
United Kingdom Pounds 679 833 22.7%
United States Dollars 1,097 1,245 13.5%
Venezuela Bolivares Fuertes 2,359 5,355 127.0%
Vietnam Dong 20,278,046 23,744,491 17.1%
Zambia Kwacha 5,092,801 6,445,519 26.6



Tuesday, July 13, 2010


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Insight for Today 7/13/10

"Each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days. What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1749-1832, Poet, Novelist, and Scientist

Monday, July 12, 2010

Insight for Today 7/8/10

"It is good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good too, to check up once in a while and make sure you haven't lost the things money can't buy."

George Lorimer
1867-1937, Editor of Saturday Evening Post

Insight for Today 7/7/10

"When you paint success pictures in your mind, you initiate an inner process whereby your attitudes, hopes, aspirations, and enthusiasm are elevated in response to an image of a more promising future. Every person who aspires must first sell themselves hope, the promise of a better life."

U.S. Andersen
1917-1986, Author of The Magic In Your Mind

Insight for Today 7/6/10

"A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs; jolted by every pebble in the road."

Henry Ward Beecher
1813-1887, Preacher and Abolitionist

Insight for Today 7/5/10

"Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful in the mature than in the young."

Paul McCartney

Friday Story from Bob Proctor 7/2/10 - HANDLING CHANGE

This I truly believe is a truth!

Handling Change

Change: We can actually choose to embrace it; or completely resist it!

We are at a time in our lives when there is much change occurring; and we are more frequently being faced with choices! We often don't see them as choices; but that's what they are!

We are being given a multitude of opportunities to actually embrace change; or to resist it!
This applies equally in our business and personal lives.

In recent times in my roles as a Life and Executive Coach, I have become increasingly aware that one of my major tasks is to actually help people manage change in their lives. When they approach me for help, they know that something is out of whack; that they've got to do something about it now; and they're asking me for help with, 'why is it out of whack', and 'how can we fix it' ?

It's probably best explained by mentioning three very different examples:

1. A Company Owner/Director asked me to help her deal with the challeng es of re-structuring her business and personal life (made necessary by a sudden change in her personal life). We started with the acknowledgement that changes for both her business and herself, were necessary; then we agreed on a series of objectives for both business and personal aspects of changes required; with some strategies and time frames for where we were headed.

2. I have also been asked by numerous parents for guidance in getting their children 'back on track', for a very large variety of reasons: this usually requires a strong element of change in regard to the use of 'clever' and 'different' parenting skills; so once again, there has to be an agreement that these changes are necessary, and strategies put into place for the management of these changes.

And lastly. . .

3. I have been asked by a large organisation who are being faced with massive growth within their ranks, (and major challenges as that growth takes place), to assist with the guidance of Managers, Staff, and Clients alike, in the strategies and processes which must take place for the growth to be effective. This is all based in how to keep the people involved and focused, with clarity as to the main objectives, and in managing and optimising the process of change itself.

The common theme in the above situations was for people to admit that they needed to ask for help and guidance; for that person to then accept that there was a need for change; for the forming of agreed guidelines and strategies; and for the process to be managed and optimised during a structured time frame, as they moved towards the desired outcome. In short, they all needed to actually embrace change as a necessity, rather than a compromise of any kind.

Sometimes the necessity for change just happens, and sometimes it is forced upon us quite unexpectedly!

Either way, we are often faced with tough decisions to make and our attitude towards our circumstance s are critical to whether we just survive, or come out thriving!

At other times we need to instigate the change ourselves: and its times like these that we often have to admit to ourselves that something, or someone, just isn't working in our lives any more. You might be feeling like you're in one of those ruts which creep into our lives from time to time? If you are, remember that a rut is really a grave with the ends kicked out of it, and it is time to do something, perhaps!

Sure, we have very challenging choices to make when this sort of stuff occurs in our lives; but we need to make those choices; act upon them; and move on as wiser people.

Whether you are faced with change that creeps up and bites you on the butt; or whether you have to create a change for your own sake; the ability to accept things as they are, and move forward, is critical. One door closes; another one opens!

Do your best to remember this paradox of life: We can often stare for so long at the door which has closed; that we can miss a new one which has opened!

It is actually very easy to resist change; but keep in mind that resisting change is actually hard work! Quite often, we don't even know that we are resisting it; so like most other things in life, it's about being aware!

Dear Linda,

Here is your Friday story,

Handling Change

Change: We can actually choose to embrace it; or completely resist it!

We are at a time in our lives when there is much change occurring; and we are more frequently being faced with choices! We often don't see them as choices; but that's what they are!

We are being given a multitude of opportunities to actually embrace change; or to resist it!
This applies equally in our business and personal lives.

In recent times in my roles as a Life and Executive Coach, I have become increasingly aware that one of my major tasks is to actually help people manage change in their lives. When they approach me for help, they know that something is out of whack; that they've got to do something about it now; and they're asking me for help with, 'why is it out of whack', and 'how can we fix it' ?

It's probably best explained by mentioning three very different examples:

1. A Company Owner/Director asked me to help her deal with the challeng es of re-structuring her business and personal life (made necessary by a sudden change in her personal life). We started with the acknowledgement that changes for both her business and herself, were necessary; then we agreed on a series of objectives for both business and personal aspects of changes required; with some strategies and time frames for where we were headed.

2. I have also been asked by numerous parents for guidance in getting their children 'back on track', for a very large variety of reasons: this usually requires a strong element of change in regard to the use of 'clever' and 'different' parenting skills; so once again, there has to be an agreement that these changes are necessary, and strategies put into place for the management of these changes.

And lastly. . .

3. I have been asked by a large organisation who are being faced with massive growth within their ranks, (and major challenges as that growth takes place), to assist with the guidance of Managers, Staff, and Clients alike, in the strategies and processes which must take place for the growth to be effective. This is all based in how to keep the people involved and focused, with clarity as to the main objectives, and in managing and optimising the process of change itself.

The common theme in the above situations was for people to admit that they needed to ask for help and guidance; for that person to then accept that there was a need for change; for the forming of agreed guidelines and strategies; and for the process to be managed and optimised during a structured time frame, as they moved towards the desired outcome. In short, they all needed to actually embrace change as a necessity, rather than a compromise of any kind.

Sometimes the necessity for change just happens, and sometimes it is forced upon us quite unexpectedly!

Either way, we are often faced with tough decisions to make and our attitude towards our circumstance s are critical to whether we just survive, or come out thriving!

At other times we need to instigate the change ourselves: and its times like these that we often have to admit to ourselves that something, or someone, just isn't working in our lives any more. You might be feeling like you're in one of those ruts which creep into our lives from time to time? If you are, remember that a rut is really a grave with the ends kicked out of it, and it is time to do something, perhaps!

Sure, we have very challenging choices to make when this sort of stuff occurs in our lives; but we need to make those choices; act upon them; and move on as wiser people.

Whether you are faced with change that creeps up and bites you on the butt; or whether you have to create a change for your own sake; the ability to accept things as they are, and move forward, is critical. One door closes; another one opens!

Do your best to remember this paradox of life: We can often stare for so long at the door which has closed; that we can miss a new one which has opened!

It is actually very easy to resist change; but keep in mind that resisting change is actually hard work! Quite often, we don't even know that we are resisting it; so like most other things in life, it's about being aware!

Right now, change is being forced upon us in many ways; and for some of us, that could possibly be overwhelming. My No 1 suggestion for anyone who is feeling the pinch, is to remember that 'necessity is the mother of invention'; so if you can get yourself into embracing the change which is forcing itself upon you, and get creative, then you may come out of your own situation absolutely shining!

Yes folks, our attitude towards change, does make all the difference!

We can choose to Embrace it ... or Resist it!

If you are hurting in any way whatsoever: then you can choose to reach out to others, and seek help.

Remember: None of us have to do it tough on our own ... ever!
Because: doing it tough on our own ... is also a choice!

Phil Evans

Phil Evans is a Motivator, Business Coach and Inspirational Writer based in Australia. You can visit his website at: or feel free to email Phil with your comments on his story at:

Insight for Today 7/1/10

"So let your deepest desires direct your aim. Set your sights far above the 'reasonable' target. The power of purpose is profound only if you have a desire that stirs the heart."

Price Pritchett
Author of You2

Insight for Today 6/30/10

"You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay? Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change."

Jim Rohn
1930-2009, Author and Speaker

Insight for Today 6/29/10

"High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly, and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true."

Robert H. Schuller
Televangelist, Pastor and Author