Thursday, December 22, 2011

WOW! I dropped 4 lbs and I just started the Manna360 yesterday!

Okay as promised yesterday here are my results from yesterday starting the Manna360 products:

My calories intake as of 12/22/11 (Wednesday): 

Chai Spice Tea - 25
Natural Vitamins - 45
Black 1 Cup Coffee - 5
Manna Shake - 130
2 Acai Zip Chew - 80
2 Cups Cucumbers - 30
1 Can Tuna in water & 1 Pkg Buddig Beef Lunchmeat - 200
2 Cups Romaine Lettuce - 30
Almonds & 1 Brazil Nuts - 110
1 Candy - 80  =  Total calories 735

Calories burned:
45 minutes walking - 201
Being on the computer (2 hrs) - 86
Dishes - 17
Cleaning house for an hour - 130 = Total calories burned 434   -   +301

Minus 7 hours of sleep (-490)  =  -189

Taking the Manna360 Shake, 2 Acai Zip Chew, & 1 tablet and I didn't really feel all that hungry but I sure was bursted with lots of energy.

I was so excited this morning when I saw I dropped down 4 lbs that fast.  Let's see what today will bring!!!!

I will keep you guys posted!!


Manna360 Is Officially Pre-Launched!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Linda's First Day Using Manna360 to Lose 25 lbs!

Good morning guys! 

My Manna360 products came yesterday and now I am starting it today. So each day I will post my results as I go along. This morning I weighted myself and I am at 160 lbs. I have gained 25 lbs in 2 months and now I am going to get it back off. Thank god the holidays are just about over!!!!! I got my little 3 x 5 notebook to start writing my food/calories intake and also what calories I have burned today. I took the 360Mist (ZorbMax) and I was surprised how strong it was and also the energy I have right now!

Here is what ZorbMax is: 

360 ZorbMax Mist The biggest thing in product development is actually quite small. At the microscopic level of human cells, our proprietary product ingredient enhances nutrient absorption and supports healthy cell performance. This can increase the energy and mental clarity of those who take our products, often within a few days. In addition, well-nourished cells are better able to rid themselves of toxins, battle the aging affects of free radicals, and support a stronger immune system. This nutritional breakthrough is both cellular and electromagnetic, as research scientist, electrolyte expert, and product developer Dr. Shawn Mueller explains. “An electromagnetic charge is critical to every process in the human body. The quality of these charges is linked to the health of cells. My patent-pending technology speeds absorption, enabling the body to take maximum advantage of the nutrients in food and supplements. The cell is where health begins and ends. That’s why the difference increased cellular energy makes in the body is so profound and powerful.” Dr. Mueller holds a Ph.D in Naturopathy with degrees in Exercise Sceince, Psychology, Phlebotomy, and Neuromuscular Therapy. His revolutionary technology is the result of decades of research and testing in sports science, fitness, and physical therapy. 360 promotes cellular health for all 360 degrees of life and encourages a healthy diet and regular exercise.

To watch a video on it click here.........

So far my calories intake as of now: 

Chai Spice Tea - 25
Natural Vitamins - 45
Black 1 Cup Coffee - 5 = 75

So far calories burned: 

Half hour walking - 134
Being on the computer (2 hrs) - 86
Dishes (15 minutes this morning) - 8.5

I will before I go to bed will give you the final results for today!!

Insight for the Day 12/21/11

"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." Albert Einstein 1879-1955, Physicist

Can Loving a Robot Lead to Divorce?

When the anatomically correct, customizable, touch-responsive, personality-changing sexbot named Roxxxy was unveiled at the Adult Entertainment Expo last year, it -- she? -- was met with a lot of snarky responses. Only losers and perverts would be interested in shelling out $7,000 for a glorified sex toy, many said. Inventor and TrueCompanion founder Douglas Hines doesn't see it that way. With about 4,000 pre-orders, Hines believes artificially intelligent robots such as Roxxxy are "the future of robotics." It also maybe the future of love and marriage, if you believe artificial intelligent (AI) expert David Levy, author of Love and Sex With Robots. Click here to read on..............

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

THE DREAM STEALERS ~ ~ Don’t let ANYONE steal your dream!

THE DREAM STEALERS ~ ~ Don’t let ANYONE steal your dream! No Shows or Lookie Loos aka Tire Kickers - People are going to promise you that they will come to watch the company video, come to a presentation, etc.; and they don’t. That happens. It’s just a fact of life. You spend time with some who eventually say “not for me”. This happens in everyday life situations and it will happen in your LiveSmart 360 business. Drop-outs - People are going to dropout of this business. People dropout of school, people quit their jobs, people even dropout of life. This business is no different. People are going to dropout. Go to a fast food restaurant and see what kind of a turnover they have. They have a 200% annual industry turnover. The turnover in the Insurance industry is even higher. It happens. Replace them. Alligators & the Rut-Riders - In this business you are going to come across what we call alligators and rut-riders. We all know people like the rut-riders. They have been riding in the same rut for the last 20 years and they will be riding for the next 20. There is a difference that a lot of people just don't understand. You can have 20 years of experience in something, or you can have one year of experience - twenty times. That's what the rut-riders do. There are the alligators. Now the alligators are people, but we call them alligators because they have very small, tiny, little brains and huge, big mouths just like an alligator. The average alligator has a brain the size of a lima bean and we all know how big their mouths are. Alligators in life are well meaning people who think it's their responsibility to tell you that their sister was in a company like this and all she ended up with was a garage full of product. They think they're helping you by advising you to just go out and get a "real job". They tell you that you'll never be any good at this because you can't even balance your own checkbook. If you know this you will be better prepared for them. You will face some rejection and negativity from people, even people you know. When this happens, think of Colonel Sanders. Colonel Sanders received his social security check and decided he didn't want to live that way for the rest of his life. (I doubt that SS will even be there for anyone under the age of 61…that’s my age) He had his recipe for fried chicken and so he started searching around for people who wanted to franchise his recipe. He went to 1,039 restaurants before he got a yes. Do you think you would stay in this business if 1,039 told you no? Do you think you would stay in anything if 1,039 people told you no? But he did stay in and now there is a Kentucky Fried Chicken on every corner in every town in America. Do the same with your LiveSmart 360 business! Ignore the Alligators and...never quit! As you persist in your LiveSmart 360 business, think of the rewards that you will receive: A. You can own your own life - Be your own boss. B. Choose the hours you want to work. C. Choose who you want to work with. D. Help lots of others do the same and everyone be more healthy. You can have everything you want out of your LiveSmart 360 business. The only thing that separates you from those who get it and make good money and those who don't is learning to be and do prospecting right and staying with it! ONLY THE QUITTERS ARE THE LOSERS IN THIS BUSINESS! Don't quit before payday!!!!! Invite people to look at the 8 minute video at and … every day…except Christmas Eve and Christmas day and it will only be a matter of time before you find someone who is ready to join. Then repeat, repeat repeat. Onward and Upward! Jack M. Zufelt “Mentor to Millions”

Insight for the Day 12/20/11

"We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future." Robin Sharma Author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Insight for the Day 12/19/11

"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom." Theodore Isaac Rubin Psychiatrist

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Who's whispering in your ear? - Article by Dr Robert Anthony

Many years ago I had a profound insight on taking advice from

I stopped taking financial advice from people that were broke.  I
stopped getting health tips from unhealthy people. I stopped taking
relationship advice from people with toxic or boring relationships
and I stopped looking for spiritual guidance from people that
couldn't demonstrate the manifestation of Universal Principles in
their life.

It sounds pretty simple doesn't it?  But take a look at how often
you take advice from people who have not manifested what they are
advising.  I follow the rule that "if they don't SHOW it, they
don't KNOW it" and I stay away from these people like they had the

Instead, I find people who have manifested what I desire and ask
them for help. Without exception they have been more than happy to
assist me.  And the best part of the "advice" I am giving you right
now is that you can prove this to yourself!

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!  No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

Insight for the Day 12/15/11

"Maturity begins when we're content to feel we're right about something, without feeling the necessity to prove someone else is wrong."

Sydney J. Harris
1917-1986, Syndicated Columnist

Insight for the Day 12/14/11

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."

Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow Rich

Insight for the Day 12/13/11

"I believe in taking a positive attitude toward the world. My hope still is to leave the world a little bit better than when I got here."

Jim Henson
1936-1990, Muppets Creator

Insight for the Day 12/12/11

"Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are always defeated by faith. Having faith in yourself, in the process of change, and in the new direction that change sets will reveal your own inner core of steel."

Georgette Mosbacher
Business Executive

Linda's New Network Marketing Business - LiveSmart360

Here is a thought...In addition to all the other cool gifts...why not give Manna 360 as a Christmas gifts?
Soon the company will have a completely automated system that will allow Members to send FREE SAMPLES. The Company goal is to send out a MILLION FREE SAMPLES in 2012.
If you want or need more cash flow then it's time get serious about your LiveSmart 360 business. It can be a cash cow that provides milk every Monday...which is when we get paid!
Manna 360 works!
I started on the 23 lbs. that I want to lose and I'm happy to report that I am down almost 8 POUNDS! I've lost nearly TWO INCHES off my waist too! I also take 2 Manna Slim to help speed things up!!
I am hearing about people experiencing a 5-7 pound drop the first week and then 2-4 pounds each week thereafter. Pretty amazing.
There are also lots of reports about lots of other IMPROVEMENTS in peoples health issues now that their body is getting 100% of the nutrition it needs.
Take the Manna 360 product and then let me hear back from you.
This was featured on the famous Dr. OZ website!….This expert validates that shakes have a major role to play in weight loss and health. Put Manna 360 where it says protein shake because MANNA 360 IS FAR BETTER than any “protein” shake on the market and we PROVE it!!

Breakfast Shakes: Drink Yourself Skinny
Meal-replacement shakes are an effective, easy way to drop pounds. They teach you how to eat less and lose weight quickly and permanently – and the right shake can boost your metabolism by 25%. Who doesn’t need that?
The fact is, when you’re trying to lose body fat, you can’t skip breakfast – but you may be too busy to think about calories and to make healthy choices. That’s why drinking a protein (Manna 360 shake) first thing in the morning is a simple, foolproof weight-loss method. When you drink the right protein shake, (like MANNA 360) you give your body the nutrients it needs and you can also:
  • Boost your metabolic rate by 25%.
  • Save calories by avoiding fatty foods (if you drink a shake for breakfast, you can save an average of 400 calories per day). (Or more with Manna 360!)
  • Keep your blood sugar levels balanced, allowing your body to burn stored fat as fuel.
  • Increase your energy levels which enables you to increase your activity and automatically burn more calories.
  • Reduce high blood pressure, cravings and appetite
  • Increases stamina and energy
  • Improves focus and mental clarity
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Improves skin condition
  • Enhances mood
  • Improves digestion
Why do meal replacements or protein shakes for breakfast work? Simply put, weight loss occurs when your metabolism gets moving and you put out more calories than you take in. If you were to replace your 750-calorie bagel and orange juice meal with a 130-calorie MANNA 360 shake, you’d save 620 calories per day. And you’d see the results on your bathroom scale in no time.
We can’t be perfect all the time, so we need calorie safe havens that keep us anchored while we learn how to eat correctly. Protein shakes that contain nutrients offer those safe havens. (Manna 360 does it's better than any other shake!) Most people love them because they don’t have to think about food, plan meals or buy expensive products. You can even make them yourself.
Go to and check it out for yourself - print the PRODUCT OVERVIEW and look at the comparisons - ALL OF THE GOOD - NONE OF THE BAD!
If you or someone you know wants to LOSE WEIGHT there is NOTHING BETTER than Manna 360. If you or someone you know wants to get 100% of all their NUTRITION, DIGESTIVE ENZYMES, FIVE SERVINGS OF FRUITS & VEGGIES and ALL THEIR MINERALS in a shake that tastes like vanilla ice cream - then Manna 360 is the ticket.
This product took over a year to produce from 77 all natural ingredients at a cost of several million dollars and BEATS the daylights out of EVERY product in it's category - nothing like it.
We'll even show you HOW TO GET YOUR PRODUCT FOR FREE!!
Olov Soderling   - The LiveSmart 360 Story - The Zorbmax story

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bed of Roses

Bed Of Roses lyrics
Songwriters: Bongiovi, Jon;

Sitting here wasted and wounded at this old piano
Trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of vodka is still lodged in my head
And some blond gave me nightmares, I think that he's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm dead

With an ironclad fist I wake up and french kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps it's own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things that I long to believe
About love, the truth, what you mean to me and the truth is
Baby you're all that I need

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

Well I'm so far away the step that I take's on my way home
A king's ransom in dimes I'd give each night
To see through this pay phone
Still I run out of time or it's hard to get through
Till the bird on the wire flies me back to
You I'll just close my eyes, whisper baby blind love is true

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

Well this hotel bar's hangover whiskey's gone dry
The barkeeper's is flirting with me
And he's giving me the eye
Well I might have said yeah
But I laughed so hard I think I died
Ooh yeah

Now as you close your eyes
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my admirer he calls me to stand in his spotlight again
Tonight I won't be alone
But you know that don't mean I'm not lonely
I've got nothing to prove for it's you that I'd die to defend

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down

I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonight I'll sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as your Holy Ghost is
And lay you down on a bed of roses

bon jovi - bed of roses

I feel Bon Jovi is a great musician and great songwriter. This song really has capture my heart and it really has become an sentimental song to me. Someone I once loved and still do with all my heart use to sing this song to me and hell yeah I miss it very much. It always brought tears to my eyes. Thank you Bon Jovi for this beautiful song!

I am passionate into health and weight loss - would like feedback in a progam I am advertising

<iframe src="" width="624" height="366" style="border:0;outline:0" frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe>

Friday, December 9, 2011

My California Psychic Horoscope for Today 12/9/11

Pisces Horoscope Friday, Dec 9, 2011

You'll be asking yourself some serious questions about where your life is headed today. And if you feel that some of the people closest to you haven't been fully supporting you, then maybe you need to stop counting on them. Just be aware that if you're not totally honest or if you misrepresent things to anyone today, some real disappointments could be in store for you.

A variety of different family issues will really be weighing on your mind at the moment. And if you don’t make an effort to clarify some confusing situations right now, then some unpleasant conflicts could result. Just be careful that you don’t end up spending too much time dwelling on past difficulties if you really want to get things resolved.

Mantra: I will treat others as I would treat myself.

Link To Us CMI Gold & Silver

Link To Us CMI Gold & Silver

Thursday, December 8, 2011

YES YES YES!!!!!!! Green Bay Packers are 12 - 0

Linda's Resume

     Linda Ann Engelmann
                                                    6735 E Ivyglen Street
                                                    Mesa, AZ  85205
                                                    Main Cell Phone:  480-306-0148

RE:  Office Administration & Management/Customer Service/Information Technology Systems/Events & Seminars Coordinator

My desire is to gain employment with an organization that can most effectively capitalize on my current skills while offering opportunities for continued career growth.  I am confident that my experience, training and strong work ethic will allow me to become a valued and productive member of an organization.  

Highlighted below is a brief outline of my work experience, training, and skills as they pertain to information systems, business administration, and customer service.  I feel my strongest and most marketable assets are in the following areas:

·         (6+ Years)  Extensive Knowledge in Office/Management Administration
·         (10+ Years)  Extensive Knowledge in Customer Service Skills
·         (10 Years)  Extensive Knowledge in Events & Seminars Coordinator
·         (10+ Years)  Extensive Knowledge in Diverse Computer Systems, Networks and Platforms
·         (5+ Years)  Experience Working in a Technically Oriented Environment plus Web Designing
·         (5+ Years  ) Excellent Analytical and Troubleshooting Skills
·         (15+ Years)  Extensive Training and Development

            A personal interview would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks you for your time and consideration of my resume.  I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Linda A Engelmann

    Linda Ann Engelmann
      6735 E Ivyglen Street
      Mesa, AZ  85205
                                        Main Cell Phone:  480-306-0148
                                                   2nd Cell Phone:  480-544-7839



·         Motorola, Scottsdale, AZ  1984 to 1998:  DIS Specialist IV (Customer Service) Maintained direct accountability for the operation of state-of-the-art copiers, engineering print machines, binding equipment, plotters, scanning equipment to facilitate all types of reproduction projects within this major manufacturing organization.

 Received and processed projects from clients, reviewed and established project specifications, coordinated all project production and scheduling requirements.  Consistently monitored and inspected project for quality control throughout production environment.

Provided training and development for new employees.  Served in numerous team-oriented assignments, utilized state-of-the-art processing and imaging equipment.  Interacted with individuals from all-levels of the organization and individual departments.

Configuration Data Analyst – Controlled and supervised the release of engineering drawings and software for specialized production projects and processes.  Utilized state-of-the-art equipment to facilitate information processing and data compilation.  Issued blocks of document and product definition order numbers to various projects and departments

Processed master change orders and work in requests for large-scaled projects.  Enter and analyzed charge-backs system and assisted finance department in performing audits and verifying accuracy of charges.  Monitored and controlled inventory and departmental resources.

·         MyStaff Temp Services, Scottsdale, AZ 1999 to November 1/5/2000:  Duties included office work; data entry; payment processing, administration assistant, data verifier, entering and tacking logs in excel for contracts department, bookkeeping, service calls, radio dispatch work, inventory control skills, purchase orders, and computer work.

·         The Rich Dad’s Company, 11/2000 to August 18 2010 – Started off as an Accounting Assistant for 9 months and was upgraded to Customer Service Solution Support and E-Game Technical Support.  Also worked at the front desk for a while at the office. Throughout the 10 years have assisted in coordinating events and seminars for Robert and Kim Kiyosaki and his team.  The last two years with the company was promoted to the Information Technology Department as Special Projects for Web Designers. (Detailed Job Description available upon request & Letter of Recommendation from Rich Dad’s CEO, Mike Sullivan)

  • Private Eye Investigations, LLC  11/23/2010 to 11/1/2011 – (Temporary position for a year) General office duties plus assist in monitoring, improving, and updates the performance of existing Web sites, troubleshoots problems with the Web site, Maintains the site so that it remains a valuable resource for the client and the client's customers. updates information contained on the Web site or in databases linked to the site and check the links on the site regularly to insure that they are properly working, insures that all pages contain optimum links to the Web site, checks site for bugs or other problems, etc. (Letter of Recommendation from Private Eye Investigations, LLC supervisor, Jennifer Owles)

·         University of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV - majoring in Business Administration and Special Education.

·         Motorola University, Scottsdale, AZ - completed numerous courses and workshops including Developing World Wide Web Pages using HTML, using the Internet, Managing Conflict, Time Management, Understanding Diverse Workforce, Life Management, Stress Management, Macintosh & IBM computers, all Window versions, DOS, Access, Project, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, etc.

·         University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ - majoring in Information Technology with only 3 classes left to get my bachelor degree.

·         Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ – CIS 133 DA (Website Designing Course) - creating websites learning HTML format.

·         Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ – Management & Leadership Level 1 – learning management and leadership skills

·         Mesa Community College, Mesa, AZ – Online 6 weeks course on Adobe Illustrator for designing websites.

·         Training-To-You College, Phoenix, AZ – enrolled in Website Designing 1, 2 & 3, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photo Shop, Adobe Illustrator, plus MS Office 2010 Word & Excel to obtain a certificate in Website Designing

Computer Skills:

I am experienced in Diverse Computer Systems, Networks and Platforms, & Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, etc.  (More detailed list available upon request)


Have received numerous achievement awards, cash awards, upgrades, bonus, and promotions to different positions in Motorola.  Won a special award for participating in Motorola TCS (Total Customer Satisfaction) Competition.  Our team was called the Paradigm Pioneers.  We have also participated in meeting with other companies to show their employees about Total Customer Satisfaction Teams and how it can work for their company.  Received an award for the best secretary of the year at the ”Yell” newspaper office at University of Las Vegas, Nevada (Awards available upon request)