Thursday, December 22, 2011

WOW! I dropped 4 lbs and I just started the Manna360 yesterday!

Okay as promised yesterday here are my results from yesterday starting the Manna360 products:

My calories intake as of 12/22/11 (Wednesday): 

Chai Spice Tea - 25
Natural Vitamins - 45
Black 1 Cup Coffee - 5
Manna Shake - 130
2 Acai Zip Chew - 80
2 Cups Cucumbers - 30
1 Can Tuna in water & 1 Pkg Buddig Beef Lunchmeat - 200
2 Cups Romaine Lettuce - 30
Almonds & 1 Brazil Nuts - 110
1 Candy - 80  =  Total calories 735

Calories burned:
45 minutes walking - 201
Being on the computer (2 hrs) - 86
Dishes - 17
Cleaning house for an hour - 130 = Total calories burned 434   -   +301

Minus 7 hours of sleep (-490)  =  -189

Taking the Manna360 Shake, 2 Acai Zip Chew, & 1 tablet and I didn't really feel all that hungry but I sure was bursted with lots of energy.

I was so excited this morning when I saw I dropped down 4 lbs that fast.  Let's see what today will bring!!!!

I will keep you guys posted!!


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