Have you noticed how upset we get because things change? As human beings we act like life should always be predictable. And yet we know it isn't. One of the reasons we get jarred by change is because we are creatures of habit. Another is that we are emotional human beings. As logical as we can be at times, it's the feelings associated with change that we tend to overlook. And it is these feelings that create the upsets and/or disorientation we sometimes feel during change. In addition, there are three other major factors that enter into the way we deal with change. The first is Personality Filter, the second is where we are on the Levels of Awareness and the third is whether or not we have consciously chosen the change we are experiencing. How do you generally react to change? On the spectrum of actively seeking change to actively avoiding it, where do you fall? How do you manage your feelings about change, especially if the change is not one you chose? Today notice how much of life is in the process of change and be grateful for the ever-unfolding life that it represents. Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony
“It’s really important that you feel good. Because this feeling good is what goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and that will keep bringing you up higher and higher” – Joe Vitale
Thursday, March 29, 2012
3 things you MUST know about change...another great article by Dr Robert Anthony!
Synchronicity What is Synchronicity? Article by Dr Robert Anthony
How often do you experience synchronicity? Webster's says the meaning of synchronicity is "to cause to operate with exact coincidence in time or rate or to operate in unison." At the higher Levels of Awareness, you are more likely to experience people, opportunities and all measure of material things flowing to you almost as you think of them. These are synchronistic events. Part of synchronicity is being in the right place at the right time. Does that mean that you simply believe that you are in the right place at the right time and then you are? To some degree, yes, that's true. But the opposite is also true. If you believe that you are at the wrong place and time, you probably will experience that as well! Since what you focus on expands, you can create either experience as your reality. Which way do you want it to be for you? The more you believe in and affirm the unison of your highest and best thoughts, feelings and desires the more you are likely to experience life as a synchronistic adventure. Be aware of skepticism as you read that last paragraph. There are some people who look for everything as synchronicity and a sign of positive meaning. "You like pizza and jazz, so do I! We must be soul mates!" That is not the synchronicity I am talking about. Although experiences of synchronicity can be small, like finding just what you needed in the most unlikely place, they can also be profound and sometimes overwhelming. A man I know was concerned about his inability to contact his father who was in Africa during a turbulent civil war. To distract himself from his worry, the son went to a Grateful Dead concert near Washington DC. In the middle of a huge crowd of vendors, the son "accidentally" ran into someone who knew his father in Africa and was able to reassure the son that his father was alive and well in Africa! Now that is being in the right place at the right time! Today, open your eyes, ears and heart to all the synchronistic experiences that are happening around you that you may have never noticed before or have taken for granted! Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=MliLY&m=IjmFAQNjzSwS5D&b=8l3xAniu0jgSKYCo1VAc3w
Insight of the Day 3/29/12
"Remember, we are the masters and money is the servant
- it's never the other way around. What you fear the most in life, owns
you, controls you, and limits you."
John Svalina
Author of Set For Life: Financial Peace of Mind Made Easy
John Svalina
Author of Set For Life: Financial Peace of Mind Made Easy
Insight of the Day 3/28/12
"When you have talked yourself into what you want, right there is the place to stop talking and begin saying it with deeds."
Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author
Napoleon Hill
1883-1970, Author
20 Snacks Under 200 Calories
If you’re in the mood for a quick nosh or nibble, beware. Researchers
at the University of North Carolina found that reckless snacking is the
cause of most Americans’ excess calorie consumption — and it can very
easily add up to weight gain. Similarly, research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that mid-morning snacks
can harm weight-loss efforts in women because the women in the study
snacked out of routine, not hunger, and their snacks were often too
But it’s not all bad. Studies show that regular mini meals or snacks can help regulate blood sugar, improve metabolism, and prevent overeating later. The secret to a successful snack is to keep the calorie count low. “It is easy to overindulge on snacks when you get hungry,” says Laura Catalusci, MA, a certified health education specialist in New York. “Remember — your snack is not your main meal and should not contain more than 300 calories.” To help in that effort, read on for our list of 20 snacks with fewer than 200 calories.
But it’s not all bad. Studies show that regular mini meals or snacks can help regulate blood sugar, improve metabolism, and prevent overeating later. The secret to a successful snack is to keep the calorie count low. “It is easy to overindulge on snacks when you get hungry,” says Laura Catalusci, MA, a certified health education specialist in New York. “Remember — your snack is not your main meal and should not contain more than 300 calories.” To help in that effort, read on for our list of 20 snacks with fewer than 200 calories.
Half an Apple With 1 Tablespoon of Peanut Butter
This healthy snack comes adds up to only 157 calories, yet packs a punch of protein and fiber. “Fresh fruits like apples have lots of vitamins and minerals in addition to natural sugars to boost your energy,” Catalusci says. “Peanut butter adds extra protein to help keep you feeling full.” Half an apple has 63 calories, and one tablespoon of natural peanut butter has 94 calories and 8 grams of fat.10 Carrot Sticks With 2 Tablespoons of Dip
Carrot sticks are a diet staple for good reason. One cup’s worth has just 50 calories, plus Mom was right — the carotenoids and vitamin A in carrots really can boost your eyesight. Add two 2 tablespoons of creamy veggie dip (about 132 calories) for a filling snack that won’t blow your diet.TO GET MORE SNACKS TIP CLICK HERE................
Dog Goes Berserk When Soldier Owner Comes Home
Monday, March 26, 2012
6 Health Benefits of Cinnamon
The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Aside from cinnamon being used in the kitchen for cooking purposes, more and more studies have shown that cinnamon also provides health benefits for the human body. Here are some of the reasons why you should not fail to put a dash of cinnamon in your daily meals:
It Relieves Cough and Colds
Cough and colds causes great discomfort. They can cause you to miss work, miss school or miss an important event. They can also give you sleepless nights, with the coughing which prevents you from having a good sleep, and the chest congestion's that simply wouldn’t go away.
Chinese medicine had been using cinnamon as a form of natural remedy for colds and cough for the longest time. Because the common cold and cough have been associated with sore throats, there is a really simple yet effective remedy for it with the use of cinnamon. In a pot of boiling water, add a stick of cinnamon then allow it to boil some more for another two minutes. After that, you may get the cinnamon stick from the pot and use the cinnamon water when making tea – any kind of tea actually. Now consume this cinnamon water infused tea twice in a day.
It Prevents Blood Clotting
Blood clotting is essential especially if you have a wound. This would help stop the bleeding. But the development of blood clots inside the blood vessels is not a good thing at all. It can cause an obstruction in the normal flow of blood and when this happens, the cells, tissues and organs that are being supplied by that particular artery will not be anymore receiving their blood supply – and they need blood to live. Blood carries oxygen and essential nutrients that are required for normal functioning.
Cinnamon’s active ingredient is called coumarin which is actually a blood thinner. When the blood is thin, blood clots cannot develop, thereby preventing unnecessary blood vessel blockages. However, you must exercise caution when dealing with blood thinners such as cinnamon. People with bleeding disorders and pregnant women are advised to consult their doctors before consuming cinnamon.
It Acts as an Anti-microbial agent
Microbes are everywhere, and we encounter them every single day. Because we do not live in a sterile environment, the presence of bacteria, fungus and yeast cannot be denied, and the problem starts when it causes us to become ill.
The essential oils found in cinnamon had been regarded as the ones responsible for the spice’s anti-microbial activity. Cinnamon has been subjected to different laboratory tests in order to further study its ability to halt bacterial, yeast and fungal growth. This might explain why back in the medieval times, cinnamon was used as a meat preservative. Also, animal studies have seen that cinnamon is active against H. pylori, bacteria that cause stomach ulcers, and Candida albicans, a type of fungus that is responsible for thrush and yeast infections.
It Helps with Blood Sugar Control
Blood sugar control is essential, especially for people who are diagnosed with diabetes, or those who are at risk of developing diabetes. In the medical journal Diabetes Care, the results of a human study conducted by a team of researchers revealed that people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and who were given cinnamon pills for a period of 40 days exhibited a reduction in their blood glucose levels by up to 29 percent. Not only that, they also showed a reduction in their triglycerides, LDL and total cholesterol levels.
Researchers from the Agricultural Research Service of the United States also back the health claims of cinnamon regarding its ability to reduce blood glucose levels. They say that ½ a teaspoon of cinnamon each day is enough to help your body regulate the levels of sugar in your blood. This is because the compounds found in cinnamon help in the stimulation of insulin receptors and it also exerts an inhibitory effect on an enzyme that inactivates these receptors thereby significantly improving the cells’ ability to utilize glucose.
It Helps Relieve Arthritic Pain, Headaches and Migraines
Cinnamon has shown significant potential as a pain killer because of its ability to inhibit the activity of the prostaglandin. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that mediate the information of pain. Once prostaglandin is inhibited, its ability to relay pain perception is also inhibited. When this happens, pain is not perceived by the person.
It Boosts Cognition and Memory
According to the results of a research study conducted by Dr. P. Zoladz and his team, chewing gum with a cinnamon flavor, or simply smelling the spice, helped enhance the cognitive processes of the study participants. It also improved their visual-motor speed, memory, and attention.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Load Up on These Diabetes-Friendly Vegetables 8 Low-Carb Veggies for Diabetic Diets
When you have diabetes, eating low-carb vegetables is a smart way to fill up without filling out your waistline or raising your blood sugar. Non-starchy or low-carbohydrate vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber as well as being low in calories. Plus, they’re heart-healthy, and several are believed to help fight some cancers. While choosing a rainbow of vegetables is a smart way to get nutrients, the following veggies are among the best.
Popeye had the right idea when he bulked up on green, leafy spinach. This low-carb veggie is a wise addition to a diabetic diet because it’s loaded with folate, beta carotene, iron, and vitamin K. To get the biggest nutritional punch, ditch the canned stuff and buy it fresh or frozen. Fold steamed spinach into an egg-white omelette at breakfast or toss fresh leaves in a healthy, low carbohydrate salad at lunch or dinner.Tomato
Tomatoes, another superfood for diabetes, are packed with vitamin C and are good sources of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. They’re also low-carb and low-cal — just 32 calories per cup. The nutrient lycopene, which gives red tomatoes their color, is a powerful antioxidant and may protect against heart disease and prostate cancer. Add a slice of juicy tomato to your next sandwich or cook up a big pot of tomato sauce, a great topping for veggies, chicken, and other good foods in your diabetic diet.Broccoli
If you’re not already eating broccoli, make a point of adding it to your diabetic diet. It’s low carbohydrate and loaded with vitamins A (beta carotene), C, and D. It also has calcium, fiber, and iron. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) says to look for florets that are packed tightly together and are dark green and not yellowing. Eat broccoli soon after buying it. Consider including raw or lightly steamed broccoli on your next party platter instead of chips.Cucumber
Cucumbers are a cool, crisp, low-carb choice for people with diabetes — a generous one-cup portion has fewer than 5 grams of carbohydrate. You can get your fill of this low-carbohydrate vegetable without worrying about raising your blood sugar too much. Cucumbers are a good source of vitamin K and they also contain potassium and vitamin C. Keep in mind that cucumbers are not only for salads on a diabetic diet. Consider adding thin slices to sandwiches or wraps.Cabbage
Eating cabbage is an inexpensive way to add vitamins K and C and antioxidants to your diabetic diet. Cabbage is also a good source of manganese, fiber, and vitamin B6. This low-carb veggie is at its peak in the fall and early winter. Pick a head that is firm with shiny leaves. When you get it home, put it in the refrigerator. Cover it with plastic wrap once it’s cut to slow down the loss of vitamins. Experiment with recipes that use this low carbohydrate vegetable raw as well as cooked.Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts might not win any popularity contests, but they deserve a spot in your diabetes meal plan. Besides being low-carb, these mini cabbages are full of vitamins A, C, and folic acid, and fiber. And just like cabbage, brussels sprouts are a cruciferous low-carbohydrate veggie, which experts believe may ward off some cancers. For cooking success, the ADA suggests sprinkling fresh brussels sprouts with olive oil, salt and pepper, and fresh lemon juice, and roasting them at 450 degrees for about 20 minutes.Cauliflower
Another neglected low-carbohydrate veggie, cauliflower can be a boon to your diabetes meal plan. This vegetable is brimming with vitamin C. In fact, just one serving has more than half your daily requirement. It contains fiber, calcium, and iron to boot. Cauliflower is also a versatile low-carb vegetable. You can serve it raw on a veggie tray, or cook it by roasting or steaming. It’s also great cooked and pureed into a silky soup; just cook until tender, then blend it with chicken broth.Cauliflower
Another neglected low-carbohydrate veggie, cauliflower can be a boon to your diabetes meal plan. This vegetable is brimming with vitamin C. In fact, just one serving has more than half your daily requirement. It contains fiber, calcium, and iron to boot. Cauliflower is also a versatile low-carb vegetable. You can serve it raw on a veggie tray, or cook it by roasting or steaming. It’s also great cooked and pureed into a silky soup; just cook until tender, then blend it with chicken broth.Thursday, March 22, 2012
Insight for Today 3/22/12
"A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose - a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve."
John Maxwell
Author and Speaker
Insight for Today 3/21/12
"I realized early on that success was tied to not giving up. Most people in this business gave up and went on to other things. If you simply didn't give up, you would outlast the people who came in on the bus with you."
Harrison Ford
Access higher levels of awareness - no more 'victim' - by Dr Robert Anthony
The ability and willingness to be teachable is an important aspect of the higher Levels of Awareness. At the Victim and Struggle Level, there is a lot of resistance to being told anything by anybody. There is a tendency to respond with "I know that" or "I read that, already!" Both of those statements are clues of defensiveness. In addition, having read or heard a concept does not mean you are actually practicing that action on a daily basis. Being teachable means that you must start out with a "beginner mind set" and a humble attitude. How easy is it for you to admit that you don't know something? How often do you pretend or exaggerate what you really know? Can you be humble without feeling vulnerable? We are all students of life. How often have you heard or read something many times and finally one day you hear it in a new and different way and finally it sinks in? We are never too old to learn. Current longevity studies show that the more we are committed to curiosity and learning, the longer we will live. Today look at the world with beginner eyes and at the end of the day spend a few moments reflecting on what you saw and what you learned. Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony
Spotting Common Cancer Symptoms
Different types of cancer display different cancer symptoms, but some warning signs are common among various kinds.
Worried about a strange, persistent pain in your abdomen, an unusual lump, or a feeling of utter exhaustion? Certain types of cancer have specific warning signs, while others may mimic common illnesses like the flu. These signs may all seem like minor, harmless ailments, but taken together they could point to cancer.
Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Men
Many types of cancer, including prostate cancer, may not cause signs or symptoms in their early stages. If you’re at high risk for prostate cancer — for example, if you’re of African-American descent or have a family history of the disease — you should talk with your doctor about getting a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. Elevated PSA levels may indicate cancer. Other warning signs that something may be wrong include bone pain, leg swelling, and trouble urinating.
"The most common symptom for men is a change in their [urination]," says Michael Fisch, MD, PhD, chair of the department of general oncology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Men should pay attention if they have trouble passing urine or they have a weak urine stream, "particularly when those changes are rapid in onset over a period of a few weeks," adds Dr. Fisch. Though these changes could be indications of an enlarged prostate, and not prostate cancer, “you don't know until you get it checked out," Fisch cautions.
Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Women
Breast cancer is the most common cancer women face. Breast self-exams can spot unusual lumps, which should be taken very seriously, says Fisch. Any time you feel an abnormality, bump, or lump in the breast, you should see your doctor for a breast exam. A mammogram or other imaging test may also be needed to determine the cause.
Cancer Symptoms: Pain
"The most common kind of symptom that leads people to a cancer diagnosis is pain — an abnormal, painful sensation," says Fisch. But it can be difficult to differentiate between cancer pain and a more routine pain because pain is common — something we feel often throughout our life. "It is part of our ordinary experience to encounter pains now and again," Fisch says.
How can you tell the difference between everyday pain and pain that could be a possible cancer symptom? "The idea is to try to pay attention to pains that are either much more severe or much more persistent over time than you might expect based on your ordinary experience," says Fisch.
Signs that your pain may be due to cancer:
It can't be attributed to something specific, like an injury or overexertion
It persists and does not improve
It is severe
It interferes with sleep
It is coupled with other minor symptoms
Cancer Symptoms: Fatigue and Weight Loss
Feeling unusually tired without being able to pinpoint a cause — you're getting enough sleep, sleeping well, and are not sick — is another warning sign that cancer may be invading your body. It feels somewhat like the fatigue associated with the flu, notes Fisch, but without other flu symptoms.
As for weight loss, if you’re dieting and losing weight relatively slowly, like a pound or two a week, this is probably cause for celebration. But if weight loss happens very quickly or without much effort, it could be a warning sign. Weight loss that is just a little too easy or too quick can be a sign of cancer, says Fisch.
Cancer Symptoms: Add It All Up
Individually, these symptoms may be difficult to notice and may not even be a cause for concern. But if you notice a few small warning signs — maybe unexpected weight loss, feeling run-down or fatigued, or experiencing some strange pain — they may indicate that it's best to get to a doctor for a screening. This is especially important, says Fisch, for people who already know they're at risk for certain cancers, whether it's because of family history, lifestyle choices, or age.
You don't need to be paranoid about every little illness, ache, or pain, but you do need to listen to your body. If you listen carefully enough, you may catch those early cancer symptoms before real damage is done.
Worried about a strange, persistent pain in your abdomen, an unusual lump, or a feeling of utter exhaustion? Certain types of cancer have specific warning signs, while others may mimic common illnesses like the flu. These signs may all seem like minor, harmless ailments, but taken together they could point to cancer.
Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Men
Many types of cancer, including prostate cancer, may not cause signs or symptoms in their early stages. If you’re at high risk for prostate cancer — for example, if you’re of African-American descent or have a family history of the disease — you should talk with your doctor about getting a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. Elevated PSA levels may indicate cancer. Other warning signs that something may be wrong include bone pain, leg swelling, and trouble urinating.
"The most common symptom for men is a change in their [urination]," says Michael Fisch, MD, PhD, chair of the department of general oncology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Men should pay attention if they have trouble passing urine or they have a weak urine stream, "particularly when those changes are rapid in onset over a period of a few weeks," adds Dr. Fisch. Though these changes could be indications of an enlarged prostate, and not prostate cancer, “you don't know until you get it checked out," Fisch cautions.
Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Women
Breast cancer is the most common cancer women face. Breast self-exams can spot unusual lumps, which should be taken very seriously, says Fisch. Any time you feel an abnormality, bump, or lump in the breast, you should see your doctor for a breast exam. A mammogram or other imaging test may also be needed to determine the cause.
Cancer Symptoms: Pain
"The most common kind of symptom that leads people to a cancer diagnosis is pain — an abnormal, painful sensation," says Fisch. But it can be difficult to differentiate between cancer pain and a more routine pain because pain is common — something we feel often throughout our life. "It is part of our ordinary experience to encounter pains now and again," Fisch says.
How can you tell the difference between everyday pain and pain that could be a possible cancer symptom? "The idea is to try to pay attention to pains that are either much more severe or much more persistent over time than you might expect based on your ordinary experience," says Fisch.
Signs that your pain may be due to cancer:
It can't be attributed to something specific, like an injury or overexertion
It persists and does not improve
It is severe
It interferes with sleep
It is coupled with other minor symptoms
Cancer Symptoms: Fatigue and Weight Loss
Feeling unusually tired without being able to pinpoint a cause — you're getting enough sleep, sleeping well, and are not sick — is another warning sign that cancer may be invading your body. It feels somewhat like the fatigue associated with the flu, notes Fisch, but without other flu symptoms.
As for weight loss, if you’re dieting and losing weight relatively slowly, like a pound or two a week, this is probably cause for celebration. But if weight loss happens very quickly or without much effort, it could be a warning sign. Weight loss that is just a little too easy or too quick can be a sign of cancer, says Fisch.
Cancer Symptoms: Add It All Up
Individually, these symptoms may be difficult to notice and may not even be a cause for concern. But if you notice a few small warning signs — maybe unexpected weight loss, feeling run-down or fatigued, or experiencing some strange pain — they may indicate that it's best to get to a doctor for a screening. This is especially important, says Fisch, for people who already know they're at risk for certain cancers, whether it's because of family history, lifestyle choices, or age.
You don't need to be paranoid about every little illness, ache, or pain, but you do need to listen to your body. If you listen carefully enough, you may catch those early cancer symptoms before real damage is done.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Insight for Today 3/20/12
"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."
Jesse Owens
1913-1980, Olympic Gold Medalist
The 49 Worst Foods for Your Diet
FRIDAY, Feb. 24, 2012 — Buyer beware: Just because a food’s labeled “healthy,” “smart,” or “all-natural” does not mean it’s the best choice for someone who’s trying to lose weight. For example, honey, vegetable chips, and granola are just a few of the supermarket staples that have tricked dieters into believing they’re healthy choices, when in fact, they are as equally loaded with calories, fat, sodium, and glucose as their more vilified counterparts of table sugar, potato chips, and sweet cereals.
In an effort to help dieters keep it straight, obesity researchers at Otago University in New Zealand have identified a list of 49 foods that they say are extremely calorie-dense, but are almost totally lacking in nutritional benefit. Published in the current issue of the New Zealand Medical Journal, researchers say the list was primarily developed to help overweight and obese people easily identify which foods they should avoid. Lead researcher Jane Elmsile says it’s important to note that the list represents not only high-calorie foods, but also foods that are almost totally lacking in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Here’s the list, in alphabetical order:
1. Alcoholic drinks
2. Biscuits
3. Butter, lard, dripping or similar fat (used as a spread or in baking/cooking etc.)
4. Cakes
5. Candy, including lollipops
6. Chocolate
7. Coconut cream
8. Condensed milk
9. Cordial
10. Corn chips
11. Cream (including crème fraiche)
12. Chips (including vegetable chips)
13. Deli meats
14. Doughnuts
15. Energy drinks
16. Flavored milk/milkshakes
17. Fruit canned in syrup
18. Fruit rollups
19. Fried food
20. Fried potatoes/French fries
21. Frozen yogurt
22. Fruit juice (except tomato juice and unsweetened black currant juice)
23. Glucose
24. High-fat crackers
25. Honey
26. Hot chocolate, chocolate milk
27. Ice cream
28. Jam
29. Marmalade
30. Mayonnaise
31. Muesli/granola bars
32. Muffins
33. Nuts roasted in fat or oil
34. Pastries
35. Pies
36. Popcorn with butter or oil
37. Puddings
38. Quiches
39. Reduced cream
40. Regular powdered drinks
41. Salami
42. Sausages
43. Soft drinks
44. Sour cream
45. Sugar (added to anything including drinks, baking, cooking etc.)
46. Syrups such as golden syrup, treacle, maple syrup
47. Toasted muesli, granola, and any other breakfast cereal with more than 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams of cereal
48. Whole milk
49. Yogurt with more than 10 grams of sugar per 100 grams of yogurt
For more fitness, diet, and weight loss news, follow @weightloss on Twitter from the editors of @EverydayHealth.
Do you struggle with _________ ? Another great article from Dr Robert Anthony
One of the main reasons it is so valuable to become more aware is
so we can more fully live in the present moment. Even as you increase
your level of awareness it is amazing how easily you can still
"forget yourself". When you forget yourself because you are so
focused on somebody else, your work, the future, the past, or
whatever, you are no longer in the present moment. When you are no
longer in the present moment you are more likely to be neglectful
of your physical, mental or emotional needs.
Here are some examples of how many people 'forget themselves' and
the self neglect that results...
- Some people can have a needle-nose approach to tasks and
completely forget that they haven't eaten for the last six hours.
- Some can be so focused on others' needs that they forget to exercise.
- Some can be so caught up in the drama of a situation that
they forget to handle their own life.
- Some can get so caught up in doubt and worry that they have a
hard time sleeping at night.
- Some can be so lost in having a good time that they forget their
commitments to finishing mundane tasks.
- Some can be so involved in righting the wrongs of the world that
they neglect their own family relationships.
Of course, all of us can forget themselves in many ways. What's
important is that you figure out how you forget yourself and
then discover what to do to wake yourself up!
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Who's whispering in your ear? Article by Dr Robert Anthony
I stopped taking financial advice from people that were broke. I
stopped getting health tips from unhealthy people. I stopped taking
relationship advice from people with toxic or boring relationships
and I stopped looking for spiritual guidance from people that
couldn't demonstrate the manifestation of Universal Principles in
their life.
It sounds pretty simple doesn't it? But take a look at how often
you take advice from people who have not manifested what they are
advising. I follow the rule that "if they don't SHOW it, they
don't KNOW it" and I stay away from these people like they had the
Instead, I find people who have manifested what I desire and ask
them for help. Without exception they have been more than happy to
assist me. And the best part of the "advice" I am giving you right
now is that you can prove this to yourself!
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Engelmann's "The Best" Virtual Administrative Assistant & Office Management
My Mission:
To be the "Best" in showing effectively my skills in Virtual Administrative Assistant & Office Management for my client’s and the client's customers.
Virtual Administrative Assistant & Office Management
My desire is to gain clients and to show effectively my skills in Virtual Administrative Assistant & Office Management working out of my home for clients that have needs in:
1. Reports
2. Excel Spreadsheets
3. Data Entry
4. Transcripts for Doctor’s Office
5. Bookkeeping
6. Set up blogs and posting
7. Postings on Facebook and Twitter
8. Accounting Data Entry
9. Customer Service Data Entry
10. Mailings visa emails and/or post office, scanning documents, etc.
11. Filing Documents, invoice, etc. online using Word Documents, etc.
12. Taking care of making travel arrangement using online travel agency.
13. Taking care of meeting appointment using online calendar, etc.
My contact email is Elsaiah9@aol.com
Engelmann's "The Best" Beta Testing Online Company
My Mission:
To be the "Best" in maintaining the site so that it remains a valuable resource for the client and the client's customers.
My desire is to gain clients and to show effectively my skills in Diverse Computer Systems, Networks, & Platforms. I also have skills in Web Designing and I am working out of my home for clients that have needs in:
1. Monitors, improves, & updates the performance of existing Web sites.
2. Keeps up with the Changing technical standards in areas such as HTML HTML (hypertext markup language), HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), and XML (extensible markup language) that affect the workings of the Web site.
3. Troubleshoots problems with the Web site.
4. Maintains the site so that it remains a valuable resource for the client and the client's customers.
5. Updates information contained on the Web site or in databases linked to the site and check the links on the site regularly to insure that they are properly working
6. Insures that all pages contain optimum links to the Web site.
7. Checks site for bugs or other problems
8. Keeps abreast of new technology, understands how to implement it, and know which technologies will enhance the special projects site.
9. Have excellent skills in working on a development team for e-games testing and making sure they work properly.
10. Monitors Discussion Forms.
11. Set- up Blogs and posts.
12. Set- up Facebook and posts.
13. Set- up Twitter and posts.
My email contact is Elsaiah9@aol.com
Monday, March 19, 2012
Insight for the Day 3/19/12
"I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success."
Nikola Tesla
1856-1943, Inventor of Alternating Current
Insight for Today 3/15/12
"I got a fortune cookie that said, 'To remember is to understand.' I have never forgotten it. A good judge remembers what it was like to be a lawyer. A good editor remembers being a writer. A good parent remembers what it was like to be a child."
Anna Quindlen
Author and Journalist
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Halibut Arugula Salad with Pomegranate Vinaigrette
4- 6oz. halibut filets
1 Tbls. Vanilla bean oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Heat Sauté pan with Vanilla Bean Olive Oil once oil is hot, add halibut and cook for approximately 2-3 minutes each side, remove from pan
Arugula Salad
12 ounces Arugula
3-Bartllet Pear-Sliced
¼ Cup –Red Onion –Sliced
½ Cup-Toasted Sunflower Seeds
½ Cup-Goat Cheese
1 Cup-Cooked Golden Beets
Procedure: Mix above ingredients together
1-Cup-Olive Oil
1/2-Cup Pomegranate Syrup
1-Tablespoon Dijon Mustard
2-Limes-Juice Only
1-Pinch Cayenne Pepper
Salt & Pepper to Taste
Procedure: Mix above ingredients together and toss with Arugula Salad, place Halibut over Salad
Insight of the Day 3/14/12
"Whatever you do, make a difference. Earn the right to look back at something and say, 'I did that.'"
Michael Josephson
Law Professor and Speaker
5 Warning Signs of a Mini-Stroke
A TIA Is Your Stroke Warning
Find out how a TIA is different from a stroke, and what having a TIA could mean for your future health.
Mini-stroke. Little stroke. Pre-stroke. Warning stroke. These are all terms used to describe a transient ischemic attack, or TIA, which causes the symptoms — but not the damage — of a stroke.
No matter what you call it, a TIA is a big red warning flag that indicates you are at major risk for a more serious stroke.
TIA and Stroke: What Happens
A TIA, like an ischemic stroke, is caused by a blood clot blocking an artery and preventing blood flow to an area of the brain. The blockage during a TIA is only temporary, usually causing symptoms for no more than five minutes, and typically for only around a minute, although they may sometimes last longer.
Because blood flow to the brain is restored after the TIA, no damage is done, and the person having a TIA doesn't suffer any lasting side effects. During a stroke, the blood supply to the brain is cut off for a significant period of time, causing damage to brain cells and a number of complications and side effects.
TIA and Stroke: Understand The Connection
Not everyone who has a stroke will have a TIA to warn them beforehand. And not everyone who has a TIA will go on to have a stroke, but many will. More than one-third of those who have at least one TIA will have a stroke.
A TIA can't predict when a stroke will occur, however; it only serves as a warning flag of your increased risk of a stroke. But that doesn't mean that a TIA doesn't require medical attention and transient ischemic attack. A stroke can occur any time after a TIA but most often will strike within a year.
TIA and Stroke: Risk Factors
The risk factors for a TIA are similar to those of a stroke and include:
High blood pressure and high cholesterol
Heart disease, atherosclerosis (clogging or hardening of the arteries), diabetes, sickle cell anemia, sleep apnea, migraine, and artery diseases
Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, obesity, alcohol abuse, and cigarette smoking
Family history of stroke or TIA
Being older than age 55
Being African-American
People who have these risk factors should make lifestyle changes that can reduce the risks that can be controlled and also improve overall health, thus lowering your risk of TIA.
TIA and Stroke: Symptoms and Warning Signs
The symptoms and warning signs that you're having a TIA are similar to those of a stroke, but remember that a TIA doesn't last as long and doesn't leave lasting effects. To spot a TIA, look for:
Speech problems, slurred speech, or difficulty speaking or comprehending
Paralysis and weakness, which may occur in a leg or arm or in the face, usually on one side of the body
Vision problems, such as double vision or loss of vision (may be in one eye or both)
Balance problems, including losing your balance, difficulty walking, and losing coordination
Headache, which is usually severe and with no known cause
If you have any of these warning signs — even if they go away after just a few minutes — it's likely a TIA. As with symptoms of a possible stroke, you should seek immediate medical evaluation if you notice symptoms of a possible TIA because you never know how far behind a stroke may be. If you spot and treat a TIA early, you can reduce your risk of having a more serious stroke that could cause significant damage.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Insight of the Day 3/13/12
"There's one sad truth in life I've found while journeying east and west. The only folks we really wound are those we love the best. We flatter those we scarcely know. We please the fleeting guest. And deal full many a thoughtless blow to those who love us best."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
1850-1919, Author and Poet
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ready for a richer life? (Free exercise)... Another great article by Dr Robert Anthony
"'Soul' is not a thing, but a quality or dimension of experiencing
life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness,
heart and personal substance." - Thomas Moore
Part of living a deeper, richer life is honoring what is important
to you. You can do this through ritual and celebration. You may be
part of a group or religion or culture that still focuses on
rituals and rites of passage. But, for many, there is not much
formal ritual remaining in their lives.
But, that's OK, you can make your own ritual. Let's take your
participation in this program as an example. Design ways to honor
and acknowledge the shifts and changes you experience as you
journey through the course.
Let's look at some possibilities.
1. Write down what you have decided to release in your life, for
example, your limiting beliefs and stories, and then burn the paper
in the fireplace. Light some candles and make a declaration of
freedom from limitation out loud. You can do this anytime you want
to let go of something in your life.
2. Celebrate the completion of your Follow-up Items by honoring at
least one major insight you had through doing them. You can do this
when you complete one Item or by each DVD or by each month - you
decide how often you want to celebrate. Use fine food, dress,
decorations, candles, etc. to enhance the special nature of the
3. Make a commitment in writing to yourself - a contract - for what
you are focusing on in Follow-up. If you decide you no longer want
to fulfill the contract, have a ceremony to dissolve the contract -
don't just blow it off.
4. Write a mission statement for yourself on how you choose to live
your life. Add color and pictures if you like. Frame and display it
where you can see it everyday.
5. Find a special totem to keep in your pocket or on your desk to
remind you of what you value most.
We encourage you to make a big deal out of the little things in
your life - for yourself and your family - create traditions that
honor you and yours simply for being the magnificent people that
you are.
What can you do today to celebrate your life?
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
What if you knew you were going to die? Article by Dr Robert Anthony
"In the last analysis, it is our conception of death which decides
our answers to all the questions that life puts to us."
- Dag Hammarskjold
How would your life be different if you didn't fear death? Oh you
don't fear death? Ok, but do you truly accept it? The U.S. culture
is not very good at accepting death. We really prefer to just not
even talk about it thank you.
Let's talk about it anyway. There are really only two views.
Life is only a physical experience and once you're dead that's it
so there's nothing to worry about. (Let's leave your loved
ones out of the picture for now and deal only with you)
Life is a physical and spiritual experience and the spirit
continues on in some form after the body dies. You may take a
traditional heaven outlook on this or one of reincarnation or a
more pantheistic outlook. It doesn't matter - the point is you
believe that the life of spirit, soul, energy goes on.
I cleave to the first law of thermodynamics that says that energy
cannot be created nor destroyed and I view life as both a physical
and spiritual experience so I'm going with the belief that we go
on. How that looks I'm not exactly sure, but it doesn't really
matter. I find it comforting and interesting. I like to spin
possibilities. And if I'm wrong (I don't really think I'm wrong)
and I'm just totally dead when I die, I won't know the difference
anyway, so it doesn't matter.
No matter what you believe, there truly is no reason to fear the
inevitable. I'm sure you've all heard the adage that "if you are
afraid to die, you are afraid to live." Perhaps that even sounds
trite to you. But have you really thought about it? How differently
would you live if you truly were not afraid to die? Aren't all
fears in some way ultimately linked to a fear of death? Imagine the
increased freedom that you would enjoy if you accepted death as
part of a cycle, as a passage to a new form of existence, a new
I'm always amused by the question, "What would you do if you knew
you were going to die?" Duh. Yes, I know that the question refers
to knowing the timing. But, timing aside, you do know you're going
to die so use that knowledge to really live in the meantime. How
annoying to get to the end and feel like you never dared to be
your true self, that you never lived loud and hearty, that you
played it safe only to end up dead anyway. I said before that I
thought "I can't" were the two most limiting words that we can say,
but maybe "someday" is right up there with them.
How would your life be different today if you truly accepted death?
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight for the Day 3/12/12
"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."
Jerry Rice
Football Player
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Think &Grow Rich Book by Napolean Hill
Here is the lists of chapters in this book:
Chapter 1 - Thoughts Are Things
Chapter 2 - Desire
Chapter 3 - Faith
Chapter 4 - Auto-Suggestion
Chapter 5 - Specialized Knowledge
Chapter 6 - Imagination
Chapter 7 - Organized Planning
Chapter 8 - Decision
Chapter 9 - Persistence
Chapter 10 - Power of the Mastermind
Chapter 11 - The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
Chapter 12 - The Subconscious Mind
Chapter 13 - The Brain
Chapter 14 - The Sixth Sense
Chapter 15 - How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear
Click here to order the book......
Also there is a 30 Days Mental Cleansing Program that is reading a chapter a week posting what that chapter mean to them and a conference call each Wednesday discussing the chapter. This coming Wednesday is chapter 8. Click here to register and join in posting your thoughts on each chapter weekly......
Email me at Elsaiah9@aol.com for more info...........
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The 6 Best Things You Can Do for Your Heart
Denise's Blog
The 6 Best Things You Can Do for Your Heart
Hi everyone,
Is everyone ready for Valentine’s Day?! I love this holiday — what’s better than celebrating all the love we have in our lives? (My birthday is also February 13, so I get to enjoy two days in a row of celebrating every year!) What are your plans for the holiday? Are you spending it with your significant other, your kids, or maybe your friends? I would love to hear!
It’s also important to remember that February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is a leading killer in this country, so taking the proper steps to keep your heart healthy is so important — and there’s plenty we can do to protect ourselves! Here are the 6 most important things you can do to keep your heart in tip-top shape:
See your doctor. Get your blood pressure tested and your cholesterol checked at regular intervals to make sure you numbers are at a healthy level.
Start exercising on a regular basis — even 20 minutes a day will do the trick. Pick a cardiovascular activity that gets your heart rate up, such as light jogging, swimming , in-line skating, a salsa dance class, kickboxing, bike riding or tennis — the possibilities are endless!
Eat more heart-healthy foods, including fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and cheese and skim or low-fat milk. Looking for some delicious meals that will boost your heart health? Try my Teriyaki Salmon With Scallion-Cucumber Relish, Curried Chicken With Almonds and Currants or Avocado Quesadillas.
Beat stress! Long-term uncontrolled stress can cause chronic conditions like high blood pressure, so it’s important to take the right steps to keep it under control. Next time you’re feeling stressed, take a break somewhere comfortable and quiet and focus on taking deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Activities like taking a bath, listening to calming music and exercising are also great stress-reducers.
If you smoke, it's high time to quit this deadly habit! Cigarette smoking is the most preventable cause of premature death in the United States today — and studies have shown that fruits and veggies can be more effective and do a lot more good in your body if they don't have to compete against the toxins from smoking.
Walk more. Do you walk the recommended 10,000 steps a day? If not, it's a great health goal to strive for! Taking 10,000 steps burns approximately 300 calories and, over time, has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Research has proven that people who wear pedometers walk more, so if you don’t think you’re hitting the 10,000 mark, invest in a pedometer and start tracking your steps!
Share this advice with all the loved ones in your life — and have a very happy, healthy Valentine’s Day!
Insight for Today 3/8/12
"Believe there is a great power silently working all things for good, behave yourself and never mind the rest."
Beatrix Potter
1866-1943, Author and Illustrator
Bad habits can be broken... an article by Dr Robert Anthony!
Your typical knee jerk reactions. Those automatic, habitual ways you have of
reacting to certain situations. For example, someone hurts you and
you clam up and withdraw from them or your friend is late to meet
you and you send her waves of seething resentment when she arrives
or your mate fails to do what he said he would do so you pepper him
with accusatory questions.
What is your predominant knee jerk reaction? What type of situation
sets it off? Can you feel it coming? Can you catch yourself before
you react? No matter how long you have had the pattern of reacting
the way you do, know that it is a habit and habits can be broken.
As we have said repeatedly, awareness is the first step. Choice is
the second step. Once you are aware of what you do, choose to do
something different.
Let's take the above examples and choose a different response.
1. Someone says something that hurts you, but instead of clamming up
and withdrawing, you let them know you are bothered by what they
said. Take responsibility for your reaction and don't blame
them. Instead of "You made me feel bad", choose "I felt bad when you
said I look like a stork when I dance."
2. Your friend is late for your meeting, but instead of sending eye
daggers, you tell her that being on time is a high value to you and
ask that if she is going to be late to please call you OR if
you know your friend is consistently late, be late too!
3. Your mate fails to stop for groceries on the way home, but
instead of questioning his memory and his commitment to you, ask if
there is a reason why he was unable to keep his promise. Ask if he
is still willing to go get the groceries. React with a smile instead
of an accusation and have fun watching his reaction!
In other words, be unpredictable! Be lighter and more playful.
Choose a different response. Just make sure the other person is
sitting down when you do!
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
Insight of the Day 3/7/12
"Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future."
Denis Waitley
Speaker and Author
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Insight for the Day 3/6/12
"If you can get someone to laugh with you, they will be more willing to identify with you, listen to you. It parts the waters."
Robert Orben
Insight for the Day 3/5/12
"When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap."
Cynthia Heimel
Playwright, Television Writer, and Author
The Truth About Your Slow Metabolism
You probably know someone who can eat everything in sight, but still struggles to keep weight on. I don't know about you, but I can't do that. My metabolism certainly doesn't allow it — and I am guessing yours doesn't either. So where does a slowpoke metabolism come from and how do you change it? You probably want to blame bad genes for your metabolism. Sure, blame your parents! That's the easy way out. Genes are only a piece of the picture — it's the choices you make every day that are to blame. Wise up and take the responsibility yourself!
When we starve ourselves on yo-yo diets, eat processed foods, surround ourselves with toxins, work beyond the point of exhaustion, all these choices influence the way our metabolism processes food, burns calories, and regulates weight. To learn how to manipulate our biochemistry to our benefit, we have to understand how our hormones have already been manipulated to our detriment. Here are some of the ways.
Too many lazy years: You've spent a lot of time on the couch. Don't blame your lagging metabolism just because you never exercised.
Too many yo-yo diets: Instead of maintaining a stable weight, you've developed a frustrating up-and-down weight-loss pattern. You know the drill: You've repeatedly gone on extreme diets and lost weight, then you've slipped back into your old ways of eating and regained that weight.
Too many of the same foods, all processed: You've consumed frankenfoods that your body doesn't recognize as real food — because they're not!
Too many pesticides in our food: Some farmers spray harmful pesticides on our food, and you've chosen those over organic foods.
Too many toxins in our environment: More than 100,000 synthetic chemicals have been registered for commercial use — with 2,000 more added each year — but very few of them have been tested adequately for toxicity. You've been exposed to many synthetic chemicals in products in and around your home.
Too many bad bugs — and not enough good ones: You've tried to rid yourselves of pests with an onslaught of antibacterial products, which is pointless and not beneficial for the healthy functioning of your immune system.
Too many hours at work — and not enough in bed: You've let yourself get stressed out. Stress is like kryptonite for your hormones — even just a bit of it can throw them entirely out of whack.
Too many pharmaceuticals — even in our water: You've taken prescriptions dashed off by your doctor and haven't always checked out how they might interact with certain herbs, vitamins, or other supplements or prescriptions. All these pharmaceuticals could have a serious impact on your hormonal health.
Too many cigarettes: You've ignored all the medical findings on the damage smoking can cause. Smoking negatively impacts endocrine glands, which produce hormones, in addition to pretty much every cell in your body.
Basically too much, period! Yes, there is no denying that we are struggling with an environment that conspires to make and keep us fat. But you have the power to do something about it! You need to realize that your metabolism and hormones can start working for you again — just clean up your act with a healthy home and healthy eating, and you'll be able to tip the balance toward staying naturally skinny.
(Click here to read further....)
The 4 letter word that kills your dreams - article by Dr Robert Anthony
"I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not
know what can't be done." - Henry Ford
"I can believe anything, provided it is incredible." - Oscar Wilde
We have talked often in this course about limiting beliefs and how
they hold us back. Much of what we have encouraged you to do is
examine and release those limiting beliefs, to silence the voice
that says "I can't."
It's the "I can't" voice that, over time, kills your ability and
even your desire to dream. Yet many of the marvels of our modern
world exist because someone had the audacity to dream, to simply not
accept that something could not be done.
Children have vivid imaginations and dream all sorts of fantastic
things for themselves. But in our journey to adulthood we adopt
false beliefs about ourselves and our abilities. We often end up
not only believing we are limited, but we try to convince others of
it as well. You have probably heard the expression, "Argue for your
limitations and they're yours."
Try not to use your Personality Filters as an excuse for behavior
or as an excuse for staying stuck. When you look at your personality
and the specific challenges that seem to come up repeatedly for you,
be honest, but only in an effort to get you to see and release what
blocks you. The focus of your evolution will then be always toward
a lighter sense of being, toward a bolder, bigger and more authentic
expression of the unlimited being that you are.
This is an abundant universe of infinite possibilities. If your
current circumstances make that difficult to believe, look past
them. Imagine a different life, a different world, a different you.
Dare to dream. Dream big and crazy and wild. No one has to hear.
It's just you imagining, so go ahead. Give it a try. You've got
absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.
Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation
that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how
large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will
only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.
Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony
7 Ways to Make Water Taste Better
Not everybody has a taste for water, but we all need it to ensure that our bodies continue functioning properly. If you want to drink more water, but aren't crazy about the taste (or lack thereof), here are some tips that can make it more enjoyable:
1. Add fresh fruit. Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, are classic water enhancers, but other fruit flavors might also tempt your taste buds. Try crushing fresh raspberries or watermelon into your water, or adding strawberry slices. Cucumber and fresh mint are refreshing flavors as well — especially in summer.
2. Use juice. Any fruit juice can be a good base flavor for water, but tart juices, like cranberry, pomegranate, grape, and apple, are especially delicious. Go for juices that are all natural, with no added sugars. And remember: Fruits and their juices don't just taste good — they contain vitamins and antioxidants that can benefit your health too.
3. Make it bubbly. Many people prefer sparkling to still water. If plain old water isn't inspiring to you, try a naturally effervescent mineral water — which will give you the added benefit of minerals. Or try bubbly seltzer, a carbonated water. You can add fresh fruit or natural juice flavors to your seltzer, as suggested above, or look for naturally flavored seltzers at your local market. If you become a seltzer devotee, you might want to consider getting a seltzer maker for your home.
(Click here to read further...)
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