Saturday, June 28, 2014

Insight for the Day 6/26/2014

"Joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us."

Orison Swett Marden
1850-1924, Author and Founder of Success Magazine

Insight for the Day 6/25/2014

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."

Marcus Aurelius
121-180 AD, Roman Emperor and Philosopher

Asian Chicken Slaw

  • 1   cup 
    low-calorie sesame-ginger salad dressing
  • 1   pound 
    chicken tenderloins or boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/2  cup 
    sliced almonds
  • 1  14 1/2 ounce can 
    Mandarin oranges
  • 1   small head 
    napa cabbage, sliced
  • 1/2  pound 
    sugar snap peas, sliced
  • 1   cup 
    fresh basil, cut into thin strips
  • 3   
    scallions, trimmed and chopped
  • 1  16  ounce bag 
    cole slaw mix
  • 1/8  teaspoon 
  • 1/8  teaspoon 
    black pepper
    1.Combine 1/2 cup of the dressing with the chicken in a large resealable plastic bag. Let stand for 20 minutes.
    2.Meanwhile, toast almonds in a 10-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat for 5 minutes, stirring often. Remove to a small bowl.
    3.Coat same nonstick skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Remove chicken from marinade; add to skillet. Cook over medium-high heat for 7 minutes, turning, until cooked through. Cut into bite-size pieces.
    4.Drain Mandarin oranges, reserving 1/4 cup juice. Whisk juice into remaining 1/2 cup salad dressing. In large salad bowl, toss cabbage, sugar snap peas, basil, scallions, cole slaw mix, salt, pepper and chicken with dressing. Add Mandarin oranges and almonds; gently stir to distribute. Serve immediately.
    Nutrition information
    Per Serving: cal. (kcal) 364, Fat, total (g) 10, chol. (mg) 66, sat. fat (g) 1, carb. (g) 34, fiber (g) 7, pro. (g) 33, sodium (mg) 849, Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Raspberry-Avocado Smoothie

April/May 2006
Your rating: None Average: 3.9 (126 votes)
A creamy avocado makes a surprise appearance in a sweet beverage.

"This sounded strange to me at first, but I love avocados, so I decided to give it a try.It's really great! I used a cran-raspberry juice instead of just raspberry juice. Yummy! "
Raspberry-Avocado Smoothie Recipe
Makes: 2 servings
Active Time:
Total Time:


  • 1 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 3/4 cup orange juice
  • 3/4 cup raspberry juice
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, (not thawed)

Guacamole-Stuffed Eggs

Makes: 6 servings
Serving Size: 2 egg halves
Active Time:
Total Time:


  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 ripe avocado, diced
  • 1/4 cup prepared fresh tomato salsa
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • Kosher salt & cracked black pepper to taste

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5 Reasons You Should Walk More By Zack Zeigler

More than one-third of the adults in the United States are obese, according to the eggheads at Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And, over the years, that number hasn't been getting better…it's been getting worse. And obesity can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and much more.

But, taking a daily walk can help you stay in shape—and if you are obese or overweight, it's a low-impact way to ease into exercise. If you combine your daily jaunt with sensible dietary substitutions, like consuming fewer simple carbs and replacing soda with water, the walk can be surprisingly beneficial for weight loss. On top of that, walking can also elevate mood and alleviate stress. But that's not all.
Here are 5 more reasons you should take a walk.

1. Walking Aids Digestion
According to research that appeared in The New York Times, a post-meal walk can aid digestion and control blood sugar levels. Alternatively, physically moving away from the dinner table eliminates the possibility of going back for seconds, thirds, or nineteenths.

2. Walking Is Good For Your Bones
You won't bulk up your quads, hammys, or glutes in the same manner you would by performing load-bearing exercises like barbell squats or deadlifts, but walking still builds strength.

"Walking strengthens the legs and core, and improves cardiovascular fitness," says Lisa Lynn, PT, FT, a specialist in performance nutrition. "In fact, walking strengthens the bones better than biking, swimming, or elliptical training."

Just a friendly tip: Avoid texting while walking. Researchers found that walking texters or readers were found to have shoddy balance. Stumbling into oncoming traffic while texting increases your odds of having all 206 bones in your body smashed into bits. Plus, you might also dent the person's car.

3. Walking Is Low Impact
Sometimes our bodies need a break from demanding exercises like burpees, rock star hops, and jump squats. But taking a time out from high-impact movements doesn't give you permission to become a loafer.
When your goal is to lose weight aim to walk for 20 minutes per day, suggests Lynn. If your diet isn't as clean as it should be (put those Funyuns down right this second!), boost your walking time up to an hour per day. "We're supposed to be getting 10,000 steps daily," Lynn recommends, "so how long you walk really depends on how active you are and how much you sit."

And on the topic of sitting, use some of those steps to stand up and walk around a little at least once an hour. Prolonged time on your posterior isn't healthy.

4. Walking Can Improve Your Mood
Sitting all day under florescent lights, dealing with annoying emails and TPS reports as you watch your lunch hour blow past can be both infuriating and stressful. So, go for a walk. Assuming you're not walking through a methane garden, the new stimuli and fresh air you encounter during a walk can help calm you down and prevent you from Hulking up on your coworkers.

"A walk is a great way to clear your head and serve as a form of meditation for today's anxious society," Lynn explains. "It's a fast way to boost mood…and a great way to detox both mentally and physically."

5. Walking Cures Laziness
There's no excuse not to take a walk. "When you don't feel up to the hardcore, overzealous exercise, walking is a huge victory," adds Lynn. "Walking keeps our bodies pliable and our joints and muscles loose and in working order. I tell my clients that if you rest you'll rust, but you won't if you walk!"

Team Beachbody Newsletter

Insight of the Day 6/19/2014 to 6/24/2014 (Plus a great quote by Steve Maraboli)

"It is impossible to be both grateful and depressed. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up."

Steve Maraboli
Author and Speaker

"Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?"

Mary Manin Morrissey
Author and Speaker

"Remember, happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think."

Dale Carnegie
1888-1955, Author of
 How to Win Friends and Influence People

Friday, June 20, 2014

Why Dr. Oz Needs to Stop Promising Diet Miracles - IT DOES NOT WORK I TRIED IT!

Why Dr. Oz Needs to Stop Promising Diet Miracles

After five years of touting one ridiculous, unproven weight loss pill and fat-blasting potion after another to an audience of millions, television host Dr. Mehmet Oz testified on Capitol Hill this week that he and his viewers have been victimized by supplement marketers who are using his name to fraudulently promote their products.

Come again? Dr. Oz is one of the victims here? The man who raised frustrated, overweight Americans’ hopes by heralding green coffee extract supplements as a “magic weight loss cure for every body type,”  praising raspberry ketones as the “number one miracle in a bottle to burn your fat,” and promoting yacon syrup as a “metabolism game changer”?

In his written testimony prepared for the Senate’s consumer protection panel, Dr. Oz explained that he soon caught on to supplement makers’ illicit schemes and has toned down how he discusses supplements on the show. In recent seasons, he has eschewed “forceful words like ‘miracle’, and ‘magic’” in favor of “more conservative language like ‘breakthrough,’ or ‘promising’” (because “breakthrough” would never sell someone on a bogus diet pill, right?).

He went on to describe himself as “someone who has done everything possible to try to protect my audience against those who attempt to hijack the conversation between viewer and doctor.”

I would hardly agree that Dr. Oz is protecting his viewers by continuing to feed them weakly substantiated claims about diet pills. On an episode not-so-conservatively titled “Rapid Belly Melt” that aired just weeks ago, he championed yet another dubious, poorly-studied weight-loss aid, forskolin, declaring that the herbal supplement “works like a furnace” and “burns fat from the inside.” He then launched into a demo of how this “proven” remedy purportedly works, torching a big yellow balloon labelled “Belly Fat” to reveal a glistening, rubber chunk of lean muscle inside. By the way, all of this hype was based on one 12-week study of 30 men that was funded by a company that manufactures forskolin supplements. Seems like not much has changed in the land of Oz.

Well-respected health experts agree that most of Dr. Oz’s so-called “breakthroughs” aren’t ready for prime time (or daytime, for that matter). There’s nowhere near enough evidence to warrant bringing them to the public’s attention; they don’t need to be discovered.

In his written testimony, Dr. Oz also asserted that his job as a television host is to help make health and medicine less perplexing for the public. “We meet them where they are instead of demand they traverse a river of dry, confusing terms that are sure to alienate them,” he wrote.

Unfortunately for viewers, his entertainment program is doing the exact opposite. By shamelessly promoting weight loss “cures” based on one-off studies that have never been repeated, he is irresponsibly perpetuating the myth that there is a magic bullet for shedding pounds and misleading the public from the cold, hard truth — that diet and exercise are the most scientifically sound, evidence-based ways to lose weight.

Dr. Oz defended himself by saying that he does not “endorse any products or receive any money from any products that are sold.” He may not benefit directly from supplement sales, but he does reportedly make millions of dollars annually from his television show and related media properties. And how does he stay successful? By promising to unveil “groundbreaking” new ingredients that help “get rid of stubborn fat” to keep ratings up and viewers eager for more. You’ll have to decide for yourself if he truly has the best interest of his audience at heart.

For those who are concerned that they might be throwing away money — or worse, harming their body — by using supplements touted on the air, Dr. Oz offered the reassurance that he only advocates products that he would also recommend and give to his family. I, for one, don’t find this kind of anecdotal support comforting. So much for evidence-based medicine.

At the hearing, Dr. Oz reportedly vowed to publish a list of specific products that can help Americans lose weight. Unless his list is limited to vegetables, fruits, and other nutritious foods, healthy cookbooks, and walking shoes, it will be yet another disservice to his fans. Decades of high-quality research studies show that cutting calories and increasing physical activity are the most effective ways to lose weight, and that is the message health experts should be driving home.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Insight for the Day 6/18/14 - quote by Eckhart Tolle

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance."

Eckhart Tolle

Insight of the Day 6/17/14 - quote by Stephen Covey

"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."

Stephen Covey
1932-2012, Author and Speaker

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mind, Body & Spirit: The Five Benefits of Human Touch

Human Touch is Powerful

There is nothing that compares to the feeling of holding hands, a soft cheek against your own or the power of a warm embrace. Human touch is extremely important to our mental, physical and spiritual well-being as it offers us the opportunity to feel love, care, affection, warmth, kindness and compassion from others. Not many of us know this, but our skin is our largest organ and it is very responsive and sensitive.

Human touch can offer us reassurance when we feel lost and confused and it can be healing when we are experiencing mental or physical pain. The touch between humans is something so powerful and it can help in a variety of situations. Discussed below are five major benefits of human touch. What has human touch done for you?

Reassures and Comforts
The need for human touch does not fade as we grow older. Babies and the elderly appreciate human touch, as does everyone in between these age groups. By simply holding someone’s hand or cuddling, you can give the gift of love and nurturing. People who are given cuddles, hugs and kisses on a regular basis feel reassured and comfortable. They tend to be more at ease and feel as though things will be okay.

Aids in Relaxation and Stress Relief
Human touch relaxes us and relieves stress. Anyone who has ever had a massage knows this. If you’ve had a hard day at work, asking your partner to rub your shoulders will make you feel better. You can literally feel the stress and tension melting away.

Builds Confidence
When someone touches you in an affectionate way, it makes you feel good about yourself. A pat on the back for a job well done lets you know that someone’s proud of you. A lover’s embrace means someone finds you attractive. Human touch builds confidence.

Shows Love
Some people are not good at expressing how they feel about someone. They can’t say they love them, but they use human touch to show them. Whether it’s holding hands, kissing or making love, human touch is a way to physically express love without having to talk about it.

Promotes Healing
Human touch promotes healing. It increases the number of immune cells in the body which promotes the healing of various physical and mental ailments. Human touch also improves behavior.
Human touch is something that everyone needs. It has phenomenal healing properties and can deeply affect an individual’s experience of life in a positive way. When in doubt, reach out and touch someone you love.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Spot Prices Monday, June 16, 2014





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Spot Prices as of close of trading in New York

Monday, June 16, 2014


Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago
$1,275.55 +$1.20 $1,254.05 $1,293.80 $1,384.10


Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago
$19.75 +$0.07 $19.10 $19.35 $21.86


Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago
$1,441.80 +$4.60 $1,457.40 $1,468.80 $1,437.90


Today Change Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago
$816.80 +$4.40 $846.00 $817.10 $732.60

Gold/Silver Ratio


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