Sunday, February 18, 2018

Health Article: The philosophical case for going vegan is about pleasure—not preachiness

“Of course reading and thinking are important but, my God, food is important too.” These are the words of philosopher Iris Murdoch, and I am inclined to agree with her. Food is not just important to our health and our pleasure, but because it helps define the kind of people we are. In this regard, one might say, you are what you eat.
Our society’s growing interest in veganism is a sign that many people—at least those privileged enough to have a fair amount of choice in their dietary habits—feel driven to ensure that their food aligns with their sense of self. In part, this is because public perceptions of veganism have shifted. The old-fashioned idea is that veganism is an-hedonic lifestyle based on grim restrictions, requiring immense discipline and sacrifice. This attitude is neatly summarized in a recent tweet from the British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan, who, upon learning of people going vegan for the month of January, asked, “What new special kind of Hell is this?”

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