Saturday, August 30, 2014

12 Tips for a Better Sleep Tonight

Can’t Fall Asleep, Even If Your Life Depends On It? Try These 12 Inspired Tips

Published Feb 28, 2014

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” sang singer-songwriter Warren Zevon. So did Bon Jovi and The Cure and other bands. Sleepy? That’s what’s caffeine (and other stimulants) are for, right?
Wrong—although caffeine can be a useful tool. Also, the dead don’t sleep.

Furthermore, your health, well-being, and your very life depend on adequate sleep. The average person needs about 8 hours. You know you’ve gotten enough when you awake feeling refreshed and can stay alert through the day.

Unfortunately, more than one in three Americans fail to get enough sleep. The consequences are dire. Let’s start with death. Routinely sleeping less than 7 hours or more than 9 hours a night increases mortality rates. That’s because sleep disturbance has widespread effects on the body.

Chronic sleep deprivation impairs immune function, raises susceptibility to infection, stirs up inflammation, and aggravates inflammatory conditions such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. It contributes to top causes of death, namely cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Night-shift workers may be at elevated risk for some cancers, notably breast cancer.

Oh, did I mention that short and long sleepers tend to gain weight? Being overweight and obese fuels chronic, life-robbing illnesses.

The sleepless also cause accidents, which lead to injuries and deaths. In one survey, almost 5 percent of Americans admitted to falling asleep at the wheel. Sleep loss can impair driving on par with alcoholic intoxication.

Poor sleep erodes mental and physical performance. Work productivity tanks; absenteeism goes up. Mood sours. Minor hassles become intolerable. Mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression may surface.  Sleep disturbance is also a sign of anxiety and depression.

Take-home message: Take sleep seriously. What better time to start than National Sleep Awareness Week?  The following simple strategies set the stage for healthy sleep.

1. Establish regular bedtimes and wake-up times–with shuteye to feel good the next day.
2. Create a cozy bedroom environment. Block outside light with window shades. Cover light-emitting electronic devices, including clocks. Silence your phone.
3. Use your bed for sex and sleep only. Don’t argue, pay bills, do homework, check email, text, watch TV, or anything else.
4. Limit naps to 30 minutes once a day. That said, naps definitely increase work productivity.
5. Drink only in moderation or not at all. Stop within a few hours of bedtime. Alcohol, though may help people fall asleep, tends to interfere with sleep later in the night.
6. Chill on the caffeine. It takes about five hours to clear half the caffeine you consume from your system, longer if you take hormonal contraceptives or are pregnant.
7. Keep a worry pad by your bed. If you fret in bed, jot it down. Tell yourself you’ll deal with it the morning. Replace that thought with something you feel grateful about.
8. Create soothing bedtime routines. Take a warm bath, plus or minus 10 drops of lavender essential oil (dispersed with your fingertips before you step in). Stretch. Meditate. Practice slow, deep breathing–four counts on the inhalation, four on the exhalation.
9. Try progressive muscle relaxation. Lie on your back. Sequentially tense and relax muscle groups: toes, feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, belly, back, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, neck, cheeks and forehead. Scrunch your whole body into a ball. Lie back. Let go, appreciating the feel of relaxed muscles.
10. Visualize tranquility. When I can’t sleep, I picture a particular beach in great sensory detail. I see an aquamarine ocean and azure sky, smell seaweed, hear waves lapping and palm fronds clapping, feel warm sand and sun.
11. Remember that a period of middle-of-the night wakefulness is normal. Stay calm. If you don’t fall back to sleep soon, get out of bed. Do something boring until you feel sleepy.
12. If you have persistent sleep problems, tell your doctor. A variety of treatments can relieve insomnia. Examples include cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, yoga, and herbs such as valerian and hops.

For more ideas, pick up a copy of 500 TIME-TESTED HOME REMEDIES AND THE SCIENCE BEHIND THEM.

Insight for Today 8/27/2014

15 Ways to Burn Fat Faster – August 2014

Don't you wish you could have spent the summer months sipping a daiquiri poolside, while the pounds just magically fell off? If you spent these last three months relaxing and forgetting about the gym, you may start to panic come September. But don't freak out! FitDay is here to help! This month, we've got tons of tips to help you speed up your weight loss.

Want to burn fat lightning fast? We've got 15 tricks to help you do it. Want your metabolism to crank up, so you don't have to work as hard to torch calories? You're in luck - we've got 8 things you can do. Want to actually enjoy working out? Grab a partner, we've got 7 ways to break a sweat in the bedroom.

And don't forget, if you ever want one-on-one help to get you on the path to healthy living, FitDay's dietitians are here to help.

Healthy Tip

With these expert tips, you can easily drop pounds faster than you ever have. But, a warning, it takes a good amount of work. Are you ready to start shedding weight? Read More
The faster your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn every day. So it makes sense to try to get it up to speed. We've put together eight ways to make that happen. Read More
The gym isn't the only place where you can get a great workout. With these seven positions, both you and your spouse can add a little bit of excitement to your exercise routine. Read More

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Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

Five High-Fiber Foods for Weight Loss

Eating high-fiber foods can help you lose weight. Fiber fills you up and keeps you satisfied. Five fiber-rich foods you should add to your diet to help you lose weight are apples, sweet potatoes, raspberries, chick peas and oats.

Insight for the Day 8/25 to 8/28

Monday, August 25, 2014

Quote by Blair Singer

Most people don’t get what they want because they don’t want to sacrifice what they’re doing in the moment for their real dreams.

This got me thinking. I was without a job for three years and here in order to get a job I had to sacrifice selling my house so I don't go into foreclosure, pay off the gov't that gave funds for 2 years while continuing to look for a job, sell everything in the house, pack my car with what I can and move to CA to stay with my daughter and family to start over again.  Got a be job, car will be paid off in a week, etc.  And now it is to work on getting things for a place of my own, etc.  Sometimes you have to sacrifice even though you don't want to.

By Dr John Demartini

Purpose + Thought + Vision + Affirmation + Feeling + Writing things down in space and time + taking action + being thankful = Materialization Formula. This materialization formula is your blueprint for creating what you would love. If you follow this Manifestation Formula, you can bring your Love List into reality.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Detox Water

Post on Facebook by Dr John Demartini

The number one question I get asked around the world is: 'How do I stay focused?' No one has to get me to be focused on what I love doing. I believe that it is as important to be grateful for focus as it is to be grateful for distractions. What some people perceive as a distraction may actually be their intuition trying to communicate their highest values to them. So, when you feel distracted, it is wise to be grateful as the distraction serves as a clue that you are not living your life as you would love to live it. Then set objectives that are aligned with your values, to assist you in staying focused.

Post on Facebook by Les Brown

Create peace in your mind, order in your life and strength in your body. Actively commit to at least one new strategy (which you have not used in the past 90 days) that can shield you from the anxieties and stresses of daily life. Give your time, attention and focus to this new practice for at least 10 minutes every day for the next 14 days. You will transform your life, increase your skills of resiliency and mindful thinking.
Dis-ease exists when your daily choices and practices are in conflict with what your body requires for energy, vitality and life. Choose life renewing your mind, choosing real food to fuel your body, exercising and moving your muscles, developing rituals for at least 7 hours of sleep and nourishing your soul. You Deserve!

Friday, August 22, 2014

5 Ways to Attract a Partner

I have some secrets to tell you. They are about how to attract a partner you really want. They are fool-proof - they work every time and under any circumstance. Integrate these truths into your dating life and your matches will be showing up on your door step.

Before we begin, let's set some things straight about the dating world. A lot of dating advice will tell you to play games in order to attract a partner - pull him in, string her out. Don't call for 72 hours and never give it up on the first date. Holy smokes, no wonder we are all untrusting and heartbroken!

Listen, you can do all this game-playing stuff, but it's never going to lead you where you really want to go. If you are actually looking for something real - a relationship that feels really good and that has the potential to last - then here are a few pointers on how to make it happen:

Smoked Salmon and Melon Salad

Servings: 6
Total Time: 25 mins

Related Categories: Fish and Seafood, Fruit, Salad, Salmon
  • 1/3  cup 
    mint leaves, coarsely chopped
  • 1   teaspoon 
    finely shredded lemon peel
  • 1/4  teaspoon 
    cracked black pepper
  • 1/2  of a 
    cantaloupe, peeled and cut in thin wedges (about 2 cups)
  • 2   cups 
    thinly sliced fennel
  • 2   cups 
    blueberries or seedless red grapes
  • 8   ounces 
    smoked salmon, skin and bones removed, coarsely broken
  • 1/2  of a 
    honeydew melon, cut in cubes and/or balls (about 2 cups)
Yogurt-Cardamom Dressing
  • 1  6  ounce carton 
    plain lowfat yogurt
  • 1/4  cup 
    olive oil
  • 2   tablespoons 
    lemon juice
  • 1   tablespoon 
  • 1   clove 
    garlic, minced
  • 1/2  teaspoon 
    ground cardamom or ground nutmeg
  • 1/2  teaspoon 
    cracked black pepper
  • 1/4  teaspoon 

Prepare Yogurt-Cardamom Dressing; set aside.
In small bowl combine mint, lemon peel, and pepper; set aside. In a trifle dish or straight-sided glass serving bowl place cantaloupe, fennel, blueberries, salmon, and honeydew. Sprinkle with mint mixture. Serve with Yogurt-Cardamom Dressing. Makes 6 servngs.
Yogurt-Cardamom Dressing
In small bowl combine yogurt, olive oil, lemon juice, honey, garlic, ground cardamon or ground nutmeg, cracked black pepper, and salt.

Nutrition information
Per Serving: cal. (kcal) 239, Fat, total (g) 12, chol. (mg) 10, sat. fat (g) 2, carb. (g) 26, Monosaturated fat (g) 7, Polyunsaturated fat (g) 1, fiber (g) 3, sugar (g) 20, pro. (g) 10, vit. A (IU) 1603, vit. C (mg) 45, Thiamin (mg) 0, Riboflavin (mg) 0, Niacin (mg) 3, Pyridoxine (Vit. B6) (mg) 0, Folate (µg) 40, Cobalamin (Vit. B12) (µg) 1, sodium (mg) 452, Potassium (mg) 623, calcium (mg) 91, iron (mg) 2, Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet
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Insight for the Day 8/21/2014

Mental Cleanse Call Recordings - Chapter 12

The recorded audio for the 3 PM ET call:

The recorded audio for the 8 PM ET call:

Now we move onto Chapter 13.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Vegetarian Stir-Fry

Servings: 4
Total Time: 30 mins

  • 1/2  cup 
    dry sherry
  • 2   tablespoons 
    vegetarian oyster sauce or oyster sauce
  • 2   teaspoons 
    toasted sesame oil
  • 1/4  teaspoon 
  • see savings

    1   tablespoon 
    cooking oil
  • 3   
    medium carrots, cut into thin bias slices (1 1/2 cups)
  • 2   
    medium stalks celery, cut into thin bias slices (1 cup)
  • 4   ounces 
    fresh shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced (1 3/4 cups)
  • 1   
    medium red or green sweet pepper, cut into thin bite-size strips (1 cup)
  • 3   
    green onions, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • see savings
    3   cups 
    hot cooked rice
  • 1   
    green onion, thinly sliced (optional)
  • 1   tablespoon 
    toasted sesame seeds*

For sauce, in a small bowl, combine sherry, oyster sauce, sesame oil and salt. Set aside.
Pour cooking oil in a wok or a 10-inch nonstick skillet. (Add more oil as necessary during cooking.) Preheat over medium-high heat. Add carrots; stir-fry for 1 minute. Add celery and mushrooms; stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add sweet pepper and the 3 green onions; stir-fry for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes more or till vegetables are crisp-tender. Remove wok or skillet from heat.
Stir sauce. Slowly and carefully add sauce to wok or skillet. Return to heat. Cook and stir till bubbly. Cook and stir 1 to 2 minutes more until sauce is slightly thickened. Serve immediately over hot cooked rice. Sprinkle with the remaining 1 thinly sliced green onion, if you like, and toasted sesame seeds. Makes 4 servings.
  • * To toast sesame seeds, spread a thin layer in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 7 to 10 minutes or till light brown, stirring once of twice.
Nutrition information
Per Serving: cal. (kcal) 326, Fat, total (g) 8, sat. fat (g) 1, carb. (g) 52, fiber (g) 4, pro. (g) 6, vit. A (IU) 14188, vit. C (mg) 65, sodium (mg) 544, calcium (mg) 61, iron (mg) 3, Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Lemon-Ginger Pork Stir-Fry

Servings: 4
  • 8   ounces 
    angel hair pasta
  • see savings
    1   pound 
    pork tenderloin
  • 1   tablespoon 
  • see savings
    vegetable oil
  • 1/4  teaspoon 
  • 1/8  teaspoon 
  • 6   ounces 
    sugar-snap peas
  • 1   
    sweet red pepper cut into 1/4-inch wide slices
  • 1/2  cup 
    fresh lemon juice
  • 2   tablespoons 
    bottled chili sauce
  • 1   teaspoon 
    grated lemon rind
  • 1   teaspoon 
    grated fresh ginger

Cook 8 ounces angel hair pasta following package directions. Drain; rinse with cold water; set aside.
Cut 1 pound pork tenderloin into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Combine pork, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper in large bowl. Trim 6 ounces sugar-snap peas; cut 1 sweet red pepper into 1/4-inch-wide strips.
Heat 1 tablespoon oil in large skillet over high heat. Add pork; stir-fry 3 minutes, until browned. Add peas, pepper strips; stir-fry 3 minutes. Remove to large bowl.
In same skillet, boil 1/2 cup sugar and 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice 3 minutes or until caramel colored. Add another 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 tablespoons bottled chili sauce, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind and 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger. Add pork, vegetables and pasta; heat through. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup chopped scallions.
Nutrition information
Per Serving: cal. (kcal) 575, Fat, total (g) 12, chol. (mg) 67, sat. fat (g) 2, fiber (g) 5, pro. (g) 33, sodium (mg) 442, Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Insight for Today 8/19/2014 - Quote by Harry S Truman

My Fortune Cookie for 8/19/2014

Your fortune for August 19, 2014

Living with a commitment to excellence shall take you far.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Become the Most Positive and ...........................

9 Ways to Get Ahead of ADHD and Anxiety

There are many things that can cause anxiety in my household. Right now it’s school starting, but it could just as easily be a big project, public performance, the reflection in the mirror, social standing, or if the stove was left on by accident. Whether the subject is big or small, important or inconsequential, real or imagined, many of the ADHDers in our house will find a way to worry about it. Anxiety is a very common co-occurring condition with ADHD, it’s estimated that 25 percent of children with ADHD also have anxiety disorders of one kind or another.

Keeping anxiety in check can be a challenge as we juggle ADHD, learning disabilities, and other co-occurring conditions. Here are some anxiety busters we use to help cope with going back to school and everyday life:

1. Make a List, Check It Twice (Or Thrice…)

Often my ADHDers’ anxiety stems from the fear of forgetting something. Checklists and notes help put the mind at ease because they provide something tangible to check and recheck when the mind is reeling with worry. For some of us, that has become digital calendars and reminders on electronic devices and emails, for others it’s strategically placed notes.

2. Get Up and Do Something About It

Preparing ahead of time can stop that thought that nags and nags. One daughter used to carefully lay out her clothes and backpack each night before she went to bed, then check it multiple times to make sure she’d gotten everything. She was doing something proactive rather than just fretting about it. Similarly, my son handles homework by planning out a project and setting a schedule so that it doesn’t pile up. Doing something helps ease the feeling of helplessness that comes with anxiety.

3. Make Preparations Visible

Whether it’s planning an outfit the day before or taping a list to the door, being able to see those preparations is a great reminder that we’ve done what we can to control the situation we’re worried about. It helps calm the voice inside that constantly screams “You’re going to forget!”  and serves as a reminder not to worry.

4. Release Nervous Energy

We have a pacer in our family. He is definitely the most anxious member of the household. When he gets really overwhelmed he goes for a run, rides a bike, or roller blades — anything to help release some of that nervous energy. The added benefit of using movement and exercise to calm those nerves is the release of all those great happy brain chemicals, endorphins.

5. Channel Nervous Energy

Every member of our house has creative endeavors that help them relax and ease their anxiousness. Whether it’s drawing, singing, writing, or acting, channeling  nervous energy into an imaginative project is great for the brain. It also helps switch the focus away from negative, fretful thoughts toward positive, productive thoughts.

6. Adjust Perspectives


Oftentimes our ADHDers take one little part of a situation and put in under a microscope, blowing it out of proportion and making it seem absolutely insurmountable. That warped perspective can be dangerous and difficult to manage. We have to help them recognize when their perspective has been twisted and how to adjust. We use communication, asking questions, listening, and thinking about the situation to help them see for themselves how and where the balance was lost.

7. Talk to Yourself

We always remind our kids that they need to be able to work through these problem themselves, mentally and physically. Part of this process is what our household calls “self talk:” reminding themselves that this anxiety is partly their brains playing chemical tricks on them. It reinforces the idea that they are okay and capable, and can work through it. For now we are here to help them, to walk them through the process of coping with anxiety, but that won’t always be the case. It’s just as important that they learn coping mechanisms for anxiety as they have for ADHD.

8. Talk to Your Doctor

If you or your child is suffering from anxiety, it’s important that your doctor know. Co-occurring conditions are so prevalent with ADHD that it’s extremely rare to have it by itself. To effectively treat a patient a doctor needs to know everything that’s going on — a good treatment plan takes into account the whole person and all their struggles.

9. Laugh

Finding humor in life’s stressful situations is one of the greatest coping mechanisms we have. Laughing at ourselves, our circumstances, and our worries helps us find balance and put it all back into perspective.
Like ADHD, anxiety is interwoven in all we do. In fact, in many ways separating the ADHD from the anxiety would be impossible, as one feeds the other. Learning to cope helps us find balance and happiness in life.

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mental Cleanse Call Recordings - Chapter 11

The recorded audio for the 3 PM ET call:

The recorded audio for the 8 PM ET call:

Now we move onto Chapter 12.

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