Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Article by Craig Coppola: Make a Change Today

Every time I read a piece from Dharmesh Shah, I take away something new. The article below includes a few tips that are not new. In fact, many of them are similar to what is in my book The Fantastic Life. They all align.
But part of making changes is to hear the same thing from a different person or on a different day or at a different time in your life. Maybe one of these six below will spark something inside of you today that will change your life. 

For me, see perfection as the enemy of happiness was a pretty powerful message this morning.  For this holiday week, take five minutes and read the short list below.  I am sure one or more will make you think twice.

Enjoy the holiday,

Rule #2 from my book The Fantastic Life: Be Crystal Clear on What you Want
The lessons and tips below are great, and hopefully they will set you on a path to a happier life. But they will only help you if you know what you want. Only when you understand your priorities and your goals, can you really take these lessons and apply them to their fullest potential. 

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