Wednesday, October 17, 2012

UGS and reality loops - an article by Dr Robert Anthony


No matter how much we read or study and practice personal growth we are not immune to limiting beliefs that come up every so often. Our limiting beliefs are our conditioned mind or our UNCONSCIOUS Guidance System moving us in the wrong direction. Remember, anytime you feel any negative emotion you know you are out of the Flow and out of Alignment with what you truly desire in your life 


People often ask me how I handle this when it happens to me. My response is the first thing I do is acknowledge that it is happening. I find that if I try to fight it or deny it, I give it more power. So I just say to myself, "That's interesting. Why do I feel this way?" And then I feel it. It is important to allow yourself to feel the emotion behind it because that is an emotion you need to deal with in order to release it. If you don't allow yourself to feel it you will bury it. And if you try to bury it alive, like a horror movie, it will arise again and haunt you. It will reoccur and may surface at an inappropriate time which could cause you to feel angry or even break down into tears or have some type of emotional outburst because you didn't feel the emotion originally. 


So I take a look at it without judgment. And when I don't fight it, it dissipates, dissolves and evaporates because I don't give it any power. I just allow it to be there, acknowledge it and then let it go. 


The next step is I always replace it with a better feeling thought. So after you acknowledge it, feel it, express it and let it go, just reach for the alternative to it. Reach for the opposite of it. 


This is the same as experiencing what you don't want, in order to discover what you do want. That belief or emotion is probably one you don't want. And a great way to deal with it is to simply reverse the belief that showed up. For example, you have the belief or emotion that there is not "enough". There is never enough, money, love, food, freedom, etc. (fill in the blank). The opposite of that is there is ALWAYS more than enough, if I am willing to accept it. 


So the point here is that when this happens, you acknowledge it, feel it, don't fight it and then just reach for a better feeling thought. That thought is usually the opposite or alternative to it. When you choose that, you have regained control and the new belief creates a new emotion which attracts a new experience. It is as simple as that! 


Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. 


Truly Caring for Your Success! 


Dr. Robert Anthony 


P.S. My free audio on reality loops is still up for you, have you listened to it yet? Click here to get it now...

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...