Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rich Dad Water Cooler blog 9/17/08

Here is the latest posts on the blog!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Please respond

Hello All,

I need a little help. I have a question that has me stumped, so I’d love some feedback. Here’s the question: Who cares if Lehman Brothers goes belly-up? Who does this really effect? I can understand the rare individual who placed his/her whole retirement plan in their stock. I get that. But generally people invest in mutual funds, stupid as that may be, and while this may hurt the mutual fund, it doesn’t wipe it out. So it kind of sucks, but doesn’t ruin anybody.

Then I hear it effects inflation. Does it? The government didn’t bail them out. The government did not print more money to fix the problem. Where’s the inflation? From unemployment? Then we should bitch about the automobile industry more. They shut down plants all the time. Or we should complain about the companies that ship jobs overseas.

The government didn’t raise taxes to bail them out. That argument is a joke anyways. We don’t raise taxes, we just print more money.

So I don’t get it. Help me out here. Is there anyone out there who is truly effected by this? More than the rise in gas prices?

Jack B. Confused

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Accountants and Lawyers Aren't Green or Triple Breasted

I don’t know if you’ve watched the Tuesday meeting from the 9th or not, but one thing from that meeting really connected with me. The article for the meeting was: NEW RULES FOR THE NEW ECONOMY…….Kevin Kelly.

The part that really made me stop and think was:

10) Opportunities Before Efficiencies. As fortunes are made by training machines to be ever more efficient, there is yet far greater wealth to be had by unleashing the inefficient discovery and creation of new opportunities.

This speaks to a character flaw of mine. I tend to jump before think. I fail to research the height, distance and softness of the ground I’ll be landing on. This has gotten me in more trouble than I can express here. Like the time I just wanted to get drunk and get some action in a new town. A little research would have prevented me from going into that gay bar. FAB-U-LOUS!!! Or the time I was depressed and went to the nearest “church” to get some spiritual uplift. I didn’t even know churches existed to worship green skinned aliens with three breasts and ten arms (yeah, TOTALLY hot!).

BUT, sometimes this trait is good. I met my fourth wife and married her after only three weeks of knowing her. I’ve been all over the world and met all sorts of people (including possible alien descendants – no, only two breasts) and experienced all sorts of crazy and adventure.

In business it’s good too. Robert, or Daddy Bigbucks as I like to call him, always says you cannot have a company run by accountants and lawyers. They will never take the opportunity, or the adventure. They will stick with what they know and die a slow death. They will become more efficient and drain every cent from every dollar, but they won’t see new opportunities and eventually the world will pass them by.

Business needs to be headed by a visionary, someone who sees an opportunity and jumps. Then he/she can let the dullards, I mean, accountants and lawyers come in and make the landing smoother and efficient. If the geeks, I mean, attorneys and accountants had to do the jumping they would spend all their time researching wind speed, angles, trajectories and crap. They would never jump.

Of course if everyone in the company was a “jumper” then it would look like medusa’s hair – going in ten directions and with no true shape. Not to mention creepy and poisonous, hmm maybe SHE was an alien. If everyone was a bore, I mean, accountant or lawyer the hair would look perfect. It’s just that it would be a hair cut from the eighties – FOREVER. Think Flock of Seagulls. They HAD to be aliens.

So my point is, that a company needs both the visionaries and the wieners, I mean accountants and lawyers. Just make sure the visionary is in the lead and wieners are tucked in.

Jack U. Oupp

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...