Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Keeping Motivated in Your Life by Lily St. Thomas

Sometimes we get stuck in life and feel like all of our motivation has left us. We feel like life has become routine and boring, and nothing will get us off the couch again. There is hope!

Motivation is how we feel when we have something to strive for, such as a goal or incentive. We feel motivated by all kinds of things in life, including money, family, love, friends, fitness, religion and so on. But what happens when you feel you have it all, and you have reached a dead end? Review the following ideas, thoughts and suggestions to see how you can find your motivation again. Don't fret. It still exists within you; it just went AWOL for awhile. Here are a few tips to help you remotivate.

Think Back
Think about when you first lost your motivation. Was it after a scenario at work? Was it after a successful moment? Was it when a friend said something that struck a personal chord? Did you receive negative feedback about your work performance or about yourself? When did you feel the drop in motivation? How long has it lasted? Sometimes a small factor can make us lose our motivation, and even having success can be a factor. The fear of success is common with a lot of people, and they feel scared that they won't know what to do with it after they achieve it. They have the "what now?" complex, so they manage to avoid progress. Once you realize exactly what triggered this lack of motivation phase, you can find out ways to get it back.

Keep Your Balance
Have you kept a balance between the basic essentials such as work, personal needs, family and health? Sometimes we get so caught up in all the obligatory demands that we slack in other areas of our lives. Letting work take over our lives is unhealthy and could cause emotional and physical conditions. Make sure you are eating well, sleeping well, spending time with family and taking time for you. If you can, try to leave work at work. You might find that your energy will shoot right up after you get balance back into your life.

Write it Down
If you are still sitting on the couch and are afraid to get moving still, then start writing down a list of things you need to accomplish today or this week. Take small steps and do not push yourself too hard or overwhelm yourself. Write down basics and start with home life, and then move onto work tasks. We spend a lot more time worrying about what we are doing at work than what we will do with our families. Prioritize. Lists are a great way to create goals and get us motivated again.

Get Started—It's Time
Start small and move yourself off the couch, and to the shower. A shower can be invigorating and rejuvenating. When you have dried off and changed, go to the list that you just made. Start with number one and move down the list. Motivation comes with action, and you will begin to feel a sense of purpose and productivity once you make it through a few tasks. Don't hesitate. Life is too precious to waste it away on the couch.

by Lily St. Thomas
AskNow Love Advisor

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...