Sunday, April 25, 2010

Conspiracy of the Rich by Robert Kiyosaki - Exclusive Online Update #40 - MORE UNEMPLOYMENT??

I got this in my email and this is pretty scary!! What do you folks think???

More Unemployment?

The more President Obama tries to help poor people, the more poor people he creates. This is evident in President Obama’s new healthcare package. The new healthcare bill imposes on employers an additional $300 to $700 tax per employee. As you know, if an employer cannot earn that extra $300 to $700 per employee, the employer must let employees go because the cost of labor becomes greater than the business’ income. This means more employees will lose their jobs. To prevent employers from hiring more part-time workers, the healthcare bill also lowered the number of hours that define part-time workers. As a result, many employers will reduce the number of hours their part-time employees work, which reduces their take home pay. To make matters worse, if employers reduce a worker’s wage to pay for the increase
in healthcare, the government can impose on the employer a $100 a day fine per employee. This is a slap in the face of capitalism and hurts the economy. Capitalism is about free markets setting their own prices for wages and products. The more our government interferes with business, the less freedom we have—and the worse our economy becomes. As an entrepreneur and employer, this new healthcare bill affects how I look at and evaluate every employee. As employee costs go up, taxes increase, and business slows, I’m forced to let more workers go as well as hire more slowly and carefully. I’m deeply concerned about the fate of my employees. This is not a time to lose a job. Yet, I must also be willing to let people go in order to save the business—because if my business fails, then everyone loses, including me.
The economy needs more entrepreneurs. Only entrepreneurs create real, sustainable
jobs. Unfortunately, since the government protects the ultra rich that own the big
corporations and big banks, as well as the labor unions, it’s tough for entrepreneurs to survive today, which means fewer jobs will be created, which is why we have a jobless recovery, which is why unemployment will continue to go up.
This is why your financial education is more important today than ever. In the name
of protecting poor people, more poor people are being created. I do not want you or me tobe one of them.

Thank you for supporting COR.

Robert Kiyosaki

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