Friday, October 28, 2011

Hans Rueffert, Chef Without Stomach, Recovers From Cancer And Writes Cookbook (VIDEO)


Linda's Voice said...

This is what a call a cancer survivor that survived and is very humble and giving back by writing a book for other survivors like him! Not those that survived cancer and is cocky, arrogant, better than other people, etc. I know two of them. They forgot what it was what like at the time when going through chemo, etc. You survived, now give back and be humble because it can come back on you again. Just going on a walk-a-thon once a year is not enough. How about a self-help book for those people how to survive and live each day like it is their last one, etc. Hold a support group once a week for them, etc.

Linda's Voice said...

Thank you roye!


  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...