Monday, October 10, 2011

Unemployed seek protection against job bias (article on the

(This article really scares me so much as I am in the same boat. It has been a year and one month and I can't seem to find a job and unemployment runs out January 2012 and could lose my house as well.)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- After two years on the unemployment rolls, Selena Forte thought she'd found a temporary job at a delivery company that matched her qualifications.

But Forte, a 55-year-old from Cleveland, says a recruiter for an employment agency told her she would not be considered for the job because she had been out of work too long. She had lost her job driving a bus.

"They didn't even want to hear about my experience," said Forte. "It didn't make sense. You're always told just go out there and get a job."

Forte, scraping by now as a part time substitute school bus driver, is part of a growing number of unemployed or underemployed Americans who complain they are being screened out of job openings for the very reason they're looking for work in the first place. Some companies and job agencies prefer applicants who already have jobs, or haven't been jobless too long.

Click here to read more on the article:


Sarah said...

This is a huge problem here in the USA right now. I was previously told "we're sorry, you exceed our minimum qualifications" therefore they could not hire me.

Linda's Voice said...

You know, I had that happened to me as well. I am too qualified. :(


Linda's Voice said...

BTW I am a newbie web designer.



  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...