Monday, October 19, 2015

Magnetic Monday: What is the Law of Attraction?

Magnetic Monday: What is the Law of Attraction?

I am in Australia right now with the family.
I am intending on seeing a koala bear or two.
I am also intending on creating some great shows from the South Pacific.

Onto today’s show…
Similar to a basketball player that needs to go back to basics and practice his free throws…
It important for us to hear the basics of the Universal Laws to get the information at a deeper level.
Understanding a concept is one thing.

Living through that understanding of the concept is a completely different thing.

That is what the Quantum Success Show is all about today; helping you understand and embody the Law of Attraction so you can make the desired changes you want in your life.
This show is less than 7 minutes and full of info to help you LIVE the LOA.

Much love,

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...