Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"The Starfish and the Spider" book recommended by Robert Kiosayki at the Round Table Meeting

The Starfish and the Spider - The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations: This is a great book to read, it is easy and not hard to understand. This book is about what happens when there's no hierarchy. You'd think there would be disorder, even chaos. But in many arenas, a lack of traditional leadership is giving rise to powerful groups that are turning industry and society upside down. Like 18 year freshman came up with the Napster, an idea that would deliver a crushing blow to the recording industry. But he wasn't at the head of this attack - the entire battle was waged by an army of music-sharing teens, college students, and, eventually, iPod - carrying businessmen. Osama bin Laden left Saudi Arabia and traveled to Afghanistan, hardly anyone realized that in just a few years he would become the most wanted man in the world. Craig Newmark never dreamed that the site he launched would forever alter the newspaper industry. In 2001 a retired option trader set out to provide free reference materials to kids around the world. He never thought that his efforts would one day allow millions of strangers to use something called a "wiki" to create the bigger information depository of our time. The blow to the recording industry, the 911 attack, and success of online classifieds and a collaborative encyclopedia were all driven by the same hidden force. The harder you fight this force, the stronger it gets. The more chaotic it seems, the more resilient it is. The more you control it, the more unpredictable it becomes. Decentralization has been lying dormant for thousands of years. The rules of the game have changed...........get the book for more info!

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  God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,  The courage to  change the things I can, The wisdom to know the differen...